We are a church under the cover of the Apostle Guillermo Maldonado and the Prophet Ana Maldonado, in which we seek the expansion of the God´s Kingdom in the Here and Now, we seek to support the life of each believer, helping him to be empowered and activated in the Supernatural Power of God. Founders, Apostle Jesus Losa and Pastora María Jesús Gabarre. Located in Madrid, Spain.- Visit us: vinonuevoelreyjesusmadrid.org- Acquire more content in: tienda.vinonuevoelreyjesusmadrid.org- Contact us:
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Twitter: twitter.com/vinonuevoerjmad-
Facebook: facebook.com/ccvinoNuevoerj/
Jóvenes Vino Nuevo ERJ: facebook.com/jovenesvinonuevoerj/
Vino Nuevo Store: facebook.com/tiendavinonuevo/Instagram: instagram.com/ccvinonuevoerj/