@osberswgaming 11 күн бұрын
I’m sorry but why do the instrumentals all sound like they’re from Mario Kart (it’s a compliment)
@LUC4S0008 20 күн бұрын
[BROOKE, falado] Eai, meu nome é Brooke Wyndham E sejam Bem-Vindos de volta ao meu Desafio Físico Com o compromisso diário para ser o nosso melhor que nós podemos ser! [ENSEMBLE, falado] YEAH! [BROOKE, falado] Então peguem a sua CardioCorda 5000 Porque se quer emagrecer Vai suar pra valer! [BROOKE, cantado] Pensa que milagre cai do céu? Que não vai ter que sofrer? Pra emagrecer tem que suar Sem descanso, viu bebê Falo com quem dá o seu melhor Pra ter, é só pagar Pois se quer caber num P Vai ter que pular! [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Tem que suar pra valer! Cada vez vai piorar Só vai saber se mudou Se você chorar Pois se um shape quer ter Tem que suar, suar que o suor vem O treino vai mudar você Mas vai Suar Pra Valer! [BROOKE, falado] BORA, SABRINA, SUA GORDA! [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Suar pra valer! [SABRINA, falado] Eu te odeio, brooke Mas te amo por isso [ENSEMBLE, falado] Suar pra va- [?] [CALLAHAN, cantado] Brooke em menos de um mês Faturou mais de um milhão Com livros e DVDs “Menos peso, mais bundão" Então ela se casou Com um velho bom demais E a enteada viu Brooke com o sangue de seu pai Se ela confessar Esse caso eu ganharei Mas ela diz ser inocente [WARNER, falado] E ela é? [CALLAHAM, cantado] Vou dar o play [?] [BROOKE, cantado] Essa corda é bem mais além Que algo pra malhar Pegue a corda e enforque até Fazer ele sangrar! Quando o cara te assediar Pra defesa, o karatê Tudo isso lá na loja é Só 30 por mês! [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Tem bater pra valer! Pra quando ele vacilar Com o que acabou de aprender Faça ele chorar Se não respeitar você Pode bater, bater pra ele vazar Isso pode salvar você É só bater pra valer! [BROOKE, falado] BORA PULAR!!! [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Suar Pra Valer! [BROOKE, falado] No sofrimento vem a luz! [?] [CALLAHAM, cantado] Brooke não confia em mim Essa parte é com vocês Ela não quer me ouvir E eu não falo “Internetês” Brooke não quer cooperar Mas talvez vai lhes ouvir Façam a loira pensar Ou ela não vai sair dali [ELLE, falado] Eu sou uma Delta… [CALLAHAM, falado] Agora não [CALLAHAM, cantado] Ela tem que se render Se ela sabe pensar É matar ou morrer Se quer escapar Se com ela, eu falar Não tenho álibi ou delação Na língua fácil de entender Eu vou suar pra valer! [CALLAHAM, falado] PARA A CADEIA! [BROOKE, falado] Garotas, não é porque estamos No Reformatório de Mulheres de Boston Que não podemos ser A nossa melhor versão Vamos lá! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Vamos lá, meninas. Só nos resta suar [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Um, dois! Um, dois! Um, dois! Tem que suar pra valer Cada vez vai piorar Só vai saber se mudou Se você suar [BROOKE, cantado] Pois se um shape quer ter [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Tem que suar, suar que o suor vem [BROOKE, cantado] Dessa prisão não vai correr Só vai suar pra valer! [BROOKE, falado] Passa, passa, passa, passa De pé! Pé duplo! [ENSEMBLE, falado] Passa, passa, passa, passa De pé! Pé duplo! [BROOKE, cantado] Isso aí! Conseguiram! [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Só tem, só tem, só tem que Suar Pra Valer!
@Rwn553 25 күн бұрын
[BROOKE, falado] Eai, meu nome é Brooke Wyndham E sejam Bem-Vindos de volta ao meu Desafio Físico Com o compromisso diário para ser o nosso melhor! [ENSEMBLE, falado] YEAH! [BROOKE, falado] Então peguem a sua CardioCorda 5000 Porque se quer emagrecer Vai suar pra valer! [BROOKE, cantado] Pensa que milagre cai do céu? Que não vai ter que sofrer? Pra emagrecer tem que suar Sem descanso, viu bebê Falo com quem dá o seu melhor Pra ter, é só pagar Pois se quer caber num P Vai ter que pular! Tem que suar pra valer! Cada vez vai piorar Só vai saber se mudou Se você suar Pois se um shape quer ter Tem que sofrer, sofrer para alcançar O treino vai mudar você Mas vai Suar Pra Valer! [BROOKE, falado] BORA, SABRINA, SUA GORDA! [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Suar pra valer! [SABRINA, falado] Eu te odeio, brooke Mas te amo por isso [ENSEMBLE, falado] Suar pra va- [?] [CALLAHAN, cantado] Brooke em menos de um mês Faturou mais de um milhão Com livros e DVDs “Menos peso, mais bundão" Então ela se casou Com um velho bonitão E a enteada viu Brooke com o sangue de seu pai nas mãos Se Brooke confessar Esse caso eu ganharei Mas ela diz se inocente [WARNER, falado] E ela é? [CALLAHAM, cantado] Vou dar o play [?] [BROOKE, cantado] Essa corda é mais além Que algo pra malhar Pegue a corda e enforque até Fazer ele sangrar! Quando o babaca te bater Pra defesa, o karatê Tudo isso lá na loja é Só 30 por mês! Tem bater pra valer! Pra quando ele vacilar Com o que acabou de aprender Faça ele chorar Se não respeitar você Pode bater, bater pra ele vazar Isso pode salvar você É só bater pra valer! [BROOKE, falado] BORA PULAR!!! Sem dor, sem vigor, galera [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Suar Pra Valer! [BROOKE, falado] No sofrimento vem a luz! [?] [CALLAHAM, cantado] Brooke não confia em mim Essa parte é com vocês Ela não quer me ouvir E eu não falo “Internetês” Brooke não quer cooperar Mas talvez vai lhes ouvir Façam a loira pensar Ou ela não vai sair dali [ELLE, falado] Eu sou uma Delta… [CALLAHAM, falado] Agora não [CALLAHAM, cantado] Ela tem que se render Se ela sabe pensar É matar ou morrer Se quer escapar Se com ela, eu falar Não tenho álibi ou delação Na língua fácil de entender Eu vou suar pra valer! [CALLAHAM, falado] PARA A CADEIA! [BROOKE, falado] Garotas, não é porque estamos No Reformatório de Mulheres d Boston Que não podemos ser A nossa melhor versão Vamos lá! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Gira, gira! Embaixo e Sobe! Girando! De novo! Vamos lá, meninas. Só nos resta suar [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Um, dois! Um, dois! Um, dois! Tem que suar pra valer Cada vez vai piorar Só vai saber se mudou Se você suar [BROOKE, cantado] Pois se um shape quer ter [ENSEMBLE, cantado] Tem que Sofrer, sofrer pra alcançar [BROOKE, cantado] Dessa prisão não vai correr Só vai suar pra valer! [BROOKE, falado] Passa, passa, passa De pé! Pé duplo! [ENSEMBLE, falado] Passa, passa, passa De pé! Pé duplo! [BROOKE, cantado] Isso aí! Conseguiram! [BROOKE/ENSEMBLE, cantado] Basta, basta, basta Suar Pra Valer
@joaomiranda9017 Ай бұрын
[EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não... [PENNY] Não gaste o seu latim [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] É... [AMBER] É tarde pra mandar em mim [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não... [TRACY] Não digo que mal me quer [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Sim... [TRACY] Mas por favor... [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sai do meu pé! [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! Mama, não sou mais bebê! [TRACY] Muito tempo atrás eu só ouvia "não" Enquanto os meus amigos tinham mais permissão Cansei da sua lista do que não fazer [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois Mama, não sou mais bebê! [AMBER] Muito tempo atrás, me divertia só Mas hoje eu acho pega-pega bem melhor Se vir algum chupão, procure se conter! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois mama, não sou mais bebê! [PENNY] Mama, eu não sei dizer se já notou Que eu aprendi a dançar com você Só você mostrou pra mim o rock n' roll Porque você só pula e berra sem porquê Woah oh oh oh oh... [TRACY] Eu me contorcia sem poder sair [AMBER] Mas hoje a Sandra Dee aqui tá pronta fugir [PENNY] Então arrivederci! [TRACY] Au revoir! [AMBER] Adieu! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois mama, não sou mais bebê! Woah-oh-oh [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! [EDNA, VELMA & PRUDY] Não é não! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Sim! Mama, não sou mais bebê! [TRACY] Muito tempo atrás eu mal sabia andar Vivia retraída sem ousar dançar Mas hoje quero aplausos ao agradecer [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois mama, não sou mais bebê [AMBER] Whoa-oh-oh-oh Muito tempo atrás eu adorava o Ken Mas hoje adoro aquilo que ele veio sem E não preciso mais da Barbie pra entender [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois mama, não sou mais bebê Mama, eu já sei o que é bom ou mau E dessa vez eu preciso arriscar Mama, dar adeus pro ninho é normal Então me impulsiona que eu já sei voar [AMBER] Sei voar [PENNY] Vou achar um homem que não vai julgar [AMBER] E vou dar muitos netos pra você mimar [TRACY] Mas antes minha fama tem que acontecer [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Pois mama, não sou mais bebê [PENNY] Woah oh, oh oh oh! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Mama, não sou mais bebê [AMBER] Hey, hey, hey! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Mama, vê se entende...Ui! [AMBER] Olha quem cresceu! [TRACY, AMBER & PENNY] Não sou mais bebê Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh [CORO] Não é não! Sim... Não é não! Sim... Não é não! Sim... Mama, não sou mais bebê!
@nourzakki6267 Ай бұрын
The trouble with schools is They always try to teach the wrong lesson Believe me, I've been kicked out of enough of them to know They want you to become less callow, less shallow But I say, why invite stress in? Stop studying strife And learn to live "the unexamined life" Dancing through life Skimming the surface Gliding where turf is smooth Life's more painless For the brainless Why think too hard? When it's so soothing Dancing through life No need to tough it When you can slough it off as I do Nothing matters But knowing nothing matters It's just life So keep dancing through Dancing through life Swaying and sweeping And always keeping cool Life is fraught-less When you're thoughtless Those who don't try Never look foolish Dancing through life Mindless and careless Make sure you're where less trouble is rife Woes are fleeting Blows are glancing When you're dancing Through life
@guormond1615 2 ай бұрын
Não se impede uma avalanche de descer pela montanha Não se joga sem perder, mas um dia você ganha E você pode até tentar deter , mas não vai conseguir Pois o mundo avança sem parar E o meu coração só quer gritar Que encontrou enfim a razão para bater Refrão 1 (Tracy e Link) : Não vamos parar ! Desde o princípio que a mulher entendeu Que se mexesse com jeitinho o homem seria seu Por isso eu mexo, remelexo, é o que me faz vibrar Não vamos parar ! Antes do Outono sempre vem o verão O tempo voa e não perdoa a cada nova estação E se quiser me segurar eu juro vai se arrepender Não vamos parar ! Tracy : " Penny, agora é a sua vez !" Penny : "Ah! Eu gosto mesmo é de café-com-leite !" Penny : Não se impede a correnteza de um rio rumo ao mar Você pode até não concordar mas não pode me impedir ! E nada me separa de você , isso eu posso garantir ! Pois o mundo avança sem parar (Seaweed : Sem parar..) E meu coração só quer gritar (Seaweed : Quer gritar..) Que encontrou(encontrou) a razão para bater
@carolinegrace23 2 ай бұрын
Stop, stop telling me what to do-o Don't, don't treat me like a child of two-o No, I know that you want what's best Please, but mother please give it a rest Stop, don't, no Please Stop, don't, no Please Stop, don't, no Please Mama, I'm a big girl now Once upon a time when I was just a kid You never let me do just what the older kids did But lose that laundry list of what you won't allow 'Cause mama, I'm a big girl now Once upon a time I used to play with toys But now I'd rather play around with older boys So if I get a hicky please don't have a cow 'Cause mama, I'm a big girl now Ma, I gotta tell you that without a doubt I get my best dancing lessons from yo-ou You're the one who taught me how to twist and shout Because you shout non-stop and you're so twisted to-o Ooh Once I used to fidget 'cause I just sat home But now I'm just like Gidget, and I gotta get to Rome So say arrivederci, toodle-loo, and ciao 'Cause mama I'm a big girl now, whoa Stop, don't, no Please Stop, don't, no Please Stop, don't, no Please Mama, I'm a big girl now Hey mama Say mama Once upon a time I was a shy young thing Could barely walk and talk so much as dance and sing But let me hit that stage I wanna take my bow 'Cause mama, I'm a big girl now Whoa, once upon a time I used to dress up Ken But now that I'm a woman I like bigger men And I don't need a Barbie doll to show me how 'Cause mama I'm a big girl now, ooh Ma, you always taught me what was right from wrong And now I just wanna give it a try Mama, I'm been in a nest for far to long So please give a push and mama watch me fly Watch me fly Show off Some day I will meet a man you won't condemn And we will have some kids and you can torture them But let me be a star before I take that vow 'Cause mama, I'm a big girl now, whoa Mama, I'm a big girl now Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Mama, I'm a big girl Ooh, such a big big girl (woo) I'm a big girl now, whoa (Stop, don't, no, please) (Stop, don't, no, please) whoa (Stop, don't, no, please) Mama, I'm a big girl now
@venice8504 2 ай бұрын
Every day, more wicked Every day, the terror grows All of Oz is ever on alert That's the way with wicked Spreading fear where e'er she goes Seeking out new victims she can hurt Like some terrible green blizzard Throughout the land she flies Defaming our poor Wizard With her calumnies and lies She lies Save us from the wicked Shield us so we won't be hexed Give us warning Where will she strike next? Where will she strike next? Where will she strike next? Fellow Ozians, as terrifying as terror is Let us put aside our panic for this one day, and celebrate! Oh what a celebration We'll have today Thank Goodness! Let's have a celebration the Glinda way! Thank Goodness! Finally a day that's totally Wicked-Witch free! We couldn't be happier Thank goodness! Yes We couldn't be happier Right, dear? Couldn't be happier Right here Look what we've got A fairy-tale plot Our very own happy ending Where we couldn't be happier True, dear? Couldn't be happier And we're happy to share Our ending vicariously With all of you He couldn't look handsomer I couldn't feel humbler We couldn't be happier Because happy is what happens When all your dreams come true! Oh, and Glinda dear, we're happy for you! As Press Secretary, I have striven to ensure that all of Oz Knows the story of your braverism The day you were first summoned To an audience with Oz And although he would not tell you why initially When you bowed before his throne He decreed you'd hence be known As Glinda the Good, officially! Then with a jealous squeal The Wicked Witch burst from concealment Where she had been lurking, surrpetitially! I hear she has an extra eye That always remains awake I hear that she can shed her skin As easily as a snake! I hear some rebel animals Are giving her food and shelter I hear her soul is so unclean Pure water can melt her What? Melt her Please, somebody go and melt her! Do you hear that, water will melt her? People are so empty-headed, they'll believe anything Fiyero! Oh yes, thanks plenty, dearest! He's gone to fetch me a refreshment He's so thoughtful that way That's why I couldn't be happier No, I couldn't be happier Though it is, I admit The tiniest bit Unlike I anticipated But I couldn't be happier Simply couldn't be happier Well, not "simply" 'Cause getting your dreams It's strange, but it seems A little, well, complicated There's a kind of a sort of, cost There's a couple of things get, lost There are bridges you cross you didn't know you crossed Until you've crossed And if that joy, that thrill Doesn't thrill like you think it will Still With this perfect finale The cheers and ballyhoo Who Wouldn't be happier? So I couldn't be happier Because happy is what happens When all your dreams come true Well, isn't it? Happy is what happens When your dreams come true! We love you, Glinda, if we may be so frank Thank Goodness! For all this joy, we know who we've got to thank Thank Goodness! That means the Wizard, Glinda And fiance! They couldn't be goodlier She couldn't be lovelier We couldn't be luckier I couldn't be happier Thank Goodness Today! (Thank Goodness for today!)
@user-nz1sv8fk6s 2 ай бұрын
@like_egg123 2 ай бұрын
@amaterasu1661 3 ай бұрын
4:22 just bookmarking for myself
@theplumbobguy4036 3 ай бұрын
@camhicks8235 2 ай бұрын
YES!! WOULD ALSO LOVE FOR THE FULL MUSICAL SCORE! Would also love to see City of Angels if possible!
@emilyhiron6355 3 ай бұрын
@Suzanne-fh2bu 3 ай бұрын
vroeger bang voor alles en voor iedereen zei amper wat en zat dan in een hoek alleen maar nu heb ik geen last meer van verlegenheid mam ik ben een grote meid vroeger steeds die Barbie en die suffe ken ik wil nu ik een vrouw ben eens een echte vent maar Barbie heeft me mooi op alles voorbereid mam ik ben een grote meid
@indagril 4 ай бұрын
@user-bm5me5hy3j 4 ай бұрын
@sarahchung3602 5 ай бұрын
0:45 살면서 우리들은 좋든 싫든 수많은 일들을 마주하지 그건 Health, Fitness, Diet, 품위와 매너 또 의미없는 많은 격식들 멋진 대화, 위트 믿을게 못 돼 매너, 교양 그것도 필요없지 그러니 내면말고 외모만 봐줘 내가 입은 옷 그게 나야 이제 보이는 걸 믿어 체크 줄무늬 땡땡이 모두 날 꾸미는 데 쓰는 거야 멋지게 보일 수 있게 모든 방법 동원해서 황홀한 매력 드러날 수 있게 넌 언제나 어디서나 보여지는게 전부야 절대 타협하지 말고 최고만 써 평범한 의상을 입느니 차라리 맥주통 입겠어 내 드레스가 바로 또다른 나 집에 있건 외출하건 머리에서 발끝까지 철저히 계산해서 입어야해 그게 모자건 가발이건 혹은 터번일지라도 자기를 가꾸지 않는 다면 벌을 받지 오 나의 옷장 열어보면 잠옷에서 예복까지 최고의 패션을 볼 수 있으니까 그건 정말 당연한거야 평범한 건 난 정말 싫어 내 드레스가 바로 또 다른 나 오 내가 입는게 바로 나니까 언제 어디서나 최고를 줘요 화려하고 최고멋진 날 보여줄 아주 비싼 예복들 시선끄는 심장이멈출 매력있는 눈에띄는 죽여주는 그런 걸로의 드레스가 바로 또 다른 나 또 다른 나 내옷이 바로 나자신 드레스가 바로 또 다른 나
@MJunDoS 5 ай бұрын
Wow it sounds amazing! Dear author, can I somehow ask you to share the file of this instrumental with me, so I could use it for the scene in musical school? If it's possible ❤
@sheeshman6727 5 ай бұрын
thanks bro
@sheeshman6727 6 ай бұрын
when lif gives u egg, make mash potato
@OnlineBeetlejuiceMusical 6 ай бұрын
Morgan and Fed 4th: Do GO T, do the songs Desks, hats, notebook, Eye patch for Chloe kzbin.info/www/bejne/aajTiJuBaqh0bas LYRICS Fed: Life is so hard Morgan: Being the bard!!?? Fed: My days are so busy it's making me dizzy There's so much I gotta do There's lunches and meetings and poetry readings And endless interviews Morgan: Gotta pose for a portrait And how I deplore sitting there for eternity Then it's off to the inn Where my innkeeper friend Both: Wants to name a drink after me Fed: Then it's back to my room, where I resume My attempt to write a hit Morgan: Just me and my beer and the terrible fear That I might be losing it Fed: And it's hard, Morgan: It's hard Fed: It's hard, Morgan: It's hard Both: It's really hard So very very hard It's really hard Very very hard Fed: I make it look easy Morgan: but honey believe me Fed: It's hard Morgan: It's hard Fed: It's hard, Morgan: It's hard Both: It's so incredibly hard So inconceivably, unbelievably hard It's hard to be the bard Fed: Honestly, I don't know how I do it. Morgan: There's only so much of me to go around. Fed: I've got so many fans With so many demands I can hardly go take a piss (Morgan: He can't pee) Be it theater-freak or The autograph-seeker Morgan: They all want a piece of this (Fed: Gimme, Gimme) It's a cross that I bear, I'm like Jesus, I swear It's a burden but I suffer through it (Fed: He is suffering) It's all part of the game, The trappings of fame Fed: But somebody's gotta do it (Morgan: So he does it) And I know, I know, I gotta go And get back to my pen and ink Morgan: Oh don't make me do it, Don't make me go through it Fed: Can somebody get me a drink! 'Cause it's hard Morgan: It's hard Fed: It's hard, Morgan: It's hard Both: It's really really hard It's sexy but it's hard It's really hard Sexy but it's hard Fed: This bar that I'm Raising to be this amazing! It's hard, Morgan: It's hard Fed: It's hard, Morgan: It's hard It's so annoyingly hard So unavoidably, unenjoyably hard Morgan: It's hard to be the bard, baby Fed: I know writing made me famous, Both: But being famous is just so much more fun. (Charge forward) You see... What people just don't understand Is that writing's demanding It's mentally challenging and it's a bore It's such a chore To sit in a room by yourself Oh my god, I just hate it! And you're trying to find An opening line or a brilliant idea And you're pacing the floor And hoping for just a bit of divine intervention That one little nugget that one little spark Then Eureka! You find it you're ready to start So now you can write, right? Wrong! You're not even close, you remember that damn it, Your play's gotta be in iambic pentameter! (Point to Smith) So you write down a word but it's not the right word, So you try a new word but you hate the new word And you need a good word but you can't find the word Oh where is it, what is it, what is it, where is it! Where is… Blah-blah-blah, ha ha, ah-ha -UGHHHHHHHH! Novi: Sir. Both: Helloowwww!! Novi: You asked for information on what Nicholas Bottom is writing. Our spy is here with the news. Fed: Did he see me losing it? Novi: He's half blind, sir. Morgan: Oh, good. Both: (To each other) Then he only saw half of it. You see what we did? (Novi: Yes, yes. Wonderful) Fed: Speak, man. What news? Chloe (Spy): I saw Nick Bottom, I did. He paid a soothsayer to foresee what Shakespeare's greatest play would be. Fed: That sneaky little thief! Morgan: Why doesn't he come up with his own ideas!? Both: It's hard Fed: No. It is, isn't it? Morgan: It's really the worst Fed: It's hard Morgan: Makes me wonder why I didn't think of that first (Fed: It's Hard) Both: Hard to alleviate the pressure to create Hard to do something as good as the last thing I did that was already great Fed: It's hard (Morgan: So hard that he is stealing from the bard) Morgan: Well I'll hoist him by his petard (Fed: Ooooo) Fed: All we need is a clever disguise (Morgan: Clever disguise) I'll make him pay for those devious lies (Morgan: Devious lies) Morgan: Let him do all the tedious stuff Both: The work that's terribly and unbearably hard Fed: Alright Nick Bottom Morgan: I think Shakespeare needs to find out Both: What Shakespeare's next big hit will be Fed: Cause it's hard (Morgan: It’s hard. It's totally hard) It's hard (Morgan: It’s hard. It's totally hard) It's hard (Morgan: It’s hard. It's totally) Both: I've got fortune and fame Everyone knows my name I can't help it it's so freakin' hard
@chloe_abab 6 ай бұрын
@armandojoshua6782 7 ай бұрын
Nuestra es la gloria Egipto lo consiguió Desde la delta del Nilo Al desierto conquistó Cómo explicar Lo que se halló Se vio y se aprendió Lo que se exploró Como nos transformó Mi destino claro está Más allá de un sueño va El camino a continuar Hasta llegar a un gran final Nuestro día es El mar vencer Cielos tocar Tierras buscar Y hasta la tumba engañar Suerte te da el valor Como explicar Lo que se halló Se vio y se aprendió Lo que se exploró Como nos transformó Nada es casualidad Todo puede suceder Eres lo que quieras ser Ganador o perdedor Es más fácil el creer que hay más por conocer No me puedo establecer Suerte a la libertad Suerte a la juventud Suerte te da el valor
@ChrisColemanMagicMan 7 ай бұрын
Alas, poor yolk, I know thee well There's something rotten There's something rotten You can smell it You can tell it's something rotten Now the kingdom is shot and it's all gone to pot Heaven help us, there is something rotten Hmm My father newly dead And the funeral boiled eggs now coldly furnished for the marriage table Methinks another chef may have whisked our desperate eggs together, as one Pray nephew, what dost thou mean? Well, I'll tell you The fruit of life can't always taste like sweet persimmons Sometimes it's hard to swallow I'm afraid But when life has handed you some lemons Then hand it back a mug of lemonade My father said this to me That he did and then he blew me Away with wisdom simple and concise He said, "Eggbert, life is merely what you make of it So heed this sound advice" You make wine from sour grapes You got a flat pancake, hey, call it a crepe When life gives you eggs, make an omelette You get cola from a nut A dirty worm makes silk from out of his butt When life gives you eggs, make an omelette Omelette The solution to your troubles is Cheese and vegetables And making bacon omelette, yeah! When it looks like you should quit Find another way of looking at it When life gives you eggs You gotta make that om-om-om Om-om-om Om-om-om Omelette Om-om-om Om-om-om Om-om-om Omelette Omelette! The solution to your troubles Right here in River City Shipoopi, Chicago Omelette, yeah! When it looks like you should quit Find another way of looking at it When life gives you eggs Just a great big bowl of eggs When life gives you eggs You gotta make that omelette Crack, splat, psss Crack, splat, psss Make an omelette Crack, splat, psss Make an omelette Make an omelette Make an omelette Make an omelette now First melt a tablespoon of butter in a medium frying pan Over medium heat And sauté the onions and green pepper 'til they're tender Add the ham pieces Make an omelette Make an omelette Make an omelette now Turn off the heat Let the omelette sit one minute in the skillet So the inside cooks right through Take that egg and beat it Take that egg and beat it You gotta heat it and beat it, before you eat it So beat that egg Beat that egg Beat that egg And that's how you make an omelette That's how you make an omelette That's how you make an omelette That's how you make it And I am telling you I'm not gonna be an omelette Oh no, no, no You make wine from sour grapes You got a flat pancake, just call it a crepe When life gives you eggs, make an oh-oh-oh-omelette Take an egg and pass on by If your cholesterol's high, you'll probably die When life gives you eggs Just a great big bowl of eggs When life gives you eggs You gotta make that om-om-om Om-om-om Om-om-om Om-om-om For heaven's sakes! It was white and yellow And white and yellow And white and yellow And white Make an omelette!
@VeeAllar738 7 ай бұрын
1:12 1:49
@SomeGuy-sm2nd 7 ай бұрын
NICK] Oh, God, I hate Shakespeare That's right, I said it [NIGEL (spoken)] No! [NICK] I do, I hate Shakespeare [NIGEL (spoken)] Why? Flo Milli 'Never Lose Me' (Live Performance) | Genius Open Mic [NICK] I just don't get it How a mediocre actor from a measly little town Is suddenly the brightest jewel in England's royal crown? Oh, God, I hate Shakespeare His plays are wordy, but Oh, no, the great Shakespeare That little turd, he has no Sense about the audience He makes them feel so dumb The bastard doesn't care that my Poor ass is getting numb [MALE ENSEMBLE] How can you say that? How can you say that? [NICK] It's easy, I can say it 'cause it's absolutely true [MALE ENSEMBLE] Don't be a penis, the man is a genius [NICK] His genius is he's fooling all of you [NIGEL] But he's brilliant, what majesty flows from his pen His poetry soars like a sweet violin God's own inspiration, like lightning doth strike him And he captures my soul [NICK (spoken)] Aw, jeez, you sound just like him! [NIGEL (spoken)] Really? Thanks! [NICK] You should hate Shakespeare [NIGEL] Well, I don't, I try to emulate Shakespeare [NICK] Well, there's your problem, you're so blinded by The Bard Who's such a pompous little man [NIGEL] Why is it a problem to admit that I'm a fan? [NICK] 'Cause he's a hack with a knack For stealing anything he can [MALE ENSEMBLE] How can you say that? How can you say that? The man really knows how to write a bitchin' play You wish you could pen one, we wish we were in one [NICK] I just wish that he would go away [NIGEL (spoken)] Well, that's not gonna happen because everybody I know says that he is the greatest writer that England has ever known [NICK] And that's another thing I hate about Shakespeare Is all the twits who bloviate about Shakespeare And how they prattle on About his great accomplishments, well la-di-da-di-da And once they start the gushing There's no stopping them and then it's Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah Shakespeare And he walks in it's Dum-de-dum-ta-da Shakespeare He's holding court and they say "Will, you're such a genius and your writing is divine 'A rose by any other name' is such a clever line" And they're all "ooh" and he's all "stop" And they're all "yay" and I'm all "*retch*!" And I'm really getting sick of it And oh, oh, oh Oh, I hate Shakespeare [MALE ENSEMBLE] I think by now, we sort of know you hate Shakespeare [NICK] Shmakespeare! The way he feigns humility When all he does is gloat The way he wears that silly, frilly Collar 'round his throat The poster child for why No one should ever procreate Let me make a shorter list And I will give it to you straight Every little thing about Shakespeare Is what I hate [MALE ENSEMBLE] Hates, he hates He clearly surely, really, truly Hates Shakespeare [NIGEL (spoken)] Don't hate!
@emmasprouse08E 7 ай бұрын
[AMNERIS] I may leave a great impression As I race through a succession Of the latest crazes, chase the newest fad I feel better when beguiling Find that fashion keeps me smiling But in my heart I know it's rather sad [AIDA] That a life of great potential Is dismissed, inconsequential AMNERIS] And only ever seen as being cute So I'll flutter to deceive [AIDA] Oh no you must believe That one day you're bound to find [BOTH] A stronger suit
@n.a.3795 7 ай бұрын
@mark._.239 7 ай бұрын
Wait a sec! This is the kind of girl Warner wants Someone serious Someone lawyerly Someone who wears black when nobody's dead! Girls, I have a completely brilliant plan! What you want, Warner, what you want is me But you need to see me in a brand-new domain Well it's plain, Warner, in a different setting You will see you're getting all of this, plus a brain! I'll meet you there at Harvard with a book in my hand Big sturdy book, big wordy book Full of words I'll understand And right there is where you'll see it too Warner, what you want is right in front of you What you want It's clear What you want Right here What you want Is right in front of you, front of you What you want It's clear What you want Right here What you want Is right in front of you, front of you Step one, he's off to Harvard Law So I get in there, too (Step two!) Make Warner reassess Impress him with my high IQ (Step three!) We throw a great big wedding And invite all Delta Nu! That's great, nice plan Now, we can think this through? Harvard Law School? I have a 4.0 average Yeah, in Fashion Merchandising What makes you think you can do this? Love! I'm doing this for love And love will see me through Yes, with love on my side, I can't lose And Harvard can't refuse A love so pure and true Don't lawyers feel love too? Even if they do What you want, sweetheart, is no easy thing If you're going to swing it It will wreck your senior spring Yeah, it's true First, you'll need an LSAT score Of more than 174 So no more parties for you You'll need a killer essay or do not even hope And glowing letters from your betters Any chance you know the Pope? Uh, nope Too bad, 'cause that would be a coup And you've got a lot of work in front of you What you want Yes I know What you want Even so What you want Is right in front of you, front of you What you want (Girl, you go!) What you want No, really, go! What you want Is right in front of you, front of you Law school? Yes, Daddy, law school! Good God, why? Law school is for boring, ugly, serious people! And you, Button, are none of those things What you want, Button, hey, you just say the word But what you want's absurd! And costs a whole lot of swag And hell why, Button, when you can stay right here Pursue a film career? (How 'bout a nice Birkin bag?) Yes, the east coast is foreign, there's no film studios It's cold and dark, no valet parking All the girls have different noses! Christ, Button! It's like the damned frontier Tell me what's out there that you can't get right here? Guys, love! Love? I'm going there for love A love I have to win (ah) I can live without sun or valet I can't just walk away Betray what might have been Fine, okay, I'll pay your way if you get in What you want Make good grades What you want And it's paid What you want Is right in front of you, front of you Hey, everybody! It's the spring fling beer bash extreme! (Extreme!) Not for you, time to study Go! This year's theme: Jamaican me crazy! (Oh!) What you want You wanna be out because the sun she warm? What you want You wanna be study, stuck inside your dorm? What you want You wanna be party with us all night long? What you want You wanna be strong? (Be strong!) (Whoa-oh) 134, not good enough Try again Go! What you want You wanna be groovin', bumpin', shake da room? What you want You wanna be provin' somethin' and to whom? What you want You wanna be wonderin' where your youth is gone? What you want You wanna hold on? Hold on! (Oh-oh) 151, still not Harvard material Once again Go! Love! (What you want, you wanna be breathin' in the healthy air?) I'm doing this for love (What you want, you wanna be chasin' him and he don't care?) And that's how I'll survive (What you want, you wanna ignore the pity in their looks?) Here you go, I said no (What you want, you wanna say, "Sorry, gotta hit me books") Go away (What you want, you wanna sittin' like a lonely child) Right here is where I'll stay (What you want, you wanna be drivin' all the fellas wild) Until that happy day (What you want, you wanna be feelin' good to be alive) That day I hear them say 175! (175!) 175? (175, 175!)
@jordynwardsworth1359 7 ай бұрын
I grew up in your home town At least began to grow I hadnt got to my first shave Before the body blow Egyptians in the court yard My family in chains You witnessed our abduction Which possibly explains How i know you Yes i know you Before that fateful My family enjoyed A priviledged existance For my father was employed As advisor to the king no less Which surely rings a bell For as you are his daughter You probably can tell How i know you Yes i know you You know too much And what you say is better left unknown For now I'm just a slave, like you Our lives are not our own I never have abandoned And nor i think could you That spark of hope for freedom No terror can subdue My only hope is silence You've never seen my face No you remain a princess In anytime or place You don't know me Yes i know you You don't know me How i know you How i know you
@weebofakind2516 8 ай бұрын
I’m gonna be minstrel in my highschool and I’m super nervous because it’s my first musical and freshman (especially girls) don’t usually get such important roles. This video has helped me practice allot
@JRSasso 8 ай бұрын
could u do Holding out for a hero from footloose the musical? or carrie the musical
@samftdino 8 ай бұрын
hi! i saw you take requests! could you please make six the musical instrumentals? there’s a lot on youtube but none are the way the songs get performed! i‘d really appreciate it!
@bi_squared1533 8 ай бұрын
thanks! used this for an audition, worked great :)
@sitzproberedux 8 ай бұрын
Oh awesome! I'm glad it helped!
@official_davis 9 ай бұрын
@semma2889 9 ай бұрын
U weet niets van mijn wezen, mijn zwakte, mijn kracht, wat weet U van een volk dat U zo diep veracht? U graait in ons leven, U plundert ons huis, en wat U niet vindt begeert U het meeste: ons hart krijgt U nooit in Uw macht Vroeger is nu een verre ster, een vreemd vijandig land, met vreemde harde mensen, harde stemmen, harde hand, en de schatten van mijn kindertijd als rakhout op het strand. Het heden is een niemandsland, een eiland in de tijd, een weg van niets naar nergens, te zinloos nog voor spijt. Maar ik raakte ergens onderweg al mijn zekerheden kwijt. De toekomst neemt mijn adem weg: een stil en dood moeras: van alles wat mijn leven was alleen het leeg en zwart karkas. Een laatste vlam van giftig vuur legt mijn dromen in de as... Een laatste vlam van giftig vuur legt mijn dromen in de as.
@TheMobMaster 9 ай бұрын
@user-yw4iw7xu5s 9 ай бұрын
thank you so much!!!
@sitzproberedux 8 ай бұрын
Thank *you* for listening!
@peachyhina 9 ай бұрын
@drelanevans 9 ай бұрын
While you've been away cavorting Matters here have moved apace Now I need you home supporting All the plans I've put in place First of all this means your wedding You'll recall your future bride For the way that Pharaoh's heading Time's no longer on our side According to the hawk god, Horus Our most regal invalid Is not that much longer for us Build another pyramid! There are many who'll be tearful As our leader fades away But our architects are cheerful And each dog must have its day If our country is to flourish Then my son must take the lead Be our inspiration, nourish All our hopes our dreams our creed Soon our monarch will have filled a Tomb just like his fathers did Summon Egypt's greatest builders Build it, build it Another pyramid There will be a time for mourning But for now put plans on hold Hold For I give the nation warning That before the corpse is cold Cold We'll extend fair Egypt's power Egypt's glory strength and style We shall have our finest hour Far beyond the mighty Nile He must have a vault that's grand by Any standards, floor to lid Put five thousand slaves on stand by Build another pyramid! Build it, build it Build it, build it Build it, build it Build it- Build it, build it Build it- He must have a vault that's grand by Any standards, floor to lid Put five thousand slaves on stand by Build another pyramid!
@michaelshannon8533 9 ай бұрын
@berbagod1994 10 ай бұрын
Hi there, would it be possible to use your audio for a promotion we're doing of our Company show? We are a local theatre company in the UK! Thank you :)
@davidworobec1673 11 ай бұрын
@musicaltheatrefan2k226 11 ай бұрын
8:02 playoff
@TheChickenShow420 11 ай бұрын
6:27 mii channel theme???
@jessicazeller8060 11 ай бұрын
This is perfect. Thank you!
@sitzproberedux 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you! One of my favorite scores for sure. Thank *you* for listening and enjoying!
@jessicazeller8060 11 ай бұрын
@@sitzproberedux I’m currently studying the role of Clara in voice lessons, and this track is just what I needed! It’s the best one out there! Thank you again!
@R1NLO Жыл бұрын
Lyrics for auditioners :) Whoa, Elle? What's up, doc? Love (Excuse me?) I put my faith in love I followed where it led (Love led you here?) To my personal circle of hell It has not worked out well I wish that I were dead 'Cause instead of a wedding and love I'm flunking out of school A total laughing stock Someone he and his friends can just mock So, go on, here's my head Just hit it with a rock! Wait, go back You came out here to follow a man? Harvard Law was just part of that plan? Man, what rich, romantic planet are you from? Malibu? Instead of lying outside by the pool You stalk some guy to an Ivy League school That's the weirdest reason I have- Oh, why'd you come? Okay I grew up in the Roxbury slums With my Mom and a series of bums Guys who showed me all the ways a man can fail I got through law school by busting my ass Worked two jobs in addition to class So, forgive me for not weeping at your tale Well, excuse me Just because you've got some kind of chip on your shoulder You know what? You're right There's a chip on my shoulder And it's big as a boulder With the chance I've been given I'm gonna be driven as hell I'm so close, I can taste it So, I'm not gonna waste it Yeah, there's a chip on my shoulder You might wanna get one as well I'm sorry, but that sounds highly negative Wait! Two jobs, plus law school? How do you do it? Well I don't go to parties a lot Not good use of the time that I've got Can't spend hours doin' my hair and stayin' in shape I don't spend hours! But I know it'll all be worthwhile When I win my first lucrative trial And buy my Mom that great big house out on the cape Oh, that's so sweet No, that's the chip on my shoulder I hugged my Mom and told her With the chance I've been given I'm gonna be driven as hell Though I can't take the day off I just think of the payoff You need a chip on your shoulder Little Miss Woods comma Elle I just need to prove to everyone that I'm serious What you need is to get to work Where are your law books? Um, well, I know they're here somewhere You know, this vanity's real picturesque But it started its life as a desk Clear it off and find some room for books instead What are you doing? Can you live without this? Can you live without that? I don't know what this is It's for hair Wear a hat Spend some time improving what's inside your head Out, out, put it in storage Sell it on eBay, leave it behind Out, out, what, are you angry? Good, so get angry, you may find The chip on your shoulder (ugh!) Ooh, the room just got colder (hey!) But with the chance you've been given Why are you not driven as hell? There's just no way around it You've gotta plough through 'til you- Found it! Been reading it hard, I can tell Bye, Warner! Have a great Thanksgiving! Say hi to your Mom and Dad for me And Grandma Bootsie Define malum prohibitum Malum prohibitum is, um An act prohib- An act prohibited by law Like jaywalking or chewing gum in Singapore Therefore, malum in se Is an action, that's evil in itself Assault, murder, white shoes after Labor Day Good Where are you going? Home, of course It's Thanksgiving break, remember? Interesting What? Well, I predict you will probably pass (yes!) In the bottom percent of your class (what?) If you're going for mediocre, you've done great That's not fair Look, they laughed at me, like they're laughing at you We can't win if we don't follow through Might I venture your vacation plans can wait? Why do you always have to be right? Bye, Warner! Merry Christmas! Enjoy Vale! Ho, ho, ho! Emmett! For you Not as good as going home for Christmas, but You are too sweet It's a real time saver Shampoo and conditioner in one Thank you, you are so adorable to think of me Elle, hey! Warner! Have you seen Vivienne? I've been looking for her everywhere Yeah, I mean, no Great, we're gonna miss our flight Um, Elle? I don't know if you've noticed before But each time Warner walks through the door Your IQ goes down to 40, maybe less (huh?) Though it's hardly my business to say Could it be the real thing in your way Is the very guy you're trying to impress? Yes! I've been smiling and sweet And thoroughly beaten, blowing my chance Let's not chase him away Let's face him and say, "hey, punk, let's dance!" This chip on my shoulder Makes me smarter and bolder No more whining or blaming I am reclaiming my pride Grab that book and let's do this Instead of doodling hearts all through this Now, there's a chip on my shoulder (chip on my shoulder) Let's see him knock it aside (ah) Mr. Latimer was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation Without his sperm, the child in question wouldn't exist Now you're thinking like a lawyer Yes, Ms. Woods? Mr. Huntington makes an excellent point But, did the defendant keep a log Of every sperm emission made throughout his life? Interesting, why do you ask? Well, unless the defendant attempted to contact every sexual encounter To find if a child resulted from those unions He has no parental claim over this child whatsoever Why now? Why this sperm? I see your point And, by Mr. Huntington's standard All masturbatory emissions where the sperm was clearly Not seeking an egg could be called reckless abandonment Ms. Woods, you just won your case Omigod (wait, hold on, we just won the case) Omigod (Elle got all up in Warner's face) Omigod (I am starting to like this place) Omig- Ms. Woods, excellent work today I assume you're applying for my internship Do you have a resumé? I'm one step ahead of you Here you go, and thanks in advance for your consideration Dear God, it's scented Three months ago, I would've recycled this Make sure to put it on file Guess she got a chip on her shoulder Maybe some wise man told her With the chance we've been given We've gotta be driven as hell! She was something to see there I'm just happy I could be there! First big test and she aced it She's so close, she can taste it! She got a chip on her shoulder Guess you never can tell With little Miss Woods comma Elle! No, you never can tell (Elle Woods, woods comma Elle) With little Miss Woods comma Elle
@Jamie.isatheatrekid Жыл бұрын
HUZZAH! Oh that is music to my ears!
@elphies Жыл бұрын
Help me, I really need the instrumental of this version of Poor Unfortunate Souls, with these arrangements kzbin.info/www/bejne/mZjcaJehfJZ5jK8 PLEASE HELP ME
@timanderson2732 Жыл бұрын
Any idea what key it's in? Bflat major maybe?
@sitzproberedux Жыл бұрын
Hey! Yeah, the song's in Bb major until 3:08 going into the dance break where the keys modulate throughout the rest of the song and its musical motifs. Hope that helps!