Trump 黨不是共和黨,亦不要給他蒙騙為 延續 列根(Reagan) 美好共和黨政績。 有良知/理性的共和黨員,已在2017 陸續加入 The Lincoln Project. 及 2024 年三月初選後,發聲反侵,或加入 Republicans for Harris , 各軍方/情報官員,非常擔心 侵與 普京關係(自2016,已認為侵是 普京傀儡。 前國家情報 高官 Dan Coates, 上月更表示,普京 在勒索操控 侵。 可佈,危險!
@ireneho678911 күн бұрын
If Trump allows immigration of HK people to U.S. , will those already immigrated to UK , will turn around and immigrant from UK to U.S.( unless it's forbid to do so) Trump has made a wise choice ! BNO is a very messy programme! By now it's more crystal clear that the programme is a way of enriching the country herself more than anything else ! BNO cause tremendous social problems , causing unamendable issues! Will the American people ready to face all the changes( social and political issues and economic issues)which will affect them and their children... Accepting " immigration of HK people " must obtain support of American people first..... Laws can be changed depends on circumstances!!! Chinese worship different idols, unlike the West " Christianity " is the mainstream of religion. Thus, people have similar beliefs and code of conduct....whereas, Christianity has been rejected by their ancestral emperors and sort to rely on evil figures of dragon, stars , palm reading etc.etc. All these are still heavily embedded in Chinese cultures, affecting their ethics and morality, which will further affect how they look at their surroundings; societies and the meaning of law ! The question is, how do they fit into western societal laws, norms,and rule which are different types of regulations that governments implemented base on their religious beliefs ( Christianity )????
@ireneho678911 күн бұрын
Nice to see you have a "set of beautiful teeth"!!! Keep maintain it well!!!