This dude can film.. glad he's back on the Beemer.
@superbiketechСағат бұрын
What editing software do you use? Thanks (Aspiring vlogger)
@GreggBennett-j3pСағат бұрын
Sterling has become my AZ tour guide. Nice job.
@kc95gs4 сағат бұрын
Sterling, when is Butler Maps going to come out with Best Dirt Roads in Southern California?
@666dualsport5 сағат бұрын
build a shed for it
@foxdive9 сағат бұрын
Ve video nevidím žádné mytí ,takhle se motorka opravou neumyva 😢
@GreggBennett-j3p10 сағат бұрын
Love these videos, but I’m thinking 250cc might actually be the minimum size engine necessary for loaded touring in 2025. Still, the little 125 is compelling in a way I can’t quite put into words. Also love all these AZ videos, as I’m planning a post retirement winter address there.
@SterlingNoren9 сағат бұрын
I don’t disagree with you. A 250 cc might make more sense for longer distance touring but the 125 can certainly do it within its own limitations. It’s all an experiment.
@iandawson737312 сағат бұрын
Mine sits outside because i don't have a garage and it still in mint condition and is a 2006 bike
@TheDennzio13 сағат бұрын
Glad I discovered your channel. Where have I been. I'll probably spend Winter mornings drinking coffee and getting lost in your wanderings. Looks like maybe you had some misfortune. Hope this is the beginning of more adventures for you. Me? I'm 71 and bought a BMW last Spring. First bike since the shit hit 20 years ago. I feel free again.
@SterlingNoren9 сағат бұрын
Enjoy my videos!
@066motocross13 сағат бұрын
Compressed air and a blow gun makes drying much faster and easier. I got the idea watching the detailing guy at the local KTM dealership
@SterlingNoren9 сағат бұрын
Good idea, I need to do that.
@TheDennzio13 сағат бұрын
Ahhhh...the aeropress
@rstrooh14 сағат бұрын
nope waste of viewing time....completely lame
@TourmeisterTWT17 сағат бұрын
I have a 2017 version like yours with the old style display (pre-TFT). I like it better. My bike gets washed a few times a year if I have to do work on it, otherwise it is dirty all the time. The nice thing is that it cleans up really well! Only have 43K miles on mine though. I recently replaced the OEM suspension with the ESA TT stuff from Beemershop. It has the Hi/Lo speed damping adjustments front and rear. What a difference!! I thought about selling it and getting a newer 1250 instead of spending the money on the suspension, but now I am glad I did not sell it. It is my fourth GS and easily my favorite (had 02 1150, 05 and 07 1200s). It spends the bulk of its life off the pavement and has been remarkably problem free. I think the only thing that has gone bad on it were the tire pressure sensors because the batteries eventually died and the rear ABS sensor was damaged from small rock bits getting in there and tearing up the end of the sensor. I'll probably keep this one a long time...
@SterlingNoren9 сағат бұрын
I would love a tour tech suspension on this bike. I did that to my F8 hundred GS at about 60,000 miles and then the clutch went out and I got a new bike so I never really got to enjoy it to its full potential.
@TourmeisterTWT2 сағат бұрын
@@SterlingNoren It makes rolling through rough sections nice and smooth, especially when you are on the gas and putting more weight to the rear shock. Installation was fairly straight forward as well.
@Jeff605-rw8fi20 сағат бұрын
I've really enjoyed your videos, the trail 125 is amazing for what it is. This is my first time seeing you on the 701 another great bike it seems. I have truly been inspired by you I just pulled out two of my sitting in the garage carb dirt bikes and I'm taking my son out on our first real dirt bike Day. Of course, after I rebuild some carbs and all that fun Stuff but I'm all in, Thank You.
@romanlee828721 сағат бұрын
I enjoy listening to your thoughts on the road, Sterling. That scrapbook you kept is/was brilliant.
@ckkrons2338Күн бұрын
It’ll be hard to ride that BMW after so many miles on that fine Honda Trail 125.
@johnwelbers4248Күн бұрын
Great adventure 🤓😎🏍💨💨💨💨💨👍🏻🇨🇦🍻
@danielberube2739Күн бұрын
nice video and ride, what is your drone’s brand ? thanks
@lisalancastertravelsКүн бұрын
AWESOME! So happy to see the GS come back to life! Some great tips for the cleanup as well thank you for that, and again thank you for the wonderful day. We had late this summer! Such a wonderful experience in Bisbee and riding the area! Next time we will try to make the music festival! Our Canadian bikes are sadly parked for awhile so we really enjoy watching all your adventures and fabulous cinematography:)
@DagothdaleetКүн бұрын
I am a big boy at the moment at around 300, so thanks for identifying the rider weight limit. I am considering one of these for urban riding with the occasional weekend camping getaway. Looks like I will need to wait a few more months
@SeattleRRCКүн бұрын
So dumb. You neglect your bike for a year, then use the finest detailing products to treat it to a spa day. It’s like taking a sh!t on the couch and then being proud of yourself for cleaning it up. I guess you are promoting cleaning products, so you’re making money when guys like me watch it.
@Naptime1953Күн бұрын
Only Sterling could make a video about washing a motorcycle interesting. 😂Great cinematography!
@SterlingNoren9 сағат бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@dankorolyk5917Күн бұрын
New adventures await for the resurrected BMW
@rayman5625Күн бұрын
05:15 the gates to hell?
@DualSportDoug2 күн бұрын
Was the last time you rode it on the NORCAL BDR filming expedition (when the trip went sideways...)? I also broke my wrist (early 2023), then decided my T7 was too big and heavy, so I sold it in April 2024 and decided to stick to smaller dual sport bikes. I was on my KTM when I broke my wrist.
@edog1032 күн бұрын
Thanks Sterling (sarcasm). Now I have to get some S100 and clean the bikes. Joking aside. Glad your giving the GS some love. I was wondering if you were done with it. Love the videos. Really enjoyed the Sidecar series.
@S6822 күн бұрын
The GS lives!!! Happy to see that you are healed up from your crash and ready to get back in the saddle. Excited to see your next adventure.
@cdneh04122 күн бұрын
@jeremysmith98982 күн бұрын
Just in time for Christmas! Nice to see the old gal all cleaned up and excited to see what's on the agenda!
@dr.fabriciocartellone47342 күн бұрын
@bearfoot69102 күн бұрын
Ah man, I think it feels good to wash my bikes and shine them up. I do that after each big ride. I just bought a Triumph Tiger 800XC and it was dirty. I got it home and detailed it. It seems to run even better now.
@BlackThor152 күн бұрын
What an amazing video Sterling! A true tribute to the blue beauty, my dream bike! 👍👍
@GaryBarnes-l9x2 күн бұрын
Truly enjoyed this video, and looking forward to your next adventure. Thanks for sharing.
@JimAppleby2 күн бұрын
I wondered when we'd see this bike again. Glad you haven't forgotten it!
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
I haven’t forgotten about it, I just haven’t had time to ride it as much!
@Liberty4Ever2 күн бұрын
The S100 looks interesting. I'll check it out. I do a similar spray, soak and rinse with Dawn Platinum Plus Powerwash. That stuff is amazing. It removes baked on brake dust! It contains all sorts of surfactants and solvents such as alcohols I've never heard of before. I'd never use it on cookware but it's great as a truck and motorcycle cleaner. After rinsing off most of the crud I spray water while using a mop glove to wipe over surfaces to dislodge any clinging grime, starting with easily scratched surfaces such as the windshield, plastics and paint, and working my way down to the parts that still might have some hidden grit such as the wheels. I wash my bike once a year, then spray Turtle Wax & Dry on it while it's wet and wipe it off with a microfiber towel or soft blue Scott paper towels. I spend approximately 10 minutes a year washing and waxing my bike. I spent more time watching this video and leaving a comment. 😀
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Sounds like you have a great method!
@UltralightMotorcycleCamping2 күн бұрын
I often wondered if I'd watch a video of Sterling washing his bike. Apparently so. My BMW manual advises washing and waxing the bike *before* storage. It also recommends removing the battery and connecting it to a battery maintainer, but I assume your broken wrist resulted in a hasty parking of the R1200GS.
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Well, I did wash my bike before putting it up, but then I went for another ride before that happened!
@samhill34962 күн бұрын
Looks a lot better. That's how to learn just how much plastic is on one. I'm doing my early 2001 K1200RS right now. Full fluids and now brake lines. Full frame out clean job. Fuel line quik dusconnects from Beemer Boneyard. Had to do them on alk bikes. Some with less than ten miles. Bad cheap shit from factory. Miss the old airheads in someways. I have new R9T Urban GS which seems to be great bike. I rode to Central America on original GS almost forty years ago. The dream then was to have a bike as goid as the new oil heads are now. Power lights heated grips seats transmission strong altenator suspension . Wish it had a telelever front. Most secure best handling front end made. Just some things. All good from east KY. USA. Good job Sterling. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Happy Holidays to you as well!
@samhill34962 күн бұрын
Time to change the brake fluids front rear. Good vid.
@UltralightMotorcycleCamping2 күн бұрын
As part of my annual maintenance, I suck the brake fluid out of the reservoirs and refill them with new brake fluid. It's not as good as a full brake system flush but it quickly eliminates half of the moisture and maybe a quarter of the particulates. The solution to pollution is dilution. The old brake fluid is recycled with the old oil.
@raydejong40202 күн бұрын
I too have watched it couple of enjoyable times - better each time and it's 4 years on. Thanks Sterling and I am now enjoying your series on the 125 Honda on the trails of Arizona.
@kinglear48592 күн бұрын
Sterling, if you haven’t already done so, please have your drive shaft checked. Back in July ‘24 I had a catastrophic failure to the driveshaft which resulted in the failure of the final drive and swing arm. The rear of the bike collapsed on top of the rear tire locking it up. I was going about 75 mph when I heard a bad noise and lost almost all throttle control. I pulled over to inspect, then proceeded along at 15 mph and made it about 100 feet when everything failed. My story will be upcoming in BMW MOA magazine. Thankfully I wasn’t seriously injured or killed.
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Glad you are OK! I’ve had it replaced… Once at 42,000 miles after a failure, and then once again when they issued the recall a couple of years ago
@UltralightMotorcycleCamping2 күн бұрын
@@SterlingNoren - BMW recently announced a new and more comprehensive splined shaft recall. Among other things, they install a drain so water doesn't accumulate.
@dznnf72 күн бұрын
@@SterlingNoren Your warranty is now permanent as well, and includes periodic testing.
@kinglear4859Күн бұрын
@@SterlingNoren Good to hear that. Merry Christmas from Nor Cal.
@robwatt1332 күн бұрын
I love the sound only videos. Really nice Sterling!!!!
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@m.z.h14842 күн бұрын
Poor neglected baby!
@paulgraveline58542 күн бұрын
Why leave it outside for a year and not ride it? What is the backstory on that?
@SterlingNoren2 күн бұрын
Broken wrist… And a few other bikes to ride
@SamuelMorris-i5o3 күн бұрын
Enough cleaning----ride that Teutonic wonder !
@silveriojohan3 күн бұрын
Thanks Sterling, one day I will explore the world with my Africa Twin,
@user-qh5pp9jm3y3 күн бұрын
Very nice. Glad the old girl is back. Hope your hand is better and have made peace with the accident.
@parclan3 күн бұрын
Wow. Only you could make a video about washing a motorcycle into a captivating piece of art. Well done!
@jetskiaddict3 күн бұрын
IT'S BACK BABY!! The BMW is ready for another grand adventure and I'm along for the ride. Beautiful and inspiring video Sterling, loved the creativity.