@MrKveite1 4 күн бұрын
Tanks are much stronger with a 1 hander and a shield, just mentioning it since the tank is the anchor of the grp
@everquestrangering 4 күн бұрын
I thought that was the Shadowknight thing? no? i don't know much about those classes. im more of a RNG player. hehe.
@MrKveite1 3 күн бұрын
@@everquestrangering it goes for all tanks, class doesent mather:) Even a tanking ranger should use a one hander and a shield.
@paladine6 9 күн бұрын
Those DoD zones were such a pain. I remember doing the Timeshear Aug which went in a charm and it was such a good item to quest, but dealing with so many see invis mobs that meant lots of deaths. Players started using Rogue shrouds to sneak past everything to do the quest much easier. Still have lot of anger for those zones...lol
@everquestrangering 7 күн бұрын
For some reason, these zones are lower level, yet harder than the SoF zones. It was very frustrating.
@paladine6 17 күн бұрын
At 17:50 at the top you can use a Levitate trick to cross to the other bridge. It's not easy and I have fallen many many times, but it is possible.
@everquestrangering 17 күн бұрын
It is hard to get past locked doors in EQ, but there does seem to be a way. My collection collecting monk, Chichifu, is there still. She has a peggy cloak. I will see if I can do it. Thanks!
@paladine6 17 күн бұрын
@@everquestrangering Another trick you can do is with any class with a charm pet. Standing as close to the door as possible and if you can target a mob on the other side of the door, you can sic a charm pet on it. If that mob summons it will summon YOU inside the room. Only reason I know this stuff is two epic mobs for Shaman are behind locked doors. Had to find tricks to get past them lol...
@everquestrangering 15 күн бұрын
the summon is a good trick. I was able to use levitate at the locked door and "float" over to the other platform. the door on that side is open, so you can go in the building, but cannot come back out - locked on both sides.
@MrSqutsslo 20 күн бұрын
Looks like a lot of fun my man, enjoy.
@everquestrangering 20 күн бұрын
I’m having fun with this group. These 4 are my regular toons I grind with. All the efforts are to get Bobbhaus more AA! Hehe.
@MrSqutsslo 21 күн бұрын
Nice brother
@everquestrangering 6 сағат бұрын
This is my main group. Bobbhaus is my main toon form 2000. If you are on the Rathe, there is always a spot open.
@changeman44 24 күн бұрын
You have room for another merc in grp why not use it?
@everquestrangering 24 күн бұрын
I do use a second healer sometimes, but I want to be able to do this stuff with 1 healer. For a bit, I was rolling RNG/SHM/SK and 3 healer mercs. I only did that at the beginning to see if I could play those 3 and live. I like to leave that spot open for a live player, too.
@j-sin3344 Ай бұрын
Did mine, well I started an SK a few years ago and PLd to lvl 100, now its 125 w/ my 3 other toons. But I did get either Innys curse or the 1.5 I know one is great to have, along w/ Bard Pris Dragon Blade, not sure if thats the 1.0 or 1.5 either, BUT I sold or deleted my SK epic /cry........oh well. EZ at this lvl, now I see you w/ this, just gives me the boost I needed. TYVM excellent WERK my friend.!!! Looking a bit deeper, I had the 1.5 its got the group buff and 1 hand, well I HAD it. lol..It is BA tho, not sure I looked at it I just did the pre quest and rolled...
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
I was originally going to make a Pally, but my buddy talked me into an SK. I really like her abilities. I am going to make a Pally at some point so I can feel that class out. All classes are fun in their own way, but I know my buddy knew how I wanted to use the SK in the group and pushed me that way. I need that crazy aggro so my Ranger can link away with his bow. You do need to get another SK going. I agree, PLing is pretty easy these days with the high level gear. GL and get after it!
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
Enjoyed this new group. Good video.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
Bobbhaus is / has been my main from 2000. I started to group 5 toons (I have a monk, too). I use the monk for the collectibles. But, this group is to just grind AA and have fun. I need to start charming and stuff with the Enchanter, just to jazz play-time up. Glad you enjoy!
@changeman44 Ай бұрын
This zone is a waste of your time.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
Yeah. I just wanted to do something different. I seem to spend a few episodes in each location, but that is EverQuest, you know. you find that spot and you grind it out until you need a new place.
@changeman44 Ай бұрын
Hi you should do the anni tower stuff with this crew they can do it and the gear would be much better for them.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
That stuff is on my very short list of things to do. Those episodes will be fun to make, for sure.
@changeman44 Ай бұрын
Man are the same guy that has the crew with TheDuff as a warr if so your much better with this crew :)
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
I have been thinking about changing theeduff to an SK. they are so much better with aggro. I should record some shenanigans with the RNG/SK/SHM/ENC squad. im doing higher level content. lately they are doing ToV named hunters. They are up to ToFS, but i cant get any named to spawn. Also, part of it is the healer merc and part of it is only running 4 toons and part of it is the RNG is fully LS raid geared.
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
Out of curiosity, what server are you on? In all my box groups the one role I miss the least is healer. If you access to mercs it wouldn't be a bad idea to use a merc cleric. In my main box group I run a Paladin, Beastlord, Mage, and Chanter with a 5th druid box depending on how I want to play. I always use Merc Cleric. I don't even like tanking either so I have mage pet taunting so Paladin is just puller really lol. Freeing up those major roles is so much easier.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
Hey there! I am on The Rathe. For this Squad, I can’t use merce. I’m trying to keep it classic as best I can. However, for my 125/120 group (RNG / SHM ENC SK) I do use a healer merc, and sometimes 2. That group is more about grinding and getting augs and AAs, so it is okay to merc it up.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
That looks like a fun group. You have lots of options on things you can do with the toons. Good deal!
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering Even just the one toon? I see ya struggling so hard. With Merc cleric ya got so much leeway to get your other toons positioned and doing their roles. That wipe at the beginning was rough lol.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
@@paladine6 I have to go full group. I’m pushing it to use Defiant Gear. But that stuff is just too good to say no to. I have to get better and faster at switching toons.
@paladine6 2 ай бұрын
Have you thought about trying IS Boxer? With your set up I'd consider it critical as the content gets harder. So many of your toons are idle when they could be attacking or using some form of macro.
@everquestrangering 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, I think about it as I’m having a wipe because as you say, too many toons are idle. But, I have to suffer thru and go “all-natural” without outside support. I have to try and keep thinks as classic as I can.
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering I personally don't use IS boxer either, but I have 4 computers so all my toons are auto following all the time, and I hit macro's to get them attacking/casting/etc... Like 4 keyboards, 4 mice, 4 screens, and I have run two accounts on my main Computer, but that extra toon is also on auto follow and when I switch to it, I can hit 1-2 macro's going. You do use macro's right? Those idle toons you have can do so much more. For example the Ranger. When you switch to that screen hit a hotkey (lets say 1) which has commands to assist, cast a snare, throw a dot on the target...and then switch to the next toon (lets say the chanter), and hit it's first macro that assists, then tashes, and then slows. Using pauses in the macro accomplishes all of that. Macro's macro's macro's....I can't stress how important they are.
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering Also little advice for the chanter box when mezzing. Root that stuff. When you go break mez with the Duff, you don't have to chase it. Smack it, break mez, and build that aggro.
@everquestrangering Ай бұрын
@@paladine6 once they all hit lvl70, which is in less than 50% because I have 10 episodes waiting to upload, I am going to really really look at all the spells. I didn’t know enchanters got root. If not, I can use my RNGs Tolan’s gloves. Also, I have started to use a mem blur spell before doing the old wakey wakey on the exes mob. Thanks for the advice! I want to do this stuff bettrr
@paladine6 Ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering Chanters get decent root spells. Tash helps the roots land so that first. With that cleric you could even try some charming. It's insane dps boost. I know it sounds risky, but the trick is audio triggers. Once ya set up an audio trigger that beeps when charm breaks, you hit a macro on your cleric to target that charm pet, stun it, and then back to the chanter to re tash and re charm it. It took me while to get all this stuff down. I spent hours working on macro's for all this stuff to maximize each toons abilities. Earlier when I said I have my toons on auto follow all the time also helps. Even with your style of switching between accounts on same computer. Have them all auto following, and then when you tank a mob with the Duff, turn around and have all your toons behind that mob. Then switch between accounts hitting all their macros,
@changeman44 2 ай бұрын
Hello, I know I've said this every time but the war need sword and shield she is meant to get beat on not dps and why not use a campfire so you don't have to run back to camp when you die? well until next time keep at it :)
@everquestrangering 2 ай бұрын
I know using PoK is not classic, but using the campfire is just too far from classic for me to use. So, the run must be run. heheh. I will look at some defiant swords and boards to see how they look, stat wise.
@lTrashPandal 3 ай бұрын
Texas 🎉
@everquestrangering 3 ай бұрын
Hey there!!! Welcome to the channel. Thanks for watching and the comment.
@scottrowland2787 3 ай бұрын
Enjoyed. I'll be following. 😊 Hey...do you have any guides for newbies?
@everquestrangering 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching. I’m glad you enjoy the show. My only type of guide would be Izzod. I started playing an Iksar Monk from LvL1. I did the beginning quests and local quests for the newbie areas around Cabilis.
@craigshlabot5719 3 ай бұрын
Dark paw games caught abusing their power just to mess with me and my group was real cool of them today , the idiot warped us around the zone and wiped us. nice company hard pass
@everquestrangering 3 ай бұрын
When you were doing the mission?
@changeman44 3 ай бұрын
😎keep at it nice to see your still going strong.
@everquestrangering 3 ай бұрын
thanks! Im changing the line-up. Im dropping the monk for a while and picking back up the enchanter.
@j-sin3344 4 ай бұрын
2.7 % what what, what what?? Holy xp, at level 120 to 125 I was getting 0.03 up to about 0.1 xp per kill w/ lesson on. My numbers might be off, but I was told use grind xp for AAs and Overseer for leveling. OS can get me 10% per 12 hours, after the teeks and the dailies are out leveled xp take a big hit, for me anyways. My toons have 50K on my SK, 48k Bard, 48k BST and 42k on my dru, i digress, xp is the bane of this game, at least we can see the bar move. Anyone that played OG knows it was just 5 yellow bubbles, no blue you didnt see your exp change for days lol.
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
Once you ding 111, you really have to focus hard on overseer. You are correct, any killing you do after that is all AA. I was so happy back in the day when the blue bar was introduced. Before that, you could grind for hours and not really notice any change in the yellow bar. Keep grinding on those toons!!
@j-sin3344 4 ай бұрын
Sadly I left EQ as I was about to get into PoFire, looked so awesome back then, I only was able to camps zoneline mobs, but love that graphic of the mobs being on fire. Thanks for the great memories, keep up the great work.I appreciate everyone that does EQ content, I plan on doing something, lol I have 1 crappy vid from a few years ago, but meh love watching yours....
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad you are enjoying the show. I’m having fun running the girls thru the zones.
@j-sin3344 4 ай бұрын
Love the IKS Monk, mine was a female when Kunark came out. My main was a HI Elf wiz, he was 32 when RoK came out, but jumped over quick. Loved loved loved monks...I remember one time after PoP was out, my monk was lvl 63 or so and I get a tell heya, wanna come pull EToV (IDK what the name its, the one to the East w/ Doz in that first room? I had only ever been there on my Wiz, but had been pulling w/ my monk for a bit, so figure WTF okies. It was the v1.0 version of ToV where you could still run up the steps, now the stairs are gone and you have to port or run to end of zone to get out. Anywho, I pulled for a few hours, non stop, never died, and remember feeling good as the RaidLeader was like, damn man you didnt die at all and we were never w/o a mob to kill. No nameds, it was a run for gear, but I felt good, got an invite to the guild. Anyway. love the Iksar monks. I actually FINALLY got a Sceptre of Destruction this past spring during the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons event. Variety Voids channel, he mentioned it so I ran it on the last day and go the tink mask and 1 SoD. I played on Lanys TvYl back in the day and Soul Assassins, eventually Conquest were the first guild to wake the sleeper by killing all 4 warders, so needless to say, the SoDs and Warder loots were very very scarce. I was psyched to get at least 1 SoD so now Im going to do another Ikky Monk to have him use it...THanks for the EQ content, subbed, commented, sorry for the TLDR crap, and liked/shared...
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
I love hearing the stories. Those old gaming runs keep us coming back for more. Monks are so much fun. Now that my main (RNG) is maxed I can look to play new class/race combos. Thank you for the like and sub. Hopefully more of my adventuring will bring up more memories!
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
It is hard to keep everyone in the perfect positions. It depends on where I’m pulling from. And, Souxxsie is twisting a DoT and a DS, so that make the mob aggro her and stop right there, outside of the circle of death. I try to move around, but don’t always do it.
@theoneptd 4 ай бұрын
Half OCD and half general game mechanics, but definitely try and put your tank on one side to soak dmg and put all other melee on the back to avoid riposte/parry/etc.
@everquestrangering 3 ай бұрын
I need to look and see if there are some aggro clickes for the WAR. Most of the mobs do not like the BST slow, and, they really dont like the BRD songs twisting at camp.
@nickbowerman1197 4 ай бұрын
Are you gonna give Teek a try?
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
What is Teek?
@nickbowerman1197 4 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering It's the upcoming TLP. Idk if you're playing on official servers or just P99.
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
I’m on theRathe, live server.
@nickbowerman1197 4 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering You should look into the new TLP. It's gonna be a blast.
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
@@nickbowerman1197 I don’t know if I would have time, between doing LS raids, the Year of Darkpaw collection collecting, my LvL65 Squad, and then Izzod. But, I do think about it each time a new TLP is released… what would it be like to kinda relive EQ like it was when I started in 2000?
@paladine6 4 ай бұрын
Last time I went to South Karana was probably 2 months ago with a box group. I was in POK grabbing hot zone missions and saw one for this zone. Something like kill 5 Elephants. Showed up scoured the zone not finding a single one. I really really hate this zone...
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
I think Quillmane is the worst spawn to camp. Some say Raster, but at least you know where he will be and what to kill to spawn him. Lol
@bloodsuckern 4 ай бұрын
the fact that theres a bunch of ZZZs flying into the viewmodel piercing your eyes every other second makes this unwatchable
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
That’s too bad, I love that ornament for 2-handers. I make one for almost every toon I have that uses a 2-handed weapon.
@paladine6 4 ай бұрын
Ugh I hate the Karana's with a passion. They are too big and mobs are too spaced out for practical xp'ing.
@everquestrangering 4 ай бұрын
Back in the day, it did help spread people out, but now, with 6 toons in zone, all me, it does make it a bit harder.
@ioannistsovilis4181 5 ай бұрын
Is this a live server? Or a custome server?
@everquestrangering 5 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank for watching. This is EQ live server theRathe. Everyone is just high level and raiding these days. I originally created the Squad at LvL52 to kill Vox and Naggy, but right after I finished PLing up, they removed the level restriction on those two mobs. So, I figured I would start going up levels to be able to play in HoThule.
@j-sin3344 5 ай бұрын
How are the shineys that DB icon?? Is that how DB did them for the anniv, I only see the round golden lights....
@everquestrangering 5 ай бұрын
Yes. These are for Darkpaw days. They are only in specific zones for 1 month at a time.
@TheRecovering3 5 ай бұрын
I love this game so much still... Uhg 🎉
@everquestrangering 5 ай бұрын
It is still such a great game and time well spent each week. Thanks for watching! I hope you continue to enjoy the game, even after watching what I am doing! Haha
@JackpineEvergreen 5 ай бұрын
I like it with the names better 👍
@everquestrangering 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the views and comment. I have several videos recorded, but will start keep the names on. I’m just used to having names off from raiding. It cleans the screen up.
@xzxxx-km4vy 6 ай бұрын
Is this the real Everquest or is it Project Quarm or P99 or some shit like that?
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
The real live EverQuest
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
What server do you play on?
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
I am on the Rathe
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering Ah ok, I figured you were on one of those EMU servers. Was wondering why you don't have a mount for your Cleric. That sitting aggro is annoying for her.
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
@@paladine6 I never did like mounts, but, maybe that could fun. Something different than what I normally do. You know, mix it up. I will look into buying a cool mount. Thanks for the input and inspiration.
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering If you have the money to spare order the HOT expansion in the store. It's 40 bucks for each account, but you get fast mount and 2 30 slot bags. 999 uses also so you can keep claiming on multiple characters. Think also some xp potions. I haven't gotten it myself, but planning on it for when the new TLP opens in May. You planning on making any toons there?
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
If they make a Classic Server, i would make toons on that, but otherwise, i am happy on the Rathe. 3 of the 6 accounts i have are Subbed, 1 at LS and 2 at ToL.
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
That’s a great idea to cast on the mob inside.
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
No you can't cast thru walls however I was somehow able to get my charm pet to attack the mob thru the wall. Maybe charm pets still use mob rules for pathing inside a zone? Once my charm pet was inside the room it's aggro transferred to me and then the mob inside summoned. Cool little exploit =)
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
That is weird that you could attack through the wall but not cast. Line of Sight, i guess..
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering My Chanter was a gnome and they can see thru the wall. Somehow I was able to target one of the epic mob inside the room and sic the charm pet on it. Aggro transferred to me and I saved the raid~ MVP baby!
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
Your lockpick dilemma reminded me of a fun guild event I did once. We we're in the Hole going after a epic drop for a Shaman. Several guildies had boxes and I was running my own 4 box for the event. I had a Chanter in my group and we were stuck outside a locked door. We had no Rogue and everyone was trying to find ways inside the room where the epic mob was. I had a charm pet and if I remember right I sent it to attack a mob inside the room somehow. Then my Chanter was summoned inside it. I mez locked down all the adds and after some testing we got other guildies inside the room by having them cast on my Chanter. It got them aggro where they were then summoned inside the room too. Killed epic mob and ported out. Just a interesting way to beat that locked door. I was the MVP that night too =)
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
No I have to take the Squad back to Sebilis just so they can get into the Temple. but, Im sure the new lockpick skillz will come in handy when they start doing EIPCS. CoM, theHole.....
@changeman44 6 ай бұрын
Poor Theeduff will there ever be a video where you don't die and let the monk out agro you? :) keep at it.
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
I am looking forward to the time when the Squad graduates out of Defiant gear. The Defiant stuff is really good gear, but basically the same from class to class. Once the girls can get more class specific pieces, I think Theeduff will start to shine as the main tank. HoThule has some really good drops. Thanks for watching!
@paladine6 6 ай бұрын
Good video, but definitely need better quality. 360 looks pretty bad.
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
The 4K has not generated yet. But i am happy you like the show.
@Xantor2k9 6 ай бұрын
Which server?
@everquestrangering 6 ай бұрын
The Rathe
@paladine6 7 ай бұрын
Crushbone till 21? That's insane....Usually leave there at 8 or 9 to get that sweet xp in Unrest. Throne Room in Crushbone is ok, but I hate mobs that run and nothing runs in Unrest.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
i was all over Norrath, but yeah, I finally stopped going to Crushbone at 21. I was collecting belts and shoulder pads for plat. I just love that zone. If the zone was empty, i would make laps around for coins and belts. You have to love the commitment from the undead mobs to stick it out during a fight. For the most part, i did Lake of Ill Omen from 21 to 28, Warsilk Woods from 28 to 32 (thats when i finally got a forest loop to drop), Ice Clad Ocean from 32 to 40, then did Eastern Wastes from 40 to 55. did my Epics, got my Helm of the Tracker, then went to PoP.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
I’ll take it! Much better than a :(
@changeman44 7 ай бұрын
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
Glad you are still enjoying the show
@MrKveite1 7 ай бұрын
Remember that you ALWAYS without exeption use all your money and resources to gear the tank up because he is the foundation of the group and a tank basicly SUX without lvl maxed gear.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
Theduff has all the latest Defiant gear available (Vis / Jewelry) Not 100% what she has for the rest of non-Vis, but my main has plenty of plat to spread around, so I try and get really good stuff. I just need to pay attention and heal more. heheh
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
also, for the first 2 parts of the Revenge Tour, I was having some difficult lag. it was just enough to make things harder than they should have been.
@MrKveite1 7 ай бұрын
You might also consider using the defensive dics etc i guess because he goes down REALLY fast for what he is.Idk, something just feels wrong, maybe get the slow on faster or something.@@everquestrangering
@MrKveite1 7 ай бұрын
Lag is never a good thing:(@@everquestrangering
@the40yogamer 8 ай бұрын
I remember when my pally dinged the AA point I needed to get my horse at that camp on the wall such a cool moment when a paladin got his horse back when the game first came out
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
that's great! I spent a lot of time at this camp pulling those golems. I wanted to keep the squad these longer, but I had just finished up that 5-part BoT series and didnt want to get right back into doing another round of the same thing so fast. I hope the video brought back fond EQ memories.
@changeman44 8 ай бұрын
Sorry about all caps.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
@changeman44 8 ай бұрын
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
This is true, but I do want to do better with all the classes. I utilize them at their bare-minimum. I want to keep looking for new spells and make hot buttons to improve their DPS and performance.
@paladine6 8 ай бұрын
That area is bad for pulls. Your way of boxing is not effective though. I use 4 different computers so it's easier to control toons thru autofollowing and macros. If you want to play the way you do on one computer you really need to use IS Boxer so you can have better control over your toons. Will make huge difference in how you manage that group.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
I cant use 3rd party stuff. I want to keep is as classic as i can. I have gone back and watched some of my old raiding videos I had recorded for myself to learn the raids and to watch what I was doing is that I had a 17" laptop, but now I have a real gaming PC with a 43" monitor.... i lose my cursor all the time. So I am slow on the switch over from toon to toon. I have most everything i need the girls to be doing on hot buttons, but it takes me a bit to change to the correct account. Maybe I will get better one day, maybe.... heheh Dont hold your breath, tho.
@paladine6 7 ай бұрын
@@everquestrangering To each their own. I started out running 3 accounts on one computer. I hated it. Was so annoying tabbing between accounts to get toons moving. I bought a second computer and then a 3rd, and then a 4th, and it just made it all so much easier. However I watch a few other gamers who use IS boxer running multiple accounts on one computer and their level of control is amazing. If I had only one computer I wouldn't hesitate to use it myself.
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
I tried to use the tabbing method, but I never made it to the toon i needed when i needed it, so i started running in windows mode. I log the squad in in a specific order each time, so i know exactly where eat toon is. If you watch Trios Company, i am using 3 computers. I was really struggling. Maybe it is just this level, but I dont have to be super efficient right now, plus, i dont know what im doing, heheh, so i could just be faster at being meh. LoL.
@the40yogamer 8 ай бұрын
that was a fun fight to watch at 31:17
@everquestrangering 7 ай бұрын
That named was way harder than I thought it was going to be.
@WalshEBoY 8 ай бұрын
Straight line run from grave yard zone in never gets agro nothing roams that see invis
@everquestrangering 8 ай бұрын
Maybe 2005-ish invis wasn't as good. heheh. i always seemed to get agro from the skellies near the bridge / fort thing when i ran straight across.
@miguelfloriano9039 8 ай бұрын
you can switch the graphics?
@everquestrangering 8 ай бұрын
Yes. At the login / patcher screen, there is a gear looking icon for options. You can select graffiti cards and also select with models you want to use. #ClassicModels
@changeman44 8 ай бұрын
Keep at It warr without sword and shield will always be bad you don't watch the healing enough.
@everquestrangering 8 ай бұрын
hehehe, i do not watch the healing enough. But, to my defense, this zone is very traumatizing for me. It drove me out of EQ back in 2006. heheh.