White Mediocrity Explained
4 ай бұрын
Why Trauma Porn Sells
4 ай бұрын
Systemic Racism Explained
5 ай бұрын
Red Flags: Descendants
5 ай бұрын
Reverse Racism Isn't Real
5 ай бұрын
Is the South More Racist?
5 ай бұрын
Return Home to Harlem
5 ай бұрын
Russian Reckoning
5 ай бұрын
Red Flags: Black Communists
5 ай бұрын
Democracy Was Always The Answer
Russian Reality Check
5 ай бұрын
When in Moscow
5 ай бұрын
Defining Racism & White Supremacy
Mission to Moscow
6 ай бұрын
The Film
6 ай бұрын
@Rexarius1 Күн бұрын
I need reparations for wasting my time with this video
@unknownvip00 Күн бұрын
Damn you explained it perfectly bro 🤝🏾💯
@christfree537 2 күн бұрын
This message 💯💯💯 reparations
@joiacrearperry7150 2 күн бұрын
Man in the Mirror 🌑1️⃣🦾🙌🏽👊🏽👿🐲
@Mark-vg7gb 3 күн бұрын
Something is inherently wrong with black culture and it's not fixable. 87% of America is tired of having to babysit and raise black people. We are thankful there are few if any in our communities, schools and places of business. kzbin.info/www/bejne/eHa2l4CVqsaUrLc
@Mark-vg7gb 3 күн бұрын
Something is inherently wrong with black culture and it's not fixable. 87% of America is tired of having to babysit and raise black people. We are thankful there are few if any in our communities, schools and places of business. kzbin.info/www/bejne/eHa2l4CVqsaUrLc
@Mark-vg7gb 3 күн бұрын
Something is inherently wrong with black culture and it's not fixable. 87% of America is tired of having to babysit and raise black people. We are thankful there are few if any in our communities, schools and places of business. kzbin.info/www/bejne/eHa2l4CVqsaUrLc
@cambodianz 3 күн бұрын
I support reparations, but only for white and Asian Americans as they’re the ones paying net taxes. Everyone else is a net negative on the system financially and I believe whites and Asians are entitled to compensation.
@lexusprovencano7 5 күн бұрын
White man: Dont play victims please,Africans start slavery,Arabs from Africa...and other black guys uni with Arabs,but they made mistake
@bethmcgill5944 5 күн бұрын
I think its the aggregate of patterns and practices that arrive at oppression. Some of these practices may seem facially neutral, but disparately and adversely affect black people.
@bethmcgill5944 6 күн бұрын
Black culture and communities have been coopted through gentrification. Potent drugs were brought into black neighborhoods during the 80s and we lost a lot of black capital, for example, I had a brilliant cousin, who could have potentially run a Fortune 500 company, but succumbed to drugs. Also, many black people living in a house for decades, did not own them. All over, white people have had a cascading effect, including property taxes to undermine the black community, resulting in displacement of black residents into non existent affordable housing or homelessness. At the same time, black people opt out of keeping their "wealth" and resources in the community.
@bethmcgill5944 6 күн бұрын
Reverse discrimination is a term used by white people when they feel that blacks have an advantage. It also undermines remedies designed to redress present effects of past discrimination....hence white "victims" getting Affirmative Action and DEI repealed.
@justbass4 6 күн бұрын
I work around black people. They do believe this. Genetic IQ is real, just like athleticism.
@joeangel4864 6 күн бұрын
A bunch of lies
@joeangel4864 6 күн бұрын
Neanderthals are over 200,000 years old that’s where white people came from. You guys just reinventing stupid stories to try to hate on the white race. Just just trying to feel relevant about yourself because african history is European history.
@ChaseVase 6 күн бұрын
I just wanted know how the word racist spelled backwards
@7470alexander 7 күн бұрын
You said, "Republicans are white supremacists". Abraham Lincoln should have not bothered then. Amiright?
@sundeepthandi3608 7 күн бұрын
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
@korunum2101 7 күн бұрын
Who cares where they sit? You guys are evil; trying hard to always find fault...
@marcbillingsley359 9 күн бұрын
Whatever brotha, you can go with all the statistics you like, but I am eternally grateful that my ancestors moved from the South to Pittsburgh and Detroit. You're obviously biased because you're from the South and you're proud of it, but I'm just as proud of being a four-generation Detroiter. Because I know that my city and other northern cities played prominent roles in the survival of Black America, PERIOD!
@poitiers2853 10 күн бұрын
Everything good and popular, black folk invented. Everything bad and unpopular, white folk invented. Okay, got it.
@SPSHSP 11 күн бұрын
I think everyone especially the dominant culture to genuinely understand unconscious bias and systemic oppression. But the laws are setup to perpetuate systemic oppression. Not sure how to get to a solution
@FlyCleansingChick 12 күн бұрын
@garthhunt7238 12 күн бұрын
Race hustlers are no damn good whatever color they are.
@garthhunt7238 12 күн бұрын
I love teaching my White children that they have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about by simply being White. I also love teaching them racism, whatever color espouses it, is 100% wrong.
@skyesthelimit6792 13 күн бұрын
Amazes me how this movie isn't racist but a movie the complete opposite would be. Such a disgusting hypocrite society we live in right now.
@SonofDavid0814 14 күн бұрын
Wait a minute. Did I just hear you define yourself as a white peopoligist? Where did you get that degree from? lol! I ain’t mad at you my Brother!
@seriejohnson698 14 күн бұрын
The devil.
@Robert-nu4vc 15 күн бұрын
Hoax my ass!!! Black on black crime is rampant, and blacks committing crimes in general is rampant. Gtfo of here. We're taking matters into our own hands soon.
@Cudjoe-jv4kl 15 күн бұрын
The Anunnaki.
@oliverludwig6148 15 күн бұрын
Michael Harriot is racist.
@carmenperalta7207 16 күн бұрын
Proverbs 26:22 “ Jealousy “ is often the root of spreading Rumors … Isaiah 43:18 ; Why is the Lord against us dwelling on the past ? Because doing so can cause us to get stuck where we are . When our focus is on the past ; it’s too easy for us to feel sorry for ourselves. Genesis 50:20, Because God is the author of every moment, history as a form of knowledge is objective without being impersonal - yet personal without being arbitrary or unpredictable….Ecclesiastes 1:9, Nothing new under the sun ? When we choose to live life outside of Faith of God, things are really Crazy”” now compared to years past ? Of course not society is not getting worst; society is generally what it always has been. All of culture, and humanity in general , is striving against God, due to our sinful nature, and that is manifest in our actions . We may hear about it more now than years ago, we may see Political Leaders taking official policy stances that are illogical, ungodly, un setting, but none of it is truly new. -Consider Ancient Egypt, where God’s people were in held in slavery. - Consider Sodom and Gomorrah, where God, wiped out both cities as a consequence of THIER rejection of Him .. - Consider Noah and the society that had grown so Corrupt God sent the flood … -Consider the Garden of Eden were sin first brought separation between God and humanity … -Finally , consider the cross; where the one person who never committed wrong , the one person who never spoke a lie , was sentenced to death for speaking TRUTH that was hard to bear . No, the world isn’t changing, there is nothing new under the sun . Yet, it is in the midst of knowing that the world 🌎 is what it always been that we clearly see that God’s grace is all that will give us hope and purpose. The truth of the matter is that nothing should take us by SURPRISE “! But , the world is facing pandemic ! It has before but in people these days tend to SIN and REACT in HATE !! Kingdom of God of which we are all invited to be citizen … Giving the Lord glory and honor, obeying his commands, and accepting that his way is SUPREME and HUMANS are limited CREATURES with finite power, capacity and capability . Understand , hardship happens to us all, and know that there is no meaning to found in life apart from the Lord, who reigns supreme over all, it ends with the instructions to “ FEAR GOD “ and his commandments ‘. ( Ecclesiastes 12:13) “ Be still and know that I am God” , “ pray without ceasing “, “ do not fear “ The Lord says…” I am the Alpha and the Omega [ the beginning and end ] , “ says the Lord God, who is [ existing forever ] and who was [ continually existing in the past ] and who is to come, the Almighty [ Omnipotent, the Ruler of All ].”.. Respectfully to all readers and Prince and Kings and Dictators and Presidents and To the Wealthiest that egos of both males and females are above ground and to the poorest people and to the high learners and to those uneducated , Life is Short without FAITH and aims to HUMILIATE and disregard the WORLD hunger and poverty in all races of HUMANITY , we’re is all the wealthiest people and there vanity and egos of the past history ! All , returned back back to ashes “ and dust , that’s how; all the humans of this corrupted world , will end !! The wealthiest and poorest must respect each other and work “ to spread LOVE AND HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY AND RESPECT FOR “ HUMANITY SAKE “ .. We’re falling apart from the HUMAN RACE ! NOTHING WE, TAKE WITH US IN DEATH BUT LEAVE BEHIND AN UNBALANCED WORLD and HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF - If, can help another human in society do it, without anything in return and spread HELPING HAND TO CREATE A BETTER WORLD, WITH KINDNESS AND CONSIDERATION in these difficult times and seed more LOVE ❤️ and LESS SOCIETY OF LIES OF MANKIND COMPLAINERS and Say, yes to START LIVING BLESSING NOW, life is too SHORT TODAY WE’re LIVING today , AND TOMORROW NOT PROMISE !! Amen 🙏
@Kingsunstar632 16 күн бұрын
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
The human race is a variety just like in nature. In Austrailia we have kangaroo and duckbill platypus, in Africa we have Lion and giraffe, in Alaska seals and polar bear...etc. Yet in this human race our heart and soul is the same in gaining the light of virtue or falling into vice. Cruelty is the absense of kindness, hate the absense of love, etc...just like darkness does not really exist it is only the absense of light.
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
History is human history we should own it together root out our evil traits and establish unity in diversity just like a veritable garden. The more good things you add to the garden and soon it becomes so balanced that there are actually no bad things because the good cancels the bad. For that humankind must develop our heart qualities. Love cancels hate, learning cancels ignorance, kindness cancels cruelty, wisdom cancels wrong thinking because the heart is leading the head.
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
The human heart is the same all over the planet. Spiritually it either has the light of virtue or it absence which is vice. When a room is dark the dark does not actually exist it is just the absense of light. Skin color doesn't cause anything. Our hearts cause it. The mind that is not informed and guided by the virtues of the human heart, will do evil. Materialism is the heart attached to material gain ego pride prejudice... That LOVE of money instead of spirit being the root of all evil. We fought racism loud and proud since the 50s, today it looks like several divided groups all fighting each other for turf in prostitution and drug trade. That is modern slavery and money madness the same same same exploitation. All over the planet women and children are fed up. Men who just want to fight or F each other do not care about us. Where's the human heart in that? The equation is wrong
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
Hatred is the absense of love.
@carmenperalta7207 17 күн бұрын
You’re the type of person I, like why you are , just like all those profit maker by spreading negative reviews!! Racism is in every country and ecthnicity is more called “ jealousy and insecure or emotional distress and even immaturity by ignorance raised by all the world corrupted families !! Every day I, see myself in the mirror and am a Mexican women with European ancestry’s Portugal , French , Spain and multados with indigenous roots and I say to myself your so beautiful and blessed to have every seed of life’s ethnicity rooted in my life . And, if I was only from one breed of Aztec Mexican root or not is called “ human beings “ . It’s truly amusing to hear and see how adults in this family of corrupted world of falling souls of lies and misfortune of telling tales to profit gains thru your you-tube or gossip pods casts channel stereotypes about history of anyone in this world for all those nieve folks out there do, your self a true history favor and search your roots of your own race and identify yourself , how would my life be without any race involvement? That’s one and two ; how each country of every corrupted people of the world makes you feel living in the devil lands of each breathen that speaks evilness amongst another ? Be kind to yourself and if , each person reads this can you be truthful and I know it’s the hardest thing in this relationship of corrupted people of families in the world to do but if, we all can understand and practice truthfulness and compete with each other about being honest instead competing on ignorance of lies and betrayal and grooming each other with deep manipulation skills of falling souls to the lands of devils . I say this with honesty truly devils lands in each corrupted people of the world for many humans forgotten what each lands in the world belongs too truthfully and respectfully doesn’t belong to the black man that keeps using bribery of being victimized or sold enslaved by the white man or the white man being spread as a part of schemes to make professional propaganda for an agenda of racism .. creates marketing strategies of ratings and sells for profitable gains $$. And way to steer conflicts and to market to those nieve young and older adults in corrupting your minds with tales of non history that many great manipulator’s of mastering evilness to those who fall prey and weak minded by spreading wickedness and to all human race , The Lord said cast the first stone if , you or your country’s tribe have not sinned against another . That’s to difficult to ask ?! For the world human race has past and presently still now in every ethnicity still spreading toxic evil to one another hurted , killed , rape, abuse, neglected , rob, steal , bribe, corrupted , lust, gossip lies, betrayed, and adulterous sexual abuse and sexual harassment against humanity in children and women and in every human men in this greedy society ! And , so slavery has been a abuse from each tribe in the world ! Still continues today in Africa , Arab countries and Europe and Latin is a part of the devil that’s has been rooted from the beginning of MANKIND OF WICKEDNESS “” evil doesn’t discriminate anyone race or gender nor ethnicity for thanksgiving no one truly understands nor respect the lord words.. so, don’t forget Black men , White men , Arab men , Latin men , Asian men , Idgenous men you are all bonded by the same evil root for the lands I , call them devils lands in every race has truly become just that “ the devils lands “ for all men and yes , women your not living alone has played a part each life to “ CORRUPT “ this world with tales of lies and extortions, bribery , physical and mental abuse, murdering one another and trafficking every race into sex or labor , drugstore of men of greed called dope houses 🏡 with illegal drugs to sell to young and old , rich or poor, educated or not , religious falsehood preachers comes in every shaded country of life called “ humans being “ ! Dysfunctional families falling apart through false religion and friends and society of every “Race” !! When , in fact every human race has betrayed God , words and disrespect the truthful “ king “ our creator of the human race by worshiping your another ( God ) the love of money 💰 and your pleasurable life of material things , that the world corrupted people of lies of shameful bribery with smooth talkers , and racism strategies don’t bother me one bit about history in the past okay , for wicked snakes uses it for bribery another mind of illusion and corrupted confusion to be groomed with evil thoughts okay , no more then prison inmates both men or women sees young or older adults slow or out of touch with reality or even addicts to drugs and they either male or female “” prey “” on you for weakness and start grooming you with items later to do awful things sexual or become sex mate to cash in from your body and the same way from these snakes of marketing “ racism “ on Main Street media tic tok or internet podcast and you tube marketing strategies okay complain about racism in America but go to Africa you still have racism within another tribes and sex or labour trafficking too like in any other corrupted military servicemen or females today you got to look both genders for both has great sinful choices straight people of all races or bi sexual gay or lesbian corrupted people too when there’s emotional consequences in each life and when MONEY “ becomes the number one main issues in life instead of God , this what we have dysfunctional society of all national and international communities of all race trying to do what ever it can for the love Of Money ‘.. dysfunctional families we all have yes, rich or poor and educated or not every family has an issue with family members but there other families that sees there family members doing wrong things and don’t stop there evilness tactics of many things because the LOVE OF MONEY so much greater THAN GOD JUST THAT SIMPLE People !! That world families hush , stages conflicts , uses stealing from people minds and materials items then doing the right thing and guess what folks I don’t live in the past and many storytelling are not truthful about the truth did you understand this ?!! Like a drug addict for a quick high will sell THIER child for sex for drugs ok , false religious preacher with give false religion and few has sexually abused THIER church children ? Guess what folks many are also in the black churches too like falling Preacher EDDIE LONG FROM ATLANTA ,GA LIKE ANY OTHER RACES OF FALLING SOULS., drug dealers comes in every country and shade of color , money all comes down to mighty ruin souls for the loved of money 💰.. toxic people uses every human lies each can think of to manipulate your mind and often you fall into selling your soul in sex trafficking with another for them money money dollar bill ya’ll !! That’s what toxic people do Spread Evil in the world for they don’t have God , in them okay nothing good comes out thy mouth 👄 that HEART ❤️ is full of Evilness … keep that in mind world family.. I live today and see many things and people of all races being corrupt by the MIGHTY DOLLAR NOT THE MIGHTY WHITE MEN , your. excuses to market evil to people when like I committed early on this text look into your tribe everyone knows we’re we all come from see how , each community treats each other and talk to me about racism ?! It’s in each mistreatment for the love of money but it started at home first ?! You, understand everything starts at home , your upbringing and every one had personal opinions and experience in each race of IGNORANCE !! Cast that first stone and tell God , your father king , your creator you were in slaved by only the white race of mankind and this reflection of life goes to all readers !!? Fed up with ignorance in this corrupted world of lies and manipulation for ambitious people of greedy hearts over nieve minds !! God is waiting for the world corrupted souls of people to come back to earth reality of life of truthfulness and happiness and spirit of respect for mankind and come to God not your Money 💰 “” worshippers of skilled workers of wickedness !! Punch of deceiving hypocrites !!
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
It has nothing to do with skin. Those of us who see human beings as the same felt hurt and horrified over slavery and we love to uncover history and fight racism side by side. When you have racial groups fighting for turf it is the same tribalism, racism and feudal mentality. The world is suffering for lack of the true spiritual qualities that can be reflected in a human heart. In that there is only one human race as the LIGHT in our hearts is all the same light, while hatred and anger are the absense of the light of love and happiness. Those things can only come from INSIDE a person. We need a new revelation of spiritual light that suits humanity for this day.All the past religions have sunk into division and materialism yet ALL holy books of the past promised a new revelation for the entire human race including Indigenous oral prophecies. As of now people are full of selfish desires pride and prejudice so the virtues in the hearts have gone dark and we seem to be degenerating. O WELL, it is written. How many people feel bad about women being pimped and children being trafficked male and female? Are people serious? Do their hearts care??
@nancycole-auguste6614 17 күн бұрын
It's not the white of the skin that caused anguish for so called "others" It is MATERIALISM the overtakes the human heart with pride and ego. Once that happens the heart becomes the root of all evil. Justice fairness love and wisdom do not live there and those are the qualities that are supposed to guide the human mind. A mind no matter how great, without heart sees only exploitation and control, by no wisdom. That is why our planet will soon show the finall consequences, as the begining is already upon us. A great test. Mind heart .... where are our souls at?
@manifest.on.sumo2024 17 күн бұрын
Just sounds like an angry child. How embarrassing
@barofone2623 17 күн бұрын
I don't get it. Is this a joke video, or is he serious?
@The1stHannibal-ex5fo 18 күн бұрын
I can predict that everyone who disagrees with you, is "racist" you are so easy to decipher. with your iq of 85, my parrot is more logical than you.
@The1stHannibal-ex5fo 18 күн бұрын
Iq under 85, can't understand what's going on around the world = definition of african countries.
@SalvatoreSalerno-qy6er 18 күн бұрын
Affirmative action was put in place by white northerners.. period
@preparedsetapart9475 18 күн бұрын
“So called White people” Genesis 10:5 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
@ksdncakjnliagbvh 19 күн бұрын
I wish I was a magical negro
@RoxieCarrol215 19 күн бұрын
God...God "invented" white people, he created all people and animals snd plants and like air water... You know, the basics you'll need as a civilization.
@SalvatoreSalerno-qy6er 19 күн бұрын
Ahahahaha ahahahaha !!!! Oh Michael have you lost your mind ! Hello black Chicago 🤣…… 13% of the population committing 71% of the murders. And it’s not just murder , it’s the knee grow violence ,lack of discipline,fatherless children,blight in the projects etc etc! Get real 13%
@jenniferk7779 20 күн бұрын
This is gross. As gross as the tv show in 2022 called Everything's Going To Be All WHITE