How could someone be a part of a play like this at Victory we are new at Victory and we are becoming members we have been blessed to sit at two of Sharon Daugherty Spirit School classes and attending Services now we just moved down from Oklahoma City prayerfully knowing that God was putting us in the direction and we are currently well we have three applications filled out believing for God to open doors and close doors pertaining to where to live and two of the places are very close to Victory and that's what we are shooting for the other one is not very far but a little bit further drive and we would like to stay within the community as the Lord Wills yet I was looking to find out if I could find a sneak peek or even you know a clip of old town outside of that which they showed during services so highly face and I came upon these and I just thought I would ask... Thank you so much God bless this is such a beautiful great work May God bring lucrative increase into this ministry work :-) and I love the accuracy we have watched so many different things and well this is Scott's wife by the way I get irritated because they will leave out for a little parts or they twist the word of God within the production of it and I understand what improvised is improv but there is a thin line between what the Book of Revelation says pertaining to changing even one t on Crosstour when I the. Thereof and that stuff just it's no different than listening to a sermon to an unbeliever if they watch something and they think that it's the Bible being Illustrated if it's not correct in the message is not implied as Jesus wrote it to be then they're not getting fed the gospel but your plays are magnificent and so on point accurate and that is just a rare Jewel to find my husband actually went to OU for a time in his younger years and took classes for acting and also went to Oklahoma photography school and graduated and kind of that stuff has been on the shelf for a while with him after that he got in the oil field and went through a marriage and a divorce and how to bottle with alcohol and have the night that Jack Sparrow met John 3:16 :-) and I really told him that it's been on my heart that it's not a coincidence nor was it in vain that he took these classes and that God I know God wants to use those gifts and Ministry and I'm wondering if this might be that place :-) anyway I thought I'd put this out here my name is Katherine thank you so much nice to meet you by the way a sis in Christ I pray in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit have your way in this open doors no man can close and closes doors no man can open and if this is not for us then amen and we'll just be blessed to be able to watch the production's :-) but if there is anything within this that you have for Scott and I I thank you for making the connections even now in Jesus name amen