Percussion Festival 2024
2 ай бұрын
Willow - MIDI Mock-up by Yang Tao
@rustamh7675 5 сағат бұрын
The sound of the instruments is bad... apparently they sampled 1 layer
@lofomuses 6 сағат бұрын
Please get a booster seat. 😛
@symfonik-pl 11 сағат бұрын
So in the GRID 🔥WOW
@vtohiercomposer9285 Сағат бұрын
One must have a metronome in his head, hehe... Thanks for watching!
@symfonik-pl Сағат бұрын
@@vtohiercomposer9285 great performance ❤️ Metronom Man 😃
@MichaelPilipp 14 сағат бұрын
Sehr schön!
@vtohiercomposer9285 Күн бұрын
Can you believe how easy it is ? I couldn't!
@ToniHennig Күн бұрын
When is a new BBO Video coming from Vincent? ^^ they're the best.
@vtohiercomposer9285 Сағат бұрын
VSL, you heard the people... You ask, so you shall be provided ;-)
@VasaMusic438 Күн бұрын
I subscribed a Vol. 1 by is not explained like here, why?
@soundtreks Күн бұрын
It’s a great new look and feel for an already great library!
@cbhrcbhr Күн бұрын
Great video I wish I could play piano as well ! Where did you study music ?
@rodterrell304 Күн бұрын
I don't like company! its too difficult to use the product once its downloaded, can't even find it.
@MichaelPilipp 2 күн бұрын
Fantastisch!!! Vincent ist der Beste!!! 🙂
@vtohiercomposer9285 2 күн бұрын
Und du, lieber Michael, bist zweifellos der beste Kommentator 😊🙏🏻
@maomusik 2 күн бұрын
Otro super buen video!!! saludos maestro!
@vtohiercomposer9285 2 күн бұрын
Saludos, muy señor querido! Qué alegría verte por aquí 😊
@markelvinstudio 2 күн бұрын
As flow develops in the future, I do wonder if we will be able to set the velocity levels at which point the articulations change on the universal patch. Perhaps a global setting, rather than by patch. Why I say this, my Arturia keyboard, no matter what velocity curve the keypad is set to, is very hard to get consistent attack. Flow is a great addition to the synchron prime library.
@vtohiercomposer9285 2 күн бұрын
I am not a developer so I cannot say anything, but I think the Flow Interface will be updated - thanks to all the constructive feedback out there. So, I believe there will be a way to determine the velocity levels 🙂 Thanks for watching, hope you liked the video anyway!
@markelvinstudio 2 күн бұрын
@@vtohiercomposer9285 Thanks for the reply and just to add, yes, I did enjoy the video, like all the others in the series - you bring a passion to composing which we all feel, but sometimes we just don't show it. keep up the good work
@ed-musicproductions 3 күн бұрын
Synchron prime est une tuerie facile à utiliser résultat immédiat. Merci l'ami de tes vidéos toujours aussi explicites.
@vtohiercomposer9285 3 күн бұрын
Merci à toi de me suivre - ça fait un bout de temps maintenant ! 😊
@vtohiercomposer9285 3 күн бұрын
Hello everybody! How do you like you Synchron Prime Flow ? Let us know ! ⤵️
@PeterReynolds-r3r 3 күн бұрын
Excellent 🎉❤
@Sonja-l5x 4 күн бұрын
❤ Dank für diese fantastisch, Göttliche und wunderbare Musik! ❤
@mmaybrown 4 күн бұрын
Please extend this offer until the end of the year! It gives people more opportunity (time) to buy the library. It's hard to come up with a lot of money to complete the collection in just a short period of time that has been given. Thanks
@GuySchech-p4l 5 күн бұрын
Nayeli Row
@geroldwaefler9485 5 күн бұрын
Its a great opportunity to complete your VSL Collection... think every peoples who want to buy the VI Series can get together the money in only few days ???????????? Are you thinking we are all rich and can immediately get the money to buy it now ???? Especialy Musician are most of it not rich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am realy shocked !!!!!!!! First time i was shocked after i have spend 8000.-Fr. for the First Edition of VSL and was very soon after no more able to can install it, due to discontinuing First Edition and no Upgrad Plan. The whole VSL experience is a Live Traumata for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@geroldwaefler9485 5 күн бұрын
It makes just no sense to stop selling the VI Series, because it is the only dry recorded Orchestra Library in the whole World !!!!!! Its completely irational to discontinue the VI Series ! VSL You make a Big Mistake to discontinue the VSL VI Series !!!!!!!! Because you have here a niche, you are the only Sample Library Company who have this very special Dry Library and if a Soundenginer want have the full controll of the Mix, then is just NEED FOR THIS UNIQUE DRY VSL VI SERIES SAMPLE LIBRARY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont hear on Peoples (also not if she is extremly skilled in samples like the Woman who have conducted the last Sample-Recording) dont hear on Peoples who say the VSL VI Series would be a old fashion not more modern Library who would be outdated. The VSL VI Series will be never outdated, but be the only choice for special mixes !!!!!!!! Like not every Microphone is the right for every Situation, not every sample Library is the right for every Situation, but the VSL VI Series is the only in the World for some Situations where are dry Samples needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@geroldwaefler9485 5 күн бұрын
...und wir möchten Sie rechtzeitig darüber informieren. R E C H T Z E I T I G ?????? VSL Informiert uns definitiv zu spät !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ich gehe seit Jahren regelmässig auf die VSL Website um zu schauen ob die VI Version einen Aktonspreis hat, den ich mir leisten kann. Zu letzt war ich im August auf der VSL Website wo ich aber nur lesen konnte, dass VSL Aktionen nie im Voraus ankündigt, auf Anfrage eines Kunden. Jetzt erfahre ich nur 7 Tage vor dem Tod der VI Version, dass es ab 1. Oktober die einzige Orchester Library die ohne Hall aufgenommen wurde nicht mehr geben wird. Das kommt so kurzfristig und der 50% Preis ist immer noch höher als mein monatliches Einkommen als Geigenlehrer, so dass ich jetzt die Library nur kaufen kann, wenn ich einen Lohnvorbezug mache... Wenn ich das mache, wird mich ziehmich sicher auch meine Freundin verlassen... Für die First Edition des Cube plus Extended und Performance Samples, bezahlte ich anfangs der 2000er Jahre über 8000.-Fr nur um dann zu erfahren, dass VSL die First Edition nicht mehr weiter supportet und auch kein Upgrade Plan existiert und das kurz bevor die Apple Computer von 32 Bit auf 64 Bit wechselten. (bei 32 Bit konnte man nur 2 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher nutzen) Da ich die EXS Version des Cube hatte, welche nur in Logic benutzt werden konnte und ich auf PC Wechselte, konnte ich schon sehr bald die gesamte VSL Library nicht mehr nutzen. Die 8000.-Fr Sample library war nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr nutzbar für mich. Da ich danach auch nie mehr so viel Geld verdiente wie damals und jetzt vor allem seit der Corona Pandemie nur noch die Hälfte von vorher verdiene, bin ich seit Jahrzehnten am warten auf eine für mich bezahlbare Aktion bei der ich die VI version Superpackage kaufen könnte. Es gab Aktionen, aber immer dann wenn ich kein Geld hatte. Und das ist auch jetzt wieder so !!!!!!!! Ich werde jetzt wohl einen Lohnvorbezug erfragen müssen, wenn ich die VSL version VI kaufen möchte, die für mich so wichtig ist, weil es die Einzige Orchester Sample Library ist, die Ohne den Raumklang aufgenommen wurde, was für meine Mixes sehr wichtig ist, weil ich Instumente in den Vordergrund Zoomen können will...
@ev.g.p. 6 күн бұрын
So Nice !! I'm really thinking to give myself this birthday gift ! 🙂 but would like to share a couple of question before: I'm right if a say that there is no Vibrato articulation on strings ? and ... In term of sound quality is this library a competitor to the various spitfire , opus etc.. or what ? It's just for "scratch " or you can deliver professional works with this ? This Flow engine is a very powerful tools , probably a game changer on this sector, but I was asking my self if in in terms of sounds , this library is up to "Vienna Sounds" standards that we all know or Spitfire sounds. Hope I explained my self , let me know yours thoughs ... thank you !!! Great Job here ! 🙂
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 5 күн бұрын
Hi! Probably easier to answer all your questions in a support ticket! Please feel free to get in touch with [email protected] Best, Andreas
@jimkashner 6 күн бұрын
Truly wonderful, @Guy. The difference between your initial rough draft and your final result is nothing short of astounding. This is a great example of how to use VSL tools in addition to VSL Prime/Synchron libraries masterfully. Your thoughtful and creative use of the various VSL elemental building blocks continue to amaze, relative to what's possible "in the right hands and a gifted mind". 🎻 ☮❤
@YsAbTones 6 күн бұрын
sounds fantastic, what master keyboard did you use here?
@MichaelPilipp 7 күн бұрын
Sorry, abler das klingt nach billigem Synthesizer. Diese Musik kommt dem fantastischen Klang der VSL nicht gerecht.
@guybacos 7 күн бұрын
I think you only listened to the beginning. The purpose of this video is to demonstrate how a draft version, which might sound harsh initially, can be gradually transformed into a polished version. Please watch the video to the end.
@alleyway3215 8 күн бұрын
I just purchased this Harp today. As usual, I really enjoy the interface. My only beef getting it was that I wanted the true harp pedal diagram with notes in harp order: DCB EFGA, in order to simulate what a real harpist sees on the page as well as to coincide accurately with what my notation includes. Then, just after I purchased this today, I started watching this walkthrough again. Low and behold, at 12:41, I discovered what I really wanted is included here! The harp diagram!! Giddy-up! So far, this harp has the best tone and of all I've tried. It's my first dedicated VSL instrument. If you don't have it, get it.
@CorradoLoffredi 8 күн бұрын
You know, you make everything look so easy that it almost makes people angry, 😁 like any true maestro. And every time I fall in love with your music. Great. 😊😊😊
@maomusik 8 күн бұрын
Grazzie mile maestro !
@jeffarwady 8 күн бұрын
I can find no flaw in your approach or careful procedure Mr. Bacos. In fact I admire your attention to detail and the quality of your composition very much. Yet, I find the final sonic result flat, glassy, and unconvincing. This has been my struggle with not only VSL but every library that I use. Given the enormous cost of VSL (somewhere around $9K), the sonic result does not seem on par with the cost; not to mention the temporal investment which I'm sure was not insignificant. Perhaps my expectations are too high? Have you heard of this type of complaint before? I would love to get your honest take on the state of the sample library industry and your overall philosophy when using these libraries. Thank you for all of the great music you've shared over the years. I apologize if my critique if it is off-putting, and I mean absolutely no offense by it. I'm actually a great admirer of yours.
@guybacos 8 күн бұрын
Hi Jeff, I appreciate your kind words. No worries about the critique-this is something I'm quite used to every now and then, and if you don't mind, I'd like to share my perspective. $9k is definitely a significant amount of money, no doubt. But if I’m being realistic, hiring a full orchestra to record your composition would start at around $25k for just a 5-minute piece. That’s with a professional orchestra, and if you go for one that’s not at that level, you might end up disappointed with the results and feel like the money was wasted. This is something to seriously consider if you’re not working with a huge budget. I also think most people don’t expect sample libraries to perfectly match the sound of a live professional orchestra. However, I believe they come pretty close and produce excellent results. So here, I’d have to respectfully disagree with you-while it may not be the LSO, I find the output to be quite impressive. Additionally, I think a fairer comparison would be to hear a demo using the VSL libraries you prefer, including the remarkable Duality Strings. And lastly, remember these products are always evolving-just look at how far things have come in the last 25 years.
@jeffarwady 8 күн бұрын
@@guybacos - Yes, the advancements are very impressive. Your perspective is very much appreciated and I'm hearing that the financial trade-off compared to using a real orchestra makes up for the timbral disparities between using them and using VSL. From a cost-benefit analysis I totally agree with you. My quest is always: how can I get the best possible sound quality out of these libraries? I will check out the Duality Strings, etc. as you have suggested. I really appreciate you even responding to me Mr. Bacos. Thank you very much.
@DBBahnospherix-BahnAtmospherix 9 күн бұрын
7:12 👍
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 8 күн бұрын
Indeed :-) - Paul
@markelvinstudio 9 күн бұрын
@vincehammond4081 9 күн бұрын
Can I use these sounds with notion software, if so, which one works the best.
@markelvinstudio 9 күн бұрын
I believe dorico has templates for synchron prime, not sure about flow as so new
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 8 күн бұрын
Yes, we offer Expression Maps for Dorico, and you can also use our Synchron Prime Edition with Sibelius. The Precision Mode is currently supported, so you're good to go! - Paul
@Aeliron 10 күн бұрын
This stuff makes it easier to see how Prime can be used ... AND makes it more attractive to purchase Prime! Not to mention the Orch Recipes and other Prime mockups.
@eagletown8977 10 күн бұрын
Beautiful stuff…
@stevemartinalmonds 10 күн бұрын
Hi Guy, thank you for the tutorial. It appears, in the humanize section, that you are replaying the passage that is already recorded, and recording the humanize controller over this, without affecting the controller data like modulation/expression that is already recorded. Am I correct here? Is this the same with the vibrato added also? Thanks if you can give me some info on this.
@guybacos 10 күн бұрын
Hi Steve, Yes, you are correct in your first statement. It is the same for the vibrato, pre-set to the maximum for this example.
@stevemartinalmonds 10 күн бұрын
@@guybacos Thanks Guy, now that is really good. It's a difficult task to do dynamics, vibrato, timber etc all at once in your first play through and recording, but then to be able to re-record and add the other ones later, well, that is really great. That's a big step forward for a sample player. It's just making things a lot easier to get the realism that we are wanting from the samples we use. By the way, if you don't mind me saying, I really think you're music is beautiful and soulful and so musically expressive. Your visual illustration on how to use the controllers is a great model for us wanting to learn. You really are a great teacher! Thank you again for answering my questions. 👍
@guybacos 10 күн бұрын
@@stevemartinalmonds Thanks a lot, Steve! I hope you will enjoy the follow-up video as much.
@gregorymoore6794 10 күн бұрын
Great tutorial on expressive performance playing with samples! Guy hits another one out of the park. (there are no homeruns in tennis I guess?)
@jimkashner 10 күн бұрын
Excellent video, @Guy, especially regarding your illustrations of how inherently intuitive the VSL Synchron Prime "Flow" UI is and how easy it is to use. As always, your orchestration is absolutely wonderful. ☮❤
@CorradoLoffredi 10 күн бұрын
Astonishing work. This music makes me cry. And very very but veeeery useful tutorial of Prime Edition. As always, you are THE master, dear Guy. 😊😊😊
@soundtreks 10 күн бұрын
Let me point out that Bacos' music skills and harmonic vocabulary is especially amazing. He's a great ambassador for VSL.
@markelvinstudio 11 күн бұрын
I don't think people generally understand how powerful Synchron Prime is. Now, with Flow control, in my opinion this library has once again proved what a valuable scoring tool it is. Ps: flute against the strings, reminds me of Debussy
@ToXball 11 күн бұрын
Great sound! What is the midi controller in the video?
@guybacos 10 күн бұрын
Thanks! I use the Icon I-Controls-Potable 9-Fader Midi Controller.
@ed-musicproductions 11 күн бұрын
Very nice, The Premium Edition is Magical
@maomusik 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video maestro. Is there any focused on the Harp and how to make realistic harp runs, virtual pedal and when to?
@guybacos 10 күн бұрын
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind for a future video. "Realistic Harp Runs".
@maomusik 10 күн бұрын
@@guybacos Thanks a lot Maestro
@ronnyb5890 13 күн бұрын
it's a great addition and you can always go back to the full synchron player complexity two questions, are the samples new? because VSL manager had me re-download the library another question, i have 2 PC's, on one i use a dongle (Ilok) but can i put prime edition also on my other PC but then on the machine itself or is there only one license on the Ilok manager available, certain other companies lets you have 3 that you can disribute on your machines, and with arturia even 5, if there is only one license like with eastwest libraries, then i'm forced to use it on only one machine wich deters me in buying more instruments/libraries from that company (unless its very cheap) hobbyist here! 😁 anyways, enough ranting from me, well done with the creation of FLOW, cheers guys
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 13 күн бұрын
Hi @ronnyb5890, Thanks for the kind words! Same samples, but we added lossless compression, so the new version only takes half of the space. Our products all come with 1 license by design. You can always transfer your license from one to the other computer (use the iLok Cloud or move the iLok key). - Paul
@ronnyb5890 13 күн бұрын
@@ViennaSymphonicLibrary aha, ok, thanx Paul, have a nice day
@Zaleskee 13 күн бұрын
looking forward to the 2025 releases, or even this winter!!. The jam session was hilarious!.
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 13 күн бұрын
Thanks @Zaleskee, we're already getting requests for live shows ;-) Exciting products in the pipeline (I wish I could tell you more, but I can't... yet). - Paul
@consonaadversapars 11 күн бұрын
@@ViennaSymphonicLibrary Wink once if we're gonna get more of the big Zodiac strings, wink twice if I should buy Appassionata Strings instead...
@surreal_youtube 13 күн бұрын
Bravo 😉👍
@گلنوشناظمی 13 күн бұрын
this beats the shitty modeling instruments down really, at least for me the only reason I've been using them is because how playable they are, but now there's no need to😊❤
@charlesyateschalfant 13 күн бұрын
I wish this was available for all packages, I have the Special editions so far.
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 13 күн бұрын
Hi, we're currently testing the waters and we're excited to hear your feedback! Let's see what's next! - Paul
@Flo-kr4xl 13 күн бұрын
so great to see you still going for it
@ViennaSymphonicLibrary 13 күн бұрын
So much more to explore. Thanks for watching! - Paul