What Is Valuable In Life?
10 жыл бұрын
What Is Real Hip Hop?
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What Is Quantum Entanglement?
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What Does E=mc^2 Mean?
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Why Is the Earth Round?
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How Were The Elements Created?
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Why Do Stars Shine?
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Why Is the Sky Blue?
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@muhammedkdanso6343 Ай бұрын
Definitely ❤
@muhammedkdanso6343 Ай бұрын
Bro ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@muhammedkdanso6343 2 ай бұрын
Powerful message ❤✌️
@rupesh_sahebrao_dhote 9 ай бұрын
Without knowledge of existence there cannot be existence and without existence there cannot be knowledge of existence. That Knowledge can only be achieved through eternal cyclic movement with division of subject and object in it.
@rupesh_sahebrao_dhote 9 ай бұрын
Thanks 😊
@rupesh_sahebrao_dhote 9 ай бұрын
For clarification see rupesh Sahebrao Dhote
@rupesh_sahebrao_dhote 9 ай бұрын
Hope you will understand what I want you to do because we can't self promote 😊
@joshuanelson7790 9 ай бұрын
Jesus said i am the way the truth and the life. No ones comes to the father but through me. Not Muhammed, buddha, or who ever else you want to put in there. The Bible also says it is only by one name we are saved, Jesus. Now if you actually think for yourself and do your research, you will find almost all religions teach exclusivity. Only through that one particular way.
@SaniNassif 9 ай бұрын
Brother, please watch a video, before commenting on it. It truly is sad and embarrasing to post something, without having even watched the video you are posting on. Why do this? What is the point of existing in a bubble? What is the point of clicking on a video, assuming, not watching, because you are afraid it challenges your perspective in a negative way, just to fight a perspective, that was never challenging you in a negative way to begin with. If you want to be afraid and stay in a bubble that is up to you. But that is pointless brother. We all do this sometimes including myself, but really brother can't you see it is silly? You did not even watch the first few minutes to see, Jesus is not even the original way of saying the name. If you even study the language Jesus spoke, English does not have the letters to even properly say the name Jesus. So if you really think, worshiping Jesus, saying the name of Jesus, is the only way, you don't even know how to say the name Jesus, or as presented more closely said as Yeshua, in this video. But if you really want to remember, what Jesus was teaching, and you really want to be free, you can just think for yourself, and see the way of Love, that Jesus was teaching was always within you, and that you don't need to worship Jesus, Yeshua, etc.. to see the way. You just need to remember Love, that is literally what Jesus said, but many wanted to worship Jesus out of fear of thinking for themselves. Jesus never wanted anyone to worship, only to understand the 2 most important teaching of loving God & others. But also regardless of these texts none of us should rely on books or the words of others. That is us brother, that is what we both already know within us, hate me for pointing it out, or appreciate that I'm trying to share, doesn't matter really, I only hope you are happy. That you grow free of fear, and being in a bubble. Why hate on a video, only challenging you to remember what you already know within? Please don't be so negative and afraid, but if you are I pray for you, you just don't get it, and don't want to watch or hear what someone is saying out of fear and assumptions, same as the message Jesus said.
@joshuanelson7790 9 ай бұрын
​@SaniNassif fair enough. I will watch the video. But right in the beginning you claim all the text claim to say the same thing. That is flat out false. You can't read the quran then read the Bible and come out with the same message. If you are being honest with yourself that is. There is no other scripture from antiquity that has as many manuscripts as the new testament has. We know what is says. We also have the dead sea scrolls which has isaiah in them. Which matches our isaiah today. Oh and the dead sea scrolls date back before christ. They have verse like isaiah 9:6-7 which talk about the messiah would be born of a virgin and would be the father in the flesh. Or isaiah 53. The best part being he will be pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. And by his wounds we are healed. To say all scripture says the same thing of all religions is ignorant at best. And just a lie at worst.
@michaelturnage3395 9 ай бұрын
Following Christ is not a religion.
@priortokaraew7569 9 ай бұрын
which is?
@SaniNassif 9 ай бұрын
If you watched the video, you would see, it is explaining, religion, is in essence, a way to get out of survivalistic/tribalistic loops. To bring laws that help us to the path of, being connected, being loving, otherwise it's just the laws of the jungle. In other words, the religion, all religion is Love, and the only reason as presented, that there are contradictions to this, is forgetfulness and the laws of the jungle taking over, and being written along side ideas, to help us Love, and break us outside this survival loops. So of course if you watched this video you'de obviously see, it's presenting Love is the religion, not worshiping anyone person, but Loving all, in all the cosmos. But I just keep seeing many trying to click this video, and make comments, based on hateful assumptions. Which is just not helpful and destructive for us all, or conducive to anything constructive. I pray for you, and wish that you actually try to watch things, and learn, rather than just make assumptions, and make statements that have no relation to this video.
@michaelturnage3395 9 ай бұрын
@@SaniNassif Not all religions are "loving" and "peaceful."
@michaelturnage3395 9 ай бұрын
@@SaniNassif Islam is not a religion of peace, more like the religion of rest in pieces. Ask any ex-Muslim and they'll tell you this, their religion calls for their death for leaving it. Muhammad was a warmongering rapist, pirate, murderer and pedophile. That's not my opinion that's historical fact. That's who he was as a historical person. Muhammad was not a spiritual leader he was a political tyrant. He tortured and slaughtered everyone who disagreed with him, he was insane.
@michaelturnage3395 9 ай бұрын
@@SaniNassif Muhammad told the Meccan Quraysh all kinds of disgusting things like to bite off their fathers penis and to suck the clitoris of their goddess. He said that anyone who didn't either accept him as a prophet or give him jizyah tax money and keep their mouth shut should be killed "even if they are found hiding behind the curtains of the Kaaba." He also said that the last days wouldn't come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees but the rocks and trees will give away their location, saying, “O servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come, and kill him.” Islam calls for the complete and total subjugation of the entire world, in Islamic countries non-Muslims are second class citizens and do not have rights. Shariah Law is directly opposed to individual freedom and democracy. You are not allowed to speak freely, if you say anything about any other religion you can be killed or thrown in prison, women are not allowed to drive, vote, or have a job, they cannot go out in public without their husbands permission and if they disobey their husband they can be beaten. In fact Muslims are encouraged to beat their wives and be proud about it because it's "manly."
@michaelturnage3395 9 ай бұрын
Satan is the author of all religions.
@generalflush8449 3 жыл бұрын
Dude this guy has been M.I.A for 7 YEARS.Dude this shit got me thinking
@SaniNassif 2 жыл бұрын
Hi family! I'm sorry I was just thinking to put effort in music because I thought if I share that same knowledge through music it might help connect us all more, there are definitely music videos though sharing this and greater knowledge of ourselves through sound if your interested on the music channel linked to this account. Also I've been working on a short album to share the Ultimate Truth and meaning of life that we have all known at some point, but have forgotten as we entered into this world to build a more positive connected reality, but then saw so many things we forgot the big picture, so we have been struggling to put it all back together and see the big picture again. But that album got paused because I need more recourses to finish animation. So I'm making music videos of all different genres that all show the Ultimate Truth, and that our goal, meaning and purpose is all one, (is all Love, to connect outside of self, because otherwise we are trapped and can do nothing, thus Love can be the only meaning, but that album elaborates further on Love)and also in hopes to gather support to finish that album, but I've been finding out KZbin is doing really messed up stuff to remove independent artists, and monetize off of the artists that put out superficial things very quickly, so the less you post the less it seems KZbin puts your videos in results. But I don't have any other option because I try to post thoughtful meaningful content, but I'll definitely be back on this channel at least within a years time, I am just trying to share this knowledge through music first because I thought that could be most positive. But if I can't find support for that album after sharing a considerable amount of world music genres, I'll try this channel again and post some videos just sharing the knowledge in the short album without any music, or I might make a new channel if that algorithm is just working against old youtubers, I don't know. But definitely if you just search Sani Nassif, new stuff should pop up, hopefully KZbin won't do something to erase that otherwise I guess there's nothing else I can do on KZbin. But wherever your at I send aloooooot of Love family everything I do is trying to spread positivity and it sucks to feel that youtube is erasing you, it makes sharing online much less workable, but really glad that anything I'm sharing means something to you, your comment is much appreciated and means alot I really just wish that knowledge was everywhere in the world, because I know it's intrinsic to us all and we are all really one, just imagine if everyone in the world saw that.
@generalflush8449 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaniNassif holy shit I got you to come back.Welcome back friend.Wise words.
@lynnmisenhimer4686 6 жыл бұрын
stars shine because there Angel's
@IndigoVoice82 8 жыл бұрын
You have come to the same realization as I have. Love this! Short and sweet right to the point. Check out mine for a new perspective on religion and Islam in order to help unite minds!
@life-qx1ye 8 жыл бұрын
@andr3w-833 8 жыл бұрын
The Cosmos and God are quite literally opposites. Secondly if religion teaches people how to treat each other, why do they pick on homosexuality? Even though it's common in nature? Religion is irrational and lacks to provide evidence for anything it has done. Hundreds of things the Bible has prophesied have failed to happen. And to say that Philosophy and Science go hand and hand is also irrational. Science wants physical evidence, and observation. Where as religion wants "Morals" even though if you took the bible literally they would be horrid morals, and they also look for spiritual worship and blind faith. To say these are similar is very interesting to say the least. But I appreciate you wanting peace between all religious and non religious people but to compare Science to Religion when they are remote opposites is something I don't appreciate.
@rockstar34960 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks dude! Awesome video btw
@Shaker507 10 жыл бұрын
Good Job .... Money breeds Greed
@gideonadu123 10 жыл бұрын
What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics?
@SaniNassif 10 жыл бұрын
Hey brother the terms are interchangeable both representing the same definition which is basically the study of particle phenomena at the atomic and subatomic scale, hope that helps!