TAB 2022 x MSCTY
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@webmasterultra3487 8 ай бұрын
Graham Harman has the greatest concepts of our time, and great illustration, but he needs to reiterate his point after each illustration, because his point gets lost in his razzle dazzle.
@421sap Жыл бұрын
In Jesus' Name, Amen. God bless you Ron Aharoni ✝️
@zxsharkie 2 жыл бұрын
@frejgun 2 жыл бұрын
Where can i find the music?
@fluffmcgruff513 3 жыл бұрын
@liisahirsch4657 3 жыл бұрын
Correction: Music: Patrick Tubin McGinley and Liisa Hirsch
@welijunks1264 3 жыл бұрын
thank youuu
@LeGaming100 3 жыл бұрын
main vend
@frankdierick3725 3 жыл бұрын
Great initiative! I hope I can come by myself soon to rediscover the architectural jewels of Tallinn.
@wewegyno4892 3 жыл бұрын
ilus maja!
@estland2768 4 жыл бұрын
Tõnu. Tulevik saab olema kontrollimatu. Olen 20 a Stockholmis elanud ja näen lääne demokraatia mandumist, islamiseerunist ja robotite levikut. Kusjuures tehisintellekt tõrjub või marginaliseerib 95% inimestest....
@estland2768 4 жыл бұрын
Tore kaanetüdruk. Hea lugu ka.
@lisualcam 4 жыл бұрын
It is incredible!! 😀
@anthonywillis3190 4 жыл бұрын
🙃 Great vid, keep up the good work! Did you check followsm . c o m? It will help you get the subs you deserve.
@tszngai31 4 жыл бұрын
I was a student from Gwy and Cam, they are just amazing
@sandrisjansons1515 4 жыл бұрын
Great , just great !!! Congratulations and wish we all could learn in such schools. Greetings from Lätimaa !
@michaeltebele4184 4 жыл бұрын
This man is brilliant. OOO was one of the most insightful enlightening books to read! I don't think people realize the implications of his philosophy, and how much it makes sense of things
@bv32ification 2 жыл бұрын
His philosophy has no implications. All it does is describe how things are beyond our perception and conception of them. Trying to change things to match his philosophy are only antithetical to the philosophy itself.
@rocccoification 5 жыл бұрын
¿De dónde es Marcos Cruz?
@woozy_deer 5 жыл бұрын
This guy is such a fraud.
@davidbogdanovich3123 3 жыл бұрын
Why do you think so?
@galas062 6 жыл бұрын
english subtitles...please
@SlowlyYouRot 6 жыл бұрын
Architecture is part of an system where it mutually co-evolves with other disciplines, practices, and processes. Out of this emerges new mutant forms and grey areas that can then be reconfigured more and so on. It's an ecology of networked knowledge. To quote Gregory Bateson, the cyberneticist polymath, in regards to the necessity of real world experiments, analysis and reformulating the questions we ask and the problems at hand: " “Thirty years ago, we used to ask: Can a computer simulate all processes of logic? The answer was yes, but the question was surely wrong. We should have asked: Can logic simulate all sequences of cause and effect? And the answer would have been no.” What about the planners and developers role and their relation to the capitalist system? What about the social and ecological relations imposed on urban life by these people who generally don't ask new questions, let alone put new experiments into action and act on science and/or integrate different approaches and processes from various disciplines. Can our politics do this too so that the rest of the network can intermingle, solve our problems and crisese, and we can prototype new systems and stuctures? Steps to an Ecology of Networked Knowledge:
@LIVEst 6 жыл бұрын
Seems it was a great event. Unfortunately I've missed it. We're filming about Estonia, let's connect and promote some cool content about our country.
@alexanderpopovici378 6 жыл бұрын
What are the odds of getting a set of English subtitles/transcript to this?
@kingsaf90 7 жыл бұрын
youd get more views and subscribers if you didnt spam their feed with 10 videos at once. just some helpful criticism
@gayphilippe1360 7 жыл бұрын
Trop bien!
@manfred_paints 7 жыл бұрын
Maalid: Manfred Dubov / Fotod: Margus Kamar / Reprod: Marina Dubova
@liisupilden2995 7 жыл бұрын
meil ei voola😋
@superprogamegt6018 8 жыл бұрын
Mu isa tegi
@laisauss 9 жыл бұрын
@jiaixxx 10 жыл бұрын
TL;DT Arhitektuur on visuaalloomingus IN, sest üle 50% inimkonnast elab teist põlvkonda linnades ja esemetest üleküllastunud kultuuriruumis. Mahuline mõtlemine, sellega katsetamine, alternatiivide otsimine ongi korraga nii uus reaalsus kui eksootika (kaasaarvatud inimeste suhe selles). Muud tehnoloogiad on juba suht läbi ratsutatud, samas kui kübertehnoloogiad on liiga ajamahukad, et neist kolme reaga mõistetavat teravmeelsust vormida. Inimeste asetus arhitektuurifotol on nontheme. Kui otsima hakata, siis ntx kavandi faasis on inimsiluetid alati välja toodud. Ruumiplaneeringu alus ikkagi. Valmis hoonete fotodel sageli välditakse inimesi, sest moetrendid mööduvad ja nõme on ruumilahendus, materjalid ja valguste mäng mingi lihamassi taha jääb. KISS
@minecraftmarkus 11 жыл бұрын
Kuulge täitsa hea ju, minu koolist :)
@darrylbyle212 12 жыл бұрын
In the world of real state, wooden houses keep and will always maintain the glamour among all other types of constructions. The look and feel of a true log home is quite incredible. They engage all of the senses as there is an almost surreal aura about them.
@roosterxd_ 12 жыл бұрын
Jee ma käin siin koolis:D
@mudaneatv 12 жыл бұрын
meie kool jeeeeee
@Philbeha69 12 жыл бұрын
See on vaga hea Meelis!!!
@wertwsx501 14 жыл бұрын
Meil voolab vett lagest suure vihma ajal esikusss!!!