@laraprisma6381 4 күн бұрын
I just found this channel because of your post on Casting Call Club, great video!
@divinecomedyproductions967 4 күн бұрын
@@laraprisma6381 thanks! Scripting a redux video as of recently, I feel like I didn’t articulate my feelings properly and want to go into detail and with better presentation
@draconightmare 14 күн бұрын
I haven't heard good things about the Dragon Prince recently. But at least it is original and not afraid of standing on the shoulders of giants. Unlike modern adaptations that steals the skins of the giants and try to wear them like Shift and the False Aslan.
@aaronvt9980 Ай бұрын
The magazine Wyngraf is doing cozy fantasy. Lots of happy endings and pleasant stories.
@richardthefox3412 Ай бұрын
Damn, this deserves way more views. Honestly the fairy tail one in particular is relatable
@draconightmare Ай бұрын
Oh hey Star Warden showed up! Thanks for the shout out.
@divinecomedyproductions967 Ай бұрын
No problem!
@draconightmare Ай бұрын
"in High School i was into very dark stuff and later got depressed. Then looked for brighter stuff." Wait hold up. That's me fr fr. That was my backstory too.
@divinecomedyproductions967 Ай бұрын
I think we we’re destined to meet
@daringdarius5686 2 ай бұрын
As a fellow Catholic, I feel I can lend some more insight into 40k. 1) As somebody who has spoken to the authors before, but not so buddy buddy with them that I have their contact information, one of their main prerogatives was to ensure that the game had 0 religious or political message to sway the ideas of the Youth. Sure, we can learn from the story that being evil is bad, and that being good sometimes has it's rewards, but they intentionally made the Universe in such a way that Religion should not be taken seriously, and cannot be taken seriously. The core purpose was to: a) not alienate any potential audiences, and b) not cause the Red Scare 2.0 electric boogaloo. At the time of it's creation in it's infancy, they were just making a funny goofy game! If you look at early versions of Warhammer, it wasn't even a tabletop war game but just a miniatures collection. During this funny goofy game's creation, other tabletop games such as D&D, came into the light and caused massive problems across not just the USA, but other countries as well, being described as "a game made by Satan!" because it allowed the players the ability to be creative! To be more specific, the game was liberal enough to where you could choose to be holy paladins smiting demons... or you could be the demons themselves! You could act as the church, or conversely, as the church become corrupt and murder the masses. Warhammer intentionally made a game whose focus was "don't take our game seriously, it's just a fun, silly game, we've intentionally tried to take out as much political and religious stuff out of it so that it's as neutral as possible." 2) Another of the steps taken to make the game as neutral as possible, was that instead of making a specific race "the bad guys", it made EVERY race the "bad guys", this does include humanity itself. In fact, if you were to take a step back and look at things holistically, probably the "least bad" guys in the Universe are the Orks! While they do terrible things, humanity does worse in it's sleep. All the Orks want is warfare and pillaging, whereas Humanity commits hourly war crimes and crimes against not just other races, but to humanity itself. The Tau borderline do the same things, and use other races that join their cause as meatbags on the frontlines. There are no "good guys", because the only guys who stand for good, are usually left eating dirt through a hole in their skull 5 minutes later. When every race is desperate for survival, let alone victory, ideology is thrown out a window. 3) It's easier for people to go into war if they hate each other. A good way to view this is in multiple times in World War 1 and 2, people in Trench warfare would sometimes do small deeds for the other side, such as when both sides would agree to a momentary ceasefire to recall their dead and wounded. A historic one would be the french film "Joyeux Noel" where such small acts occurred, but then on Christmas, they eventually came to the conclusion of a momentary cease fire to celebrate Christmas. During this period, the different sides eventually came to even talks despite communication barriers, share food and drink, and even compete in sports. When the ceasefire ended, neither side wanted to shoot the people they had just met and celebrated with. Even when given direct orders to fight, the French refused to shoot the Germans and vice versa. Eventually they were relocated to fight in other areas, but many of the soldiers ended up refusing to fight, coming the realization that "we're killing other humans, what's wrong with us?!?" This was a real life event, and it has occurred multiple times throughout history, in smaller and equal sizes. So, when you vilify you're enemies, it's easier to shoot them. The same goes for all races. I could go on and on about why I believe the 40k Universe to be in a perfectly good state. I also agree that your Universe would be interesting (Let's go LUMINOTH!) but it also wouldn't be 40k. I believe the direction of the game and it's Universe so far is, slow and a bit stale, but in the right direction. The world you envision would not encompass as large of an audience, and many would not enjoy it. I would enjoy it, don't get me wrong! But 40k was meant to be funny, cool, and silly. In the books and lore, it gets serious, emotional and heart warming amidst the nuclear cold, but that's what it's attempting to do. The influence of Narnia would be akin to the Tau: an idealistic, naive, community that is either bound to be absorbed and defeated by an outside force, or collapse internally. We can even see that happening in the 40k Universe with Commander Farsight and the Farsight Enclaves rejecting the caste system and "the Greater Good".
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 ай бұрын
1) Im well aware of the first one, but I've met people who take it *way* too seriously, which for some reasons are understandable given the current progressive cultural landscape, but these individuals treat the Imperium of Man as this perfect and infallible representation of Space Catholicism. But when you dive deeper into the ideology post and pre heresy, its far from it. 2) I understand that too, and it makes sense if you want to make a tabletop war game with all out war and its not inherently wrong to take that direction in space science-fantasy, but some treat thats the only direction you can take with some of the concepts of Warhammer 40k(space elves, space demons, space church) and anything else to be meaningless or worthless and often just tell dissenters "just go watch Star Wars and Lord of The Rings bro", which I will assume is a vocal toxic minority that doesn't speak for everyone. 3) Of course, and 40k does a good job of showing off war and its moral relativism in real life as a horrific and unfortunate reality, and the Humans, Eldar, and Tau to me are the prime example as three "good" races who despite being morally "better" than the others(emphasis on the quotation marks) they all got their heads up their asses with Pride and fail to see the three of them are all in this together as species of Order. And that’s not a bad thing if your intend to show that’s as a bad thing and part of the tragedy. I know what I have in mind wouldn't be 40k, hence why I'm making its own thing, but there clearly is an audience with 40k fan concepts like the Human/Eldar Hybrid Lofn, humans, elder, and tau mingling People want Tolkien in Space, they want to see three heroic factions like humans, space elves, and other alien races teaming up to fight Space Morgoth/Sauron and space demons with the aid of space angels, and I think its because a lot of people are tired of super-extreme-grimdark Hopepunk and want something a little more idealistic idk how big that audience is, but it seems to be big enough But thank you for the constructive criticism!
@mpk4712 2 ай бұрын
@@daringdarius5686 You had one BIG mistake, there were no Nazis in WW1. Please correct it. It is like calling the medieval russians communist.
@daringdarius5686 2 ай бұрын
@@mpk4712 fixed, thanks for pointing that out.
@Dakush1001 2 ай бұрын
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. also...the emperor was not atheist lolololol. He was trying to protect humanity from the primordial annihilator. Warhammer is an escape from the normal world and its bullshit, not for you to inject your dumbass religious takes.
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 ай бұрын
I’m not trying to attack Warhammer, I know there’s value in it, I’m just trying to give an alternative perspective to the objections and an alternative solution. Because many have rightfully stated changing Warhammer is wrong and not the solution, but neither is telling a potential audience “shut up and go watch Star Wars” Yes, my opinion is based on my religion, because while there is trad values in 40k, those values are limited and yet my fellow Trad Catholics treat it as the ideal Space Catholicism, which it isn’t when you go deeper beyond the surface We want an escape too, and Warhammer isn’t what people like me have in mind but have elements that we *do* like, so I’m using what I liked and wanted to make my own thing. Simple as that.
@andraskovacs5431 2 ай бұрын
While I deffinetly can see the direction wich you are going at. It would go against everything warhammer is about besides the aestethics. I'm deffinetly curious about what you or people who like this idea would make and it has a great number of merits. But what you want is just simply so antithetical to warhammer wich roots itself knees deep in satire it's just not compatible anymore
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 ай бұрын
@@andraskovacs5431 hence why I’m using what I wanted to make an original work, Im well aware it is the polar opposite of Warhammer, but there is clearly a potential audience The problem is there’s no other science fantasy franchise, at least to my knowledge, that has space elves, space demons, and space church among other things with clear lines of good and evil There’s DOOM for space demons, but that’s more sci-fi/action-horror And what I don’t get why someone hasn’t given that said audience what they want. Especially with indie content being more receptive today. But in my experience I can say that reason why is snobs might brand it as “thinly veiled warhammer FanFiction” which I had covered in a previous video. As well as aforementioned potential audience being insulted by said snobs and told to just shut up and go watch (approved thing) Then they act all shocked when big entertainment tampers with pre-existing franchises. The snobs aren’t the primary reason for that problem, but they are a contributing factor.
@mpk4712 2 ай бұрын
@robertaslanian2564 3 ай бұрын
You are a far better storyteller for Rwby then Rooster Teeth ever were! I love all your ideas!
@divinecomedyproductions967 3 ай бұрын
I don’t know I got the right to say that when I haven’t exactly written anything, but I appreciate your praise of my ideas
@laraprisma6381 4 күн бұрын
​@@divinecomedyproductions967Honestly, fair enough! I only write fanfic and recently started a webnovel, but I've heard people say how good of a writer I am and I'm like "bro, I'm just an amateur writer, I just like telling stories!" But yeah, your AU sounds really interesting! Also I found out about it because I found you on Casting Call Club, definitely interesting, I'd love to help you out with this project!
@draconightmare 3 ай бұрын
Ah finally found you're channel.
@divinecomedyproductions967 3 ай бұрын
Hello :3
@MissingSomeIQ 3 ай бұрын
Good thing RWBY was just a drug induced hallucination
@divinecomedyproductions967 3 ай бұрын
I don’t get it
@Comic_Sins 10 ай бұрын
@RomancerX Жыл бұрын
Nice unboxing. I think it looks great. Tim and Mark have been doing great.
@johnnyd3158 Жыл бұрын
I hope that Carly and Siggy will get together at some point as I’m a sucker for childhood romance in fiction.
@Flashshadow Жыл бұрын
I was already impressed by the last Kamen America and Black Hops crossover. But that new crossover with Soul Finder was excellent! Not only did I feel for the ragtag cast of protagonists, but it pretty much solidified Apex Moth’s faction as my favorite antagonists from Iconic Comics. Can’t wait for their next big crossover event! 🤩
@Flashshadow Жыл бұрын
Man, oh man. On one hand I’m excited to learn more about the identity of Capi Rider! 🤩 But on the other hand, I cannot help but feel challenged by his existence. Hopefully I can get these Rizerman stories ready before that big reveal. 😅
@Flashshadow Жыл бұрын
Man, I wish I had discovered your channel sooner. 😅 Those are some pretty interesting theories. I actually kinda like the idea of each Kamen Corps member having like their own micro faction of allies and/or love interests in case the whole group isn’t available. Kinda makes me wonder Kimiko’s type… 🤔
@robkuro8564 Жыл бұрын
Very nice recap of Volume 5 of Kamen America, and the Soulfinder crossover. And you’ve really been spinning a lot theories. We’ll just have to see if any of them are true,min future volumes.
@FandomWithReploidBill 2 жыл бұрын
I personally have been working on a concept I call Bara Blondess. It's going to be a fantasy setting inspired by Red Sonja, Conan the Barbarian, Kull, Arwyn, and He-Man Masters of the Universe. All said and done inspiration is a driving force in all creation. Watch anything and you can point out where you've seen it before if you are well versed enough. Fan fiction is a way to dip your toes into the properties that exist and allow you to learn to separate yourself from what you want and what makes since for characters. In time you will learn to do so in your own work as what you create will need a soul and they story should always be what happens in connection to characters. Not what happens and the characters are along for the ride pulled by the invisible rope of plot. When fan fiction is done right you love the characters and realize that they are not yours. If you want a thing to happen it has to happen in a natural balance and if you can't make it happen you shouldn't write it. That will fall into place with your writing in time and concepts should never be abandoned just shaped over time.
@MarinettePFP 2 жыл бұрын
I've been reading the Webtoon version of Kamen America, I actually like it a lot. Especially, I like the shading style and grounded optimism. Knowing how it was marketed I was worried the tone would be very political (like it'd be an anti- SJW rant which has the vitriolic tone of SJWs but opposed SJW views) but it actually had plot. Political messaging was surprisingly subtle and honestly agreeable, like Carly's manager and the way he wrote roles for the public's entertainment. I am definitely looking to buy the real volume now
@RomancerX 2 жыл бұрын
Great vid. I could feel your emotion and you earned a sub. I love the Kamen America story and Tim and Mark are amazing people. Carly has flaws and isn't perfect, making her a more real character than a "Perfect" main character. I have a vid on my channel of a panel they did at a convention. They give advice to creators. kzbin.info/www/bejne/aYLRqn2GrLCqfqs
@KamenAmerica 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video -- one thing we can assure you is that we always strive to create an end product that is triumphant, optimistic, and aspirational. That will never change, and I hope that we can continue to meet your expectations.
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 жыл бұрын
Well your meeting them so far, and you deserve every cent I can provide you and the Iconic Comic crew, and other creative people who I find more enjoyable and inspiring than what mainstream has poured out. "Est autem comedia Ens Transcendens"
@DouglasErnst 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to make such a heartfelt video. I’m looking forward to your projects and will do my best to provide compelling stories moving forward. 😀👍
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 жыл бұрын
That’s what people like you are here for, never change that. We need those of faith and artistic to draw those back to the Church. And I don’t mean those Joel Osteen-level Pureflix movies. "Est autem comedia Ens Transcendens"
@the-NITRON 2 жыл бұрын
hey your recent comment on one of my videos got removed for unknown reasons (youtube always does this) try commenting again.
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 жыл бұрын
Commented again
@the-NITRON 2 жыл бұрын
@@divinecomedyproductions967 -and it's gone again. but i was able to read it, thanks, never thought of it that way. i think youtube does not like certain keywords. try putting a message on the premiere chat.
@divinecomedyproductions967 2 жыл бұрын
@@the-NITRON dumb KZbin is dumb
@n-riv8101 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly fan fiction just has the problem of the fact that so many of them are just characters in-name only that don't act in character. That being said there're of course plenty of other fanfics that are faithful and good. I don't like to read fanfic myself but one of the rare few I DID read was a fanfic of potential Dante (from Devil May Cry) vs Bayonetta (from....well...Bayonetta) and this was before the ACTUAL Death Battle between them came out (which is still my #1 fav) and I LOVED that one. But even barring all of that I do completely understand your point, that being creating a fan fic can lead to original ideas. I mean The Iron Giant is TECHNICALLY a fan-fiction about a personified gun. Seeing as how the main idea was "What if a gun had a soul and didn't want to kill" And if we wanna talk anime. Black Clover arguably started out seeming like a Naruto fan fic of "What if Naruto was in Rock Lee's shoes and he and Sasuke were best friends". I'm kinda rambling, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that every beloved story is born because somebody sees something they love and think "How do I make this, but also make it in my own way, or with my own twist?" and Fanfiction can be the birth of that.
@ariesdemiurge 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think this is p-fair. I mean my own story was originally gonna be about the heroes travelling between the universes of stuff like Attack on Titan, Saint's Row, Panty and Stocking, Twilight Zone, that yellow void in Zero Punctuation, whole bunch of random shit. Hell, for awhile it was even gonna be linked to Homestuck (we don't speak about those days anymore). Now though? 100% original worlds and settings, but much like the Satyriacs, traces of the past still linger to form the identity. A framework rather than the armor, if you will. While I tend to live and let live when it comes to people writing fics for fun, I do think using them as a template for a later original work instead will be WAY more beneficial in the long run.