3:26 メスのシャチがコンクリートの障壁を滑って横切ると、外陰部が刺激されて排尿することもあります。また、メスのシャチがコンクリートの障壁の上で排便すると、液状の排泄物が膣口を汚します。A female orca sliding across a concrete barrier can also stimulate her vulva and causing her to urinate, and when the female orca defecates on the concrete barrier, her liquid feces stains her vaginal opening.
@RosalynHo10032 күн бұрын
8:04 💖✨💖✨💖ステラは37歳ですが、彼女の体の外観はまだ美しいです。Although Stella is 37 years old, her body appearance is still beautiful.