@frederickanderson1860 6 сағат бұрын
Can't he not realise that in Isaiah chapter 29 its like a sealed book. Apostle Paul said same in Romans chapter 11.
@matt291 13 сағат бұрын
The context was they demanded to know who/what he was. His response was considered blasphemous so they tried to kill him. What could he have said? In short he claimed to be God.
@investigasichannel Күн бұрын
He is the biggest liar
@richel4911 Күн бұрын
First of all you're wrong on calling out and mistaken the Jews as Hebrews. Ask yourself how old is the word Jew? And when did it become synonymous with the word Hebrew to appear in the Bible? When you find the answers, then you return to the book of Genesis and dig deeper reading more about the cannanite wars and follow the timelines of how the cannanites were absorbed into the Hebrew traditional society. Now return to the new testament bearing in mind that cannanites are actually semitic Arabs, now ask yourself who were the two social political groups that opposed each other within the Hebrew society. Let me help you understand that Pharisee and Saducee were actually respectively Jews and Arabs. But the actual division happened during the fall of Rome and the Jews migrated into Europe with the Romans while the Arabs remained in Jerusalem eventually occupying the environs and spreading. The Hebrews due to God's prophecy were purged and the 12 tribes scattered lost to Africa as preserved by God until the end of time. They cannot return to Jerusalem until God decrees it after Apocalypse (don't question God). Recent return to cannan Isreal by Jews is to reclaim the land of their ancestors which infact is same as ancestral land of all Semites. So essentially Jews are Arabs and the land is free for who ever can retake it by force (read Revelation 13, as helped by a bigger beast of nation), but the semitic religious divide is a problem not caused by Jesus, nor Christianity nor God because Jews don't recognise Jesus. Semites have always been a waring, opposing factions made up of Moabite, Amolekites, Jebusites etc that occupied Cannan regions before the Hebrew conquests. Pharisee Jews retained traditional Judaism while Arabs Saducee abandoned it and founded Islam. You understand now right?? 😮
@MiraculousLadybug-InUrdu Күн бұрын
*Fat ShaMoon, The Wi'fe Bea'ter!..🎅🏼💅🏻✨*
@josejose-je6xu Күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂Fools 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Wasting Their Time To Argue About Gods 😂😂😂😂😂These Fools Dont Know Ancient Humans Created Gods 😂😂😂😂😂
@josejose-je6xu Күн бұрын
Bible Is Full Of Errors Quran Too 😂😂😂😂😂 Everything Is Fake 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 History Proving That Jesus Crucified But Quran Said Not Sure About Jesus Crucified😂😂😂😂😂Lol Quran And Bible Both Fake Books😂😂😂😂😂😂
@BilalDar-z8t Күн бұрын
What do you mean God telling a lie that Abraham had only one son unless Isaac was unborn at the time God ordered Abraham
@BilalDar-z8t Күн бұрын
Because at the time of sacrifice Ishmail was the only son Abraham had. Isaac was not born then.
@azishadvuba2407 2 күн бұрын
Even the Bible verses quoted, out of context, destroy the quran. There's over 40 writers of the Bible (who mostly never met with each other) but agree in one thought/message, one quran writer but contradicts himself. Islam is a joke.
@ChrisM-ve6qc 2 күн бұрын
trinity - more made up nonsense. Some ancient scribe mis-wrote a story and the scribe’s typo loosely implied trinity. And voila religionists declare trinity true.
@pass12 2 күн бұрын
Begotten perhaps means NOT by man's ways (of trial and error) but by the Origin's guide.
@stevenrajab538 2 күн бұрын
May Allah almighty grant him highest level in jannah his Legacy still alive
@LindeeLove 2 күн бұрын
What weird looking nostrils.
@19Zee 3 күн бұрын
If Christian think Sam as educated in theology May god save them.
@leaflight7903 4 күн бұрын
For these types of christians, I usually go to how cosmic skeptic debunk them with ease. These apologetics are more brainrot than atheists
@srdrmhssn 4 күн бұрын
Should do an Endgame version with our newer brother in Dawah scene
@gregorylatta8159 4 күн бұрын
A rare case when I support James White
@breakdownmm8991 5 күн бұрын
Without lies islam dies The bible never knew who momo was. And The bible has nothing to do with momo. Its all about christ jesus stop lying
@Mariamblu 5 күн бұрын
The Spider-Man dance 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂
@ChristianMythsDebunked 5 күн бұрын
micheal brown bloody lier he mixed isaiah 53 with 42
@Tommy-lf8sl 5 күн бұрын
Muhammad is not prophesied in the bible.......God made a covenant through Isaac and the prophets came through the covenant of Isaac were Jews not arabs..
@jaketwigg1065 4 күн бұрын
God also made a covenant with Ishmael. And the covenant is conditional. The Israelites broke it. So Muhammad was sent with the Final Revelation. Get ready for Judgement Day. You will be held accountable for your own deeds my friend. Don’t ever think otherwise. Or do.
@bluelightmoon777 6 күн бұрын
Yall are coping hard, momo didnt just marry he did a little more to that little girl ... if one is a pdf.file ill call him that, simple as that and no one is claiming isaac was "the best of mankind, the perfect moral example" if you would have no problem with that action you would answer honestly instead of relying to "rebekka was 3" i dont care who was 3 who was 9, pdf file is pdf.file
@darkness2noor 6 күн бұрын
The little girl who went on to narrate 1000s of his narrations without saying one bad thing about him ﷺ. Why didn’t any missionary raise an issue with this 100 years before this? Were you all sleeping then and suddenly woke up? Rebecca was 3 clearly said by the Rabbi. If Jesus allowed that marriage in those days, why do you raise an objection now? Are you a hypocrite?
@bluelightmoon777 5 күн бұрын
@@darkness2noor Bro Jesus in the Bible called a 12 year old a little girl 🤣🤦‍♂️ whats up with rebecca ? How does her marriage justify momo mounting a 9 year old when he was 53 ? Pdf.file is pdf.file if Jesus would have done that i wouldnt follow him simple as that
@bluelightmoon777 5 күн бұрын
@@darkness2noor also who says Jesus allowed it ? The bible says for marriage she must be past her youth, in the old testament a lot of things were done which God didnt like and these stories are in it, the problem is you guys think anything prophets do is perfectly fine for all times like wtf its not the bible even says all humans are sinners, except well Jesus thats why he is the role model of christians and the true "best of mankind" not momo who was a big sinner
@darkness2noor 5 күн бұрын
@@bluelightmoon777 Where is the age of marriage defined in the Bible? Do you want me to show you where the Bible allowed child marriage? Or you want to do your own research before replying again? Again Ayesha (ra) narrated thousands of Hadith of the prophet ﷺ. Why not one saying a bad thing about him? Secondly why no one raised this objection 100 years before this? Did the Holy Spirit not speak to Christian Missonaries about this issue for the past 1300 years?
@bluelightmoon777 5 күн бұрын
@@darkness2noor just answer a simple question is it ok if a 53yr old man defloweres a 9 year old ? Also explain pelase how a 6yr old child becomes fully physically and mentally mature in 3 years by the age of nine ? Good luck explaining that to a doctor
@Intergalactic-v5z 6 күн бұрын
Uh bro… he is literally a Bible scholar
@elijah-endtimeberean 6 күн бұрын
Is there a verse in the bible where Mary said "i am a virgin"?
@elijah-endtimeberean 6 күн бұрын
Is there a verse in the bible where God says, I am God, worship me?
@TangaPoopy 6 күн бұрын
Did Muhammed even have a wife named rihanna?
@LifeLyne2099 6 күн бұрын
I'm gonna have to bury you now for lying on my bible 1/ the servant is named to be Israel. In Isaiah 41. 2/ the servant isn't a warrior no good translation says warrior. It's says hell bring justice. 3/ the servant is said to have the spirit of the Lord put on him. The spirit is ofc separate and uncreated from your god Allah. Therefore he can't have a spirit out on him. 4. Isaiah 50. Says the servant will pay the price for sins. In Islam this is wrong. 5/ Isaiah 49: 8. The servant is meant to restore Israel. Not fight it like it says to in the quaran. 6/ the kedar in Isaiah 42: 11. Is referring to the kedar next to the red sea. Not the Arabian kedar. 7/ Isaiah 42: 10-17. Is not a prophecy. It's a song for Yaweh and his son Jesus. 8/ Isaiah 42: 10-17 isn't talking about the messenger it's referring to god. 9/ Isaiah 42: 14. If this his muhhammd and not a metaphor for anguish (it is) muhhammd cries like a woman . Not a retort just thought it was funny. You also think he would be leading the blind. He didn't . 10/ Isaiah 42. Is referring Jesus. Or at the very least an Israelite. 11/ what did we learn about reading yourselves into other people's books. Tomorrow your gonna to try read him into the deathly hallows 12/ there is no 12. Is 11 points not good enough. Keep my bible out of your mouths.
@LifeLyne2099 6 күн бұрын
13/ muhhammd laid wast to no hills or mountains.
@LifeLyne2099 6 күн бұрын
14. Isaiah 39 describes a prophet warning of muhhammd. A prophet that is poor and lives in the woods. Who was that? Muhhammd had no one of the sort.
@LifeLyne2099 6 күн бұрын
15/Christ is king. Repent of this Islamic falsehood. Come back to the light my brothers. Come out of the dark.
@andhbak 7 күн бұрын
Sheikh deedat (ra) taught Christians a lesson of logic that will haunt them forever
@slimero3039 7 күн бұрын
Surah 61:14 says the Disciples were given the power to DOMINATE over the disbelievers. Which message dominated and dominates today? If the message is wrong, the Quran lied in Surah 61:14 If the message is right, Quran is still wrong. Your Quran says in Surah 3:55 that the followers of Christ are SUPERIOR until the day of resurrection. Which message is superior? If our message is wrong, again allah lied in Surah 3:55 If our message is right, Quran is still false. Very false contradicting book of yours buddy.
@MatJac-w8p 7 күн бұрын
Also the son only does what he sees the father do.
@Truth771 6 күн бұрын
He sees what the father does, you and your father sitting in a room watching you Father actions, does that makes one figure or you're still two persons? Whatever you try to manipulate cannot be One being
@MatJac-w8p 6 күн бұрын
@@Truth771 1 being 3 parts. Like the eyes nose and ears of a 1 body. Same body 3 parts
@Truth771 6 күн бұрын
@@MatJac-w8p : Ridiculous Jesus was having eyes, nose and ear so =1 Is the Father like Jesus or has no eyes, nose and ear?. So =1 The Holy Spirit also =1 So it is 1+1+1=? Are a kid?.
@robertpundsack1363 7 күн бұрын
Note well this guy being a Muslim . Has no idea of which he speaks,concerning our God's truth. He deliberately distorts the truth of God to promote his faith. Islam. Do you truly believe he's honest with interpretation. First he hasn't the ability to comprehend God's truth. I've proven him wrong nine times. Upon Jesus birth the angel of God made this truth. Matthew 1:21-23. So yes he was called Emmanuel. Now during his walk with us. Did some dude walk up and say, hey Emmanuel how's yah doing. No. Note he tried to delete, yes. . upon birth Jesus was called Emmanuel. Spelt with an I. Means same .God with us. As a believer ,I dennounce such deliberate deceiver
@KentEdinburghUK 7 күн бұрын
Jesus did not write any injeel..
@tanzeelurrehman1985 7 күн бұрын
Usman IBN Farooq , Sabeel Ahmed , Adnan Rasheed , Hashim , Mansur , Smile 2 Jannah , Scdawah , DawahWise , Towards Eternity , Muslim Lantern , Ali Dawah , Blogging Theology , Dawah Over Dunya , Hamza's Den , I am The Warner , Muhammad Hijab , Subboor Ahmad , The Muslim Skeptic and obviously Dr Zakir Naik. These all Muslim Speakers debunking fake , satanic , man made religions , at their best. But Guidance is ONLY From ALLAH اَللّٰهُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ.
@axelf-crazyfrog4048 7 күн бұрын
Dr deedat (A.S)or(imam mahdi) 😎 final prophet of allah 😜sent to defend his father muhammad with irrelevant and illogical claim
@hagaibinsealtiel3745 7 күн бұрын
Look up 1 Thessalonians 5:23 where man (human) is said to consist of : 1) a body 2) a mind 3) a spirit So man is a trinity How come? Because GOD CREATED man (Adam) to be like HIMSELF Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generstions of Adam. In the day that GOD CREATED man, in the likeness of GOD MADE HE him. Adam and his descendants are all trinity because GOD IS TRINITY (not "A Trinity" !)
@wail_52_ 7 күн бұрын
Are they comfortable believing in something that are not clear in the new testament let alone the old testament instead of believe that God is one.
@InlaudatusPropheta 7 күн бұрын
Water has three forms. Is liquid water, water? Is solid ice water? Is water vapor water? 3 forms of being one essence. 3 methods of existence one element
@wail_52_ 7 күн бұрын
But it is the same object. So it's an analogy of modalism. Thr Trinity is supposed to be 3 divine person in one God and they're equal. And it's a illogical and inconsistent and a paradoxical belief
@arthur13-w4z 8 күн бұрын
"I and the father are one". " God so loved the world that he gave his onlyn begotten son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish"
@slimero3039 8 күн бұрын
Ahmed Deebat, publicly rebuked and warned of God’s punishment for his perverted twisting of scripture, suffered a stroke, leaving him paralyzed and unable to speak for 9 years of suffering.
@plato7770 8 күн бұрын
Are the grams of protein weighed cooked or uncooked?
@ericbouchard1531 8 күн бұрын
Not biblical, there is no trinity in the Bible. The holy spirit, Yeshua and the father are ONE !! The same .
@international.pineapple6286 8 күн бұрын
Except the verse that says they are One john 10:30, right before in john 10:26-29 says they are 2 distinct persons working in unison so no thats heresy
@SaveManWoman 8 күн бұрын
Not true , two are steps one is real thing, hence always available.
@josuemontes8389 8 күн бұрын
I don't think we Will ever understand the Nature of Trinity
@andrewbrown9497 6 күн бұрын
Of course not how can someone understand what is not true?
@josuemontes8389 6 күн бұрын
@@andrewbrown9497 there are tons of stuff we cant understand, doesn make them not true
@andrewbrown9497 6 күн бұрын
​@@josuemontes8389 But we are told God is one. We are not told God is three.
@andrewbrown9497 6 күн бұрын
​@@josuemontes8389 Therefore we cannot understand what is not true.
@josuemontes8389 6 күн бұрын
@@andrewbrown9497 ?
@AngloProtestant 8 күн бұрын
They do not have three separate minds but are unified in their divine will and purpose. Our Triune God is One Divine Essence, with Unity of Will and Purpose, Distinct Personalities (the Father is the source, the Son is the mediator and savior, and the Holy Spirit is the active presence in the world and in believers), and at the same time we acknowledge the mystery of the Trinity ( We attempt to articulate the complex nature of God’s being, recognizing that human language and understanding are limited when describing the divine) That's the best I can describe it for anyone with genuine questions.
@MrMr11574 8 күн бұрын
Will is a personal attribute, derived from individual consciousness and subjective experience, persons have wills, not natures, and it seems you affirmed for every person of the trinity, a separate role to do, that entails different centre’s of consciousness which is by definition different minds
@PatrickDenehy-f4k 8 күн бұрын
@@AngloProtestant nonsense. Pure fiction. You scraped together texts that say nothing of the sort. You debate the apostle Paul. Such arrogance and stupidity. Just because you let someone convince you, doesn't make you right.
@wail_52_ 7 күн бұрын
And what about the only father knows the hour ? And it doesn't mean declare not does the human nature is ignorant Besides saying that each have the same will should be present in the scripture. And you should remember that the Trinity is 3 co equal divine persons in one God. And if I asked you is the persons are independent or dependent on the each other. Either answer is not the Trinity -if they're independent then they're 3 separate Gods. - if dependent on each other and have same will then 1. You have no right to say that Jesus is God bcoz each person is dependent and God is always independent 2. 3 separate dependent persons cannot never give you an independent one 3. Since each person is not God then partialism is your belief. God is limitless and we are limited. But that is a worst excuse for shutting your brain and believe blindly. God created brain and intellect to search for him. and we conclude that polytheism cannot be true bcoz the inconsistency and the unsolved paradox(like car with 2 Wheels) And with our intellect we conclude that monotheism is the logical Truth. We're not saying that the Trinity is incomprehensible. We say it's illogical and inconsistent and have a contradictory definition. So anyone even christians admitted that the Trinity is illogical like polytheism then who it's called monotheism let alone the logical Truth ?
@AngloProtestant 7 күн бұрын
​@@MrMr11574 I think you are placing human implications of a word onto the descriptive words of God. Let me clarify by saying that will is not a personal attribute to each individual part of the Triune God. All 3 parts share one will and is a function of their divine nature and not derived from their individuality. Since the three persons share the same divine nature, they also share the same will, even though they relate to creation and redemption in different ways. This is why we can speak of the Son willingly submitting to the Father in the Incarnation without implying separate minds or conflicting wills. The distinctions within the Trinity are of relation, not of separate beings or wills. When we assign roles to the persons of the Trinity (Father as source, Son as mediator, Holy Spirit as presence), we do so to express their distinct relations and actions within salvation history, not to imply distinct consciousnesses or minds. The roles are not separated or divided but are part of the unified work of the one God. Finally, the mystery of the Trinity transcends human logic and categories like "consciousness" and "mind," which are finite human concepts. The unity of God in the Trinity is both beyond our full comprehension and fully revealed in Scripture as one God, not three.
@darkness2noor 5 күн бұрын
How do the second and third person not know the hour then? Just basing it on your statement that all 3 parts share one will. Also saying that God has parts is a heresy.
@mitchkori 8 күн бұрын
@Chris-u7e7f 8 күн бұрын
Looking at the 3 anunaki gods in regards to the trinity, now threinity makes sense....it's w different beings and above them is the creator