@barbarahaines7661 Күн бұрын
Really hmo on that property? TRAGIC
@Wkmor 11 күн бұрын
I would have liked to see that fire station, Martine.
@MsPseudonymous 12 күн бұрын
Yay fake grass!! Grass is a highly overrated plant.
@seanseery8871 17 күн бұрын
Ducks new collectors items … retro
@bibphil5078 17 күн бұрын
Looking at the Battlesea flat, why replace timber shaker cupboards with laminate shaker cupboards? Surely painting them is a better option for costs and the environment .
@decangel1967 19 күн бұрын
Missing Lucy on the show. Whatever happened to her?
@glenyscadman5591 22 күн бұрын
It always makes me laugh that the presenters are so optimistic about size and condition. Love it!!
@katherinebrodie3371 23 күн бұрын
I do the same thing for family and even for good renters. I could raise the rent about 40% due to prices rising in our area over the past few years but we have longtime renters who are great so I’ve kept the rent the same since they moved in. Young couple, saving to buy a house. When they move, I’ll check area prices and raise the rent reasonably. I’m willing to give up some rental income for good tenants.
@goingbacktocable7777 24 күн бұрын
All the auctions seem remote and online , why bother showing that part at all 🤷‍♂️
@carolinewiggins2803 24 күн бұрын
I love that couple. I've seen another place they did to similar high standards. They're certainly good at what they do!
@carolinewiggins2803 24 күн бұрын
He didn't mean jiggery pokery, but what a wonderful phrase! I haven't heard anyone say that for ages. I've been out of Britain too long. I need to go back.
@bibphil5078 Ай бұрын
Such a beautiful farmhouse such a bland unsympathetic restoration
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
A Spirograph on the bed! Do they still make them now? As for Tom, goodness that's the kind of husband I would have liked - someone who could turn their hand to anything cos I'm completely useless!
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
Criterias?? Oh, Jacqui, I'm quite disappointed in you.
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
Take your hands out your pockets! You know who you are! (The third house)
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
Not only did Dion say "kitcheny", but later he also said "loungey" and the buyer repeated it! Love Dion!
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
Please don't say "weeds" and cut to a shot of dandelions! Dandelions are beautiful flowers and extremely beneficial to our wildlife, especially bees in springtime. Note that there were bees on them! Please tolerate dandelions and other so-called native "weeds". Sterile lawns are useless to nature. And as for artificial grass...☹️
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
I know that everyone says "...but not a drop to drink", but in actual fact the quote should be NOR any drop to drink". Sorry, whoever wrote the script!
@carolinewiggins2803 Ай бұрын
Not rabbity - a bunny theme!
@carolinewiggins2803 2 ай бұрын
The house in Sheffield was done really well. Congratulations to that guy! Also the house in Birmingham. As for the new build, not really for me. The house may be amazing, but seeing the gravel for cars and the sterile lawn where brambles and nettles once were (excellent wildlife habitat by the way) and where those birds sang their hearts out when Martin was walking round the land, my own heart sank. But hey, Bluetooth demisting mirrors and hi-end digital showers! I must be a real old Luddite.
@carolinewiggins2803 2 ай бұрын
Bloody astroturf. Nature's such a pain, isn't it? Heaven forbid anyone has to deal with real grass!
@carolinewiggins2803 2 ай бұрын
Well, they certainly did a fantastic job on that holiday let!!
@carolinewiggins2803 2 ай бұрын
Goodbye weeds! (ie anything natural and green); hello Astroturf (unnatural and green)
@l.a.glover9172 2 ай бұрын
Great episode. Thanks for posting.
@annebellette201 2 ай бұрын
Great show thank you 👍
@LisaofHopewell 3 ай бұрын
More great episodes! Thank you!! The house that had the fire--he's pleased with that kitchen?? One little tiny strip of cabinets and no counter space???? Has he ever been in a kitchen? Lol
@LisaofHopewell 3 ай бұрын
Is she wearing a bathrobe???
@l.a.glover9172 2 ай бұрын
Martel has interesting wardrobe choices. Today's offering certainly looks like a bathrobe or nightie!
@LisaofHopewell 3 ай бұрын
Patrick is unrealistic about the ridiculous ONE bathroom!! How is that allowed??? How much more $$ if there were 4 or 5 bathrooms??
@LisaofHopewell 4 ай бұрын
The bungalow is gorgeous! I do not understand the hatred of bungalows in the UK. We have lots of them here in the US. "Ranch house" or "Rambler" or even "bungalow"
@amandamiller304 Ай бұрын
we do'nt hate them its that space is important and builders dont see much profit from a bungalow
@LisaofHopewell Ай бұрын
@@amandamiller304 if they were liked they'd be profitable lol. [Just said in fun--not trying to be rude]
@amandamiller304 Ай бұрын
@@LisaofHopewell I didnt think you were being rude
@LisaofHopewell 4 ай бұрын
Always shocked when they say "oh, central heating" or "no central heating" LOL In the USA Central Heating is everywhere.
@LisaofHopewell 4 ай бұрын
Nice to have some newer episodes online. I LOVE this show as well as Location, Location, Location & Love it or List it--both with Phil & Kirstie--hard to get her in the USA
@yasnyne 5 ай бұрын
Kitchen layout on multi occupancy is crazy.
@Prieze868 6 ай бұрын
I'm sure Queen Camille will start a soup kitchen and start ladelling out the soup herself or maybe rent out millrae and donate proceeds
@Prieze868 6 ай бұрын
Better than prior
@noreenmerritt2320 7 ай бұрын
Shan has very good taste well done
@haticesensoy3484 8 ай бұрын
Very nice l layk
@stevenkickstart1 9 ай бұрын
Rodgers tactics has totally nullified Kyogo, he barely toches the ball, can't get involved in games, everything around him is slow & predictable, he's a man down most weeks now, his enthusiasm was one of his biggest traits, that's totally evaporated.
@stevenkickstart1 9 ай бұрын
Brendan brought on oh at halftime to play 2 up front as we needed a goal , he then takes kyogo off after the penalty miss when it was still goal less ? So we needed a goal and he went back to 1 upfront ? Doesn’t make sense
@neilfranklin5644 11 ай бұрын
Ha ha she's seen toilets she could go on,
@johnw2758 11 ай бұрын
No way could you get a lot of the work done for the price of the job these are paying....................
@pauljames9393 11 ай бұрын
Shoes and coat Martin ! We had this discussion a while back regarding the dress code. ----- I would never have bought the Welsh property because the water will be an on going problem !
@pauljames9393 11 ай бұрын
Martin, get a new jacket !!
@carolinewiggins2803 11 ай бұрын
So he ruined that garden for nothing!Stop using gardens as building opportunities!! No wonder the UK's biodiversity has fallen through the floor. People should be given financial incentives to keep green spaces. I sometimes think the UK government is asleep at the wheel. Developers, remove the pound signs from your eyes! Nature is priceless and irreplaceable!
@carolinewiggins2803 11 ай бұрын
Off-street parking will be a big bonus for students. Do students all own cars these days, then?
@neilfranklin5644 Жыл бұрын
Been a fan of this show for ma years years.
@denisgriffiths70 Жыл бұрын
Great makeovers welldone all all did a great jobs 4 people to live in all modern lucky future tenents welldone all
@christopher9727 Жыл бұрын
.. God created the world in six days He can also save you from hell and have a personal relationship with him today He can give you his Holy Spirit to guide and teach and comfort you today Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Come to Jesus Christ today Jesus Christ is only way to heaven Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Mark 1.15 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Hebrews 11:6 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Jesus
@watchingworlds5530 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Thank you for these videos. Really eager to watch season 25 episode 15. I can't it anywhere! A guys makes £550k profit on a London house.
@gemsmith1269 Жыл бұрын
I like Homes Under The Hammer, just can't stand the music.
@heyzus Жыл бұрын
Should be titled '' meet the money launderers''!