RE: 超vic**8 (for replying message being deleted) ***********8715 5 天前: 討厭坤達是因為他常放冷箭扯TORO後腿。開自以為是的玩笑,不如回應支持暖心的話。 超vic**8 9 小時前 : 你認識對方嗎?怎麼說人家woke、娘稚型什麼的?發表言論可以,就事論事,不要人身攻擊⋯⋯ 超vic你與8715 真double standards & hypocritical it's 8715 started the人身攻擊saying other disgusting because his own irrational thinking & dislikes grouping together intimidating others to diminish voices not yours like are the usual typical ways your groups' doing no interest to know u alike! funny that don't u know it's your messages giving the impression of woke