CDP: Genex Ghoti, with Sky Striker
@HakAIan 4 сағат бұрын
Game 1 what the hell did opponent cook ?
@bighomielock7926 2 күн бұрын
Love seeing this 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 2 күн бұрын
@@bighomielock7926 yay, glad you enjoyed!!!
@demetriouswater188 2 күн бұрын
So play deskbot when this comes out
@pvzbronygodgaming8476 2 күн бұрын
Pretty good list overall but I’d probably cut the Dragite in favor of something else since it’s really unlikely you’ll ever make it.
@giovannoak47 3 күн бұрын
Bro great video but why playing Bestiari and Murmillo? Are not they bricks?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 2 күн бұрын
Murmillo is definitely something I'd remove in hindsight, but I am strongly in favor of keeping Bestiari. Yes, Gyzarus can destroy both monsters and S/Ts, but without Bestiari, you are dependant on editor to get to Gyzarus. And to get to editor, you need multiple lv 5+, which means you already should have a good enough hand to break an opponent's board. But in cases where you don't, Bestiari still helps.
@giovannoak47 2 күн бұрын
​@@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy Thank you for your response, truly appreciated!
@giovannoak47 2 күн бұрын
Also, which list do you prefer? Andal or Test?
@therealrealwizz 4 күн бұрын
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 4 күн бұрын I include a written decklist on the site article for every video!
@getzchaled9847 4 күн бұрын
I'm biased, but would love to see more replays of this deck! That was great, thanks for the content!
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 4 күн бұрын
Of course, glad you like it! I am planning to build a variation of this IRL once SUDA comes out, so there's a chance I stumble upon an updated build. I try not to duplicate exact profiles, but ill keep your request in mind if I bring back the CDSS series
@VHunterD 7 күн бұрын
Gotta love the 14 one-of monsters 😃 You can try adding 1x Ryu-Ge Kaiva and 1x Dino Domains too. Astero is level 10 so there's some actual synergy there
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 7 күн бұрын
14 one of actually works here when you're drawing so much. Don't wanna draw duplicates haha. That said, I have since swapped out Xeno for Groudon
@toblerone1729 7 күн бұрын
Comically high amount of dinos from the deck courtesy of Jurrac Stigo
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 7 күн бұрын
Definitely haha. Dino Swarm go brrrrrr
@JusticeHeroXSupreme 7 күн бұрын
This seems more fun and more true to a Jurrac deck than the usual Dino baby decks mixed with Jurracs. :)
@silverwikirequiem4006 8 күн бұрын
Nanomachines Son!
@LukaBrčić-c1w 9 күн бұрын
Could you do a Blue-Eyes/Primite deck profile with combos??
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 9 күн бұрын
Yup, it is actually already made and scheduled for later this month!
@LukaBrčić-c1w 9 күн бұрын
Could you do a Blue-Eyes/Primite deck profile with combos??
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 9 күн бұрын
Yup, it is actually already made and scheduled for later this month!
@LukaBrčić-c1w 7 күн бұрын
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy Alright!💪
@LukaBrčić-c1w 9 күн бұрын
Could you do a Blue-Eyes/Primite deck profile with combos??
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 9 күн бұрын
Yup, it is actually already made and scheduled to release later this month!
@LukaBrčić-c1w 9 күн бұрын
Could you do a Blue-Eyes/Primite deck profile with combos??
@LukaBrčić-c1w 9 күн бұрын
Could you do an update on this deck post banlist December 2024??
@tcglitten4251 9 күн бұрын
Would maliss mikanko be a good suggestion?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 9 күн бұрын
Could be an option! I've experimented with a few Maliss builds lately, but I've been waiting for the new support cards in ALIN to actually be revealed so I can see if that would inform a cool direction.
@Bllackmage 9 күн бұрын
i cant see ways that those 2 decks can synrgized, of course the equip that boounce a card on the field is op but its op in every deck if u dont draw the mikanko monsters
@Buzterer 9 күн бұрын
Very nice, now that we're talking about Machines, can you do something with geargia?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 9 күн бұрын
Geargia is... uh, every difficult to do stuff with in its current form, as it is just such a relic of old card design with very few unique characteristics. The FLIP-ish effects are cool, but even the Ghostrick do that strategy better nowadays. I won't say definitely not, but it is certainly a stretch to think it's that feasible IMO.
@Blackbeltsam5610 10 күн бұрын
I'm glad to see OSS go, but I'm kinda bummed because I do enjoy Nordics
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 10 күн бұрын
Goodbye Original Sinful Spoils. Figured I better drop this before the new list goes into effect, so here goes! If you haven't seen the new F/L list, check it out here:
@Darkfiresoul100 10 күн бұрын
Bad timing buddy 😂
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 10 күн бұрын
To be fair, this is one of the best banlists for my sanity that we've had in a long time. Only 1 card banned from 1 profile, and i already had most of December and January profiles done to give myself a holiday break! So i decided to drop it early, while OSS still has freedom! Just gotta make a new one now to slot in when this was scheduled...
@Andre-ez6ys 11 күн бұрын
Is there any way to search Chamber in starry knight?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 11 күн бұрын
Not really, unfortunately. But the Trap does synergize well!
@koopadaquick4 11 күн бұрын
Love it regardless 🫶🏾
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 10 күн бұрын
:) Yay!
@JusticeHeroXSupreme 11 күн бұрын
That is a weird deck.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 11 күн бұрын
Yup! Definitely further away from the WL lore deck that I love to use, but has a lot of neat ideas that might inspire+
@JusticeHeroXSupreme 10 күн бұрын
@@YGOrganizationQuincymccoyI forgot to say that this is what I think is the point of creative Yugioh. No meta builds. Just bunch of different cards that have synergy where nobody expects it.
@alexloeher8628 11 күн бұрын
The fact that you lost your whole board after having basically infinite bodies and not getting interrupted isn't a flex
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 11 күн бұрын
Hi there! That first replay showed what this can can do, bounce back from, even if the opponent draws an out. At the end of the day, this is a fun causal build that throws a ton of different things together - an optimized build surely wouldn't use all of those themes, engines, etc, and would have a much more defined endgoal.
@clindayag 14 күн бұрын
Deck request: Armed dragon thunder Primite (Metaphys armed dragon is a normal monster). Please, thanks!😊
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 10 күн бұрын
Hi there! I messed around with this a bit yesterday, and while I couldn't get this exact request to be fully successful, I did end up coming around to a functional build featuring Metaphys Armed Dragon, so that will be a CDP next month! Hopefully that meets the assignment close enough, but ill still try to keep it in mind in case further inspiration strikes.
@clindayag 10 күн бұрын
@ thank you so much! Armed dragon is a personal fave. I’ve been thinking about trying out the primite engine in real life but is hesitant because of the card prices
@KuroeNezumi 15 күн бұрын
Sad that we couldn't get more games of having to deal with actually well used interruption besides the Witchcrafter one, but it's nice to see how well both strategies end up working together to establish a good board with nice hand advantage.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 10 күн бұрын
That's fair; Genex is just a very fragile theme with such a dependence on one monster to function, so heavy disruption is the bane of its existence. Hopefully the TW themes get further followup at some point to flesh out the new playstyles a bit further.... but at least they can all do something now!
@alexloeher8628 16 күн бұрын
This doesnt appear to do anything existing generaider builds couldnt already do, and the fact that the engines directly conflict via your normal is a hard pass for me
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 16 күн бұрын
I feel like I'm missing something - the old build did have that problem due to Candina Normal Summon. That's actually one of the reasons I rebuilt this, was to eliminate that weak point and streamline the rest. What are you seeing as the conflicting Normals here? Ideally, you'd normal Diviner, send Trias, and gain access to the trickstar side via a Nightshade, while opening your board up for LV9 plays. Nightshade also serves as your last resort normal, accessible through lightstage. And while Generaider does have a lot of cool tricks, the Droll lock wasn't a standard option in their toolbag last i checked. Open to hearing what you see as problems and how you would fix it - something close to this is actually going to be one of my IRL decks when Maze comes out!
@alexloeher8628 16 күн бұрын
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy Diviner is a solid normal, I'll give you that, but you still have to pick between that, Loptr and Candina whenever you open with any pair. That's effective card disadvantage you have to deal with. You can see it in your very first hand where you open Loptr and Harr but normal candina. You effectively played with a 3 card hand. Furthermore, there's no real bridge to the Generaider engine, so outside of hard drawing enagon or Vala, you're locked out of generaider plays if you go with trickstars. Even invoked can bridge into generaiders through their plays, which you can only do here if you open diviner, and diviner is already a commonly played card in all variants, so it's not unique to this build Droll lock is cute, but since droll isn't really searchable in this build (I have a trickstar deck that plays the token spells and where arf thou to search it), you can't rely on it. Moreover, many hands with runick generaider already rip 4 cards, so it's not far off from droll locking and way more consistent As for suggestions, I just don't think the combination is effective, and I've tried it before. I don't think any variant of generaider can succeed if the variant doesn't have an in-engine method of bridging into generaiders. Also, if your normal summon is worse than Loptr, what's the point of running it, and if it's better than Loptr, why are you playing generaiders? I've even cut diviner down to 1 in most other builds for this exact reason. Runick is the best build for me because it produces lvl 9s without conflicting with the normal that produces your engine. P.u.n.k. also accomplished this, but that build had other issues that weren't ideal
@pvzbronygodgaming8476 16 күн бұрын
You nearly gave me a panic attack, I thought the new TCG exclusive Odion cards had been revealed.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 16 күн бұрын
Not quite yet. But hopefully soon!
@MarkThePage 17 күн бұрын
AN ACTUAL USE FOR MIRAGE! How did I never consider that it was meant for Fire King blends!? I use Flame Swords with Knights; I'm surprised that you don't main Dance since it's one of my main defenses, as traps are more reliable than monsters. Fighting Flame Swordsman will get Dance + Chain, and you can use the monsters for something else. Certainly more useful to me than the extra Realms, which aren't relevant outside of 1-card Ultimate plays which can search it anyway. I save the Ultimates for my second turn (theoretically--in practice Charles lockdowns are instant wins anyway). Even if you want to enable Mirage's revival, the traps will still spawn fire fusions to be destroyed. (You'll definitely want to grab Promethean Princess for that too.) I'm with you on Snake-Eye being unnecessary here. But the combo goblin in me will keep trying. And using 2 Sky Burns unlike every other Fire King deck I've ever seen--I always want to draw it and often use both copies. Overall, pretty good for your first IRL video! For the next one I suggest focusing on talking faster and using on-screen text to cut down on how much needs to be narrated.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 16 күн бұрын
Dance I've slowly phased out, since I'd prefer to have the more flexible chain that can activate whenever, versus dance that has to be to a special summoned. Also, the GY effect of Chain is much better to me. I do see your point about the Realms. I think i just like the potential of opening it so I can dedicate the search to something else, like Fusion, so i can tutor Chain with his GY effect. That's why I decided on 3 and like it. Sky burn, love the thought of 2. I'll see if i can figure that out. And thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind when I eventually get around to trying to cover another one!
@DodyShawky 17 күн бұрын
Here's my most consistent build so far: ×3 Darklord Nurse Reficule ×3 Banishment Of The Darklords ×3 Bad Reaction to Simochi ×3 Gift Card ×3 Tri-and-Guess ×3 Paths Of Destiny ×3 Pot Of Extravagance ×3 Pot Of Duality ×1 Pot Of Prosperity ×1 Card Of Demise ×3 Ichiroku's Ledger Book ×3 Ring Of Destruction ×2 Blazing Mirror Force ×2 Dimension Wall ×3 Trap Trick The extra Deck is basically 15 random Link Monsters that I'm unlikely to use.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 16 күн бұрын
Idk if i really love 3 Extravagance with Prosperity and Demise, just seems like a lot of conflicts between draw locks and draw cards. But the rest of the deck seems decent and streamlined!
@DodyShawky 16 күн бұрын
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy True to what you say but in practice I didn't encounter many conflicts. If I draw Extravagance with Demise, I use Extravagance in my first turn and leave Demise for my following turn to have a good hand. It's actually prosperity that usually causes issues. I'm considering replacing it with one or two Wannabee.
@DodyShawky 17 күн бұрын
Why use Dinomorphia Shell when you could've used Waboku and Threatening Roar? Especially that they shut down the Battle Phase for the Tenpai players!
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 16 күн бұрын
The thought was Shell protects both the turn it is used, plus in the future by banishing it from the GY. That said, I also built this back before Tenpai was really a thing in the TCG, definitely would make changes for our scary dragons.
@mountainmgtow5421 19 күн бұрын
The OTK of Ultimate Flame Swordsman is completely useless since Fire Kings can easily get 2 Level 8's into a Draglubion, which then summons a Rank 1 Numeron Dragon that gives itself 9000 ATK. Game over.
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 19 күн бұрын
Definitely a valid combo line and i see your point, but Ultimate is more versatile IMO, (without packing your extra with so many specific options to meet any scenario). If your opponent left an open board, of course Draglub works great. But there are cases where the Ulti line is better. For example, Ulti can remove an opponents monster then attack direct. Or, it can even double attack with the LV5 equipped. The other consideration my mind jumps to is the number of summons. The Draglub line takes at least 4 summons, while the Ulti line can do it in as few as 2, putting yourself at risk of a Nibiru.
@mountainmgtow5421 19 күн бұрын
@@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy I wish I could play at your locals. Sounds easy. 3 extra deck cards which are readily accessible is always going to be more valuable than an engine of 12 main deck cards. I like your creativity, but the Flame Swordsman cards are just not that good to mix in with the Fire Kings.. it brings them down a notch. Why not just play Pure Fire Kings which is more powerful? Also, Nib has never really been a threat to Fire Kings.
@koopadaquick4 19 күн бұрын
Now this with your other monstrosity of the lvl 9 Ashland deck and new orcust plz!
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 19 күн бұрын
@@koopadaquick4 i may or may not already have that queued up for december... :)
@ninjadandy9166 20 күн бұрын
Why no snake eyes?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 20 күн бұрын
Hi there! I'm not the biggest fan of SnakeEye with FK, since to me, their primary role is just to make unplayable hands hit a baseline effectiveness. There's nothing that FK Snake Eye does that either side can't do on their own, and it very much feels to me like a safety net whenever I've played that variant. On the other hand in my build, I'm maximizing power plays and combo lines, as whenever i draw decent, I want to have more power available than an opponent playing to not lose. That's why this is effective in locals settings, but it might not be consistent enough to top a multiday event where you can't afford to draw a rough hand 2 times in a match.
@mountainmgtow5421 19 күн бұрын
I also don't like Snake Eyes as they tried to steal the mantle from the Fire Kings. They're the FIRE KINGS for a reason. However, I will still use a Diabellestar or two. Free cards is free cards.
@aldocardenas788 21 күн бұрын
Thanks I waiting for this deck list
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 20 күн бұрын
Maliss is a cool theme, i have a few other ideas on how to showcase it, but waiting for the inevitable wave of support in ALIN to drop first before coming back around to them
@tunglinhnguyenba3135 22 күн бұрын
Never thought in a thousand days that Ghoti can works with new Genex Tks for a great crazy idea
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 20 күн бұрын
Glad that i can still surprise you sometimes! It was definitely tough to find another way to use the new Genex since their new post-TW01 gameplan is so straightforward, but I'm happy this actually turned out to be decent!
@tunglinhnguyenba3135 20 күн бұрын
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy those new Genex, beside spamming Synchro negates, can also handloop 5 But just realize Arionpos can be easily make which got helped by Undine
@jimmy6072 24 күн бұрын
Hey I think here zombie vampire would be a god idea if you only have your fk engine so that you can mill a swordsman monster also is there a way to bridge between the two engine if we only have one of them in hand?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 20 күн бұрын
Definitely a decent R8NK option, now that Ulcanix can make it easily. I just don't know if I'd prefer to go into Rabbit or leave the monsters rather than hope to go into a FS combo. The point of this isn't necessarily to always bridge between the two, but rather use the strengths of each side to augment each other and become much more powerful than if they were separate. It also let's me play extremely conservative against a potential Nibiru, while still putting up a decent amount of potential interaction.
@tcglitten4251 25 күн бұрын
I would love to see a CDP for just evil heroes, that benefits from the new support
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 25 күн бұрын
@@tcglitten4251 hi! This was my CDP to showcase the new Evil HERO stuff:
@tcglitten4251 25 күн бұрын
@ okay, that is really cool!
@darklewd9844 26 күн бұрын
This deck have 8 copies of Razen which is considered below average for the number of starters in a deck.
@jonanderirureta8331 26 күн бұрын
That's Konami's fault, where is the support?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 26 күн бұрын
There are definitely more you can throw in if you really want to. But I was happy with how these ratios turned out, especially since the other parts of the deck also contribute
@JusticeHeroXSupreme 26 күн бұрын
Great duel against Centurion.
@romannopoyer7437 28 күн бұрын
And just today I was going to try out white forest witch craft but thanks for the guidelines
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 28 күн бұрын
Haha glad I could help. Please share if you discover any super cool techs to include!
@pokeman_1202 28 күн бұрын
All gas
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 28 күн бұрын
@sepheiba 29 күн бұрын
you play in MD?
@YGOrganizationQuincymccoy 29 күн бұрын
I do not