VF 1 Christmas
4 ай бұрын
A Johnson Viking Ranger for parts
Demonstration of the Swan WM-6200
@minostigmat Күн бұрын
the price is 50 dollars plus shipping. never use on when using cw ok?
@K1OIK 15 сағат бұрын
English a second language for you?
@W1RMD Күн бұрын
Love these old Kenmores! I wish they would bring back VFD displays. I used a 100W light bulb with my Cubic Astro 103 once just to see how it would work. It was solid state, but didn't seem to mind lighting the lamp. I think it was about a 2:1 or so swr.
@K1OIK 15 сағат бұрын
@W1RMD 11 сағат бұрын
@@K1OIK Vacuum florescent display. The green numbers are actually a sealed vacuum tube with a heater, filament and "plate" or target. Kind of like the magic tuning eyes. Same green phosphor as the crt in an oscilloscope. They used to use these in everything from clock radios, to microwave ovens. Then they got replaced with liquid crystal displays. Ug!
@K1OIK 9 сағат бұрын
@@W1RMD You love abbreviations? What did you do with the time you saved not typing acuum lorescent isplay and not being clear?
@W1RMD 9 сағат бұрын
@@K1OIK Yeah, I'm just lazy. That's the "common" terminology. Not to be confused with VFD= Variable frequency drive. Ha Ha! I've also got a calculator from 1978 that uses this technology. The display tubes not the variable frequency drive. Not as cool as nixie tubes, but still fun to work with. I have a couple of those tubes that are seven segment displays inside of individual tubes about the size of a 12by7a that count seconds on my led (light emitting diode) clock. I've built it using 7490 counters driven by the clock pulses from the larger clock. A flip of the switch and it will run off the 60 hertz (cycle) line frequency. Take care and 73 (seventy three). I look forward to hearing you on "YAY-M". (Amplitude modulation).
@richarddegen6184 8 күн бұрын
Gee, this knob tunes it!!!!!!! no $hit..............
@suzannebenz8928 9 күн бұрын
Great Video! Thanks for the memories!!!! Loved Somerville..the lead
@richarddegen6184 10 күн бұрын
If you don't get at least 300=350 watts out, you have bad finals or need of a total alignment!!!!!!!!!
@kenbaird7067 12 күн бұрын
WoW!!! I would really enjoy one of these. Lots of knobs and switches. A radio that needs real practice to get the best out of it. I have a DX394, also lots of fun. SDRs make DXing too easy. Thanks for your video.
@jackdaniel4325 15 күн бұрын
I couldn’t think of anything you said that I disagreed with. I think you made a lot of good points. I have noticed many hams saying and doing a lot of the things you mentioned. Good video. A lot of food for thought. Jack Daniel / KF5SGC. 73.
@mwj5368 17 күн бұрын
I'm not a good listener but I think you said your dad gave you $80 and it was in the Forties you bought your radio? I have a book, stashed away in my things lost for now, but I thought the value estimate was if I were to buy a Transoceanic in today's money equivalent to what was paid years ago this radio would have been $900. The book I have was I think published 10 or more years ago, so well over $1,000 in today's money. How much did you pay for this radio? Thanks for the demo as I was wondering today with online or digital radio how much shortwave listening was possible today as many stations shut down their traditional radio transmission stations. Are there still a lot of shortwave listeners today? Your radio is a gem because there are no cracks in the plastic and many transoceanics have cracks as people would remove the front and when they put it back in they would tighten the screws too tight and cause cracks which reduces the value. I had the B600 model like yours that I think came out in 1962 and it was the last portable tube radio Zenith made so it was the most advanced. I also had the B600L which the "L" means leather as it had the brown leather covering. Your black fabric covering is easy to repair. Another thing is the antennas would be damaged, bent... Also that schedule booklet behind the little door. Your door is perfect where many they would push down too hard on it and break it away from the metal hinge. Also your magnet antenna is very good where often the white letters are chipped or the paint rubbed off. I would run it on a battery as plugging it in puts a lot of voltage and stress in the system. I ran both of mine on battery packs I bought on eBay with 9 D cell batteries. I used to take mine on picnics and tune around the shortwave band and really miss that, that was 20 years ago when I had a radio hobby while I was taking care of my mother. I had a big Art Deco era RCA 110K floor radio. I loved to tune in an esoteric station somewhere in the world and listen while cleaning or doing the dishes. I miss my mother and those days. I love old tube radios and sadly my ham license for 48 years I missed renewing it and lost my General Class license. No excuses when it expires and it's beyond the grace period they don't care, so I must take the theory test and all over again, a big hassle for me as I forgot a lot of theory. Thanks for this video! Oh, you also lost the brass cones that go in the knobs, but all is purchasable on Ebay.
@K1OIK 17 күн бұрын
I got it in 1958. I contributed $20.
@mwj5368 16 күн бұрын
@@K1OIK Just curious of prices then and now. So your dad contributed $80 and you contributed $20 so it cost $100 in 1958? I imagine you have a lot of knowledge of electronics and I'm hardly even amateur. So I bet your dad wanted to influence you. Do you have a career in electronics?
@K1OIK 16 күн бұрын
@@mwj5368 I was a chief engineer of several radio stations and was an electronics teacher.
@radiotests 18 күн бұрын
A chunk of rope and few knots and it will serve to keep my skiff anchored. Useless gear.
@buffdelcampo 7 күн бұрын
You made one 11-second, useless video three years ago and you make a comment like this. What's wrong with you? I got one of these radios in 1967 when I was 13 and I listened to the world until I graduated from high school. It served me well.
@hs-tc 21 күн бұрын
to tell ya the truth... thanksgiving is my favorite day to be a ham radio operator! I bring my family members up to my room after we eat, and, I blow their minds with my invisible particles of magic radiating from the weird metal structure in the back yard as I converse with people all over the world. I have taken an opportunity on that day for the past 3 years to bring new life into the hobby, and, hearing the warm greetings of the people on the HF nets on that day truly brings warmth to my heart. a lot of those guys don't have a family, and, they kept each other going as the people they once loved slowly fade from their life or they are forced to succumb to the human condition and abandon those they once loved. I hear the repeater connected to the East Coast Reflector go off, many people demonstrating radio to their family (as I often do) for the first time, or checking in with the ECR regulars; the faint noise in the background interrupted by the be-boop of the repeater controller's courtesy tone. every 10 minutes, the robotic voice breaks through the noise of my family talking in the background with the only thing it was ever given the gift of knowledge to know -- "(bing) IRLP link is on; N4xxx repeater". it knows nothing of the importance of the messages it carries, nor do the circuit components in the radios tuned to the various HF nets that day. the radios do their job that day; it's not the radios that makes the amatuer bands any different on Thanksgiving, it's the people. those US-based contesters probably don't have any family, or, are so tired of being argued blue-in-the-face on all subjects A to Z in front of turkey and dressing. in their frustration with their family, they storm off to the hamshack, shut the door, put on their headphones, put their hand on the key, and do one of the few things that brings them comfort -- exchanging signal reports to stations all over the world, robotically, methodically, and without human emotion emparted onto that communication. they wish to operate the radio, not communicate with other hams sometimes for fear of not wanting to hear those same subjects they just had to hear at the dinner table. please be mindful that there are hams like me that love this hobby for two reasons: the juxtaposition of automated machines whose sole duty in their life is to pass messages of us sapient beings, and the wonderful lifelong friends I have met by having my radio-photons refract off of just the right cloud of plasma in the ionosphere to strike just the right antenna. those repeaters know nothing of the human intelligence they carry because they lack any and all forms of it. when I hear my friend's voice on that repeater's downlink frequency come out of the speaker of my radio, I know that's a real person out there -- that voice was emitted by a true friend, one I met on a linked repeater system... on thanksgiving day 2022. I heard him call out on the repeater wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving as I was demonstrating the radio to my family. the reversed courtesy tone told me he was transmitting into the repeater, and, that he was here in town. from then on, he became one of my best friends, met on a day where you say I should be spending time with my family. well, I was, and, it just so happened to be that they witnessed the birth of a friendship. we exchanged signal reports as I demonstrated proper amateur radio practice, and, I told him I would be monitoring the repeater for the rest of the day. most of my family got in their cars and went home as I wished them well, and, as everyone else in the house fell asleep, I went back up to my room. I picked up the microphone, and pressed the button. the T/R relay flies from receive over to transmit, and the radio's transmit VCO started. the display changed as the radio began to display a spectrogram of the FM-modulated waveform. the background noise of the room shows clearly on the waterfall diagram, the PL tone thickening the carrier to the width of my index finger. as I run my finger down that display, I call for that person I talked to earlier... "WA4ABC, this is K4XYZ. you still around?" the T/R relay flies back to receive, the waterfall diagram now showing the spectrogram of the repeater's downlink as the two dits of the courtesy tone roll down the screen. the signal disappears, and, as I contemplate spinning my chair away to work on something else, I hear the noise of the repeater fill the room, followed by his voice. he came back to me, and, he didn't have to. on a day that too was dominated by visiting his family, we both took time to sit in earshot of a radio. we both took time to form a real human connection with our magic boxes, one that would go on to stand the test of time through thick and thin. I know nobody's gonna read this, but, hopefully this blurb brings a little light to this otherwise crazy comment section. 73.
@K1OIK 21 күн бұрын
What a pile of bullshit.
@hs-tc 21 күн бұрын
@@K1OIK wow... really? jeez. thought OMs were supposed to be an inspiration, not the problem!
@K1OIK 21 күн бұрын
​@@hs-tcwhat is the difference between a contester and a loser?
@hs-tc 21 күн бұрын
@@K1OIK a fair question. a contester is very familiar with the means of operation of the radio's hardware, and likely has developed muscle memory for quite a few of the radio's functions (as have emergency-ops operators, common in the commercial LMR world). the ones that can flex strong CW operating ability have neural pathways in their head that our ancestors living in Egypt would have probably thought were impossible to develop -- they can decode an auditory signal containing data at a high speed purely with their brain. a loser, on the other hand, sits around and does little to contribute to society all day. of course, the definition of a loser is variable and subject to application usually by someone seeking to quickly and uneffectively dispense a retort in lieu of proper criticism or rhetorical strength. a loser contributes nothing, whereas a contester actually teaches a valuable lesson to the amateur radio community in my opinion -- I hear traffic nets take 3 hours to transfer 500 bytes of information, whereas a skilled SSB or CW contester gives early computers a run for their money in data throughput and reliability!
@K1OIK 18 күн бұрын
@@hs-tc LMR?
@butterbean4195 23 күн бұрын
anybody remember what is the bulb# and is there a led that will fit?
@K1OIK 23 күн бұрын
@RhettSparrow 28 күн бұрын
Came here after seeing your video from 2008! And this is a 4 yr old pre pandemic video! Really like the hobby, and I want it to grow. But i love your comments 😄. I believe it’s very healthy criticism. I wish the important people in this hobby appreciate your comments/feedback. But got to say, some of it is quite petty! Like the one about using Fahrenheit, nothing wrong in being clear. The one about equipment sale, thats their personal style. If you get to facebook marketplace or good or bad ol Craigslist ads, you will find how many of them are crappy ads. As well nobody sees money dropped into a hobby as investment, it’s all just lingos and figure of speech of current day. If you come down to the world of car and motorcycle upgrades and racing, you will be hit with far more heavy lingos. As well i don’t understand your gripe with license exam. The test to get an automobile license is really low, that wont let them drive at nascar, let alone f3/f2/f1. The bar to enter is low for general license does not mean it cannot get complex. In fact there is no license required to drive/ride off-road, but one needs a lot of skill. License is just so you don’t harm others and claim innocence “i did not know”. But license is not equal to skill. Any certification is the same almost. There is zero license required to compute, deploy code into the internet and have your apps/website live. Does it mean computing is for stupids? Far more greater and complex things have been written in the open source world if not better than proprietary. I respect your view point, but you have unfortunately taken the negative view to be your character you got to play and is continuing with it for ages now!
@TheGmr140 29 күн бұрын
Nice radio , be good to see sensitivity and selectivity tests 😊
@MIKROWAVE1 Ай бұрын
It's shocking, how much fun this radio is!
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
It is reVOLTing.
@vtradio Ай бұрын
I see that the switch was in the CW position, but I did not hear the AM carriers when you came across stations. 73 Paul AA1SU
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
The BFO's in cheap receivers sometimes need an extra push.
Love that 📻 I have one great receiver one of my favorite radios
@KX4UL Ай бұрын
I love these old rigs! Thanks for the demo...73!
@vtradio Ай бұрын
Gosh, that radio looks familiar. Where do you have it listed? 73 Paul AA1SU
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
Here and eBay, numerous times.
@richarddegen6184 Ай бұрын
This guy is clueless................
@burtfisher7059 Ай бұрын
I love keyboard warriors.
@fredfeldmeier8228 Ай бұрын
Nice video.. great selectively on bandspread..👍
@roddy-p5h Ай бұрын
so whats the best way to ground these units i have a small radio transmitter aerial, ,that just just doesnt seem to do the job., or is copperwire the best
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
You don't need to ground it. I didn't.
@skykingimagery899 Ай бұрын
Woe! Looks almost exactly like my first rig in 1960. Healthy Kit, VFO. National NC173. K6AGE.
@NotSexualAtAll Ай бұрын
the BIPM messed with the definition of Hertz in the 1970s making it a unit that depends on context anyways.. "megacycles" is the superior nomenclature as a result.
@sofiadelpilarriverakrol6513 Ай бұрын
Que año es ese video están viejos pucha creo que ya fallecieron todos porque ellos nacieron en 1925
@user-vi5rh5iz2n Ай бұрын
Wow that's crazy 💖💖💖
@624radicalham Ай бұрын
Damn that radio is well aligned! FT8 right on 28074 or so
@624radicalham Ай бұрын
Want you to know that your first video of this radio from over a decade ago, "Ham Radio Going Back 50 Years" was what got me hooked on vintage equipment Burt. Since then I've acquired alot of heavy metal. And that S-Meter is still one of the best in the history of the world.
@markwilkins9869 Ай бұрын
just wasted 10 minutes of my life watching this liberal moron de aa1ia
@zackwidup3701 Ай бұрын
It seems like this guy has a license but doesn't really do much operating. He is incapable of seeing other people's viewpoints. Maybe he should try to conceive being other people and what they do and what they're interested in.
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
What did I say that was not based on fact?
@zackwidup3701 Ай бұрын
@@K1OIK It's the attitude. You're a sad ham.
@richardmorgan8027 Ай бұрын
@TheArtofEngineering Ай бұрын
My TS520 is priceless!! I will never sell a rig as they are my children. So they are beyond value. On QRZ I love looking at hams who put effort into their page. It adds a dimension to the QSO to see Jose in his shack in Spain. 73 de VK2AOE
@alangaughran Ай бұрын
Oooh! 50 years. Such a loong time ago. That takes us to...er...1974. What else was happening?: The Beatles; The Rolling Stones; Colour TV; Concorde..... Clearly pre-history eh? By comparison, 50 years earlier again: Pre-hitler; Lenin; Britsh Empire intact; USA killing anything black that moved (no - change) STOP PRETENDING 50 YEARS AGO WAS PRE-HISTORY!!!
@LeslieAB30 Ай бұрын
In September I have held a license for 50 years .. G8JIC / G0TEO.
@rustyrails1886 Ай бұрын
I bet its great to talk to this guy on the radio. A real joy for sure.
@bjhutson1901 Ай бұрын
I was born n the 40's and it seems like yesterday I first heard this song.
@miker7962 Ай бұрын
Nice receiver. I own a S-38B 🙂 de WE0H ..
@cbrooks0905 Ай бұрын
Can this be wired up to an xlr or trs connector?
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
@cbrooks0905 Ай бұрын
@@K1OIK do you know how? From what I’m gathering this thing has 5 wires coming out of it. An xlr requires three.
@K1OIK Ай бұрын
@@cbrooks0905 The XLR has ground, mic hot, and push to talk. The 5 wires you speak of may have several in parallel. Get a ham license, if my 8-year kid can pass it, so can a CBer (i.e. loser).
@cbrooks0905 Ай бұрын
@@K1OIK oh I see, you’re one of these people who give shit to anyone who doesn’t know what you know. That’s a sign of low IQ and no self awareness.
@jmcclure55 Ай бұрын
You're a jerk
@androiduploadsutube 2 ай бұрын
I just came across this video. You make some good points. Why don't you explain why you like the hobby instead of badmouthing it. Why did you introduce your daughter to ham radio? This was 16 years ago. Maybe you feel differently now. 73
@K1OIK 2 ай бұрын
I don't feel differently. What did I say that was not based on fact. Ham radio was not designed by the FCC to be a hobby.
@gregmacklin9758 2 ай бұрын
gotta be honest , this guy is 💯 accurate on every point . The ARRL is a business , same as the equipment supplier. Yeah , sure , its a fun hobby for a particular personality type, and thats fine. It reminds me quite a bit of the extreme off-road enthusiasts. It used to be kinda fun to see how well your stock rig would do with minimal modifications. But these days the 4×4 crowds are spending $50 K turning brand new Jeeps into build projects as a show of (big dog) statis . Ive read the books and learned words like propagation, which i understand comes from the word propaganda. If you're a person who is really into the hobby of spending a few grand on all this equipment so you can be a big strapper , than great!!! Im not that guy. I can think of more stimulating activities besides listening to usless talk about how much power you're running and how many pownds of modulation you're hitting the contact with. Ill stay on 11 meter and worn truckers if theres a flat tire on one of the tandems.
@Canary-q6y 2 ай бұрын
Did you know that some hams are so in to contesting they wear diapers so they don't have to leave their seat? How is that fair? Anyway never liked contesting anyway. Just seems so boring
@nyartist 2 ай бұрын
I've been a ham for 30 years and everything he says is right on! But one thing he's missing: the sheer joy of operating amazing technology and transmitting around the world with nothing but wires. The calming effect if can sometimes have after a lousy day when you put on the headphones and tune across the bands. The absolute beauty of these radios. I'm also an artist and musician and sometimes I just see ham radio as a good friend who's there when needed. And as a good friend we can be separated for periods of time knowing we will still be there when needed.
@ox6466 2 ай бұрын
If George Carlin had done a comedy bit on Ham Radio, this 9 minute video nails it!🤣
@gonebamboo4116 2 ай бұрын
"Ministry of Truth" is alive and well in USA today
@W1RMD 2 ай бұрын
Have a great fourth!
@nyartist 2 ай бұрын
hilarious! and I love ham radio
@tmo7734 2 ай бұрын
A guy who thinks. What a concept. Thanks, Burt.