Sunderland Flying Boat Taking Off
What to do in an air raid
7 жыл бұрын
How to Make Your Home a Bomb Shelter
RAF Quick Reaction Alert Squadron
Bear in a Swimming Pool
9 жыл бұрын
Short Sunderland Taking Off
9 жыл бұрын
62 Gun Salute to Princess Charlotte
USCG Air Stattion Kodiak
9 жыл бұрын
ME 109 taking off and barrel rolls
Warship in a Force 9 Gale
12 жыл бұрын
Interview of of Author Charles McCain
Ray Noury Interview
13 жыл бұрын
Review of U-Boats Under the Swastika
Review of The Type VII U-Boat
14 жыл бұрын
@GalaxyJazzGirl Ай бұрын
Are you related to one of the McCains?
@tinkerbell1976able 2 ай бұрын
Saw Erik on Tucker and SRS mentioning this book
@bradb82 2 ай бұрын
here because of Erik Prince on Tucker Carlson
@rationalthought846 2 ай бұрын
Agree. I was tremendously impressed with this book when I read it about three years ago. I still remember many of the scenes. Along with you, probably my favorite WW2 fiction book.
@curiouslyme524 4 ай бұрын
I just purchased this book. I'm looking forward to reading it.
@mrmistery102 4 ай бұрын
I have read this masterpiece several times and I love it! Totally agree with you, this is one of the best adventure novels! Sorry for my bad English)
@mdq8198 5 ай бұрын
@user-bo1rj2xu2s 9 ай бұрын
I loved this book. The audio book is absolutely terrific. Find it and listen.
@justindaron9094 9 ай бұрын
Anyone else here from the Shawn Ryan Show with Erik Prince (Fall of ‘23)?????
@bendelreal1485 9 ай бұрын
Yup! He’s such well spoken and well read that I figured I could use some of the knowledge. So here I am
@roberthipolito1351 9 ай бұрын
@vongillan Ай бұрын
I searched homosexual book review and it brought me here
@josefkainrad 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@briandorsett9730 11 ай бұрын
"He wasnt that good of an Admiral?" I doubt very seriously you are anywhere near qualified to make that statement. I guess the totality of his service in World War II "wasnt that great". So you know better than Nimitz or Spruance. Ernie King was unhappy with him because he thought he should have had the same following and appreciation as Halsey but King was a egotistical maniac. Halsey was a fighter. You should find another line of work because your conclusions are lacking.
@dasspielmobil6161 Жыл бұрын
You got my thumbs up after the first 10 seconds, when you mentioned how to correctly pronounce "Das Boot". Thank you very much for that! It drives me crazy whenever someone claiming to be a movie critic doesn´t even take 20 seconds to investigate how 2 very, very simple words are pronounced in their original language. It´s not something you put on your feet. It´s a boat.
@ziblot1235 Жыл бұрын
I’ve read it twice. As well as Sajer’s unknown soldier. And the Konsalik trilogy. I’ve read Stalingrad and Moscow. I think there is a Berlin. There is also a couple Medico type bios. Dr at Stalingrad and I think Nurse at Stalingrad. I read Dr. Love east front stuff. My uncle was at Stalingrad. 16th Panzer. 1st into the city!!Flown out in Dec I think. Wounded. Lucky wound if u can say that. My other uncle was a motorcycle dispatcher. He was caught while on horseback with two HJs. The war was actually over but he was in Czechoslovak and they were doused in gas…… and you know the rest. My father was in military intel and he found out the whole story. My mother worked in military gov in Munich where they met. The family had been wondering what happened to him. So we know it’s true. Poor kid. He served since 39. He was a pastry chef apprentice on HamburgAmerika line. The Bremen. They had been saving to open a Coffee pastry shop after the war. Anyway I come by my interest for many reasons. It’s in my blood.
@nikkichuckles Жыл бұрын
TY ❤️ I was looking for the lore behind the movie and even though u were talking abt the book u really brought it all to life Much appreciated
@yannickawan3394 Жыл бұрын
This book is excellent, some parts you have to read twice to fully realise the horror of some of the situations, as Hirschfeld's style is not overly dramatic, for example, there is a part that describes how the boat is beyond safe depth and getting out of control, hanging almost vertically in the water, he describes how him and his fellow radioman stand on what is normally the wall and wonder when the engine section which is at the deep end will be crushed. It's one thing to read that but to really comprehend that seems impossible. I became interested in making a model of U-234 and during the search for blueprints, found someone who had already built one - turns out this guy lived in the same town in Germany Hirschfeld had lived in (though I do not know in which way if at all they were connected - probably just the interest of model ship making?) and claimed that Hirschfeld had stated that "even at old age, what remaining years he had left were too dear to him to talk about the mission of U-234". That surely sounded ominous and the story of U-234 does seem pretty dark.
@charlesmccain Жыл бұрын
U234 had been ordered to take cargo to Japan including 560 kg of uranium oxide. While secret for decades, this information was declassified some years ago. The speculation is that the uranium oxide on the boat was used in the second atom bomb. After Germany surrendered Uboats at sea were ordered to surface, and fly black flags. Wikipedia says white flags but they are wrong. Two Japanese officers on board committed suicide I'm the author of An Hononrable German, a WW2 naval epic told from the point of view of a heroic yet deeply conflicted anti-Nazi German naval officrer. Published in hardback, paperback, kindle by Grand Central Pubishing/Little Brown/Hachette Book Group in 2009. 4 chapters are set on a Uboat and I spent hundreds of hours studying Uboats, corresponding with survivors, reading the interrogation reports from Ft Hunt outside of DC where U-Boat officers were questioned. I actually sent the declassified typescript of his interrogation to a Uboat Kommandant. A retired German navy officer in the post WW Two German Navy read every page and made numerous small corrections. Had I known how long it would take me to research the novel I never would have written it! But I do know most details about Uboats. After Germany surrendered Uboats at sea were ordered to surface, fly black flags, and broadcast their position. (Wikipedia says white flags but they are wrong). Two Japanese officers on board committed suicide the best online source for information on Uboats is uboatnet which has all the information you could dream of although it had only started up by the time I finished my research. BTW, the Germans did not build U-Boats and number them consecutively. They might have built U 374 before they built U174 so the Allies wouldn't know how many they had. Only 2 in 10 Uboats ever sank a ship.
@FirstnameLastname-fm4tt 2 жыл бұрын
This guy has a lot of people slamming his change on the counter
@charlesmccain 2 жыл бұрын
no, they don't. This is what I'm thinking. I'm too polite to say anything out loud
@roberts13f34 2 жыл бұрын
A german release and translation of your Book would be nice. Please!!!
@charlesmccain 2 жыл бұрын
it certainly would. The Germans don't like to publish books by Americans about Germany, according to my publisher. As to a movie, I don't have a movie agent and getting one is almost impossible so I have never really tried.
@terrysmith9362 2 жыл бұрын
@charlesmccain 2 жыл бұрын
thank you.
@clausbohm9807 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I want to get one definitive book now that the WEGO: Stalingrad game is coming out on Matrix. I use these games to get a better "feel" for the campaigns.
@robc4191 2 жыл бұрын
Donald J Trump would a been the greatest U Boot capaian ever if he was in the navy! God bless america! God bless Donald J Trump!!!
@m.cigledy6769 3 жыл бұрын
The subtitles were fairly close to the original German. The dub version is a bit off BY CHOICE, and for an interesting reason. It was done so that the spoken English would match the lips of the German speakers better, and not look like it was poorly done. One of the more obvious scenes was when they were doing a crossword. The subtitles match the German, the English dub matches the lips. They had the original actors that could speak English do their own dub, too.
@captasparagus6908 3 жыл бұрын
The director's cut in German with English subtitles or the full TV series with subtitles is best. The book author didn't like the film saying it was overacted and too much of a Hollywood type action thriller. This may be because after working with Wolfgang Petersen, the director didn't want to use the author's script/screenplay. From what I understand the former servicemen who did not like the movie fell into 3 camps: Nazis didn't like how anti-nazi it was, proud members of the service could not tolerate anything bad said about the service, the burlesque party at the beginning and small technical details annoyed the 3rd group. These guys all volunteered and had a 75% death rate. This was an elite service and hard to get into at the beginning of the war. Most were not Nazi party members but were pretty much as fanatic/committed as kamikaze pilots. Most knew they weren't going to make it and went out anyway. Bear that in mind. Having said all that, the book put submarine warfare on the map and is likely the definitive novel. Nothing comes remotely close to the film either. It's the Gone with the Wind war equivalent in book/film. The music is fantastic as well. Don't waste your time with the 2018 TV rehash.
@cmdrcriton 3 жыл бұрын
Great book,
@newfoundpower92 3 жыл бұрын
I've read that one Condor is accounted for at Templehof... What happened to the other four?
@pyry1948 3 жыл бұрын
You are giving 2 stars for the book because you dislike Suhren? Suhren was known for making a lot of jokes and being a goofy character in general, also he did not get in "a lot of trouble" for his jokes, he met Hitler personally, he was promoted very fast and was one of if not, the best U-Boat officer of the war. He was also the first officer to earn the Knights Cross as a IWO.
@charlesmccain Жыл бұрын
He was twice arrested by the SS and the second time Doenitz has to personally call Himmler and apologize. He was belligerent when he drank and he punched out two SS officers. His antics when drunk were well known throughout the Ubootwaffee but he was hardly an ace of aces. He wasn't even close. He did meet Hitler but anyone who was awarded the Knights Cross met Hitler. In terms of tonnage sunk he is 37th on the list, hardly the best Uboat officer of the war. He came from a wealthy family and several officers who served in the post war German Navy told me he wasn't well liked by men who had served in the Ubootwaffe who thought he was a braggart.
@Eternal777ful 3 жыл бұрын
On sale in the UK under the title “Breakout at Stalingrad”
@Eternal777ful 3 жыл бұрын
I would agree. I was hooked before the end of Chapter 1 and wanted to know more about the author and about whom he was writing. A spellbinding story. Can’t recommend it highly enough.
@razz0rric106 4 жыл бұрын
Read The Forgotten Soldier Guy Sajer it's even BETTER !
@seanosborn3272 3 жыл бұрын
Apparently it’s wrong 😑
@seanosborn3272 3 жыл бұрын
Most historians do not support Sajers accounts. Just saying look it up brah
@cmdrcriton 3 жыл бұрын
Its an entertaining read but alot is made up.
@charlesmccain Жыл бұрын
there is a lot of controversy about him and whether he actually served in the Gross Deutschland division. The historian of the division who had served in WW2-- first said he didn't and later said he did although neither Sajer's name nor those of the enlisted men and officers he mentioned are listed as serving in the GD. One of the biggest points of contention is He got the location wrong of one of the most conspicuous parts of his uniform ---the cuff title. He said it was on the left sleeve, but that is wrong. (Lots of reviewers picked this up). It was on the right sleeve about three inches up the right sleeve. If he wore the uniform every day for years, it would be hard to forget. There were only 2 or 3 named divisions in the Wehrmacht, all the others had numbers. All SS divisions had names except for a few raised late in the war. They wore their cuff titles on the left sleeve, the opposite sleeve than the Wehrmacht. It is a great story of life on the Ost Front, and if he made it up, he used details from what others told him about such things as fighting in the weather 35 below. A British sailor wrote several outstanding books about his life aboard British warships in WW Two, and I see them cited by historians who should know better. The guy did serve in the RN but didn't join until 1947. As the author of the novel An Honorable German, a WW Two naval epic told from the POV of an anti-Nazi German naval officer, people who lived in the Third Reich told me it was accurate in every point. So, if you have the talent and you read and interview people, you can write a convincing account of something, and Sajer probably did that. I'm certain he served in the German Army, but there is no record of him serving in the GD. The book was published during the last years of the Vietnam war and became a favorite of anti-war protesters because the book describes the horror of war so well. Ironically, anti-war protesters made the book famous.
@pgtmg624 4 жыл бұрын
I bet this home has had not burglaries though.
@VernonWallace 4 жыл бұрын
I was able to meet him about a year before his death. He autographed his book for me.
@robertotoledochico4617 4 жыл бұрын
Thank for the reviev. I´ve just bought this book.
@DaniboyBR2 4 жыл бұрын
I never read the book but I want to read it, the movie is marvelous, I love Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, A Bridge Too Far and others, but Das Boot stands for me as the best war movie of all time.
@gerardrimmer1601 4 жыл бұрын
I do not appreciate a yank giving an opinion on something l regard as A no go area , my uncle served on every trip with captain walker he is the coxswain chief petty officer on H m s starling photo is in the book you slagged you munt ✌️
@nenadtopic2990 4 жыл бұрын
I'm from Zagreb (Croatia)... I found and buy this book today evening in "old book" store. The book named "The lost Army" and this book are released 1954. I hope I will enjoy reed it.
@mrdavebenson 4 жыл бұрын
No one cares what you think..He fought for his Country ..You look like you would only fight to get of your chair for the last donut
@mariocisneros911 5 жыл бұрын
Sad that the evening before they fought their last battle , they found out their fate was hopeless by being given liberty of the food . They were given a large meal by Lindemann 's order. Till than , all didn t know their chances of surviving were small .
@jackstreatfield5757 5 жыл бұрын
Do you think the Soviets lost more than the Germans because I read about the seelow heights and the Germans lost 12,000 while the Russians lost 6,000 according to their own sources. People say that the Russians put the german casualties really high. It is hard to say which sources you can trust. Other historians say that the Soviets lost 30,000 troops at the seelow heights but the Russians say that is an inaccurate number.
@alanbstard4 5 жыл бұрын
oh come on let's not blame Hitler and the Nazis. The war started when Britain and France declared war on Germany. Topp distances himself from the Nazis not due to any real requirement, but his Jewish publisher would demand it or no publication
@heimdal8 5 жыл бұрын
I may be almost a decade late but felt that I had to comment. If you’re going to act snobbish and condesending make sure you have your facts straight. Boot is pronounced with a long o-sound, like door, not boat or bewt.
@natebrown6087 5 жыл бұрын
Mr Knappe was a good friend of mine.
@jinmo2821 5 жыл бұрын
This McCain pig human garbage looking for reflected glory off from a war hero should be dragged off the arm chair and thrown into a pigsty to be eaten alive by his brethrens the pigs....he does look the part.
@charlesmccain 5 жыл бұрын
this vid is under 'entertainment' because it is my own amusing riff on a common expression. I receive the most curious emails about this vid from people who think I am serious as well as being critical of others. It is a joke. Chill.
@jinmo2821 5 жыл бұрын
Who's this McCain guy any way? Seeking to glom on to Knappe's fame? I thought this was interview with Knappe himself. Fuck and shame on you McCain human garbage!
@rupertsuren231 5 жыл бұрын
I have just read the book - FANTASTIC. What a great character. The top U boat ace of WW2 and clearly highly respected by his fellow commanders which is why he became president of the U boat Association. The only jerk here is the reviewer.
@robertsuhren3543 4 жыл бұрын
Wait a Seconds... Rupert Suhren? My Name ist Robert Suhren.😀
@peterkroger7112 5 жыл бұрын
Actually as a German I found the English dubbed version to be pretty good to. Most of the actors dupped themselves in English.
@landserkorps796 2 жыл бұрын
Glück ab.
@zaynevanbommel5983 5 жыл бұрын
not pronounced Boat lol
@rawprawn8198 5 жыл бұрын
I am surprised. I read it over 40 years ago, as an early teenager and really enjoyed it. It was my first biography for someone on the the 'other' side.
@benadam7753 6 жыл бұрын
Wrong! The US interrogators threatened to turn him over to the British NOT the Soviets. The British had falsely accused Henke of having his U-515 fire on survivors of a British passenger ship it sunk. The Geneva Convention specifllly states that POW's are only required to give their name, rank and serial number. I highly doubt the official US explanation of Werner Henke's death!
@charlesmccain 6 жыл бұрын
read the book. The author is one of the top U-Boat historians in the world with a PhD in German history who spent 30 years as curator of all the WW Two naval records including all of the UBootwaffe records in the US National Archives
@rapauli 6 жыл бұрын
Great commentary on a fine book... thanks.. You need to make an update, since I read SO MANY parallels to our present political situation.
@VernonWallace 6 жыл бұрын
I meet him before he passed away and he signed my book.
@tomservo5347 4 жыл бұрын
@Raymond Buehner These regular army officers were gentlemen in the truest sense of the word. I think there are lots of things the 'victors' never let the world know but I could write a book about all those reasons. My mother is German, so as a youngster I had the privilege of meeting a number of WW2 veterans in West Germany during the 80's. They all seemed quiet and reserved-I remember the one that offered me pretzels-they were stale but I ate them anyway as my mom had instructed me endlessly in manners lol.
@tomservo5347 4 жыл бұрын
@Raymond Buehner I noticed many of these former officers moved to America after the war. I guess they couldn't live with what happened to country post WW2. I totally agree with you on our universities that were infiltrated by the KGB during the late 60's. I've also read 'Panzer Commander' by Hans Von Luck and my prized possession is 'Lost Victories' by Von Manstein. I'm so tired of these revisionist 'histories' written by Marxist educated pundits.