@eddie5759 3 сағат бұрын
can u do mirin again in public
@karifishc3376 Күн бұрын
this is so good!!
@paperhands6607 Күн бұрын
you guys really are nothing, you talk and talk and talk saying nothing
@Joseph_Westermire Күн бұрын
Frank have you engaged in hanging, jelqing, pumping, and clamping for length and girth gains?
@kinddate 3 күн бұрын
@ChenathWanniarachchi 3 күн бұрын
Expectations dies in vixtimhood? Are you quoting pernille
@Huuhaaahuuu 3 күн бұрын
Hey Frank, I also got into personal development through what I call a whole life depression I found you through Chris Durden, with whom you made a video I went through a similar phase where I projected psychology and much more onto the outside world as a catalyst for trauma, but also phases of unconditional love From naturalness I was back to normal, as if I was taking a break, not necessarily aware of everything, but with the idea of ​​detaching myself from all information I did semen storage for 2 months, which cleared everything up, I do sports and meditate without feeling like I have to exert myself. I have an idea for the future that is very similar to yours, but it's been there for ages, but it doesn't put me under any pressure So far I have felt a kind of emptyness in a meditation and have a kind of non-dual self-expression twice a week. Should I just trust and wait or do you have a tip I've been thinking about reading up on the Buddha teachings, but I don't want to go astray I'm definitely not awake but at the same time I don't feel particularly good or bad either Rather, my head is very empty and doesn't want to get better IDK Where i am?
@Himboy666 4 күн бұрын
Cool for you. Rest, walks, warm, beautiful... And we have a war with Russia. How unfair everything is in this world
@christophermd216 5 күн бұрын
Hey man .. I was in my own process and avoided getting contaminated too much by others , honestly probably judged you on some level.. we are similar in deep understanding and having the bandwidth to "see" things. Appreciate you as a genuine voice that's decided to wake up and never look back.. much love bro, simulation has already been ran lol we've "figured it out" a long "time" ago
@beingness9 5 күн бұрын
Frank Yang. You've started my journey about 3 years ago and now it's the sudden collapse that reconnects us now. Funny enough how it was a paradox of a journey, working to learn only learning to work less Bless you brother for being a part of what is, and a part of my journey For those on this path, embrace the paradox of least effort is most effort
@RickNuthman 5 күн бұрын
This is so amazing. I recently finished my 4th Goenka retreat and had the most powerful insight ever. The funny thing about it was how obvious it was, like I already knew it but was ignoring it. I was sitting in the hour of strong determination where you can't move. I was determined to not move at all for like 2 hours starting from 1pm. About an hour and a half in, the pain in my knee was so intense that my mind was screaming at me. I tried to keep scanning the torso but the pain was so intense. My attention went right to the pain and I just sat there trying to understand how supposedly all sensations were equal, and had the same characteristic of arising and passing away. I decided to just ignore any thought and looked at the pain like a science experiment. Almost immediately, I noticed that up in my stomach area there was this really strong sensation of 'pulling back'. My mind spontaneously labeled it as resistance. I moved my attention to the feeling and laser focused on it. After a few minutes it kind of morphed into something like a ticklish sensation, then to something like static electricity. Then poof! It completely evaporated. I felt an emmense relief. Then my attention moved back to the knee. The sensation was as strong as ever, but I could no longer call it pain. I thought OH MY GOD! It is just sensation! It was the resistance causing the problem this whole time. I wanted to laugh out loud in the middle of the meditation hall. My whole life, it has always been the same thing. Anyway I could talk about it all day. Suffice it to say that now I am in a state of having to delve into every feeling, belief and sensation that arises to see where I am resisting. Seems like an arduous long journey ahead... but that is just another thought! 😅
@manimal5754 6 күн бұрын
@novislavkebabremover 6 күн бұрын
One of the most important vids made
@twisterrjl 7 күн бұрын
karma doesn't exist. he just want to succ and fucc
@vladimirmingazov2269 7 күн бұрын
Sometimes I feel like I can see the face of God, after this video I can say I am trying to see my real face which is not a face is a weird feeling. It's like me is looking at my life.
@otrova_gomas 8 күн бұрын
hey frank i love u
@Leonard-Mazet 10 күн бұрын
Thanks man love your work! Would love other practices/ inquiry around that thought of a face, this is very tangible for me. Much love infinite brah
@karole7345 10 күн бұрын
What pus does to a mf
@lucaberg8789 10 күн бұрын
I'm so invested in absorption type meditation, i do it all the time. I think I'm using it to surpress and I need to stop the addiction . What can I do to counteract?
@Huuhaaahuuu 2 күн бұрын
body scan and sitting I think everything else is holding on When a trigger comes, look where it is and observe it Your ego is looking for a way out. I'm in this situation myself at the moment You have to understand that every action overshadows your emotional world, which is why methods also create expectations, for example that they will make you happier, but it's more about being neutral as described in non dualism Every thought spiral is an overshadowing, an escape. There will come a moment when you notice it, so basically you can only move on The ego will defend itself because it thinks its entire life is a projection of the outside world, that is suffering it is looking for information but information is the search for understanding so non-existent
@Huuhaaahuuu 2 күн бұрын
The word feeling, which may be suppressed, serves as a guide to describe it. It is strong. It can be traumatic and so we push it away. This feeling comes from a certain region in the head that is connected to the word emotions. Now we split it off and Feel it in certain areas of the body This can be noticed during a body scan where you don't evaluate but only notice where the body in pain is located. Once you have recognized this, you will quickly notice that the origin is our head. Many people are unable to sit down continuously due to a lack of energy, even though they need rest Everyone knows that samsara is good, it serves as an orientation. Nirvana is samsara is supposed to say no matter where you are, stay with your pain because if you were to tell a beginner you can go straight to nirvana then that is an attachment, just sit there for a long time and see what happens What I'm listing here is only based on ego - you can't explain what exactly happens when all the "regions" harmonize with each other If you notice that you don't want the thoughts then you can be sure there is a pain body
@emperorlelouch5696 11 күн бұрын
How do you know that she wasn't just a solipst and now you've conformed to that way of thinking? There needs to be love before everything including nothingness. True love is selflessness and compassion supported by using the mind as a tool to guide this human experience.
@nicholasxu5472 12 күн бұрын
Love the videos, as always
@Gijink 12 күн бұрын
Bro, who is this straight up work of art alien at 1:22 and how has not a single person commented on this yet?
@bibby1873 12 күн бұрын
this video would have done NUMBERS in 2024. absolutely insane
@MrRamit10 12 күн бұрын
Real ❤
@JakeMuller-he9qf 12 күн бұрын
Prime Frank was a different breed of entertaining
@MastersmokeABUSE 12 күн бұрын
@Insideadeepwell 12 күн бұрын
Your girls voice is beautiful
@Diebeforeyoudie 12 күн бұрын
This is the deepest video. Thank you for this.
@elephantricity 13 күн бұрын
karma is epigenetics!
@FetterMuncher666 13 күн бұрын
Thanks Frank !
@georgerabinovich 13 күн бұрын
I usually listen to KZbin while I look at other apps but that would be way too disrespectful with such masterful art
@georgerabinovich 13 күн бұрын
@Raynaputi 13 күн бұрын
"Every time you let go of grasping and resistance, you're purifying the mind towards the natural state" I can confirm this in my experience the last two weeks. Mind identification is a powerful coping mechanism for running away from emotions. Let things be and be set free.
@UnfoldingLetter 13 күн бұрын
@Raynaputi In Frank I see the absence of something. Thanks for Q
@Raynaputi 12 күн бұрын
​@@UnfoldingLetter I had an interesting conversation with my wife about the male ego and women's perception. I've been in tears for the last few hours. I understand there's no distinction between male and female and blah blah blah. Some of us are stuck in paradigms and those paradigms are also very true. I totally understand why men feel the need to protect the women and children in their lives.
@LAQ24 13 күн бұрын
Love <3
@-10 13 күн бұрын
Still beautiful
@inserviceofthesublime 13 күн бұрын
Are you mad at a hologram bro 👊
@Anorectic.Bumblebee 14 күн бұрын
lol always new chicks, I'm glad I have no idea of this particular form of "enlightenment". Someone asks all the previous girls if they are equally cool with Franks behaviour.
@jessieyessie7649 14 күн бұрын
been helping a friend understand hes not wrong but he shouldnt mix up up with down this videos helps a ton i know another video i liked one of the og videos but cant find it this semilar but on the point of subject and not other things...
@Hexx_CVO 14 күн бұрын
2025 Squad?
@JakeMuller-he9qf 12 күн бұрын
@Rhystaylor-km5nw 14 күн бұрын
Your video edit is really cool. i just wanted to share that sex has very little to do with spiritual attainment and sending your ejaculation upwards through the centers is a very bad idea. None of the genuine ancient esoteric teachings actually recommend this and the ones that do came from palaces that royals were using to try to find an easy way to reach enlightenment. bringing your base desires and sending the upwards is a recipe for disaster and not correct. Please kindly research more into it Frank before recommending it to 165k people.
@EntangledSingularity 14 күн бұрын
Very interesting perspective, not sure I believe it though. To me it seems consciousness is much more than just causes and conditions. I’ve had out of body experiences of other realms and experiences of consciousness that seem to prove there is a “beingness” that “I” am. What that beingness is I can’t say but it seems infinite yet experiencing this life And this body and there are others worlds and experiences after this no doubt
@justgivemeanumber8215 14 күн бұрын
you were never the owner of your intention. letting go is a disease.
@justgivemeanumber8215 14 күн бұрын
these words are a disease
@maxwelle.715 14 күн бұрын
Hey phony, I really enjoyed your real time "full enlightenment, first ever in human history" video. Please make more bunk like that, endless comedy and amusement.
@Duck72432 13 күн бұрын
U mad bruh?
@maxwelle.715 12 күн бұрын
@@Duck72432 u watch the vid?😂
@Duck72432 12 күн бұрын
@@maxwelle.715 there is no zyzz
@neoreign 14 күн бұрын
"The thought of your face, is the thought of how you believe others think of you" - wow frank lol I feel like this one would need its own video. I do agree that as I've stripped away layers of falsehoods, I'm beginning to literally feel like my face has changed, or i am just not as self judgmental as i was but what you're proposing is so mind-blowing. So, the face I perceive in front of me in the mirror is not even 'me'?? because there is no 'me' to begin with lol wow.
@JavionForster 14 күн бұрын
Infinity includes all relatives otherwise its not infinite is it. You exist and not exist. Dissolve all beliefs which are thoughts × sensations which creates solidity. Dissolve into smoke. Nothingness. And then go beyond that. I'm still on the nothingness phase.
@lurkn142 14 күн бұрын
Are you merlin brah
@Vindexi 14 күн бұрын
Please send me the video of you squatting with a mouse in your mouth, thank you
@gaspersustarsic7874 14 күн бұрын
You still need to make the final step man, make it