@kookiemony01 7 сағат бұрын
@idontknow.whyareuasking6568 8 сағат бұрын
@LightYagami001_4 8 сағат бұрын
@mc_navias2 10 сағат бұрын
no youre not :)
@palpable_VT 13 сағат бұрын
I think bro is just squeamish around blood
@NicoleMarie. Күн бұрын
50/50, if you were working less, which if you make so much less, just go to school or pick up a skill. Then you can do those things
@itsjustme4936 Күн бұрын
Well, a lot of these children in the comments aren't asking the right questions and are assuming, does OP stay up all night playing video games or does OP stay up all night working, there is a difference
@NicoleMarie. Күн бұрын
NTA- turning on all the lights and demanding you cook is crazy, imo. Also, 6 hours is a dream. If you can sleep good for you, but I cannot imagine being so evil as to turn on all the lights and make noise to purposely wake someone up at 5AM or before. Either have her get ready somewhere else or she could have her stuff ready the night before and use another room. I mean, so many different wants to be more considerate of someone who is sleeping. Being more quiet or just not sleeping over, a bigger place, etc…
@caleightilson8030 Күн бұрын
Come home making a bunch of noise, turn on all the lights, and ask her to make you dinner and sit with you. She'll figure it out
@user-ll4vt7vy4o Күн бұрын
Ok she is rude but go to bed before midnight man
@BexsBoxofConfusion Күн бұрын
Men in these comments acting like paying more in rent means that they’re paying their girlfriend/spouse to clean. Lmao no. That’s a very cheap cleaner. Idc if you pay 100% because that’s a relationship and you BOTH live there. It’s BOTH of your responsibility. None of this 20% shit. You pay according to your ability. Everyone knows full well that there’s high income earners who do far less than lower earners. Men want their girlfriends to “earn their keep” and then wonder why women now don’t want them
@mortale Күн бұрын
How many hours of sleep do you need though? 6 hours is a healthy duration. Maybe try changing some habits instead.
@leesylvester772 Күн бұрын
So he needed more time after the years of discussion for a deposit? That ring is either way too much money to be feasible for a civilian or he aint trynna marry you
@07kilswitch Күн бұрын
If he pays 80% and you 20% then let him have 20% of the household like like vacuum twice a month and clean a toilet sometimes. But i just hope this isnt one of those "im doing everything" type of situation because at home me and my gf both work and devide the chores. And i even help her on half off hers she can still throw the i do all and you nothing in my face. Even when i did everything while she was on 3 day business trip
@ThariduVanParys Күн бұрын
If he pays around 80% then he doesn't have to help since that would make him litterally at a massive disadvantage but it it was like 60/40 maybe then its fair to ask. But since you said a lot more i am quite sure its 80/20 meaning he made a deal you took it and its a fair one at that so stop complaining or move out. My dad owns my parents house and my mom never had to work a single day and does all the cleaning it is a fair deal? No it favored my mom more but my dad liked that deal HE himself set up so in that case it works great. So all in all either add details or shut up (if you don't add details you are more than likely unreasonable and just want conformation from strangers after you didn't even ask the question with the proper context)
@BexsBoxofConfusion Күн бұрын
Don’t go into a relationship if you view it all as transactional
@ThariduVanParys Күн бұрын
If you need a deposit for a ring the ring is not worth it. And in extension the person asking for that ring is not worth it, in other words you are the ahole for having way to high standards and you are a let down 😂
@sldarwin5615 Күн бұрын
I get the not spending enough time together, if ur she leaves before ur up and u get back after she’s asleep, you’ll end up barely seeing each other. BUTTTTT waking him up in the morning is a dick move lol
@dontfindmeguilty Күн бұрын
Its really super vague, which makes me think he was in the wrong, and he knows it. She asked him to change, not the other way around. She might be jerking him around, but it could be he really messed up and she is trying to get back at him, maybe?
@Victoria-dg7eg 2 күн бұрын
Ik this isn’t related to the video but how do I cut off my toxic friends I have known for half my life Ty to everyone who helped but I forgot to add a crucial bit I’m going on a school trip with them for 5 days and we r in the same room
@JacoboJard 2 күн бұрын
This happened to me, just slowly stop talking to them, i had to move school but its worth it. If they are toxic you dont need them in your life. Suggestion 1: try to talk to new people, and try ro be w them like everytime, so the toxic friends will stop since u are with other people Suggestion 2: say that u got hacked in apps and say to them that u have another acc, so rhey will be of from ur main social accounts (vlock or unfollow tjem / make ur acc private) It will not be easy, they are friends for so much time w u, but its worth it, just remember why do you want to cut them out of your life :)
@Moaiman3 Күн бұрын
One of my close friends is in a situation like yours, here’s some advice I have from helping my friend. 1st. start being more vague and quiet around them. 2nd. Sit at other lunch tables and talk with others (optionally explain to these new people why your doing this) also if they (toxic friends) ask why your not sitting with them say you want to get more friends if they further ask then just don’t answer and say it isn’t their business 3rd. If possible get some mutual friends to talk to the toxic friends and see if they bad mouth you (if they do then DONT confront yet) 4th.see if the toxic friends are affected by your absence IF they ARE affected in a negative way then continue being distant If they ARE NOT affected then they don’t care and you should cut ties 5th. Don’t lend stuff either, ask to borrow something and see if they agree or give an excuse This advice should work but if needed feel free to ask parents/other close people for advice
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
Ok litsen like a lot of people are think it’s about the thought and others think he is wrong for his careless actions but neither is in the wrong making mistakes and having misunderstandings is what makes us human we make mistakes and we values stuff that may not matter to others but if we just try to be empathetic to both sides if possible to some people we can stop having the earth go round in loops and start making it go forward.
@patrickfj 2 күн бұрын
No Something's wrong with your mom
@branditemple8954 2 күн бұрын
Haha, loosers who have never been in a relationship are the only ones commenting, I see. It's not about the ring, it's about the fact that he claims he had the funds and yet couldn't produce the ring she wanted. It seemed that the ring was a reasonable price, just needed some action to actually secure. And he couldn't do something so minor as to just do the bare minimum to make his partner happy. So a) either he is lying about having the money b) he is too lazy to do the bare minimum in a relationship to make the other person happy c) he doesn't want to get married and is delaying the engagement again d) gaslighting her into making her think it's not a big deal because it's 'just a material object' The ONLY way he isn't in the wronf is if he IMMEDIATELY went to make this dream happen for her because he was excited to make her happy, and still missed out. That is the ONLY way he is in the right, and she needs ro take a breather and figure out why this one hurt so much (like is this just a pattern of behavior...) ANYBODY would upset in this circumstance, and anyone saying otherwise clearly doesn't have any empathy or truly thinks it's about a rock....not the disrespect or possible lying.... it's about a dysfunction relationship........not a ring.
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
You have a very closed minded view in life and honestly it’s people like you who make the earth loop around the same while people who actually give a crap about empathy are the people who make the earth go forward and while your views are in some ways correct the way you just haaad to put it makes it look like you a narcissist
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
I don’t understand how you view it as dysfunctional sure he made an empty promise but for you to go all around this and that is not a good way to look at things. He made a mistake the post was very vague and we have no idea why, how, or what caused him to not get the ring just because he has the money for it does not mean he needs to get it would it be nice no doubt but still. He made a mistake a blunder, a empty promise but that is what it’s like being human we make mistakes and people who have the capacity to judge have the capability to forgive
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
You don’t know why and that’s all the more reason to not jump to conclusions I don’t get how you can slander at such a degree with only such little information and the beginning part does not help your case either really “losers who have not been in a relationship” your a pathetic attempt at a human being
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
Like you said it is a material object and sure it is going to hurt but has he done anything to show he does not wanna get married or that he does not love her I’m not taking any sides but your accusation about him gaslighting her is a bit far fetched it is possible but the fact how you insist on him being the bad guy (as shown in your freaking college essay about this) is almost unbelievable if I did not know how people like you act
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
I don’t need to say anything else. Being open minded can go a long way
@abigailhamiltonactor 2 күн бұрын
You said he had the money for a ring,, Do you even KNOW why he didn't either, A.Place a deposit, to secure the purchase. or B. discuss his reason for not talking things over with you? I'm so sorry, but I think it's possible that he DOES have the money for a ring, BUT it's for someone else! .
@christineberrios6246 2 күн бұрын
Are you implying that the wife is in the wrong and that’s she is not the person for him or that he is having an affair
@funkwy431 2 күн бұрын
get off the internet granny
@justhere12343 2 күн бұрын
@madalynjones5424 2 күн бұрын
I feel like there's a middle ground somewhere, ur both right and wrong, ur not the asshole but I can understand where she's coming from. Maybe she can try to be do morning prep in the evening so she doesn't have to turn on all the lights and hopefully make less noise the once she's ready make u coffee and have ur morning time ( it will probably only get you an extra 30min but that morning time sounds important to her but u sleep is equally important,)
@BexsBoxofConfusion 2 күн бұрын
Or she could stay up later and relax with him before going to bed. This situation is only about him making sacrifices. I’d understand if it was once a week, but sleep is VERY important for health. Less sleep is linked to higher stress, obesity, depression, and poor attention. 6hrs is not enough sleep for most people. They could do one weekday a week where he wakes up earlier and one where she goes to bed later, and/or ensure spending quality time during the weekend. Being adults in a relationship doesn’t mean you’ll have a lot of time together. This is how their situation is right now and the solution isn’t him getting 6 to 6.5hrs of sleep
@WafflesLover95 2 күн бұрын
It depends on why OP left If he left because wife asked him to, then it makes sense that he waits for her to ask him to move back in If it was his own decision, then he’s not making any sense 😂
@BaeBunni 2 күн бұрын
"She asked me to change somethings. " seem to suggest she gave him a way to come back and despite changing she didn't accept him back.
@captainrhea8841 2 күн бұрын
Jesus am I the only one who thinks that maybe they should sit down and have a conversation cuz she clearly wants to go out on dates and such but he can’t see that and only leaves the house for his friends and work
@IvanFilarski 2 күн бұрын
Like I told others maybe he's dealing with stuff that he just can't talk to her about maybe personal stuff you know but no your right they should sit down and have a conversation but he does need to soon get her on a date but also she needs to understand him and what he's going through because if she keeps pushing him he's not going to like her then breakup so they just need to work things out and understand each other more have a good day 😁
@Nonprettygirly 2 күн бұрын
I could see why, he promised something that didn’t happen
@kathleenhallahan6238 3 күн бұрын
NTA She is selfish and inconsiderate and she doesn't understand why what she's doing is wrong. Find someone who treats you the way you treat her, with respect.
@IvanFilarski 3 күн бұрын
He just needs a break works stressful and maybe his bros help him out more then you can nothing personal with you but maybe thats the only time he can be himself its nothing rude but im sure if you plan things and take it slow because remeber yelling ir crying about it wont help just take time with it great things come with patience
@disguisedhamstergames8299 2 күн бұрын
@elizabethconely6248 3 күн бұрын
No but neither is she. Neither of you have actually done anything wrong, and you’re entitled to your feelings.
@jackieblake9327 3 күн бұрын
@confusedlemon2986 3 күн бұрын
NTA - while yes your mom is entitled to living her own life, it's really self centered to cut you out of her life to this extent, especially when you're in such a sensitive time. You need to share your feelings of hurt with her, and maybe she can make amends. If she's not interested in doing so, then you'll have to accept your baby has lost their grandma.
@paintedpilgrim 3 күн бұрын
I know this is petty but reverse the situation. Do exactly the same when you get home. Say the same thing.
@leilanykol 3 күн бұрын
honestly i agree. that might be the only way she’ll understand if they’ve already talked about it & she continues to do it
@dylanyoung3855 Күн бұрын
only difference is she’d only be sleeping for maybe 3 hours instead of 6 like him.
@wayworner 3 күн бұрын
I’d say neither are the ah. You wanted to move away but your mom didn’t. And from the story, nobody was accusing you of being an ah, so no
@jackverstraten3898 3 күн бұрын
You're too insecure! He just wants to spent time with his friends and he's tired so thats what he would rather go to do!
@OctopusLover-nu6nc 3 күн бұрын
But he never spends time with her? Why is she insecure when she just wants to hang out with her boyfriend? If he loves her then he would want to spend time with her? You’re probably like her boyfriend. Too insecure to hang out with girls because you think they’ll judge you.
@aa-gb4zz 3 күн бұрын
Then he should date his friends instead and break up with her 😂
@Kingyodas 3 күн бұрын
@@aa-gb4zzand you should get some friends
@nicolekeplin144 2 күн бұрын
​@@aa-gb4zzdont be talkin we a know you have no friends
@IvanFilarski 2 күн бұрын
@@aa-gb4zz what if they are guys?? Some people don't wanna be gay you know plus breakup is worst he would've dated someone in his friend group and what difference would that make they could be just like his girlfriend pushy so speak facts not opinions
@jinxesvixen9978 3 күн бұрын
Ignore her and keep on sleeping.
@jinxesvixen9978 3 күн бұрын
I mean you're starting a new life and you want your mother with you but your mother also has a life she wants to start. Lowkey I'ma just say your mom probably wants to be a grandma but doesn't want you to depend on her. Heck she's trying to get a new husband and start a new chapter.
@deeannamorrison8587 3 күн бұрын
She's incredibly rude. Not adult enough for a grown up relationship.
@Stellarixie 3 күн бұрын
I would recommend using your own voice and calming music in the background :)
@ThisHappenedtoMe.official 3 күн бұрын
Sure, what background music would you recommend? Hope it's not copyrighted😅
@YeseniaCastillo-qy2tr 4 күн бұрын
@carmenarenas7691 4 күн бұрын
NTA why would you be responsible for “ruiningl her life? You broke up with her because there was no viable relationship between you two. She is an adult and is responsible for her own life.
@dimarshall1777 4 күн бұрын
@sammy_only 4 күн бұрын
Wait you pay for groceries internet and get discounted rent from your job but you have to do all the cooking and cleaning. Uhh no stand up for yourself.
@kimfountain-ex8xl 4 күн бұрын
Do not marry that man
@celines4215 4 күн бұрын
Don't need to read the rest, just saying that he pays most of the bills, not all. So you should do most of the chores, not all.
@SetCraft-pm9vk 4 күн бұрын
Could have been several reasons why he couldn't get it but yeah you're the AH if you value the ring more than your relationship
@user-sk3op9yc7h 4 күн бұрын
Yeah it's not the ring that matters it's the thought
@confusedlemon2986 2 күн бұрын
It's possible this is a situation in which he's acted careless on multiple occasions previously and this is one of the first things that she really didn't want to compromise on. A "straw that broke the camel's back"sorry of thing. Without more background we don't really know
@SetCraft-pm9vk 2 күн бұрын
@confusedlemon2986 Well if you look at the original story there's not lying indicating as such. No OP really just seems entitled
@branditemple8954 2 күн бұрын
​@@user-sk3op9yc7h yeah, and he didn't think right?
@branditemple8954 2 күн бұрын
It's not that she valued a ring over the relationship...He didn't value his relationship by not trying his hardest to make her happy within reason.....and it sounded like the ring was a perfectly reasonable request, not like a break the bank choice...
@BeeLightened 4 күн бұрын
Who the fuck gives a shit about a ring. Do something better with the money ffs
@ednakravitz2738 4 күн бұрын
He doesn’t value you at all unless you’re having sex That’s all you’re there for clean the house make his food and have sex. The rest he gets elsewhere. Find someone who appreciates you