Protecting Taxpayers with Timothy Sandefur
Up From Poverty with Josh Bandoch
Extremely Online with Brad Polumbo
Gig Work with Liya Palagashvili
The Case for Mutual Recognition
@that1swede164 10 сағат бұрын
So just the democrats?
@zacharyradford5552 18 күн бұрын
Both are stupid and both are evil.
@FirstnameLastname-tp4zw 18 күн бұрын
Been in a union 9 years now. I used to get laid off a lot and the pay was a little more then min wage. I made like $36,000 a year in a 3 month work season. At our plant it takes about 12 seasons to achieve year round and benefits. I make bank now😂 Over $60,000 a year and you don't even need a HS Diploma. I have my degree and CDL as back up job but nobody will ever pay you like a union. Plus you'll never meet as cool people and battle with people you don't like more. Salaried bachelor degrees get changed our every few years. Remember if it's in a book, somebody watched it being done and are now trying to NOT teach you. You must do it 100% always
@HeyAsh-xx5kw Ай бұрын
Yeah great, quantity is better than quality, more jackasses talking bs with no liability of contradiction or counterpoint, spewing false and ideological rhetoric and stirring up hatred and social division with nothing more than economic gain as incentive. Soooo much better. Please, move your jaw up and down some more, you're not making any sense, but fuckit, that just doesn't matter anymore.
@azurec6001 3 ай бұрын
lol- they have so much in common! Neither understands the term “my body my choice”.
@Sparrows1121 3 ай бұрын
screw you. It was this that made making opinions into facts a thing. Rather than the other way around
@gerardotrejovillalobos7154 3 ай бұрын
The present mimics the past time and time again.
@michaelacree8636 4 ай бұрын
julius is misinformed or he is just a greedy bastard that wants more for himself than everybody else
@topguy4uok 4 ай бұрын
the Competitive Enterprise Institute was successfully sues for 1 millon dollars, hope this deep state cesspool gets more exposure
@Confessions089 4 ай бұрын
Is this really a commercial or am I really stupid for asking?
@Theboneroomreal 6 ай бұрын
My grandmother grew up in the 40's in America and if she went outside during the wrong time of day she would be completely covered in black soot from coal burning. The only reason that stopped and filters were used to stop it was because the government forced them. Corporations don't care about you and they don't care about the planet. They care about money.
@ianv.1470 7 ай бұрын
What a bunch of dingbats.
@lenering1084 9 ай бұрын
Liars. Unions are good for employees
@brianreynoldson1965 9 ай бұрын
This video is a load of crap.
@susan2526 9 ай бұрын
Capitalism, as we practice it, has indeed destroyed the environment. That seems obvious. But it hasn't done it single-handedly. As this historian points out, communist countries have also created industrial systems that are deadly to the environment. The solution is more complicated than just having one of the old economic systems in place. We need an entirely re-imagined economic system where value is placed on clean air, water, and soil.
@TwinFalls88 9 ай бұрын
Ew gross! These little peasants actually want to get fruits of their labor? So icky! All the tech advancement & automation & increased productivity.... they shouldn't see any of it. Now way. We need a race to the bottom & treat Americans like little Chinese sweat shop workers. We'll have a way better country if everyone is a wage slave and doesn't have time for their families. So outrageous they want more of what they work for, they must be crazy. The CEOs & Shareholders - clearly the ones we need to trust. Duh. Know your places ppl. Submit !
@tobinstrike910 9 ай бұрын
What a sniveling cock weasel these people are
@mikethemechanic7395 10 ай бұрын
Unions suck. My first shop was union. I was 25. I made a helper wage. I paid the same union dues and insurance as the senior guys who made 15 more dollars an hour. Seniority is never talked about. I was eating ramen while 60 and up guys took all of the overtime. Same with the holidays.
@anntol4166 11 ай бұрын
I am being harassed by a labor Union. I live in. M jctAl
@HaughtKarl-jx9vr 11 ай бұрын
Only neo-Marxists who fell asleep during their basic economics courses are in favor of labor unions.
@zachary5101 Жыл бұрын
Wghat a crock of bs
@MrMoto182 Жыл бұрын
Democrats stupid. Democrats Evil. The only good Democrat is one that gets voted out of office.
@joeydoherty368 Жыл бұрын
Labor Unions hurt workers the way shots hurt a patient. The negative effects are usually worth the trouble in the long run.
@whatabouttheearth Жыл бұрын
So Senator Gaylord Nelson, the senator and Okinawa campaign WW2 US Army veteran who founded earth day on April 22nd was a Leninist? 🙄 And Julien Koenig, the NYC advertiser from the advertising creative firm 'Papert Koenig Lois' that worked with Nelson is a Leninist, and he didn't choose it because it was his own birthday? Leninists on Park Avenue? 😂 "Koenig was on Senator Gaylord Nelson's 1969 committee that established Earth Day on April 22. Koenig coined the name "Earth Day". Koenig later stated that he was inspired by the fact that “Earth Day” rhymes with “birthday” (April 22 was also Koenig’s birthday)."
@whatabouttheearth Жыл бұрын
Well yeah, the industrial revolution is the primary cause for the modern crisis in environmental degradation, extinction, climate change etc. And videos like this demonstrate that capitalists don't care about the environment, they'll make false equations like equating Rachel Carlson's 'Silent Spring' with Maos red book. It's absurd to the fullest and noone who's actually studied these things buys it.
@Cryptotone Жыл бұрын
Is it possible his company paid shitty wages and was bankrupt by poor upper level management decisions or beat out by competitors in the free market?
@roberttormey4312 Жыл бұрын
Lets just make the Democrat Party illegal, arrest and imprison its leaders and consign Democrat voters to re-education camps.
@ethanmiles20 Жыл бұрын
Just joined my local IBEW and just as a helper I'm getting $30 an hour for a long call job that goes up to October. Really reminds of the army, but so far I think it's great. Not entirely sure why some people are bashing unions? Sure you pay some dues but I'm also in real estate and after only two years in the business I have made my six figures and I paid dues that proves to be worthwhile. Invest in yourself, gain a new skill regardless of it all and add more value to what YOU can do.
@weshouser821 10 ай бұрын
They bash the union because they want to fuck the workers
@danieldenton5721 9 ай бұрын
People who are in the Union benefit while tue rest of Americans do not. If you are getting paid $30 an hour some where down the line it gets passed down to the consumer or tax payer payer. when worker have higher wages the price of foods/services go up in return hurting Americans
@rizmacadillac Жыл бұрын
I'm going to be honest. To some extent I try to enjoy work. When working or studying in school I tried to make it a game and competition with myself and always do my best. To be honest, I was worried about reverse discrimination and all of the race issues and such. There weren't any blacks in my school at the time, but I was still worried. I had gone to a meeting with my parents and the organization did not like Blacks and such, but I was too young to say anything. When I simply told people I was too young to vote or have an opinion the people in town bullied and harassed me to make me feel guilty about Blacks and such. But I have never had friends in town. But Unions... I don't know where they came from. A couple of teachers were apparently union activists or supporters or something. They tried to talk me out of going to the University and getting a good education and decent income and employment. But I listened to the majority of my "real" teachers and went to College. In college some administrators and professors and such got me involved with a project. They did not call it "unions" but is a year or so I met some people affiliated with Unions and they threatened me and told me I was not worthy of working in America and having a good job. They harassed me further and basically were attempting to force me into Unions. I believe the people I met in College had ties to the two Union teachers I learned to avoid. This problem is serious. Government is supporting this and honestly I don't see any up side to it at all. I went to college because I wanted to be around the sort of people who played sports and enjoyed decent, stimulating employment. To be honest, other people have their own life. They were not interested in Education years ago. I did meet kids like that when I was in school... kids who just wanted to play and were happy with this. If other people or politicians are making this choice for me then they have to be specific. I honestly do not know what people really want.
@bosszombie6182 Жыл бұрын
2023 cold Canada
@kaimaxfield6484 Жыл бұрын
I'm getting into solar and wind. What do you have on those topics?
@user-hs6my7mt7b Жыл бұрын
congress4kids子午線甘い🇺🇸Schoolgirlב Andwele Kitwana🇯🇵 Judge R. Smith's תפארתGuide, MarAlago childporn真逮捕 This removed tension from my throat chakra Legally, I have no reason to send more before we all meet, I MUST send this now congress4kids子午線甘い🇺🇸Schoolgirlב Andwele Kitwana🇯🇵 Judge R. Smith's תפארתGuide, MarAlago childporn真逮捕 congress4kids子午線甘い🇺🇸Schoolgirlב Andwele Kitwana🇯🇵 Judge Smith's תפארת לפני יבר, MarAlagoChildporn真逮捕 So this is different this is the credentials, standalone It's less impressive; When you consider these are court papers mandating that I attend school (a high prestige, a rarely skilled lawyer gets this clearance in this way) And official records overtly showing the arrest and higher charges (in a sense also prestige, fate in justice, how is this KID, lucking into all these real leads, without getting hurt or really trying(kind of getting hurt so the law brings it to light now to prevent more harm and give thanks for a unique success path, they're mentioning CIA to say obviously you have the third eye for it, a rare thing) 憲法congress4kids子午線 Schoolgirl Andwele Kitwana🇯🇵 Judge Raquel Smith's תפארתGuide, MarAlago childporn逮捕 So it's another very conscious push to put this info as openly as possible, at Smith's advice.. I know logically it's what's right, physically I see mountains where I know not what's on the other side, mathwise I know I must listen to Smiths instructions to the dot. And she's just saying, as a law community some of them are ready to take on different lifestyles legally she isn't exactly awkward and foreign to youth culture, yet she is a judge, it's a nonrelated note that she does both, a DC desk worker wearing a suit doing good work yet riding around the DC streets during lunch by skateboard Lifnei iver A law saying we only see what we should Not a stumbling block before the blind Key points - this amounts to credential, testimonial of feminism and academic success, NONTRADITIONAL entry but state recognized, essentially advanced courses Orig. Draft fbiReiki4CA:15yo🇯🇵Andwele Kitwana 甘い子午線left Wudang uncorrupted(צפת), J Macklin childporn convicted🧄 15yo🇯🇵Andwele Kitwana 甘い子午線left Wudang uncorrupted SHINLAW, J Macklin childporn convicted Grammar bow They're just going to reflect truth SHIN and say that doesn't corrupt in and of itself Even when it's a shadow Because of the real proportion of the world This is what we growing up know What is more than shin is mistruth, the mistruth is the world stems from this, this is the east just saying, a spine is true, the heart circulates it, the world returns to harmony because beings speak from the angles that they can rest in link removed) So...I hope you get this and it explains some of the truth to you... This is just as new to you as to me.. they keep me in the dark on so much They're just saying like they're convinced I'm not Republican they're even convinced I am lesbian and that Democrats are worshipping the goddess without Republican peer pressure as to what that means And it's not right to leave and not have them envelopes in scandal which is actually the truth The name j Macklin is a code name... They are saying soft people who made a huge mistake.. this is classic taoism And it's at this angle because I'm just telling them I get their intent but to participate in the argument is way to sharp for me.. so they ceded to let me participate braced like this... Formally I'm always sharp and I always bring this up and make people feel a little better for shunning all that stuff.. literally I'm so glad the brace does that for me mostly because it's my heart but physically navigating that discourse is hard We are asian after all this is what has to happen, this is what a dream told me would happen sense I was maybe 4 so I'm fortunately set.. yomo's blessing They're just saying like This is the judge literally, this was too much, if , at least formally (and maybe better if just formally) I'm always sharp and as described above Pointing out their constant harassment and the ppl calling me a celebrity now wherever I go (but being zen about it too) Then I'm innocent It's an Asian principle They have to be able to say they saved some worthwhile things to america and to earth to justify going further they saved me the voice.. this is what happens when they're protecting ur voice so that's good it redeems them (They're saying like one example of a compliment is people as far out as poor LA see this kid.. with this innocent voice.. and they're all saying preserve that and make it more trendy because they know more are that way and it's like s It's just realigning to say this is where it was in priority and all but if asian it's doable it's not a disturbance it's natural It's what it's supposed to be Anyone's experience with law but just incidentally someone scoring hi within that framework with no tricks revealed really Talking informally as a family using a lawyer service not at the lawyers--->: __________ So im a chief... This is like lion king on Broadway.. Mosi is saying I have to be honest... Everyone has neatly and quietly said personal power moment... "I am saying this is sincerity, it's analogously to the family tree a GOOD FOOTBALL game.. I am envies, I am envious, literally Andwele is more powerful than me in this now, even if it's luck, I DON'T LIKE THAT!:) this is the kind of thing andwelewould have had to succeeded with to have the unique path she wants. I CAN'T say I supported it step by step like hippie parents , I can say I was liberal and could have done much more to block it.." "I am guaranteeing you I get over it but eh, this, a play out just like this.. this is enough about intellect that it's wholesome.. I'm watching the football game andi a BAWLING OUT.. how did my small child surpass me?!" "It wouldn't make sense if I don't get over it but what I'm saying is a normal practical parent never bets on this.. I get over it but I'm talking just praise or existential awe.. this is awe.. no change of family philosophy but this isn't sports. Andwele is lucky.. this is dance for Mosi, obviously Mosi does much more but how to express mood "You don't understand... Something about it, and we all see it is bracing you for more normal "every person relatable lines, advertise it as a wanted ideal" Couldn't compliment you more couldn't not disrupt you More.. like a football game.. and this is to assure it is support etc when the older generation can be hard to get.. Mosi, like a football fan being a little over the top but agreeing like a football fan this is good.. Andwele studied Obviously mention 'raquel and them' Obviously this doesn't happen monthly or annually and it doesn't need to.. but it's SO tribal that for any amount of time A world class nonprofit exec like Mosi Weight wise is getting surpassed on that morning call Same office jargon, same polite tone, by *record scratch Andwele?!! Aww Andwele! Cute.. but literally at first I'm seeing the elements of this come together and thinking.. oh wait that was andweles thing.. without context it looks like I've been eclipsed and ousted.. it's only one day one event but just physically before the character roles are recognized it has me defensive.. then I'm realizing it's from my same house ___________'___ So as a family on this we're proudly saying"just like Biden" Biden is very liked. My lawyer has phrases this better than me, improved grammar and added some protocol things but this is essentially gold. Majorly legally gifted child, the lawyer isn't jealous, the kid is free, Mosi is calm and happy but always remembering that sincere feeling, honestly never likely to happen again, Mosi is more professional than me, but wow for a lucky shot! (to those email addresses) At my lawyers urging, I CANNOT send more until meetup strategy discussion and with significant reason This is a sensitive case.. I can publicize this to the maximum for a BETTER outcome, temporarily and surrealistically we actually sit among Biden etc At my lawyers pleasure, I had to send this, Maryland we love law DO NOT TRANSGRESS DONT TREAT A SERIOUS CASE LIGHTLY
@festyguy7405 Жыл бұрын
Union steals money from my weekly check. Bums. I need a non union job
@ZeroESG.goopootoob Жыл бұрын
@whatabouttheearth Жыл бұрын
You obviously don't know anything about it. Obviously you are associate"CARBON" with anthropogenicly released C12 and C13 GHGs to shit talk environmentalism because you're too lazy to learn. Fossil Fuels come from the Carboniferous period of the Paleozoic era, plants that had lignan were brand new at this time so decomposers that consumed lignan had not evolved yet to consume the dead trees, so the remains compacted into the sediment and stored carbon while the C14 isotopes started to deplete. The half life of the radioactive Carbon 14 isotope is 5,730 years. Fossil Fuels don't have C14 because it already depleted. Since the industrial revolution we've seen an increase in C13 and C12, NOT C14. Natural recent release has C14 and the increase of the ratio between C12 and C13 found in the atmosphere was the same ratio found in plants. This is how they knew Climate Change is anthropogenic, they saw that trend and knew there was absolutely only one thing it could of been, a plant older than 60,000 years that was depleted of C14...fossil fuels. There has been no increase in the level of radioactive isotopes of Carbon 14 (other than from nuclear testing, and since the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 there has been a measurable decrease of C14), but there has been an increase in Carbon 12 and Carbon 13, fossil fuels don't have Carbon 14. Naturally CO2 follows warming when obliquity moves towards the sun because ocean CO2 decreases in density and more goes into the atmosphere. But since the industrial revolution humans have been DOING THE OPPOSITE because of fossil fuels. We increased CO2 release, which cause warming, which releases CO2 from the oceans in a positive feedback loop This rapid increase will kill many species of flora and fauna that other species rely upon for survival and so disrupt and destroy trophic levels and food webs further, this will also assist in phenological mismatch where cycles no longer align. This will all drastically effect human food resources leading to starvation of many, and possibly extinction of Homo sapiens. Like I said, you're a damn fool.
@engmac18 Жыл бұрын
Ok fed
@DeeDee-dp9fs Жыл бұрын
I got the blues 💙 😪
@datassassin9643 Жыл бұрын
If any person or organization says they're fighting for you but only require some of your money to do it to, odds are they're not fighting for you.
@harmongill5349 Жыл бұрын
You know what unions do with the dues they collect, right?
@davidchipps Жыл бұрын
@nancylaor3674 Жыл бұрын
True the union did not fight for me At Macy’s and city employee!!!!!
@aislinnkeilah7361 Жыл бұрын
A 1935 hurricane registered winds of 185 mph - that was before Don Lemon was born so the hurricane climate change relationship is debatable. Electric cars have to be charged by electricity. Their batteries are very toxic and put a great burden on the environment in terms of energy demand to extract the minerals used to produce them and the toxic waste tailings when they are extracted.
@Gradendine Жыл бұрын
Martha's Vineyard, abortion, pushing little boys and girls to want to be castrated, pushing children to hate themselves for their race in order to "balance things out", and six thousand gender pronouns for the eunuchs they made to beat their opponents with like a cudgel. 🙄
@edenschwenk4649 Жыл бұрын
they were right that capitalism kills the environment.
@raydownes3289 Жыл бұрын
I’m reminded of History and the link between the KKK and what now is known as the Democratic Party. I can’t believe the Woke Community hasn’t jumped on that one.
@andybilakshow260 Жыл бұрын
you mean someone actually "woke"🤣hold that thought a sec, I want to get my camera for a picture. Say cheese to the 1😁
@tiberiomach7810 Жыл бұрын
lets talk about what unions healthcare system scamming insurance companies do to government healthcare.
@ctwatcher Жыл бұрын
Try and hang them. Fixed it. Then do all the other arms of filthy fed pedo govt.
@Gigachad-mc5qz 2 жыл бұрын
If you cant pay your workers you should not be in business
@alterego8496 2 жыл бұрын
Yes unions giving money to politicians that try to 'protect them' in some minor milk toast way. Not the ones who have made strikes illegal and continue to pass laws such as forced arbitration and other . If you want Romney or Trump or other to receive Union money, then they should not support more laws that protect corporations . Like the 'small govt' enforcing NDA and protecting rapist CEO
@gecsus 2 жыл бұрын
As a Certified Quality Assurance Auditor (for over 30 years) that specifically deals with data validation and manipulation looking for weighted, misrepresented, skewed or other forms of falsehood, I can say that the data for significant and dangerous trending climate change (especially human induced) is not solid, has many falsehoods and misrepresentations and is not even dependable because of many factors which include lack of calibration, interference with measurement unit locations, consistency of data sources, and lack of standardization, calibration and reliability of older and unverified data collection. Now they attempt to justify the data sets by telling us that "We have satellite data now", as if that changes the defective data sets from the past. There is no significant change from normal fluctuation patterns in the climate. In fact. We are still warming from the last ice age. These people will not disclose the accumulated average data that indicates a mean temperature for the planet to establish a base for evaluation. That is indicative of some form of manipulation of opinion, right there. What is the mean temperature over time of the earth? That is the first question that must be asked in order to form any assessment of whether or not there is a detrimental effect from anything on the climate. You will notice that the starting point or base is missing from the evaluation which means it can be interpreted any way they want. I won't even go into what is the Optimum Temperature for the Earth. That is never a topic of discussion by these supposed scientists. Here's a good reference for a complete analysis with all forms of science.
@davidchipps 2 жыл бұрын
@ericprice5471 2 жыл бұрын
It’s cute when libertarians want union wages, union benefits, job security and union pensions… but have zero interest in helping protect those things.
@VVVVV00 Жыл бұрын
Baseless accusation. You're an idiot.