Marx Season 1 QnA | Red Plateaus
Marx on Communism | Red Plateaus
Why Strikes Work | Red Plateaus
@cwood892 2 күн бұрын
At the end you talk about people joining to create pressure for lawmakers to change things. This seems to show that people actually do have power in the current system? Also, if corporations are all ruled by employees/state etc what incentive is there for innovation? New businesses? Invention? Problem-solving? If there is no or reduced incentive, not only is forward growth stopped or stunted, it seems like it could become a national security issue if authoritarian regimes use power to push power, progress, and dominance and gain power over democratically socialist nations.
@SujanNiraula1 2 күн бұрын
Well written.
@rene2582 4 күн бұрын
Democratic socialist = bullshit
@gidrbridumarg3152 8 күн бұрын
Thorough rebuttal, comrade. Very insightful video. Keep em coming!
@craigcampbell7776 10 күн бұрын
Your video contradicts a couple of times. There are a couple of mutually exclusive ideas presented as if one implies the other. Marx struggled with adapting Hegels ideas. It feels like it is all forced together to justify a theory that is dated because the idea of the final communist state is appealing to those that subscribe to Marxism. Capitalism as it exists today is not the capitalism of Marx's time. In Marx's socialist phase he is not denying that inequality will exist. The dialectic between those that have vs those that do not is the exact condition which he states initiated the original revolution. It is a circular argument. You can see this play out in the Soviet Union and China.
@jameskulevich8907 Ай бұрын
A phrase from Cuba: if socialism was put in place in the Sahara Desert, in a short period of time there would be no sand.
@kensurrency2564 Ай бұрын
52:33 “This is the smoking gun” I could listen to the following sentence over and over. How right he is. This is powerful work David and David.
@romanoestefano6966 Ай бұрын
Naledi were keeping women dead bodies separated from men.
@canicannonball4464 Ай бұрын
20:00 32:00
@lameetcalice3845 Ай бұрын
Malum In Se/Malum Prohibitum Nothing moral requires authority. Authority is the claim to the exclusive exemption to morality. It is a monopoly on violence. Violence is a violation because it is the initiation of aggression, not self-defense. Offense/defense are ontologically distinct. All crime has a legal equivalent (ie, taxation is extortion). Every government is founded on Ad Baculum. Petitio Principii can and will be used against you. Warren v. District of Columbia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales DeShaney v. Winnebago County Lozito v. New York City You are legally compelled via the logical fallacies Ad Populum, Ad Baculum and Ad Verecundiam to pay for protection that they are not legally obligated to provide. That's a mafia. The highest Abrahamic value is Ignorance of Good and Evil. It's right there in Genesis. They worship Yaldabaoth, God of the Scapegoaters: God blames Man; Man blames Woman; Woman blames Serpent; Serpent blames God, more accurately - the Serpent defines God. God Condones Child Rape No.s 31: 17-18 God Condones Rape Deut. 22: 28-29 God Condones Abortion No.s 5: 11-31 Unquestioning Obedience to Government Rom.s 13: 1-7 Ritualistic classifying surgery as a means of psychic castration, like circumcision and sub-incision, are hallmarks of patriarchal culture, a demonstration to the young that the venerable old ones still wield the all-powerful knife - and the beginning of transsexualism. Those who do not perform the cult's rite can never enjoy full social status. Symbols of the castrated member, the tie and bow-tie, are mandatory accoutrements of the political wardrobe and phallic monuments are erected to commemorate the minds conquered long ago. Brute force is no longer necessary. The capitalist priest class of Psychiatry, working in tandem with the State bureaucracy, regulates and polices the new Restriction and gelding of desire. Psychiatrists, along with other legal arbiters, help to obscure justice with grey areas of intentionality, mental state, etc. Some mistake this as a system of Liberty, ignorant of the fact that Psychiatric Control is a cornerstone of the perfected Totalitarian State. All modern illnesses come from the absurd and tragic struggle of man's inability to bridle Nature. This dogma echoes perpetually, omnisciently by understanding voices in self-help books, billboards, radio commercials and television talk shows to convince the public to practice continual self-suppression and hormonal restraint. Any deviation is an indication of something severely wrong with the individual. Perhaps Lycanthropic Transformation Rites are in some way a Psychic Preparation for the millennial calamities that are thought to lie ahead. Legalism is a Language of Equivocations, a process of assimilation to violence and illogic. Etymology: government Gubernare: to control Mens/Mentis: mind culture Colere: to inhabit, to till Cult: collective mind -ure: process of civilize, etc. Civitas: city -ize: to do/to make like police, policy, politics, polite Polis: city authority Auctor: master, father, creator -ity: quality of religion Religare: to bind fast, to place an obligation on -ion: noun-forming suffix uniform Uni-: one Form: shape They lump themselves into a group. They want all the collective praise and none of the collective blame (No True Scotsman). If they were truly concerned for their reputation they wouldn’t wear a uniform. Badges are just snowflakes. "Everything is metamorphosed into its opposite to perpetuate itself in its expurgated form. All the powers, all the institutions speak of themselves through denial, in order to attempt, by simulating death, to escape their real death throes. [...] For example: it would be interesting to see whether the repressive apparatus would not react more violently to a simulated holdup than to a real holdup. Because the latter does nothing but disturb the order of things, the right to property, whereas the former attacks the reality principle itself." - Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra & Simulation - 1981) "Our rulers, who rule our symbols, and so rule a symbolic class of life, impose their own infantilism on our instituitions, educational methods, and doctrines. This leads to maladjustment of the incoming generations which, being born into, are forced to develop under the un-natural (for man) semantic conditions imposed on them. In turn, they produce leaders afflicted with the old animalistic limitations. The vicious circle is completed; it results in a general state of human un-sanity, reflected again in our instituitions. And so it goes, on and on." - Alfred Korzybski (Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics - 1933) "I am a cosmopolitan." - Diogenes "If I could not be Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes." - Alexander the Great "A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." - Lysander Spooner (No Treason: Constitution of No Authority - 1867) "It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement." - Étienne de la Boétie (Discours de la servitude volontaire ou le Contr'un - 1577) "Leadership in government is political power, and political power is an official form of antagonizing the people. Politics are rules imposed upon the people. They have every man in a straight jacket and without a passport he cannot move a toe. In a free world, they violate the natural rights of every citizen. They have become the weapons of political despots and if you don't think as they think you're deprived of your passport." - Michael Chaplin as Rupert Macabee (A King in New York - 1957) "Imagine, if you will, a world filled only with criminals of whom there are two classes: those too honest to rationalize their crimes and the powerful who scapegoat them." - Rod Serling "Eye have no Moral Obligation to ask permission from the person to whom Eye Morally Object if Eye may exercise mEye Moral Objection." - Unknown }%}}#{}^{{#]}%]]#
@user-qw6ns2oz4n Ай бұрын
Thank you for your work. Your videoes are great!
@user-um7wp4pz3c 2 ай бұрын
Marxism or communism whatever you call it the idea is wrong. the Marxists must understand that human civilisation is outcome out of production and distribution of consumable articles. Though Marxism speaks of materialism it does not discuss about production and distribution of articles. And nobody understands the confusing ideas of dialects thesis and antithesis. now you can definitely ask a question what is the proof that human civilisation was developed out of production and distribution of consumable articles. there is sure proof. In paleolithic age men produced all articles with the help of inborn instinct and intuition. articles were mostly stone tools and some others. But inborn instinct could not help men to invent many articles. for ages men remained confined within few articles made with instinct and intuition and did not advance. even now some groups of people are primitive because they are solely dependent on congenital instinct. they cannot produce many articles and are remaining unchanged. only when men got the knowledge of number system that they earned the capability to produce many articles and they advanced materially. so definitely men got the knowledge of number system even when they were primitive and before advancement of civilisation. All features of civilisation like division of professions, idea of private property, administration, legal system appeared as a result of production of many articles. even countries were formed out of production of articles. so definitely human civilisation was the result of production and distribution. this idea is not discussed in Marxism. So Marxists and communist countries have no idea of production and distribution, the core activity of human civilisation. they do not know how to produce any articles. so the communist countries are lost and abolished.
@RedPlateaus Ай бұрын
If you want to read about the production and distribution of articles, let me tell you about a little book called "Capital"
@user-um7wp4pz3c Ай бұрын
Truly speaking I don't have clear idea of Marxist theory of production and distribution. But from the actions of the Marxist countries I believe they don't have clear idea of the subject though they speak about materialism. Because of lack of idea they have failed throughout the world. First let me know whether you believe or not that human civilization is always materialistic and never spiritual or philosophical or cultural or anything else.
@PermianExtinction 2 ай бұрын
12:22 I'm just wondering what the point is in him saying that Lenin never used the term alienation, when arguing about Marx's ideas...
@carlabroderick5508 2 ай бұрын
If one must ask “what is dialectics?” its already too complex to die for. Create value, sell this to achieve profit, is as far as most human brains will go. When enough value is created, profit increases to point it may be shared for community benefit. Killing off the class which hoards profit could destroy much more than class itself.
@user-qw6ns2oz4n 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work. PragerU is just a propoganda machine.
@TomisaLami 3 ай бұрын
Hold on, you're saying, Socrates's fanfiction written by Playto?
@gelinrefira 3 ай бұрын
They didn't get the facts wrong, which will imply they are just ignorant. No, they are deliberately spreading the wrong facts to create strawmen that they can then attack. This is malicious.
@HouseholdDog 3 ай бұрын
If you forciblycombine kitty cells with kitty cancer cells, you get a dead kitty. Communism
@RedPlateaus 3 ай бұрын
Says dog 👀
@HouseholdDog 3 ай бұрын
What you are talking about is theology
@getit9066 4 ай бұрын
It's government for idiots, pure and simple. Beyond that it doesn't really matter.
@TheDionysianFields 4 ай бұрын
Even if these guys are right, it really doesn't change much. We still have to deal with what's before us.
@chickentoucher55 4 ай бұрын
You were supposed explain it, not lecture us your views on capitalism
@SampaJasli 4 ай бұрын
really enjoyed this talk
@kavorka8855 4 ай бұрын
Just one minute into video and found a profound flaw. You likened Marx to the communistic regimes after him and what they've done, to Adam Smith and the capitalist systems after him. This is deeply silly, since Adam Smith didn't found capitalism, he didn't write an equivalent to the sick and deeply flawed manifesto of communism, which is basically a blueprint for terrorism. Capitalism is not an ideology, it's not a blueprint, it's not a written document of any kind, it's an explanation of why the Victorian Britain and the then Netherland did so well in making those nations richer and more powerful than the rest. Marx himself was in fact a militant, deeply intellectually flawed (he failed to understand something as simple as the concept of value), unemployed, angry m, failed father who just didn't wish to work and improve the condition of himself and his family. He also accidentally attributed to the French commune revolution. The first minute of your video was enough to stop watching the rest.
@coremitsi922 Ай бұрын
Me when I can't read
@honibi628 4 ай бұрын
Oh how a Graeber blooms; for a magical day, that one never forgets. Your favorite comedian. First love, at the first sight. The time, your, underdog team, won a TEAM victory; all did their part. A rainbow, purple, magenta, most beautiful blue to red, sunrise; before you know Davids 😢sunrise, is a sunset. We miss you Mr Graeber.
@PazLeBon 5 ай бұрын
Half were probabalky stupid, they are 'now' :)
@malOn_malOFF 5 ай бұрын
Good Video, thanks!
@sanjayvarma7842 5 ай бұрын
8:20 so interesting
@romeronickell8332 5 ай бұрын
Just watching this after reading dawn of everything. We are so fortunate they could write that
@brucehuber4015 5 ай бұрын
On 9/2/2020 David Graeber died. R.I. P.
@user-vq6fd3bb6y 5 ай бұрын
Bruh history starting all over again💀
@grrrund 6 ай бұрын
@mjoelnir1899 6 ай бұрын
The concept of democratic socialism seems to be mainly used in the USA. In Europe, in countries like the Nordic countries, the concept of social democracy is rather used, to describe their system. Those countries are capitalistic societies with a big social component. So do not accept being a socialist system, as the government does not control the economy.
@merlingeikie 6 ай бұрын
He died of necrotic pancreatitis which is a known mRNA vaccine injury. 🇦🇺🙏
@binra3788 6 ай бұрын
self-conscious is not the same as Self-awareness. We experience self-consciousness as inhibitory 'controls', masking, and distancing - as in self-alienations that then form social reinforcement. Unselfconscious joy is of a different order. We project our backstory as our 'past'. Not merely contents but contextual reframing.
@AndrewGamesGameOver 6 ай бұрын
Marx it's very Anarchist 😮❤️
@timmcdraw7568 6 ай бұрын
Graeber is so happy. Its so wonderful to listen to him laugh and giggle. And for good reason! This book changed my life, and every time i tell someone its the greatest book and they must read it, they always, always reply “yes! That book changed my life!” Having already read it. Both Davids - thank them both, on the earth and under it.
@TheDionysianFields 4 ай бұрын
You're definitely trapped in an echo chamber.
@jtlachappelle 6 ай бұрын
What absolute fucking gibberish. Seriously. Just pure nonsense. Its marxist monkeywrenching, is all it is. Like their favorite word, ‘reductionist ‘…they trot that utter indecipherable bullshit out when they’re cornered and they want to shut down discussion. It is absolutely 100% meritless.
@zack_120 7 ай бұрын
This is only yr perception of Marx's idea
@RedPlateaus 7 ай бұрын
This is only your perception of this KZbin comment
@seanmcdonald4686 7 ай бұрын
I was listening to this in headphones and I thought I heard a small child repeatedly laughing. I didn’t think much of it, I just assumed someone must’ve had to take their kid to work with them that day. After almost an hour I look at the screen and there’s David Graeber cackling into his microphone. 😂
@Anti-Parasite2023-pp8uu 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm more confused than anything. What exactly IS a state? How do we define weather a state even exists or not? According to Communists, the state is an apparatus of class specific violence, which is controlled by one class and used to opress the other. Sounds simple enough so far. But by that definition, it sounds like the state is an ACTION, not an object. How exactly do the Anarchists define what even is a state, and more importantly, how exactly does a stateless society do things that differenciates it from a statist one? Do they, like, use militia instead of a state police or something like that?
@supercobra1746 8 ай бұрын
Hello, comrades! Check out the paper on dialectics and Singular-Particular-Universal
@doctors9160 8 ай бұрын
Great video! It easily explains what dialectics are and uses real and easy to grasp examples.
@tomnanD3 9 ай бұрын
As you can see, Lenin got Marx all wrong. He and Stalin set up what amounts to state capitalism. Lenin thought the masses were too stupid to understand the system, thus creating a top-down society, the opposite of what Marx wanted. This ultimately led to an authoritarian state, again, something Marx never envisioned.
@JakeTKZ06 9 ай бұрын
Man, I thought sociology would be better than this 😭😭
@brooketindel5358 9 ай бұрын
you don’t hate Mondays…you hate capitalism 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jonnymahony9402 9 ай бұрын
where can i find the texts of the indiginous people??
@jonnymahony9402 9 ай бұрын
whyyy was the faq cut out goddamn?
@OzgurNevres 10 ай бұрын
A classic Marxist gibberish. Put a lot of scientific words into a bucket, shake it, and you get a soup of scientific-looking nonsense (which is actually pseudoscience). All use the same tactic, the religionists, the Marxists, Scientologists, etc. This video actually tells nothing. To whom watching this video: If you didn't understand one thing, or you are confused even more, there's nothing wrong with you.
@freegeorgia4808 10 ай бұрын
The new red guard huh. Its thr same lies always used to dominate the people. Its the arrogance that only they know whats best for you.