@ih_ti_sham 15 күн бұрын
Jazak Allah khair ❤
@ahmedmohamed1901 10 ай бұрын
That intro though 👀❤️
@zedispahany7317 Жыл бұрын
Good speaker. I want to know that wasn’t Imam Jaffer as Sadiq was also in Madina when he was a tutor to many students who came from all over the countries?
@rubenk1414 Жыл бұрын
Second wife ques, ya nice answer , yes in today's world men get crucified
@prowest6715 Жыл бұрын
Scholars validating each other by being in each company - explains why no one credible shares a platform with the likes of Ghamdi and Mister Layth from Birmingham.
@tazboy1934 Жыл бұрын
Abu layth have some belief that is kufr...like he don't believe in second coming of easa as and imam mahdi appearance....don't know if he has repented
@gspice71 Жыл бұрын
“Allah put you where you are for a wisdom. “ - Dr. Shadee ❤
@gspice71 Жыл бұрын
@RayOfHope8 Жыл бұрын
@RayOfHope8 Жыл бұрын
@mariam2671 Жыл бұрын
where is part 1? جَزَاكَ ٱللّٰهُ خَيْرًا
@ayyylmao101 Жыл бұрын
It's on the channel, before the Epitome of Sacrifice videos :>
@peacenow6618 Жыл бұрын
May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!
@peacenow6618 Жыл бұрын
جزاک اللہ خیرا
@lostintranslation286 Жыл бұрын
JazakAllah khayr 🙏🙏
@_-Sofia-__ Жыл бұрын
جزاكم الله خيرا 🤲🏼🌟
@Y.reflects Жыл бұрын
As long as it is not a new knowledge that never been pass to Rasulullah saw, then ilm ladunni is okay. But if it is new, it is like telling me the teaching of Rasulullah saw has not completed and it differs from the Quran
@simplysaliha1684 Жыл бұрын
JazaKallah khair for the upload when is the second session being uploaded?
@utmmsa Жыл бұрын
Insha'Allah tomorrow :)
@tashifjilani1732 Жыл бұрын
jazakallah khair :)
@utmmsa 2 жыл бұрын
2:11 Quran Recitation Translation followed by a small discussion 19:00 Making Peace With Your Past Self 1:12:30 Hope and Resilience 2:12:30 Dealing With Difficult Environments in the home and difficult family members 3:02:00 Dealing with Anxiety 4:02:00 Dealing with loss and grief 4:42:30 Emotional Intelligence 5:31:00 Spoken word followed by Quran recitation and translation
@utmmsa 2 жыл бұрын
9:40 Quran Recitation 15:08 Intro 20:14 Realistic Tips for Time management 1:07:00 13 reasons why not 2:16:14 Transcending Mediocracy (A pursuit of meaning & optimization as an antidote to our current state) 3:09:00 Mental Health Resources 3:51:00 Prevention and Postvention: Suicide 5:24:00 Having good expectations from Allah (swt) 6:09:00 Spoken Word, Quran Recitation, Closing remarks
@ismatkhan7836 2 жыл бұрын
Waalaikumassalam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu
@ismatkhan7836 2 жыл бұрын
Mashallah Mashallah Mashallah laquwata illahbillah barakallah Alhumdullillah Mera buhat piyara Bhai Allah apni aamaan mien rakhay Aameen summa Aameen Allahhumma Aameen Ya Rabalalameen ya Arhamarrahemeen
@rosee69 3 жыл бұрын
Arabia insignificant. Civilisational corridor Egypt Syria Iraq. Abrahamic religions population centres. East roman continues for another 1000 years. Two rivers require irrigation turned land into gold. Empires needed agriculture and peasants. Orinially from Iran but made base in Iraq. Arabia ocean of sand. Sparse population. Recognised Muslims as legitimate entity at hudaybiyyah. Prophet sent letter. Eg in cold War if someone from. Uganda sends letter to both powers telling them to accept his message. Badaam accepts Islam. Beginning of Islam in Yemen. Daring letters, sent seriously. With seal. Was declaration of war. Religion is foundation of empires at this time. First expedition to Christians was muta. Syria had roman rule ancient city of Damascus. Just been restored. Saddanids had taken it 15 years before. Mentioned in sura room. Near ajnadayn. Sent to deal with Christian tribes. But heraclius army was there. 200.000 Zat as salaasil sent after to deal. With rebelling tribes. Tabook had 30,000 biggest army ever. No actual fight accepts awe of Islam, man of action, real leader. Followed up threats. Three centres of riddah Najd split in times of riddah Prophet was focused on Syria Fred donar early islamic conquest 3 phases Subdue arab tribes in that roam deep Syria. Syria split into two. Cities and rural tribes. Cities centre of roman power Greek speaking aristocrats aramic speaking people scribed Rital areas Arabic spewing nomads. Brujg them to Islam they can carry Islam to. Cities have historical cultural links. Theses tribes have embraced chrustionatiy. Second phase under Umar Civilisational corridor conquered. Looks equal conquest in Abu akr Umar uthman time, but bulk of population centres taken in time of Umar. Also establishes administration of newly conquered places. Far more stable. Armies can stay and move forward. Some towns taken such as Busra, to Arabs it was main city you know. Most Arabs don't go past it. Gaza, fahl Damascus. Hims, balbak, Didnt have armies to maintain control. Have to pull out of hims and balbak return taxes as could no longer protect. Unheard of. People of cities quickly won over Two kinds of resistance Imperial army. Not local. Don't represent cities or rural area. Simply tax collectors. Then cities have their own defences. Two types of fights against armies and then against fortified cities Second phase taken some cities but haven't met army set. Third phase In year 13 to 15 under Umar 634to636 two great encounters with armies ajnadayn and yarmouk. Approximate dates as exact chronology is disputed among early sources. Have about 12 accounts what happened major parts are same sequentially different. Can be sure what happened but not exact sequence. Better armies but no match for muslim conviction discipline and leadership. Sahabah like prophet Very capable political and administrative leadership. Not just sitting around praying. Amazing balance between leadership of local commanders and central authority from medinah. Managing two fronts at one time. Quite remarkable. Empowering local commanders but have enough central power to keep charge. Khalid made some mistakes and Umar didn't want people to have faith in khalid. In any other system he could have rebelled. He had much more men and resources could have easily taken media but sahabah were disciplined solidly together Many soldiers don't have training solidarity of sahabah. Only few hundred were with companions. New tribes don't have that level of knowledge is limited to learning to learn quran. How much Islam did they really know? Very limited Great Discipline due to exceptional Solidatory among top brass How and why conquest began? It was co tinuation of prophetic policy. Aften apologists attribute conquest to rashidoon for worldly gain. Modernists think cant attack prophet but can to rashdoon. Realiy is theyvwere continuing prophets Misson Doner agrees it was continuation of prophets mission. After armies defeated cities are taken. Most cities come easily due tomuslim conduct. All armies use stick and carrot. Moguls used terror Muslims used promise of justice and freedom of religion better deal less taxation. Iraq very similar with some differences Armies in Syria were from quraysh ansaar early Muslims and from Yemen. Tribes stayed with medinah and became close to meniad leadership Makah media Yemen and taaif leadership of Syrian armyv Persia different. Easier as their capital is closer to Muslims conquer tsephon rest of persia has no leadership however terrain is more rugged and vast takes longer to take. In time of uthman two fronts in East Persia west Egypt and n Africa. Some reversals especially after uthman is assassinated. In rule of Ali no more conquest. F Doner good book early islamic conquest best scholarly historical source Actual sources Tabari ibn katgeer zahabi much better in some ways Apart from than you have general accounts. muslim accounts not concerned with technical or historical facts. For spiritual accounts without historical accuracy Muslims accounts are good. Orientalism East scholars that studied East. Overtime became important feature of colllonial project 19thc. Orientalism handmaiden of colonialism controlling Muslim by knowing tgem Now grown especially specialised historical and legal topics good stuff coming General history is more theological entrapise than detailed facts. Cuse effect hapennimg aksewhere. Big Interpretation, which is what people are interested in. Dates not interesting without interpretation. Still in hands of non Muslims such as lapidus, Micheal cook, blewis, Hodgson. Bring in own secular questions or Liberal Christian that's how they interpret world and choose facts and angels of Islamic history that tend to emphasise that aspect. Good material from generals for mechanical aspects of war.
@islamicthought206 3 жыл бұрын
"Whose the best Believers? The grittier ones." ~ Sh. Usta.