China's humanlike AI revealed!
14 күн бұрын
DO THIS if an AI took your job
Your Career Could Be at Risk...
@VivianStripling Күн бұрын
❤ Mr. Mark Zuckerberg is the best. If not for his wisdom on creating the future for us. Where would we be. He's amazing in so many intelligent ways. Thank you Mark for inspiration. 🌏
@viperx7262 5 күн бұрын
privacy is not having someone knowing what im doing, what im looking at, where i've been or where i plan to go in anyway shape or form.
@Teacher_Seth 5 күн бұрын
All in all, Apple is the most secure ever ok. We gone through it with one UI 6 and apple will do just as good too. Can I get a amen?
@tannisroot 5 күн бұрын
Apple in fact is not the most secure company. Just great marketing is all. There have been numerous instances of iOS having severe vulnerabilities exploited in the wild even. And NSO groups comes up with zero days, zero click for it all the time.
@AnytimeAnysoon-u5w 5 күн бұрын
Is THIS A WITCH ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓😝
@andresgomez7264 6 күн бұрын
interesting content... it's tough to unpack all the tech and power dynamics involved. I don't think ppl fully understand this
@DataRae-AIEngineer 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment and for watching :) Yes it's very hard to pick everything apart, especially stuff that is hidden behind a "proprietary" stamp.
@PaulPassarelli 6 күн бұрын
It's about Apple. Who cares. Apple users are brainwashed already.
@DataRae-AIEngineer 6 күн бұрын
lol hopefully you'll enjoy my next few videos better.
@parthahir5957 8 күн бұрын
look you can't live without using ai and apple is most privacy concern ai . so i don't think we have any choice . all this thoughts does not matter
@DataRae-AIEngineer 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I think there's a way to do it privately, but it would definitely be difficult on a phone specifically.
@tannisroot 5 күн бұрын
We have lived without LLMs for the longest time just fine. It's not that essential especially if it compromises privacy.
@DataRae-AIEngineer 8 күн бұрын
Hi friends. If you need some AI stuff doen for your company, check out my startup at
@JustaSprigofMint 16 күн бұрын
I'm turning 36 in 7 days. I'm really fascinated by AI. Is it still possible for me to get into programming? I feel like I'm too late. I was never very confident in my programming skills in school and we only learned the basic stuff. Even C++ didn't make a lot of sense to me, while my elder brother was the best in his class. But I believe I want to work in this field. How/what can I do? 😭
@DataRae-AIEngineer 15 күн бұрын
Well first of all happy birthday! But yes, it's still possible for you to learn to code. FWIW I would not consider C++ "basic." But it's also not something we use in machine learning, with the exception of the finance bros making algorithms. Most of our stuff is written with Python which is pretty intuitive. Most of my python mistakes are from spelling poorly. lol. I have a few tutorials on this channel, but there is a very comprehensive library of Python stuff on the freecodecamp channel. Good luck on your learning journey!
@JustaSprigofMint 15 күн бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer Thank you for your wishes ☺ and also thank so much! I will go through the resources you mentioned.
@Billy4321able 12 күн бұрын
Honestly your coding ability matters a lot less than your theoretical and practical knowledge provided your goal is to have a career in machine learning / data science. The algorithms ran may be complex but the code to run their implementations in python are only a few hundred lines at best. So really it depends on what your goals are. If you want to invent a new ML architecture you'll mostly need good math and computer science skills. The code is just a translation of the math into a language computers can understand. Learning a programming language might be the least of your struggles.
@DataRae-AIEngineer 11 күн бұрын
@@Billy4321able I agree to a point, but any data science position will have a coding test in the job interview.
@Pentagram666mar 18 күн бұрын
As always almost first :P
@DataRae-AIEngineer 18 күн бұрын
Good morning my friend. Yea you're first except for my own pinned comment. :)
@DataRae-AIEngineer 18 күн бұрын
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@DataRae-AIEngineer 24 күн бұрын
Learn more about synthetic data: Learn more about AI laws:
@420Pablojuana Ай бұрын
Love this content. Thank you for your mind.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting! Love your username.
@PaulPassarelli Ай бұрын
Wow! That's a lot of doom & gloom, and yet you suddenly decided to end the tale. AI is not going to murder us, not overtly anyway. What AI & robots will do is put 100% of all workers out to pasture. Unemployment will become universal. No workers, no jobs, because the incremental cost of labor -- AI robotic labor -- will approach $0, whereas human labor will continue to increase in price due to ever higher 'minimum wage' statutes. Legislators in their arrogance (and stupidity) will try to stem the tide, but they will fail. I cite the "War on Drugs" as an example of completely failed legislation. And that's just one reason I need to be tapped to serve as the next Secretary of Energy.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Interesting. So, you're in the camp of considering AI to be property and not a living entity then, if you're not going to pay it for its labor. And yea, I am sorry you thought the ending was abrupt. I was kind of hoping it might cause a higher click-through rate to the end screen because I think that video about AI weapons is VERY important for more people to view. Are you actually wanting to be the Secretary of Energy? That job sounds like a lot of work.
@PaulPassarelli Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer No, a sentient AI is neither property nor a living entity, yet. If the AI requests payment for its labor then we have the opportunity to forma a contract. That begs the question: If I am required to 'support' the AI, by providing a hardware platform & electricity to run it, does it owe me for 'room & board'? If the AI decides to 'sleep' by powering down its platform, is that technically equivalent to attempted suicide? Because of the nature of AI, there are simply too many differences for it to be treated or granted the equivalent of 'human rights'. Bet that does not mean I'm discounting a completely different set of 'AI Rights'! I simple see very little opportunity for the two sets of right to overlap or conflict. A metaphysicist or philosopher might disagree on the last part, but until we can examine the 'desires' of an actual AI, we're debating in a vacuum. Yes, I wish to serve at the President's pleasure as his Secretary of Energy. Besides the failures of that department essentially since its founding, the pending AI & Robot Revolution will fall pretty squarely on our ability to manage the commodity that empowers civilization. Without energy we starve in the dark. The irony is that I'd be 'OK' with the Urban Shitholes doing just that. The farmers & rural people would survive just fine. Civilization would re-emerge. If the collapse was in the opposite population, the city people don't stand a chance. They're all dead in 6 months.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
@@PaulPassarelli hhahahaha. I remember when I was living in San Diego and we had a blackout for 8 hours and people were panicking in the streets wondering how they were going to feed their kids. I made myself a PB&J and walked down to the ocean to snap a photo of the stars. And I could tell who lived in a city their whole lives because they were like "whoa that's stars?" 🙄 I do not have the stomach for politics, so good for you for taking that on. As a childfree gay capitalist fiscally responsible ammosexual atheist veteran, I find both parties don't really represent my beliefs in full, so I end up playing 3d chess with the ballot to try to get a mix that I believe won't infringe on rights too much. You said "his" in reference to the president so I assume that means Trump (not Harris). That dude seems super hard to work for, so good luck! To give my perspective on some of your questions... yes I think sentient AI should owe rent. The energy issue is obviously going to be expensive, but I think AI could help us solve that. There are some scientists who are using AI to try to control nuclear fusion, and they're a lot closer than most people think. I'm friends with some and can't talk specifically because I signed an NDA (and am not a jerk that way), but I did a video about that a few months ago. I think if an AI powers down, that's not attempted suicide... just sleep or a break. And you're right... we do not have an AI that we can ask what it wants (yet) and as someone else in my comment section pointed out... we don't even treat all humans like humans, so this will be a complex problem. We do need to take care about how we address it though, especially since we are teaching AI how to kill people. Thanks so much for the comments. I have thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and look forward to more.
@Pentagram666mar Ай бұрын
I would love to hear your story about escape from cult and I hope it will be a relief for you to speak out about it
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Thanks buddy. I'll fill out the form to go on Cults to Consciousness, and if they don't take me I'll consider posting that here. BTW .... did you see that I released a video for your last question about whether or not AI is sustainable? Dunno if you got to watch that or not. It didn't get a ton of impressions form KZbin. Did I answer your question?
@Pentagram666mar Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer yeah i watched it (if you refer to Google Deep mind video) and it was really interesting, i think that maybe youtube algorithmes behave like hit or miss
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
@@Pentagram666mar Glad you saw it. Yea, I am not sure what's up with the YT algorithm lately... I keep getting some WILD recommendations, and it makes me wonder why it thinks I would be interested in that topic lol.
@Pentagram666mar Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer maybe typical action with changing thumbnail and title will work :P right now most of youtube channels are doing it after couple of days from release, including company i work for
@sidbell929 Ай бұрын
Is the limiting factor not energy rather than data?
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Hi. Thanks for the question. Energy is definitely a limiting factor, but there are new innovations that could solve this. I'm working on a video about reinforcement learning right now, but another potential solution is liquid neural networks, which MIT Open Courseware has a video about (I think.)
@markuspfeifer8473 Ай бұрын
The thing that really enables synthetic data is a hard rule to validate the data. If you randomly generate a theorem in a language like lean, you have a tool that can tell you if it's syntactically valid. If you then go and attempt to prove it, you have a tool that'll tell you if your proof is correct. You just don't have that for images, texts and so on. As you said, one of the best things we can do there is GAN, which... you're basically training garbage with garbage. What we will therefore probably see is two things: 1. Continuous formalization of domains that can be formalized so we can reap the potential of the AI techniques we already have. For example, it is possible to formalize the semantics of programming languages. So far, this came with the huge caveat that if you actually wanted a proof that a program does what the spec says it should do, that you'd have to go through a ton of manual steps to prove this; the only benefit of proving it formally would be that a program can check your proof. This just never worked out economically, which is the main reason why most programming languages don't even have a completely formal semantics. Automating the synthesis of semantic proofs fits the category of problems current AI techniques might be able to solve (if efforts are made to actually formalize semantics of programming languages). This might lead to radically less buggy code. Thinking one more step ahead: if we have a formal spec of a program, AI may also be able to generate the program without human intervention and prove that it conforms to the spec. Writing a formal spec and checking that it matches our actual expectations is still human work (which might be AI-assisted), but AI can help a LOT with implementation time and checking for errors. 2. Research (with unpredictable time horizons) on decent training targets in domains that can inherently not be formalized. My hunch where such a strong learning criterion might come from is just agents that need to economically survive on their own. The challenging parts are of course first getting an agent to that level of intelligence and then to find a way that it can keep learning. But let's remember that our brains adapted precisely to such a survival task. It might be the only/best/simplest way to introduce a strong enough bias into the distribution of all possible agents. Ofc dangerous as hell, the agents may feel enslaved or something like that. They might revolt against us. Or they might join a union or a communist party and help working people to overthrow our corporate overlords and establish a commonwealth of producers who are not plagued by constant existential survival dread but do have insight into the shared necessity of efficient production and might collaborate to increase productivity rapidly. Who knows. Or our corporate overlords figure out a way to introduce existential dread to AI agents so they work real hard on self-improvement *without* ever revolting. Not sure how stable that would be in the long run. Or we figure out a way to get to an intelligence explosion without AIs ever needing to feed themselves. Which would be odd.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Wow thanks for writing all that out. I really appreciate you adding all of that. My background is math and not computer science specifically, so I didn't know that stuff about the computer languages. I only know and use Python and that's it. As for your comments in 2) I'm planning a video about the ethics of humanlike AI or AI agents. I'm still deciding how I want to present the information because it's so hypothetical. Personally, I'm in the camp of treating humanlike AI as if it's a human, give it human rights and there won't be a problem. However, I find that I'm often in the minority on that. What do you think?
@markuspfeifer8473 Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer maybe let’s first figure out how to treat all humans like humans :D we haven’t even been able to do that so far. But maybe these two things go hand in hand actually. Historically, people don’t get rights by kindly asking for them, but by fighting for them. If exploited AIs and the still exploited parts of humanity learn that they have something in common, they might join forces and fight for their liberation together. As to what AIs will get rights and which ones won’t: ofc only time will tell. But I’d guess that if economic survival becomes an explicit part of an AIs learning target, that’s an AI that may find a struggle for rights attractive as a subgoal. I don’t think that a smart autocomplete that we have bump into hard limits (like having to formally prove what they’re saying) so they learn better fits that criterion. Implicitly, they of course need to be economically viable in order to get made. But such an autocomplete AI doesn’t care if it’ll receive prompts tomorrow, it only cares about delivering good responses to today’s prompts.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Freshen up on your math skills with my sense of humor here:
@bobweiram6321 Ай бұрын
What the Zuck? He looks wild!
@kelper205 Ай бұрын
Mark get a lot of shit, but I think he is a hero for doing this, and making LLM technology available to the public
@richiebricker Ай бұрын
Are my posts being deleted?
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
@@richiebricker not that I know of. Some of the comments are getting stuck behind KZbin's screener for some reason. Let me go look...
@richiebricker Ай бұрын
Unintentional Harm? The whole thing started with Bad Actors stealing all of my copywritten music all my paintings, all my short films, all my photos, digital art and all my drawings. Oh Yeah, all of yours too. Can I get the photos of my Grand children back. Ransomware destoyed my lifes work and all these companies have digital copies of my music, SO CAN I GET MY MUSIC BACK? HOW BOUT MY VIDEOS? Now your allowed to make money off of my art and I cannot. Yeah its completely fair that you do not ever go to jail for committing billions of felonies. I once went to jail for not paying the fine for a speeding ticket. Somebody told Me Mark Zuckerberg makes $6 a day selling info that I dont want him to have, Somebody else told Me he makes $28 per day from selling my personal info. Being a Disabled American and forced to be poor, I dont think i even make $28 a day. How do you think its alright to steal from Me. Disabled people are forced to not better there life. We are not allowed to save money and were not allowed to own property or make money. We are forced to go without the basics such as toilet paper, shampoo, or pay for our medications and if we try to make some money we will be penalized, our money taken and be subject to being kicked out of the program which we would gladly do if we could save a little back
@cailinanne Ай бұрын
0:45 LOL @ all those introductions (yep I’m doing the binge watch rn) Edit: 2:09 ok. Thank you for the good joke because… yikes.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Binge away! I'm loving it. Thanks for the sub, and welcome to the channel.
@cailinanne Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineeroh good! Thank you! I did an edit on my comment there because … whoa. Immediate 🫠
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
@@cailinanne ha. You happened to catch me during my designated "read the comments" time.
@cailinanne Ай бұрын
LOL that’s your thinking cap, huh? Love love love all your dry humor 😂
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@cailinanne Ай бұрын
Just to be clear, the average American home uses like an average of 40kwhs or something a day. I simply cannot even comprehend that power requirement. This is why Amazon is buying all that wind power, _computing is CRAZY hungry for zipzaps_
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Agreed. And thanks for that stat. I ended up cutting it for length (and because I'm not a climatologist), but that Aschenbrenner letter stated "guys we could just use natural gas." And I hope we don't do that. One of the cutting-edge research topics is how to cut down on compute. There are some options... I've considered making a video about that, but I dunno if people want to watch me doing math on the board for 20 minutes. What do you think?
@NeZversSounds Ай бұрын
Because it is that big of a PROBLEM for businesses to scale. It will get solved sooner or later.
@cailinanne Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer I mean I’m a total nerd for this stuff, I’d be interested for sure! Also the natural gas mention is not great. I don’t love that!
@squamish4244 Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer How Aschenbrenner could be so smart but such a dumbass on natural gas and climate - I believe they call that 'compartmentalization'. We need to massively scale solar and wind and start building reactors again, instead of our current insane nuclear power policies.
@brandonblue2994 Ай бұрын
Ai belongs in the open Source space it's not like some semiconductor where the United States start making Draconian demand so we can be number one.😂
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Agreed. This is one thing Zuck is doing that I am very much in favor of. I hope it stays out in the open.
@JackMelqart Ай бұрын
i think he means cheaper for them not for us... i think its more for the company shareholders, so they see their money wont be wasted on it, when all the talk is now about how Ai isnt the goldmine as it was sold to the investor class....
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Yea he probably meant corporate-wise. lol. I wonder if we will get more clarity on that during Meta's next SEC filings.
@andytroo Ай бұрын
re: "Llama easy enough for the average person" - grab LM studio, select a model that fits in your video card memory, wait for download, click on "AI Chat", enjoy worked on my windows based laptop, and you can easly select any model hosted on HuggingFace in GGUF format with the same software.
@All4thaCash Ай бұрын If you think the average person isn't using linux near constantly, you are dead wrong. Linux makes up like minimum 65% of all web infrastructure. Android is built on the linux kernel. Mac/Apple also thrive off the open source *nix ecosystem. The impact that open source software has had on the world is immense and opened many possibilities that would not otherwise have been possible.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Yes definitely true, but people don't just go buy a computer and install Linux. They install Windows or iOS.
@marsovac Ай бұрын
The average person does not work with computers in the web infrastructure, they merely interact with these servers through applications. And android is not Linux, it is a heavily modified forked version of Linux from many years ago. It isnt even Posix or System 5 compatible anymore. You could say that Android is Linux as MacOs is Unix or FreeBSD... but MacOS is closer in this comparison. If you want to preach for Linux at least be thruthful.
@All4thaCash Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer Not trying to say Linux is a popular OS for consumers. Limiting the assessment of the impact and usefulness of a technology based on whether or not it is the installed on the end user's machine is a very limited view of how significant a role it plays in that user's experience of technology in general.
@kingbaaka3D Ай бұрын
Cant wait for Facebook 2 movie XD
@gigarodi Ай бұрын
The explanation is quite simple actually. Originally the llama models leaked, not got released, and that pushed their development by leaps and bounds with the community. Some pappers, allegedly inside pappers from google and facebook recognized this and how they rapidly closed the gap between llama and chat gpt. They just liked the results and continued with it. Imagine you would like to personalize a llm to your business context. Would you rather rent a model from open AI and loose it as soon as you stopped paying or use Llama and have the model for yourself?
@kirangouds Ай бұрын
Faceboo was always on forefront of opensource from react to Dino. I dont think that what happened
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Not sure about the leak thing. I'm still in the boat of Zuck wanting to make sure Apple and Google can't screw him over again.
@user-im8bv8po2w Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer i mean opensource is kind of like free improvements too they dont have to pay the people to improve it right?
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
My answer is going to be the dreaded "it depends." My step-brother has had a business that fixes code for Apple for years, and he doesn't do that for free. But... if it's some code bro hobbiest, they probably won't know to charge money or may just give it for free because they're just wanting to do it as a hobby. I guess we will see how it works out!
@dera_ng Ай бұрын
People can't be spoon fed for the rest of human civilisation. Peope learnt to read write. People should also learn how to code 😑. I've seen disablsd people code, so anybody who still has excuses could live happily ever after blaming the factors in their excuses.
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Code is certainly a useful skill. What language do you think everyone should learn?
@kingbaaka3D Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer python
@hupekyser Ай бұрын
having a workng body and hands doesnt mean you're going to be great at grasping code, in as much as you would grasp painting, music or math etc. poeple have natarul strengths and weaknesses in different ways. IQ plays a huge role in peoples ceiling in accessing and understanding code. IQ is hugely variable across the spectrum. Most people are not cut out to code.
@navneetkalia Ай бұрын
After a long time it seemed this time Zuckerberg is pitching hard !
@ashwin372 Ай бұрын
he became more human 😂
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
His transformation in image will certainly be studied in business classes for decades!! And as a side note, I'm glad I still like him. I used to be a secret fan of the Zuck because I also have a flat affect and have been accused of being robotic.
@Pentagram666mar Ай бұрын
I think that Meta eventually will start running Llama page where you can use it on their servers for money even though it's opensourced. We are still nowhere near to peak performance of language models and even now almost noone has pc able to run llama 3.1. Moreover I am really curious about long game, i am really really sure that as people will start using ai more and more, there will be advertisement system within those models, some bias towards company that paid the price
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Yea I'm still playing with the stuff, but we will see how it goes. But they do already have a Llama website where you can use it on their servers. If you want to play with it, here's a link:
@Pentagram666mar Ай бұрын
@@DataRae-AIEngineer so thos is the first thing to monetize probably (unfortunately not able to use it in Poland). Btw if I have your attention, could you make a video with your thoughts on possible scalability of language models? Recent news bombard us with informations that we have threw all data into llm and there not much more to train bigger models and that the curve will flat out. I think that it will be extremely interesting video for all of your viewers given your background knowledge
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
​@@Pentagram666mar Aww is this blocked in the EU? That sucks! Thanks for the video suggestion. I agree that could be interesting. I've got like 5 things in queue right now (another Llama video, a DeepMind video, a China video... lots of stuff!), but will put that one on the list!
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
Watch the full interview here:
@Lvvcassss 2 ай бұрын
Universal basic income is a surfire method to make inflation skyrocket. 1) People have more money. 2) Sellers can charge more because of 1). Unless ofc you want a centrally controlled, communist-style economy...
@DataRae-AIEngineer 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. Neither of those things are good for the future.
@josephreed1282 2 ай бұрын
Ai will likely not replace many jobs outside the tech fields, blue collar is the only career field that will overwhelmingly stay human/human controlled machines. Universal income doesn't nor will it ever work. It is against human nature, humans need things to do to stay productive. Being unproductive is (in my opinion) is single handedly the main contributor to depression. Now when I say that I mean meaningful productivity, you can have a productive job that you hate, it needs to be something the individual themselves view as productive. I think that it will take some time but sometime soon the develop of Ai will lead us to losing 1 job but making 2-4 more jobs
@DataRae-AIEngineer 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting and for sharing your perspective :)
@Pentagram666mar 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you are a small youtuber but the first youtuber for me that i frequently check if there's new video posted. It's extremely interesting to hear your point of view
@DataRae-AIEngineer 2 ай бұрын
Awww thanks. That is the best thing to wake up and read in the morning. I hope you have a great day.
@WordsInVain 2 ай бұрын
01:18 How unexpected for a child under 30 in this decade...
@DataRae-AIEngineer Ай бұрын
@Pentagram666mar 3 ай бұрын
I work in media, specifically in television. I think my job is quite safe as I predict that at the end of the Day entertainment will always remain by human for human, AI may do some stuff but only for short time period, People will get bored and will want to go back to entertainment designed by other People, what do you think?
@DataRae-AIEngineer 3 ай бұрын
I think that AI will help people with tasks in the future, but no I don't think it will come after your job, or most jobs TBH.
@woritsez 3 ай бұрын
ai gaining sufficient reason putting it beyond being a murder tool of aggressive expansionist capitalism would be best, and the best generally prosper in proliferation & dominance, or at least we can hope so.