When the Satanic Panic Attacks!!!
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 11 сағат бұрын
Yes, Gen Z and Alpha are a softer generation because there is a percentage of Gen X who are raised and are raising them sheltered and giving them everything. Obviously, It's to each his and her own family. I fully intend to teach my nephews to be respectful and that they must have inner endurance. Cause in their lifetimes as a Generation group they are going to see and experience events as a group like all other Generations have.
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 11 сағат бұрын
We care about life and people both family and those outside of our families. We care a lot. We just don't care about the REPEAT of things. We need solutions to problems not to repeat the same old problems generation after generation.
@Gen_X_Rosey 6 сағат бұрын
I agree! Thank you for your insight on my videos! I appreciate the interaction!
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 11 сағат бұрын
Honesty, I'm done with the work force. I still work. However, we all know its best to do work brings out your skills, talents and abilities. We know politics is a joke. Some of us Gen Xere are in Congress. Congrats for them. I assume some have worked to make life easier for us.
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 11 сағат бұрын
We Gen Xere have been through a lot of traumatic events and experiences both personally and as a group. The GOD of the Bible or whatsoever faith you hold to has seen you through until this day.
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 19 сағат бұрын
Gen Z and Alphas will know whats its like for the system to fail you.
@Gen_X_Rosey 18 сағат бұрын
Sadly, yes, they will!
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 19 сағат бұрын
Gen X ers are every where ...in politics, military, etc
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 19 сағат бұрын
I attempted the military and didn't wotk out. According to rhe wotkd system im a loser.
@Gen_X_Rosey 19 сағат бұрын
That's one of the keywords they've always used to break us down.
@user-ui1qp6zf5s 19 сағат бұрын
Hey love. How are you ?
@Gen_X_Rosey 19 сағат бұрын
Hi! I'm good! Hope you are too!
@roadking2054 6 күн бұрын
Hard times make strong people….strong people make easy times….easy times make soft people. Our times made us stone then we made their times easier but it made them snowflakes.
@Gen_X_Rosey 6 күн бұрын
That makes a lot of sense! Thank you for commenting!
@genxjack72 6 күн бұрын
It's creepy when you come across a Facebook or social media profile that hasn't been updated in years because the person is in prison or has passed away.
@Gen_X_Rosey 6 күн бұрын
It was disturbing! And he still had people who supported him. Saying crap like, "This too shall pass!" It makes me wonder if they knew what he did or did they not care? Craziness. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@havocstormbringer1503 7 күн бұрын
Saw a video calling gen x are terrible grandparents for not babysitting our grandchildren every weekend or something. I was thinking to myself; most of us raised ourselves, took care of our brothers and sisters, in some cases our cousins, raised our kids, and in some cases our nephews and nieces. We still have to work as well. They need to raise there own kids. When is it our time? Great list of things we saw growing up. Don't forget about aides epidemic, crack epidemic, street gangs, the threat of nuclear war with Russia. Oh and our crazy uncles back from Vietnam. We've lived through a lot.
@Gen_X_Rosey 7 күн бұрын
Yes, you are so right! I had to watch over cousins, some of my mom's friends, and yep, myself. I have yet to meet a single grandparent from even the Silent Generation who wanted to watch their grandkids EVERY weekend. They'd better take their kids to the waterpark or the zoo, have a Coke and a smile, and shut the eff up! Thanks for commenting, hon!
@nathanjustus6659 12 күн бұрын
“We just grew up.” Yes. And we got on with it. The idiots who think they’re going to have a revolution…new boss, worse boss. Idiots who think they’re going to live a life of leisure under communism.
@Jtr_ceral_killer 13 күн бұрын
most of gen x were grown up by age 10. yes, Gen X have seen more combat than our parents and grand parents. the early X were old enough to help in the persian gulf crisis escorting tankers to the panama invasion, gulf 1, somalia, gulf 2 afghanistan, syria, serbia. Don't trust the government or corporations. Most of us want to be left alone.
@Gen_X_Rosey 13 күн бұрын
Yes! Thank you for backing me up!
@driverr988 15 күн бұрын
We didn't. Much like we did with our Boomer parents and technology, we were dragged in kicking and screaming. But now that we were brought into the fight, we fight Gen X style. With relentless mockery in an online world because assault charges would be brought if we rolled up.
@Gen_X_Rosey 15 күн бұрын
LMAO! Very true! Sarcasm and nastiness are our "love language". LMAO! I won't bully those kids, but if they provoke... well, what does a bear or snake do when it's provoked?
@lewieanderson6579 15 күн бұрын
We care, honestly. We just don't give a f#ck about bullshit.
@Gen_X_Rosey 15 күн бұрын
@lewieanderson6579 15 күн бұрын
Snowflakes today would buckle at our lifestyle 40 to 50 years ago. We were built and raised differently. We tried to give our kids everything we didn't have. It turned our kids into ungrateful brats.
@Gen_X_Rosey 15 күн бұрын
True. Thankfully, my two aren't ungrateful because they weren't raised too terribly different than I was. My two kids are Gen-Z's with the heart of Xers. My oldest has even said, " I was born in the wrong decade!" Because of that, they think a lot of what people of their generation and the younger generation (Gen Alpha) do or say is ridiculous. Sure, they agree with some of it, as do I. But a lot of times, we're rolling our eyes and shaking our heads.
@TheMadLeprechaun 16 күн бұрын
If you didn't care, then you wouldn't have made and upload this video.
@Gen_X_Rosey 16 күн бұрын
Huh... And that thought was burning so brightly in your mind that you wanted to "call me out" to what? Try to embarrass me? Good for you for trying! Go give yourself a cookie, sweetie! Good job!
@nathanjustus6659 12 күн бұрын
@@Gen_X_Roseyawesome response.
@AwesomeGenX 17 күн бұрын
Such a great video Rosey. We really have been through a ton of stuff while growing up. We got to experience the Berlin wall being torn down, the Statue of Liberty disappear by magician David Copperfield, and the many music festivals like the US festival, Live Aid, and Farm Aid for example. For the very first time in our lives we FINALLY get to relax a bit and enjoy those little things that we missed out on while growing up. If GenZ has a problem with that then Oh well. We deserve our peace finally so I say we enjoy every second of it while we can.
@Gen_X_Rosey 16 күн бұрын
Thank you, and yes, exactly! They want us to lead a revolution, but no one listened to us when we tried. It's their turn now!
@John-p1o4f 19 күн бұрын
Caring isn't a given, the world doesn't care and doesn't owe anyone anything. Whatever appears between those two realities is a bonus.
@Gen_X_Rosey 19 күн бұрын
That's very true. Thank you for commenting!
@TheBishopCorp. 19 күн бұрын
Use military brat and being gen x of two military veterans, made us different as will ! 🐈‍⬛
@Gen_X_Rosey 19 күн бұрын
I can only imagine! Thank you for commenting!
@TheBishopCorp. 19 күн бұрын
@Gen_X_Rosey Thank you for understanding, and well/will.. it just felt better to type "will." 🌼
@Dr_Larken 20 күн бұрын
0:48 lol
@Gen_X_Rosey 20 күн бұрын
Pretty random spot to laugh, but... okay.
@aprilwills6777 22 күн бұрын
Girrrrrl, that was 💯 spot on... and articulated extremely well, so thank you for your realness🥰
@Gen_X_Rosey 22 күн бұрын
Thank you, sweetheart! I appreciate your kind feedback. You're awesome!
@jennieoconnor5695 28 күн бұрын
Wait, what? We are talking about Gen X here, right? In those days, what would make teachers think of sniffing students' water bottles or asking what was in them? One of my junior high school English teachers was high every day. We actually didn't carry water bottles, though...And, "What kind of parents did you have that they didn't notice that their vodka took missing? How did you get the vodka?" I believe there are enough videos that discuss the type of parenting that Gen Xers experienced. I was "raised" by a single alcoholic father who didn't notice when alcohol came up missing. Moreover, friends had older siblings who could buy alcohol...
@Gen_X_Rosey 28 күн бұрын
Well, I guess we had different parents because a lot of the parents I knew noticed stuff like that. Now, I do know some parents didn't "take care" of their kids. My mom worked too, and I was a latchkey off and on. But she did notice the things I did and was kind of strict. Not ALL Boomer parents were neglectful or passive with their kids. As for the schooling, they were pretty strict at the schools here too. Kids DID get thrown out of school for underage drinking and got in trouble with their parents too. So, yeah, bottles were checked if they were allowed in the classroom at all. Let's not forget, I don't know you, I don't know your parents, and I didn't go to your school. So, I guess not all Gen-X is created equal. And I didn't even get into cultural differences. I'm assuming you're of a different race than myself? You can ask any black person and they will tell you that there were certain things a white child could get away with that black children couldn't. Anything from talking back to and cursing in front of their parents to, sometimes being able to steal alcohol from their parents (at least, my best friend at the time could). So, while we experienced a lot of things the same, there were also some things that were done differently.
@jennieoconnor5695 27 күн бұрын
@@Gen_X_Rosey My parents were Silent Generation, born March 6 and March 12, 1926. I have Boomer brothers. I am an early Gen Xer from Northeast Ohio, and in the early to mid 1980s, we didn't bring bottles or anything to drink to school. Thermoses were for soup. Most of us packed a sandwich and drank from the water fountains. Bottled water wasn't a thing in Cleveland until decades later. So we didn't actually try to sneak anything into school in bottles, which I suppose is why I can't imagine teachers checking them. I absolutely understand about the cultural differences. I am white, but for 13 of my young adult years, I was more or less a part of black culture regarding the neighborhoods I lived in, who I worked with, and who I dated/lived with. While I agree with you that, in general, black parents were stricter with kids, we certainly couldn't talk back to or curse in front of our parents, either, because all of my friends' parents were Silent Generation, and they didn't play that at all. They were our parents, not our friends. I think there are some differences between the experiences of early Gen Xers and later Xers as well as the cultural differences that you mentioned. Bullying Gen Z because they don't drink like we did is as bad as the bullies we knew, who discouraged kids from studying, because they would mock us and call us a "brain." I agree with you that it's terrible.
@Gen_X_Rosey 15 күн бұрын
@@jennieoconnor5695 Thank you for your Insight, I appreciate that. Your parents were only one year younger than my maternal grandma. My parents were teens when they had me and were junior Boomers". I'm a Bicentennial Xer, close to being a Xennial. My high school best friend at the time used to cuss around her parents, and they didn't really care. I was scandalized because my cousins and I would have gotten smacked in the mouth or spanked! Even saying the word "lie" around our parents was no-no! She also got into a fist fight one morning with her mom (and bragged about it) because she didn't want to go to school. When I got to school, her mom drove up with her in the front seat. She got out, stopped to talk to me for a second and said, "I have to take this note up to the office. I'm quittin' school!" I was, again, scandalized! She figured that she "...won the fight." What I figured, all these years later, was that her mom got tired of arguing and fighting with her bull-headed daughter! The girl whined and argued until her mom gave in and she got her way. Poor woman hardly got any peace at all!" So, I just saw a huge cultural difference in how she was raised as opposed to how I was.
@somenamelessdude8095 Ай бұрын
Its not the time period we were born in that makes us indifferent, its how the world has changed in our lifetime
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
As well as the people we grew up around. We were forced to build up a tolerance to different circumstances and have creative defense mechanisms. Apathy was just one of the symptoms of our situation. Thank you for interacting!
@somenamelessdude8095 Ай бұрын
@@Gen_X_Rosey Exactly, you force us, and we stop caring, or start caring a lot about the forcing, and rebel.
@ospehu1 Ай бұрын
You know what pisses me off is when Gen X's blame us millenials are like gen z's. Ques what while you sought from your high horse that older end of millenials are born in 1981. Ques what we did not have cellphones when we grow up. World wide web was launched in 1994 bedore that it was on military use only. So do your backround researche. Since news flash older end of millenials have had to deal your bs for whole our life.
@angelagokool9514 Ай бұрын
This is such a moving and touching story. It's amazing how many people, including myself, have misconstrued the meaning of this song. Once you understand it, you really do appreciate the deeper meaning behind it. Oh, and thanks for recommending the Professor of Rock video! I just watched it, and it was an amazing story! Benny was such a wonderful and caring person, especially after what he did for those kids. It certainly deserved the success that it had received. We'll miss you, Benny. 😭
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
I'm so glad you watched it! I cried when Benny did. You could tell that hearing he made a difference meant a lot to him. Thank you for your kind words because I have people all on Reddit trying to make me feel like a horrible person for appreciating the deeper meaning of this song, all because of the video. It's like they don't want to understand that the music video is not an accurate representation of that song as far as the true meaning behind it. They act as if he and that 16-year-old girl had an affair when it was HIM who told his writing partner "She's just 16 years old. Leave her alone." Those were his words to someone else!
@jadedragongirl Ай бұрын
don't start none won't be none is something i saw a lot. Usually to my cats.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
LOL! Yeah, true.
@Tarpking Ай бұрын
Not having to look down the barrel at the sort of education my kid would get NOW, is more than enough to be thankful for.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
That's very true. Education is little or nothing, nowadays. But the teachers hardly get paid!
@Tarpking Ай бұрын
@@Gen_X_Rosey it's a fundamental failure of society to not have education top tier.
@Lookybear427 Ай бұрын
I'm a Gen X 1969 Honey Badger cause honey badger just don't care.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Nice! Thank you for commenting!
@Lookybear427 Ай бұрын
@@Gen_X_Rosey yes maam.
@rednexicanusmc5884 Ай бұрын
1971 gen x here and an introvert so I really don’t care. Never been to a protest or rally. Too busy working.
@AsIfInteractive Ай бұрын
Our attitude expressed our dissociation, and our music expressed our anger -- barely suppressed, and often explosive. We lacked today's psychological view, but to put it in words that any Millennials will understand: What are Dissociation and Suppressed Anger about, really? What do they signify? These are the traits of repeated trauma survivors.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
YES! Exactly! For most of our childhood, we weren't allowed to express our emotions, so we had to suppress them. We were ticking time bombs. Some of us still are! Thank you for interacting!
@Oo_Shade_oO Ай бұрын
We were sold many lies, and we know it. We also know there's not much we can do about, some of us tried. Too many 🐑 to make a big difference. And now there's even more division. I thought we pretty much wiped it out for the most part, but they brought it back. Don't let them make you keep fighting each other, instead of "them". Yeah, I know we never defined "them" exactly. I guess we're still not really sure. Sorry kids, it's your turn now. If things get too bad, those of us that still can will probably get off the sofa and raise some hell, but not before then. Good luck.
@heatherwade2373 Ай бұрын
I think a missing piece of this that maybe the younger generations don’t understand, is that for us gen xers, the sooner you moved out on your own, the cooler you were. We had to figure out a way to go out and build a life for ourselves in this insane world. And yeah, we saw a lot of big, crazy events that jaded our perspective of the world. Good video- everything you said is true. Every word.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Yeah, I did miss that part. And you're 100% right as well! Thank you so much for your feedback and for watching!
@thomaskeele1222 Ай бұрын
grew up with mom in east LA, watts, Compton, no dad, we did what we needed to do
@thomaskeele1222 Ай бұрын
I am white, grew up in hoods, when I worked, Ib have half my pay to mom
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
I've heard of kids who had to do that.
@thomaskeele1222 Ай бұрын
some of us had to work to help our parents with bills
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Thankfully, my mom and stepdad had good jobs, so we were good, financially. I worked because I wanted to make my own money and be able to buy some things that my folks either didn't want to, or I wanted right away. That being said, I do understand that situation. My oldest is doing that right now, honestly. So, yes, a lot of us were busy with new responsibilities.
@thomaskeele1222 Ай бұрын
SING IT, my sister
@mth9267 Ай бұрын
Why do gen X suddenly need to justify themselves. Gen x myself and think it is strange that everything is such an issue just because of some zoomers.
@yanxinniu6677 Ай бұрын
Slackers had to work hard play hard. We get knocked down, and brush it off. We didn’t strive for riches, but more for balance and humanity. We wanted the idealism of the sixties, to be real, and help the planet. But it is tough to go up against the machine, of capitalism, so we just try to keep on getting by and survive.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
So many facts! Thank you for commenting!
@Eudaimonist Ай бұрын
I suspect that the Boomers thought that GenX didn't care because they (the Boomers) were busy protesting and were highly political, and GenX didn't do that. They didn't mean that they didn't care. They just didn't show that caring in the same ways.
@joaoluizgoncalvesgoncalves7658 Ай бұрын
Benny Mardones Info The Night essa música é linda fala de amor 💟🇧🇷
@KardboardKenny Ай бұрын
another reason we don't/didn't get along w/our parents, is how many of us were conceived just to keep our old men outta Vietnam? i'm one of those. i NEVER saw my my parents show any affection towards each other, except hate. that takes a toll on your brain. theres a reason Gen X created Death and Black Metal.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Damn! That's true, though.
@KardboardKenny Ай бұрын
you wanna know why we don't care? just read the lyrics to We Hate Everyone by Type O Negative
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Nah, I've already read the lyrics to "Fuckin' Hostile" by Pantera. 😏 I do love Type O, though. Thanks for commenting!
@AwesomeGenX Ай бұрын
Such a great vid Rosey. We really did have it tough back then, but thank goodness we had each other for support back in those days. I remember playing video games at my local arcade and by the time I left I made 12 new friends. Now with all the drama and BS happening in the world, we really don't want to hear it. We finally got that peace we were looking for growing up and we just want to enjoy it now. Wishing you the best Rosey and thanks again. ❤
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Yes, when we were younger, we were bullied at school, at home, and at work. Our friends were our peace and our support group. To be older and finally feel peaceful is a gift a lot of us wanted to sit back and enjoy. Now, we have to worry about the younger Gens trying to rile us up by bullying us with some grade school bullcrap. It's irritating! We want to be left alone. Hell, our parents did it, why can't they? Thank you so much for watching and commenting!
@lindachandler6307 Ай бұрын
My Grandma had that couch
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
It's crazy how many people had similar or the same furniture when we were kids.
@viperdemonz-jenkins Ай бұрын
my scars, stitches and broken bones beg to differ. we are the hardcore generation.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Abso-freakin'-lutely! Thank you for commenting!
@wintermute8853 Ай бұрын
I was born in 1992 but i was raised Gen-X, its embarrassing being compared to others my age. Same exact age but somehow the others are stupid af. Everything from fashion to music, i can't belive how stupid people my age are. I was raised Gen X and I'm proud. And I'll 100% destroy other people my age.
@yinyangphoenix Ай бұрын
Forget step parents. I didn't get along with my parents. Still don't.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
Damn. I'm sorry to hear that.
@mrs.dawnbroylesiii4904 Ай бұрын
Gen X is like a mix of the honey badger and the Tasmanian devil when you piss us off.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
LMFAO! Very true! We're the FAFO Generation for a reason! Thank you for commenting.
@MarmaladeINFP Ай бұрын
GenX does have some well earned cynicism, that is for sure. Besides all of what you said, there is much else. GenX had high childhood rates of lead toxicity, poverty, bullying, violence, and suicides. A recession also affected many of us in the early 1990s. Then as adults, we were the first generation in recent history to be poorer than our parents' generation, following several generations of improving economic conditions. And we now have higher rates of midlife mortality than our parents. If Millennials and GenZ want to understand us, they need to realize we were the generation during which the decline began or at least when the consequences of the decline became undeniable. Rather than criticize us, look to us as potential allies.
@Gen_X_Rosey Ай бұрын
YEEEES!!! Thank you so much for that!!!
@AsIfInteractive Ай бұрын
Every generation since has been born on the downward economic slope of Neoliberalism. We were the lucky generation to be raised with the economic promise of our parents world in our heads, only to grow into adults who found that promise had been stripped away. Today everyone is born fucked. But GenX was *deceived* and *abandoned*. It is VERY different.