Adding bees to my new Layens hive
@ryannavarre4161 5 күн бұрын
Very well spoken. I'm curious about the c shape setup. Wouldn't it make more sense to put the entrance to the outside of the C.
@oswaldconsultancyltd3150 11 күн бұрын
Thank you. Nice video. I’m in uk with sudden robbing problem. Thanks for those tips. How long do you leave the hive shut down and does it work ?
@andrewklahold2880 20 күн бұрын
Well if pollen patties attract the beetles why not use that for bate, i made my own pollen patties, 2 cups of pollen 2 cups of sugar and about a pint of honey not one beetle problem with beetles laying in the patty you buy patties from a sourse the beetles invest it very quickly
@thecityman1910 26 күн бұрын
Neem is good for a lot of fruit tree issues, including some insect issues, but it 100% absolutely will not stop CAR. THIS WILL NOT WORK.
@dcsblessedbees Ай бұрын
oh ok, it's the jug, I was wondering why it was green.😂Grats on your honey season.
@isaacriverapadilla8973 Ай бұрын
Try it on a sunny day
@johntroy3910 Ай бұрын
The plastic covers are ok when new? but the bees seal them open or closed after a while and then the dont work anymore
@dcsblessedbees Ай бұрын
Grats on the honey pull.👍
@fiveacreshoneyfarm Ай бұрын
Thank you! 👍
@dcsblessedbees Ай бұрын
I like slow mornings this time of year, they are so rare.😂Blessed Days...
@fiveacreshoneyfarm Ай бұрын
They’re so restorative when they happen!
@j7ndominica051 Ай бұрын
The reusability of jars depends on the accessibility for washing and replacement lids (like TO-66). You can't do much at home with artistic, small mouth jars. If American jars crack from tea, it is something odd. I always rinse out every kind of food with hot water. Usually glass breaks on cooling, like when they burn a string (still fine) and dip it into water (makes a cut).
@fiveacreshoneyfarm Ай бұрын
Good points! The heating/cooling could also be impacted from air conditioning-I’ve had issues (not with honey jars) with hot glass cooling on the counter with the A/C cold air blowing on it, then cracking. Not only made a mess, but ruined dinner!
@dcsblessedbees Ай бұрын
Not sure why I was unsubbed, Blessed Days...
@fiveacreshoneyfarm Ай бұрын
Oh, no! Thanks for letting me know. I hope you could re-sub.
@T1C3 Ай бұрын
Shorty hit one spot and dipped Kinston lol, can't blame ya. It has so much more to offer though. Apologies about your dog. Happy traveling.
@carrollrhodes4050 2 ай бұрын
The volume was very low. Please repost.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look for my microphone for future ones.
@johnericson4107 2 ай бұрын
Where you wear 8mil gloves, I also double glove as well so I can remove the first layer and put another set on without being sweaty mess.
@gary5172 2 ай бұрын
The screen holes are too small....go get mesh opening # 4 (4.75mm) 1/8 too small and 1/4 too big. I gave you in-between. Just cut out the old screen and place in the new. Adult beetles are 5-7mm long and 3-4.5mm wide. Females are the 4.5mm and you are missing them. 1/8 is 3.17mm...way too are just getting the babies. I had to research my tail off to find out why commercial screen are all 1/8
@saberterminal871 2 ай бұрын
the cardamom extract is one i want to try. interesting that it only needs a couple days vs vanilla extract with needs months to even years.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 2 ай бұрын
@@saberterminal871 Yes, the cardamom is so strong!
@masterelectrician9999 2 ай бұрын
From Canada 🇨🇦
@fionaworrell4535 3 ай бұрын
Interesting information thankyou for sharing 😊
@theunlikelybeek 3 ай бұрын
I spent 2 years learning before I starting beekeeping and I'm on my 4th year with bees, and although I get how much easier and cooler it is to work without a suit/gloves, it just never made any sense to me why so many people want to. I mean C'mon, who wants to deal with stings and bee poop on your clothes if you don't have to.
@dcsblessedbees 4 ай бұрын
Oh go grill never go back, best way to make a steak.😋 Looks like you had a great trip, Blessed Days...
@doozowings4672 4 ай бұрын
Your key realization to discover you don’t need to validate yourself with “certificates” removes so much stress from your life and allows you to enjoy life more.. Good Job …
@bradgoliphant 4 ай бұрын
Why couldn’t you just let them draw out their own comb???
@austinstitzel 4 ай бұрын
I'm going to guess that Silva is a Capricorn and Tara is a Leo.
@EcoGui.abelha 4 ай бұрын
Very goooood!!!
@BrianCooper901 4 ай бұрын
We learn from our mistakes. Hopefully you'll catch some feral bees with your swarm lure. Sorry to hear about Cleo it sounds like she had a nice long life. Thanks for sharing.
@Dougarrowhead 4 ай бұрын
No farmer is ever going to take precaution or check a list to see where people have bees before they spray. The only thing they care about is their subsidy checks. The companies spraying right of ways are even worse. Good luck finding someone that speaks english or cares.
@chadwickoxford1208 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to make this video. So helpful, and such a great idea!
@charleshiggins8794 5 ай бұрын
I believe the “pinkish nut” you found is a variety of Chestnut.
@sura-quayarbon6055 5 ай бұрын
I am very new, first hive was a rescue of a swarm last year that moved into our basement (through a crack between our foundation and the house. It was July, which here is way too late for a hive to usually survive (by that time we have very little forage for them). So I had a friend give me two 10-frame deeps to put them in and almost immediately I realized too big... so I switched them to 8-frame deep/medium mix which is much more manageable. I am only 5'3" and have back/shoulder issues. I fed them almost continually until it dipped below 50degrees in Oct/Nov (start of winter for us and we start getting snow) so they could draw comb. Candy board along with pollen patties and a quilt board, with an insulated wrap on the outside. As of this week we have had enough snow melt and several days in the 50's and they are still alive. I was able to open the hive last month because I had one day over 50degrees to check food supply (but nothing else). Today will be my first real inspection before we get high winds and snow this weekend. It's normal for us to have the odd snow fall up until May. I wish I could do the long or horizontal hives but they just aren't practical for our weather, just not enough room and we get a lot of travel up the hive due to cold. I am actually looking at AZ hives, they are now coming out with hybrids here in the US that use langstroth frames and provide the protection from the elements we need here. Still happy I saved the swarm, even though I hadn't planned on getting bees anytime soon (had been something of a possibility for the future) but I could have lived without the constant low-level anxiety of wether they would make it through winter for the last six months!
@user-xg9ot3vl3y 5 ай бұрын
Just now finding your channel,seeing video,I have no access to the plant your useing, how do you feel about commercial extracts, and do you have a recommendation. Thank you
@nonaaxelrod6855 5 ай бұрын
Is it made of tube steel or light angle?
@chathamcnc3944 5 ай бұрын
1x1x.0625" square tube.
@beccarepurposed3416 5 ай бұрын
@lobatomeee1 5 ай бұрын
Good information. Just getting into beekeeping. I built my first trap to catch local bees and hung it on a tree. The design approach is the Layans approach based on Dr. Leo Sharashkin. I am green and am learning all the time.
@oneeyehives 5 ай бұрын
Hello from Central PA. I’ve been running exclusively Layen’s hives and going into my 5th year. Hopefully if the weather cooperates or swarm season is good I’ll be doubling from 15 to 30 hives this spring. I’m running the 20 frame insulated hives. I build all my own equipment from the free plans on Dr. Leo’s site. While all beekeeping is local I will say that in my opinion you’ll probably have to manager that 14 frame more frequently than you think. I have found that an over wintered hive will fill a 20 frame by mid June. For me a 14 frame would just be a swarm generator. The queen seems to lay out much further than I had expected sometimes even to the 15th frame which just makes them grow tremendously. I have found that having a single 3/8” slot 4” entrance to be the best. Give great defense ability to the hive as well as eliminating the need for an entrance reduce in fall winter since mice cannot get in. I do understand your dilemma with have langstroth equipment which I never had since I started with Layen’s after deciding that lifting boxes all the time was for the birds 😂 Trust me, if you have bear issues those two little clasps held on by a nail will not stop a bear. I had a bear hit my 1st hive 3 times and he ripped the lid off like it was paper. I now use ratchet straps. Learned the hard way. Although he never touched the frames once he got the lid off. Just flipped it around like it was a toy. Hive survived no problem. I do not understand the super thought as that is why you have Langstroth hives. Supering a horizontal hive totally defeats the purpose but who know something I might try but leaving the lid up is recipe for SHB and wax moths along with all the other critters to get in not to mention rain and taking away the hives ability to regulate the hive environment. Sorry for the long post as I could go on for a long time. If you want to ask any questions or hear more of my experiences please reach out.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 4 ай бұрын
There’s so much good info here!! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts. How did you set up your first Layens? I’ve had a big fail trying to move some of the Langstroth comb over. I also moved my best queen and some brood and they didn’t survive a week in the Layens. 😞
@chrisinreallife2022 5 ай бұрын
So happy to have been recommended this video. I've kept chickens before, and we want to have them again. I want quail too, but I worry about how they would fair in an outdoor enclosure in the winter here in the Northeast, as it gets bitterly cold. Or are there are specific, maybe larger/heartier type of quail that do better? I'd hate to have them freeze~ (Ok, now to watch the video lol).
@rachelstark2391 5 ай бұрын
Greetings, I did not know about the allergy test. I am thinking about beekeeping again. I will definitely have the children tested. Cheers, Upstate NY
@rachelstark2391 5 ай бұрын
Greetings, Are there bamboo queen cages? Cheers, Upstate NY
@MitchFaircloth 5 ай бұрын
There are multiple videos online that shows you how to convert / incorporate your Langstroth frames into the Layen's frames.
@BrianCooper901 5 ай бұрын
Things don't always go as planned! I've always seen the beetle barns used with a bait that has an insecticide in it, illegal but effective is what I have heard. I will be interested in seeing your results! We have been splitting to keep ahead of swarming.
@momshielucyvlog 5 ай бұрын
thank you so much for sharing pull support video.
@laurenceallen2670 5 ай бұрын
your volume is terrible can't hear you
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know. 🙏🏻 I’ll make sure the CC are clear in the next few days. I’ll have follow up videos as I get the hive set up with bees and will double-check audio for those.
@tealkerberus748 5 ай бұрын
What I have learned from keeping bees in Australia is that they actually can die from overheating if you don't give the hives shade through the middle of the day and the afternoon. That was a week with several 43 Celsius days, and the hive that died was a recently caught swarm while the bigger stronger hives survived, but still. In future I want my bees to have a verandah to shade them overhead and from the west. That said, the idea of having the hives arranged in a C or U shape so their front doors are all facing different directions won't work on my next property. I've been reading up on bee colour and shape vision, and I'd like to find more specific information, but what I'm looking at is having each hive box a different colour in the range they can see, and then also having a set of stamps in different simple shapes (square, circle, triangle, etc) and putting black stamps around the entrance to each hive, so they can use both colour and shape cues to find the right house in the street. If anyone is already doing this, I'd love to know if it's working for them, and what changes they recommend in the details!
@wildflowersgardenandapiary 5 ай бұрын
These are just a few tips to help with bee stings 🐝 1-drink 8 oz of water with 1 tsp baking soda after getting stinger out. This saved my life when I was a kid and got stung by two bumble bees on my head. My mom called our nature path doctor and this opened up my throat that was swelling shut. 2-get a blue ink pen and scribble over stinger site. This immediately takes pain away. In the old days they used the blue dye they used doing laundry to brighten whites. I know it sounds weird but I learned it from an elder and it works! I also always have Benadryl pills and cream close.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
What great tips! I’ve heard of adding a baking soda paste to the sting site but hadn’t thought of drinking it. I wonder if it has anything to do with alkalinity. Funny that blue ink pens are the ones to use-I’m not a fan of them and always get rid of them in favor of black ink. 😆 Now I need to keep one.
@intheshell35ify 5 ай бұрын
Well this sounds like utter bullshic. I continue to be amazed with how uneducated the public is. Do you sometimes forget to put your head down when it rains?
@sura-quayarbon6055 5 ай бұрын
@@intheshell35ify You do realize a lot of these methods have science behind them? She isn't saying use essential oils. According to a 2018 study published in The Journal of Immunology, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, may be able to help reduce the inflammatory response in the skin when dealing with the venom from a bee sting.Also apple cider vinegar wan be used to wash down the affected area, ACV is a proven antimicrobial. Also medical grade honey or manuka honey can be antimicrobial and lower inflammation of a sting which is based on 2021 research review in the Open Life Science Journal. I suggest you checkout the effectiveness of honey on wound care - it's pretty mind blowing. Aspirin is also a derivative of a home remedy, willow bark, just as a FYI so before you knee jerk response on something like this take a couple minutes and just double check to see if you are right and if you don't feel like doing that just dont say anything.
@praiseworthy 5 ай бұрын
It’s a good idea maybe for a woman or someone who cannot lift heavy ,to use the Langstroth (upper) super or the Warre hive, they’re are not too heavy.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
I’m so curious to try a Warre hive!
@tealkerberus748 5 ай бұрын
Or horizontal hives. There's no heavy lifting, and also you're not ripping the whole house apart to see what's going on inside.
@BrianCooper901 5 ай бұрын
I prefer to cycle out come on a 3-4 year basis. We try to split our hives to sell nucs to beginners in the spring so this helps us get a lot of new comb drawn for us and also the nuc buyers. When we pull the splits I do an OA treatment. We have used Formic Pro and Apiguard before as well. They are all tools in the tool box so it's important to know when and how to use them if you are open to that type of treatment, but to each their own. I trend towards less treatments as I gain more experience and learn more about the nuances of timing the brood breaks and OA treatments to be the most effective.
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
That’s a smart approach to move the nucs and comb routinely. Win-win. I haven’t tried formic pro yet and have heard some horror stories of the queen leaving due to the smell/strength of the treatment.
@BrianCooper901 5 ай бұрын
@@fiveacreshoneyfarmLast year was my first year but I didn't have any issues at all. The temperature parameters are important to follow.
@lenturtle7954 5 ай бұрын
Getting stung will always hurt I went from selling severely to no swelling after 3 years of owning bees . Now 40 stings are a pain but not causing swelling . Yellow jackets i barelyfeel and white faced hornets stings a bit for 10 min but now have not much effect other than that Honey bees sting hurts a lot for about 3min Dont scratch the sting location that causes the delayed swelling for me . Always have an escape route when working your bees run thru dense trees get in a vehicle and leave or get into a shed . It sounds paranoid but i know of instances when commercial beekeepers were severly stung almost to death . May have been Africanized bought from Alabama ??And this was in central Saskatchewan Nylon armour is almost sting proof but warm to wear . Be careful i got my first bugs in early eighties now 40 yrs later i enjoy them more than i did earlier on . I have run thru the bushes a few times to get away fr them so i could take my veil off and once was yo get one out of my ear.😂
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
I love that you’re more passionate about bees now after a lifetime with them. A true love story! 🐝 An escape route is a good idea. Reminds of those beekeeper bumper stickers and t-shirts that say, “If I run, you run.”
@TheWonderfield 5 ай бұрын
I like the idea of a brood break to reduce the varoa population. What's a good time of year for an intentional brood break? And would you recommend doing this to all your hives at the same time?
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
Brood breaks would be ideally timed around your area’s nectar flow rather than a calendar/seasonal time of the year. Some folks like to split or cage the queen just as the nectar flow starts. That way the queenless split hive won’t have 2,000 new eggs/larvae daily to feed all the honey to and will instead store it for your harvest. Others like to wait until after the nectar flow to cage, similarly for honey harvest-you can take what you need now that you see what they produced, and no new baby bees to feed for a bit. Also allows for more treatment options if you pull the honey.
@TheWonderfield 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for making this video! I'm in my second year beekeeping. And was thinking about how to expand my apiary. I like the idea of staggering the positions of the hives on cinder blocks to prevent disease spread. Will probably be trying that this year :)
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
Yay! Welcome to beekeeping. Yeah, staggering the hive stands is a simple, low-effort move that could have great long-term benefits.
@daisybred 5 ай бұрын
Hi, here in Holland it's recommended to paint the part below the entrance (don't know all the terms: the landing area)of the boxes in white, yellow or blue, or give them patterns, so they recognise their own hive better. Not to say you must do that, but just as information. And if you want to move the hives at this time of year, move them everyday a little bit: max 3 feet to the front or back, or max 1,5 feet to the right of left. With colder weather they cannot spend to much energy to search for the right hive. But probably you know that already 😊 Just some tips :) Good luck!
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
Great tips! I’ve heard about using colors to help the bees with wayfinding. This is a great reminder because I intended to paint the rocks on top of each hive last year and I totally forgot to do that!
@dcsblessedbees 5 ай бұрын
I have 1 of the ultra vented jackets, it helps a lot during those hottest days in Summer. I really like your introduction frame cage those are kind of cool. People go to far into the weeds, just do bees your way. I'll never figure out why beekeepers think they need to defend their preferred methods of keeping bees, It's their bees their way why put labels on everything. Thanks for a look into your style of beekeeping.👍
@fiveacreshoneyfarm 5 ай бұрын
Exactly! I like to call it a beekeeper buffet-come and try some things and stick to your favorites. Do you have a name brand on your jacket? I haven’t found a jacket or bee suit that I like.
@dcsblessedbees 5 ай бұрын
@@fiveacreshoneyfarm If I remember correctly it's a Forest Brand ultra vented jacket. Around a $100's maybe more mines is 2 years old. I think I payed $90.