Hey Haley you have a great voice and good musical skills with the guitar! And you know, God give to the humans beings the gift of music So please read this, is an important message, the most important message for any person actually: We are actually fallen and corrupted creatures. We are full of injustices, wickedness, lies and evil. Every human being have the same problem, since the fall of Adam, our hearts are actually seek and go to do evil. We all say lies. We all steal something, even something small or without "importance". We all fall in sexual inmorality like having sex before marrige, or cheat your wife/husband, watch pornography, look other people with lust and corrupted desires, look them in the street, social media, internet, etc. We all hate someone in our hearts, that's actually consider to be a killer in the eyes of God. We all fail and we do horrible things in this earth. Those things I mention before are actually part of the Law of God, and WE BROKE the Law of God many many times. We are actually criminals, sinners, who made crimes against God and our neighbors. God is our Creator, He is Holy, Good and Just and He hates evil and He punish all the wicked actions of the humans beings. He establised a day when He is going to judge every human being in all the history of this Earth, the Final Day of Jugdment. We are all guilty and in that day we going to have all the consequences of our wickedness, We all deserve the eternal condenation, Hell, the Holy and Just Wrath of God, because we broke all the Law of God. We actually have a huge problem with the infinite Justice of God, and we can't escape from that destiny, we are guilty and we can't do anything to change that. We are actually lost for ever. But, God is very very Merciful and God knows we are actually lost for ever, so He did something. God the Father send His Son LORD Jesus Christ to save us. The God of Israel Himself becomes a human being, Jesus of Nazareth, and He die for us, He die for our sins. LORD Jesus in the cross take all the warth and punishment what we deserve for our sins and wickedness and He die for us He die for our sins. He paid the debt with the infinite Justice of God what we have. By His Grace we are save not by any human work of us because we only deserve hell only. That's why when you believe in LORD Jesus and His work of Salvation and Redemption you have salvation, redemption, forgiveness of sins, eternal life and reconciliation with God only by LORD Jesus. LORD Jesus was dead but He rose at the third day, and He is now sit at the right hand of God His Father but He is coming back soon to the Earth as the Supreme Judge, and He will put and end to all the wicked things and evil of the humans beings for ever, including yours if you don't repent. That's why we say to you in love and Truth, repent of your sins and wickedness and believe in LORD Jesus and His Gospel and follow Him. Without Christ you are actually lost for ever and ever. If you die, you are going to Judgement of God, and if you don't believe and follow LORD Jesus, after the Judgement you are going to the eternal condenation for ever. That's why with a great sense of urgency take this message with extreme seriously, your life and soul are in danger: you could die today at any moment, you never know. Come to Christ Jesus, without Him we are nothing and the eternal condenation is at the door. Come to Christ oh dear people. Blessings to you and your family, greetings from Chile 🇨🇱