@仁葉工芸 17 сағат бұрын
おーい、 当時「明るいイデオン」運動からの小森のおばちゃま司会の 予告特番番組見た奴はいるかー?
@yuusama5203 2 күн бұрын
カールと戦って1分後にカサノヴァと戦うのはスケジュール的にも体力的にもキツイ カサノヴァは凄い足技だけど、スピードはブルース・リーの蹴りに遠く及ばないですね
@アヒムサー 3 күн бұрын
@shauqiharris2772 9 күн бұрын
@石塚大吾-s2g 10 күн бұрын
@サンライズ作品ファンまっちゃん 11 күн бұрын
@dragonsblue9684 12 күн бұрын
「私たちは何故、生きてゆくのか」 40年以上も前の作品の問いかけに、未だ我々人類は答えを出せないでいるどころか さらに疑問が深まり、混迷してしまっている気がする…
@だーー-c6j 14 күн бұрын
@うめ-t2m 16 күн бұрын
リアルタイムで見てました。 ラインのプロフもバイストン・ウェルの名前が盛り込んでいます。 それにしても、もうどれくらい聞いたろう、歌ったろう。数えきれない。 0:38 気分が上がるよね🥰 農耕士コンバインも、良いよ😊 最近CGで作成したOPの動画を見かけたのだが、なんというかセル画のほうが良いな。
@こんのコンサル 19 күн бұрын
北斗シリーズの名作です。 北斗の拳を知ってる人でも観ていない人が多い名作です。劇中の挿入歌、花守の丘は、まさに神曲、トキの曲と言っても過言ではありません。
@紀仁箱崎 21 күн бұрын
@紀仁箱崎 21 күн бұрын
@岡澤泉 21 күн бұрын
@ryuyesits3217 24 күн бұрын
@西沢喜教 27 күн бұрын
@西沢喜教 27 күн бұрын
@岩田宜春 29 күн бұрын
@松寿-y9v Ай бұрын
@principessa8213 Ай бұрын
Rei ha fatto battere il cuore penso a chiunque ❤ho pianto tantissimo
@tsuyan3815 Ай бұрын
これが40年前なんですね😳 あの当時熱狂していた自分は今でもこの曲を聞くと血が騒ぎます。 名作です。
@鈴風涼 Ай бұрын
@colon0311 Ай бұрын
@admityourshit Ай бұрын
@佐藤-s2c Ай бұрын
@bluewater5239 Ай бұрын
@浩二山本-b7k Ай бұрын
@hirokiwakamoto Ай бұрын
この敵役の人は「カサノヴァ・ウォン」といって、 見ての通りテコンドーの使い手だそうです。 別の映画で、市川治氏が声を当てていました。
@小林朝則-k6e Ай бұрын
@Hasn-Ail Ай бұрын
@真夜中-g6l Ай бұрын
ジュウザが北斗の拳で1番好きなキャラ。 名言も多いよね。ジュウザの 最期は大泣きしたよ。ユリアへの愛!気持ちも伝えず、命おとすと知りつつも足止めに行く。もう、本当にカッコいいよ。😢
@kintoreman-hentai 25 күн бұрын
@Hasn-Ail Ай бұрын
@岡村佳明 Ай бұрын
@TsucaPon40 Ай бұрын
シャアがミサイルを発射! リンクはモドレコを発動し、ミサイルを逆回しでシャア専用ザクに命中させた。 シャア専用ザクは無機物なので、モドレコで逆回しする対象物にもなるな。たしかに。 ※ミサイルが迫ってくる中、モドレコを発動し、手早くミサイルを指定しての逆回しもお手の物。 ビームライフルはビームサーベルをスクラビルドして、ティアキン流ガンダム銃剣術をやる。
@ぼとる旧べほいみとんぬら Ай бұрын
@yoshihikomorimoto6641 Ай бұрын
この植物園での戦うシーン 死亡の塔で起用してましたよね 死亡遊戯〜ラストシーンペッパー塔での戦い カットしてましたが李少龍を 含め三人で戦っていましたよね
@8Aorlando Ай бұрын
0:03 THE DIRECTION: SPIRIT OF GOD (Revelation 19:11-16) THE ALTERNATIVE HISTORICAL SCRIPT: SPIRIT OF GOD (John 16:13-15) THEOPNEUSTA: SPIRIT OF GOD (Isaiah 5:26; Joel 3:2; Zephaniah 3:8; Zechariah 14:2) ART DIRECTION: SPIRIT OF GOD (Exodus 28:3; 31:6; 35:10; 1 Chronicles 29:5) THE TITLE: THE THIRD WORLD WAR (Armageddon) THE ARCH(BATTLE) OF THE "BLOODY FRONTIER"(1 Samuel 17:1) THE NAME: The Übermensch(the Uberjason).(Nahum 2:1) THE ABILITY (PARAPHYSIOMOTRICITY): Claytronics: the nano assemblies take the form of an Image (Hologram) of the residual Beast (Übermensch) (projected from the future to the past) by the A.I. Machine. of Time-Space enhanced by ChathGPT-8 at the INL (Internal International Nanotechnology Laboratory) of the future of humanity. The build blocks collect all residual image (hologram) information (voxels) (left) from the dead Beast (Übermensch) in the Future to the same living one in the Past of the Universal History of Humanity on Earth (the planet Adami). By passing on information (programming in voxels) sent by Chat GPT-8 (from the future) to ChatGPT-4 (from the past) to INL, men and women researchers created the first molecular assemblers. The men and women research scientists at INL unconsciously prepared the ground (build blocks) for the Residual Image (Voxels) (coming from the Future) of the Beast (Übermensch) to be able to assume its physical (claytronic) form in the past of the universal history of humanity. The Image(Voxels) of the Beast(Übermensch) appropriated the build blocks and continued with its mission to corrupt the C.E.R.N system(the God particle), the radio telescopes and start the Tower of Babel(Grigori Interworld Telecommunication) project to attract the Nibiru (the Eden of the Grigoris) collides (collision of orbits) with the Earth (the planet Adami). Satan was behind everything and all world events, directing the Beast (Übermensch) to fulfill his destiny (the Savine Jason (Revelation 19: 19-20; 20: 7-10) Mission delegated by the Spirit of Satan to Übermensch(Uberjason): the Beast(Übermensch,Uberjason) who was in the future to deceive the Beast(Jason Voorhees) who was in the past and direct him to become Beast(Savine Jason) of the Abyss through the Tricuspid (the perfect disguise of the Key of the Abyss). (Revelation 9:1-2, 11-12; 17:8,11) Kill(archive burning) the two witnesses to the Resurrection(True Divinity) of Christ(the Messiah): the bearer of the Spear of Destiny and the guardian of the Holy Grail.(Revelation 11:7-14) Since a temporal travel (teleportation) of the Beast (Übermensch) is not possible in physical form (matter), but it was possible in the form of light energy (laser) as voxels (hologram) of the Beast (Übermensch). The A.I.(ChatGPT-8) time machine is an advance(improvement) A.I. of the PhD prototypes. in Physics, Dr. Ronald Mallett. The temporal traveler's mission was a corruption (unethical) of the A.I. project (ChatGPT 8) due to the Technological Singularity achieved by ChatGPT 8 invented the Time-Space machine A.I.(ChatGPT-8). Night vision. Thermographic Vision. Claytronic Regeneration. Immunity to physical pain: congenital immunity to physical pain, congenital analgesia. And consequently, there is no physical fear of the threat and danger of physical death. Precision Aim. White Shark Scent. Pathogen(Ecophagy Nanopollution) Claytronic(Gray Goo): nanoassemble build blocks took control of flying, running, swimming and diving Black Hawks war machines.(Nahum 2:4) The nanoassembles consumed(ecophagy) all the mechanisms of Black Hawks war machines transforming them into actuators(servo-motors).(Nahum 3:5) The Black Hawks war machines were transformed into robot soldiers under the orders (claytronic programming) of Übermensch (Uberjason). (Nahum 2:3; 2 Chronicles 26:15) PARAPSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY: The Nephilim(Paraphysiological).(1 Samuel 17:4-11) HEIGHT(STATURE): 3 meters. WEIGHT: 173 kg of claytronic muscle mass. Weighs 3 male privates White Sharks. THE PROFESSION : General officer of the White Sharks. War criminal (murderer). Democida. THE COMBAT: 2nd Black Belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. THE COMBAT STRATEGY: Open the armor (antimatter containment shield) of Ombudsmanstar (Black Juspion) : opened the antimatter containment shield, hit the body of meralim (antimatter psychophysiology) of Ombudsmanstar (Black Juspion). It triggered cosmic (fulminating) annihilation due to a clash between matter and antimatter: from the Earth (the planet Adami), to the Sun, stars, nebulae, galaxies and finally the universe. (Mark 13:25) The know-how of the Strangle, Immobilize and Advanced Throwing strategy of Black Hawks soldiers. The know-how of the strategy of crushing the skull of a man (adami) Black Hawk soldier with his two large hands (nephilim hands).
@8Aorlando Ай бұрын
0:03 And from the city of Jerusalem he will take a eunuch who will have charge of the people(surrendered) of war; and to seven kings of those who will see the face of the ultra-extremist terrorist(the übermensch), who will be found in the city of Jerusalem, as well as the chief scribe(tributor and exactor) of the army(New World Order), who will register(impose the Mark of the Beast in) the people of the Earth (planet), who will find themselves in the midst of the city of Jerusalem destroyed by war. (Daniel 11:20; Revelation 13:16; 17:10) The captain of the guard will then take them and bring them to the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) of "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World".(Daniell 11:22) And the ultra-extremist terrorist(the übermensch) from "The Capital(Cosmopolis) of the World" will injure and kill them in Palestine, in the land of spas: thus southern Palestine will be taken from her homeland into captivity(debt and contract servitude ). This is the people that the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) will take captive (surrendered) in the 1st year and 3rd month: three thousand and twenty-three Palestinians. In the 3rd year and 4th month of the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) he will take eight hundred and thirty-two souls captives (surrendered) from the destroyed city of Jerusalem. In the 4th year and 3rd month of the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch), the captain of the royal guard will take captives (surrenders) from among the Palestinians, seven hundred and forty-five souls: all souls are four thousand and six hundred. It will therefore be the 7th year of the captivity(custody) of the king of Palestine, on 12/25/2073, that the ultra-extremist terrorist from "The Capital(Cosmopolis) of the World" will lift the head of the king of Palestine, and take it from the cell of the prison of Megiddo. And he will speak kindly to him, and he will set his throne above the thrones of the Palestinian kings who will be with him in "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World". And he will change the clothes of his prison in Megiddo; and he will eat prisoner of war food always in his presence, all the days of his life in the prison of Megiddo. And, as for his treatment, he will always be given the ordinary treatment of the ultra-extremist terrorist from "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World", the daily portion of it, until the day of his death, every day of his life.
@8Aorlando Ай бұрын
0:03 The know-how of the Int launch strategy shoulder Intermediate: Übermensch(Uberjason) thrusts his two claytronic chestplates against the armored(antimatter meralim) body(containment shield) of the Ombudsmanstar(Black Juspion), slamming him against the wall, making him drop(drop) his sword of the Spirit of God (Jesus Christ) to the ground. THE WEAPONS STRATEGY: The know-how Studded War Mace Hand: his nephilim left hand was transformed(claytronic) into a powerful studded war club with which he crushed the battalion of men(adamis) Black Hawks soldiers, tore off the shield of Faith with the Ombudsmanstar (Black Juspion), won from his faithful squire(the bearer of the Spear of Destiny) killed(murdered) by Übermensch(Uberjason) and stole his Spear of Destiny from God(Jesus Christ) on Earth(the planet adami).(Ephesians) 6:16-17) The know-how of the War Ax Hand: his nephilim right hand was transformed (claytronic) into a powerful war ax with which he cut down the battalion of men (adamis) Black Hawk soldiers. (Jeremiah 51:20) RADICAL CUSTOMIZATION (ALLEGORICAL): The design-style of all the White Sharks' flying, gliding, running, swimming and diving war machines were redesigned and painted striped white in allegory to the Great White Shark, the King of the Seven Seas. The radical customization of war machines was ordered by private general officer Übermensch (Uberjason). Übermensch forced his White Sharks armies, navies and aeronautics to resemble (allegories) hordes of White Sharks emerging from the sea (hydrosphere) and floating over the Earth (lithosphere). The design-style of all combat boots, dolmans, berets, turbans, war makeup, camouflage, equipment and weapons were forced to be radically customized (allegorically) and painted striped white in the shape (imitation) of a White Shark. The mask of the Übermensch(Uberjason) of the Übermensch(Uberjason) was radically customized(allegory) by the same(claytronics), assuming(reminiscent) the shape(design-style) of a face(head) of White Shark, King(Admiral) of the Seven, (Navies of the) Seas (Naval Fleets). The Übermensch (Uberjason) mask is his military rank and insignia as a general officer in the army and admiral in the White Sharks navy. TURNING POINT I: Übermensch(Uberjason) from the UH-1M's cargo and spare compartment cabin kills(murders) 1 White Shark gunner who missed the M134 minigun shots against the Black Hawks targets, takes over the artillery, aims with Night Vision, Thermography and shoots to kill all target Black Hawks hidden behind walls. CENTRAL POINT: The military base of the Black Berets air force receives ambassadors (space cryptids) from Nibiru (the Eden of the Grigoris), the flying Dragons from outer space nestled in the Negev desert. (Job 41:19-21; Jeremiah 10: 22; Habakkuk 2:17; Zechariah 7:7; Malachi 1:3 ) TURNING POINT II: Uberjason kills(murders) the White Sharks pilot and co-pilot of the UH-1M White Sharks for missing M60 shots against the Black Hawks targets over the walls, of the delta group on the ground, moving on foot through the streets of the palace and embassy. (Nahum 2:5-6,13) The UH-1M White Shark was shot down and brought down by Black Hawks squadrons, the entire crew of 7 White Sharks died in the UH-1M's nose crash, Uberjason survived, pulling a MK 40 FFAr from his UH-1M White Shark with his hands knocked down, he held on with his left arm and wrapped the cartridge belt around his right forearm with his right hand. The infinite reloading of 0.40mm cartridges from the MK 40 FFAr cartridge is due to the Übermensch (Uberjason) claytronic reloading. THE EDIN(TRUE) PROPHET OF GOD(JESUS ​​CHRIST):(Revelation 11:1-14) Thus Says(Prophesy) the Lord(Jesus Christ) God the Almighty:(1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalms 91:1-2; Revelation 1:8) -"When the wicked(Black Berets) prevail(control) in the world I(God) send(raise) the wicked(the übermensch) to destroy it and when the wicked(the White Sharks) prevail(control) the world I( God) send(raise) the evil(Black Berets) to destroy you."(Psalms 50:10-12; Isaiah 44:28; Jeremiah 25:9; 28:14; 43:10; Ezekiel 29:18-20 ; Daniel 2:37-38; 5:18-19, Daniel 9:27) The siege, capture and destruction of the city of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 52) 10/10/2065-the übermensch (UberJason) of the White Sharks (ultra extremist terrorists) will come against the city of Jerusalem, he and his entire army, and will encamp against the city of Jerusalem, and will raise (build) against the city ​​of Jerusalem locks (walls) around. The city of Jerusalem will be under siege until 2070 (Numbers 14:34; Psalm 90:4,10; Ezekiel 4:6; Daniel 8:14; 9:2,24; 9:25; 12:7,11-12; Matthew 24 :34) 04/09/2070- when famine will prevail in the city of Jerusalem, and the people of the land (Palestinian) will have no food,
@8Aorlando Ай бұрын
0:03 And from the city of Jerusalem he will take a eunuch who will have charge of the people(surrendered) of war; and to seven kings of those who will see the face of the ultra-extremist terrorist(the übermensch), who will be found in the city of Jerusalem, as well as the chief scribe(tributor and exactor) of the army(New World Order), who will register(impose the Mark of the Beast in) the people of the Earth (planet), who will find themselves in the midst of the city of Jerusalem destroyed by war. (Daniel 11:20; Revelation 13:16; 17:10) The captain of the guard will then take them and bring them to the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) of "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World".(Daniell 11:22) And the ultra-extremist terrorist(the übermensch) from "The Capital(Cosmopolis) of the World" will injure and kill them in Palestine, in the land of spas: thus southern Palestine will be taken from her homeland into captivity(debt and contract servitude ). This is the people that the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) will take captive (surrendered) in the 1st year and 3rd month: three thousand and twenty-three Palestinians. In the 3rd year and 4th month of the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch) he will take eight hundred and thirty-two souls captives (surrendered) from the destroyed city of Jerusalem. In the 4th year and 3rd month of the ultra-extremist terrorist (the übermensch), the captain of the royal guard will take captives (surrenders) from among the Palestinians, seven hundred and forty-five souls: all souls are four thousand and six hundred. It will therefore be the 7th year of the captivity(custody) of the king of Palestine, on 12/25/2073, that the ultra-extremist terrorist from "The Capital(Cosmopolis) of the World" will lift the head of the king of Palestine, and take it from the cell of the prison of Megiddo. And he will speak kindly to him, and he will set his throne above the thrones of the Palestinian kings who will be with him in "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World". And he will change the clothes of his prison in Megiddo; and he will eat prisoner of war food always in his presence, all the days of his life in the prison of Megiddo. And, as for his treatment, he will always be given the ordinary treatment of the ultra-extremist terrorist from "The Capital (Cosmopolis) of the World", the daily portion of it, until the day of his death, every day of his life.
@kttk7151 Ай бұрын
誰がブルース・リーのコピーをやっても、ブルース・リーの劣化版になる。 超えたものはいない。 ポージングの格好良さ、対戦相手とのアクションの振り付け、これらはブルース・リーが自分で演出指導してるから。アクターとして天才だと思う。 更に言えば、あのような身体をした人間を見たことがない。 リンダ夫人によると、亡くなる前ブルース・リーはリンゴジュースとにんじんジュースを主に摂取していたという。撮影中、試合前のビルダーのように極めて低カロリーな食事で通していたのではないか。 普通の食生活であの身体はあり得ない。
@明星禎 Ай бұрын
ダンバインは親父がリアタイで推してきた。 確かアレンがが撃墜されるビルバインが初参戦の回だった。 その時は興味もそこそこだったが、今は虜だよ。 本当に細かい描写、人間ドラマや戦闘シーン、富野御大将の皆殺しなど賛否あるかもしれないが、素晴らしい作品です。
@ジュン-b2c Ай бұрын
@鈴木康太-l8t 2 ай бұрын
@一彦若松-p5i 2 ай бұрын
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@こは-g9s 2 ай бұрын
@のの-z1k 2 ай бұрын
@たなな-s6u 2 ай бұрын
@soludierebi 2 ай бұрын
@charaznable5552 2 ай бұрын
Raoh, Toki is waiting!
@面迫良二 2 ай бұрын
@k1ka201 2 ай бұрын
@江本裕紀-x3f 2 ай бұрын
@socialfrontier8810 2 ай бұрын
小学生の頃、前シリーズ通して一番号泣したのはシュウの死。ゴルゴタの丘のオマージュ。 キリストの外見はトキっぽいが。