Ep.6 - Naushabah Khan and Vince Maple
Ep.5 - Ruth Smeeth and Gareth Snell
Labour Leave roundtable - 2019
5 жыл бұрын
Left Brexit Tour - London - full event
Labour Leave - Brexit and trade
Tom Slater interview - Labour Leave
Frank Field interview - Brexit
5 жыл бұрын
@AlinaIatagan-ou1zx 3 күн бұрын
This was 7 years ago!
@AlinaIatagan-ou1zx 3 күн бұрын
To freedom from technocrats! That’s where ! To the great country our Granny wanted! 😘
@AlinaIatagan-ou1zx 3 күн бұрын
YOU DO IT, YOU DO IT! YOU DO IT on your own! Everything was great when you were on your own , in the past, the past I never saw! My roses 🌹! 😘😘😘
@AlinaIatagan-ou1zx 3 күн бұрын
Im the one missing from your platform, nobody sees me , nobody!😩😩
@jasonlinton9902 8 күн бұрын
The problem is and has always been is very rich people make our rules and laws they have no worries it doesnt effect them at all they just get richer and everybody else gets poorer
@willalwaystelehandler8450 17 күн бұрын
A nightmare system broken people horrible bullying system,
@sarahmore4146 Ай бұрын
Im like the first lady its bloody hard and my house is at risk
@musopaul5407 2 ай бұрын
People talk about him as a highly principled man; I'm not so sure. Field was a right-wing Tory who pretended to be a Labour politician. His views on welfare reform would not sit uncomfortably beside Duncan-Smith's and his shameful resignation from Labour in order to undermine Corbyn, a man who actually stood for Labour principles, was a disgrace. As to Brexit, what he says is fair enough; there were reasons to stay and reasons to leave, BUT, the way that Brexit was sold was in an extreme form which was always going to be a disaster, and so it has proved. Field would have seen that yet he didn't give a damn about how it would affect ordinary people. Finally, he accepted a peerage. I don't see Corbyn or MacDonald doing that.
@StevieBunch 2 ай бұрын
U C should be renamed as Universal Crime. It's a Criminal Act a Crime against The British People. The same people who have worked and payed into a system that was ment to take care of them when things 'took a wrong turn' in there lives. People must also realise that it would not matter which political party was in power UC has always been the agenda. UC was thought up not by UK politicians but by a Conglomerate of Worldwide Institutions ie The WEF,The WORLD BANK,The UNITED NATIONS,UNICEF,The EUROPEAN UNION. The list is endless and every Political Party in Every Country in the World has Contributed to the its setting up. Why else would it be called UNIVERSAL CREDIT. (Also think about this. If you are given CREDIT you are basically being given a LOAN you are IN DEBT. But to whom you may ask ? Think about it. Who set up UC ? THE WORLD'S INSTITUTIONS,CORPORATIONS,BANKS,HEALTH CHARITIES etc IT IS A UNIVERSAL CREDIT SYSTEM set up with 1 aim *TO KEEP YOU POOR AND TO BE SLAVES *TO THE WORLD'S (UNIVERSES) ELITES (UNIVERSITY) EDUCATED AND (UNIVERSALLY eons) KEEPERS OF THE WORLD'S WEALTH.
@julielawlor5482 2 ай бұрын
Do people not realised benefits are a bloody stop gap NOT a way of life Even millions of disabled people work Guy and girlfiend know never worked on UC taxis here taxis there bags of shopping trays of lager Booking a suprise holiday abroad for her 30th Neither ever worked
@CarolMerry-mj8ph 2 ай бұрын
This was never abnormal I waited 3 months to get any help from dhss as was then in the 1970s
@ashleybellofsydney 3 ай бұрын
This program would be considered illegal in Australia.
@StevieBunch 2 ай бұрын
Not for much longer.
@DrWho-vc2go 3 ай бұрын
2024 and no difference.
@savelabourorg 4 ай бұрын
We need more people like Paul in the Labour movement. There's still time to turn this around and make Labour the party of the people again.
@bunyaadi 4 ай бұрын
UC only is a benefit if it fits into a wage gap. Anything over say 16 hours is deductable. So it's absolutely a joke and is just another way for the HMRC/DWP to monitor people's income.
@savelabourorg 4 ай бұрын
Left-wing populism is the position Labour must adopt going into the future. We are now seeing a rise in right-wing populism through the successor of the Brexit party, Reform UK. To combat this a left-wing populist faction within the Labour party must be directly formed now.
@savelabourorg 4 ай бұрын
Left-wing populism is the position Labour must adopt going into the future. We are now seeing a rise in right-wing populism through the successor of the Brexit party, Reform UK. To combat this a left-wing populist faction within the Labour party must be directly formed now.
@lowrider441 4 ай бұрын
The labour party did absolutely nothing regarding new laws trying to be brought in by the conservatives for the banks to spy on all citizens bank accounts. Those claiming any kind of benefits including state pensions because that is also a benefit. Many people do not realise how these new ''Big Brother'' measures are potentially going to affect them. The state looses far more money through tax evasion than it does through benefit fraud. But laws passed for banks to spy on citezens for tax evasion would not go down well the politicians or the rich who fund their politics now would it.
@angeldevilleheavenly4009 4 ай бұрын
@paddy1144 5 ай бұрын
A fair system is not paying people who dont work more than people who are working and footing the bill! Being a stay at home mum or dad is an option, but not one you deserve to be paid for out of the pockets of people who work!
@ianhill4585 5 ай бұрын
Full time jobs are more scarce these days, most work history now is a mixture of regular work ,combined with UC top ups, since the government practically let employers off the hook with work hours, pretty much saying "you employ 2 people part time ,and we'll top their wages (somewhere near) with benefits" after all the Tories are the party for the employer,not the employee...... IE the richer element......
@ianhill4585 5 ай бұрын
The fact UC cobbles all benefits together, is a clue , they're going to screw you, to comfound you with red tape. I stayed on JSA until a change of address triggered the change to UC. UC is not there to help you, its to trip you up,and attach more strings on you.
@tibodog10 5 ай бұрын
The married woman with children who believes a parent should have the right to stay home and raise their children needs to understand its her and her husband's decision to have kids, I shouldn't have to help pay for them if one of them decide they want to stay home with them. I don't have children and so I dont have that expense in my life. I shouldn't be forced to pay for you because of your life choices. Im not referring to temporary support due to unexpected financial hardships such as long term illness, death, loss of employment from causes other than fired for cause or other unforeseeable issues. Helping those that truly need help isn't a problem, but issue needs to be taken with those that make conscious choices to decrease the family income by staying home.
@KieranMcenteeKieran 5 ай бұрын
Would someone ever tell Ms honey she is wasting her breath talking about brevity and Ireland We will solve our own problems.thank you .
@madeleinevogt6714 5 ай бұрын
Darren for leader of the Labour Party
@rachelrowe50 6 ай бұрын
W we he is there nobody are on peoples side with universal credit
@rachelrowe50 6 ай бұрын
Universal should be cancelled it’s causing to many issues poverty homelessness
@DunoonVanRijn-dx1hr 6 ай бұрын
You are South African
@Gary-vl7lp 6 ай бұрын
Honestly I left London 43 years ago and it was the VERY best thing I ever did.. I have lived in NYC for over thirty years....UK ... always break my heart....I miss England.
@littlebrookreader949 6 ай бұрын
Part and parcel of the el it e age end a.
@goldenballssmith9689 6 ай бұрын
Buty i always disgreed with the way the benefitds system works - i.e benefits from come tax payers and it shouldn't! Unless you are an immigrant
@goldenballssmith9689 6 ай бұрын
"Working" should be a "choice" we shouldnt have to work. unless you are in immigrant, they i believe you should be forced to get a job to help support those on benefits
@goldenballssmith9689 6 ай бұрын
Encourage people to get back into the work place << thats BETTER than stopping someone's benefit because its deemed that person hasn't done enough to find work!
@trevorloughlin1492 7 ай бұрын
The wait time is designed to put most people in poverty and even if they get the payments, it is also designed to disqualify them later by making them meet impossible job search conditions. And in the case of those unfit to work, they will be disqualified by assessments made by tick box methods to pretend they can work. In addition rather than human staff, a complicated internet system will make application next to impossible even for the computer literate, let alone low skilled workers. This is deliberate, for all practical purposes the Tories have ended the welfare state to commit genocide on the poor.
@mattd6264 7 ай бұрын
amazing how these comments are even more relevant today than they were 6 years ago.
@kdlofty 7 ай бұрын
£11.48 a day it works out for me to live on. £348 per month or just over £4100 per year. What's the national minimum wage again? What's the national living wage again? Disgusting. I'm ashamed to be British at this moment in time.
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
evil tories
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
pension age
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
increasing pension and increasing university fees making vulnerable and poor suffer
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
They said universal credit was set as it was more modern but now just using to cut money easily that was their first intention in the first place years back
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
Tories up to their old tricks taking money off sick and using to cut taxes for rich and making mothers put kids into childcare for 30 hours enough is enough need to protest against universal credit
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
human rights making universal credit so harsh so vulnerable stop applying or come off it
@sil_ww 7 ай бұрын
investigation needs to be carried by human rights
@BearTechNation 8 ай бұрын
5 years on and it is still not working!
@LadyofSharlot 8 ай бұрын
The politics of spite well said
@user-hq9wh9hq7n 8 ай бұрын
Birthday money should take a back seat. Worldwide many kids don't get bithday money in poor households. We're use to suffer we don't cry about money for luxuries
@user-hq9wh9hq7n 8 ай бұрын
Stay at home parent is a choice not a disability.
@AtheistDelight 8 ай бұрын
Someone saying to a camera that they think they should be paid to take care of their own children boggles my mind.
@mare659 8 ай бұрын
Still a blast of a speach! ❤
@marknorville9827 9 ай бұрын
Labour used to be the party of the British workers, sadly because of blair they became the party of the immigrant. Labour will not change much, because they are part of the new world order, all their fingers are in the same stocks and shares as the cons and libs. The majority of labour are multi millionaires, and sadly these people do not have the British people in their hearts any more. The reason why you are seeing universal death credit, is because of mass immigration which labour started. I could sort out this Country tomorrow if I had my way, I would deport and sink the boats coming across from the channel, I would stop free translation services, if you cannot speak English, find someone that can. I would stop welfare for non British people, you are here on a temporary work visa and that is all, no free dental, medical for immigrants. I honestly hope despite my hate of labour, that they get in this time, or another hung parliament so it stops the attack on the sick and disabled people, of which I am classed. However, labour will side with the cons and these changes will carry on until their is no welfare. All while jobs are being replaced with robots and AI, so a lot of this does not add up.
@johnmcgrail8781 9 ай бұрын
This man is so young he will be a thorn in the side off the Tory’s for many many years to come
@johnmcgrail8781 9 ай бұрын
Eddie sounds like my dad did 40 years ago He was a labourer counsellor and union shop steward for the print union In the late 70s-80s It’s great to see his Legacy is still alive in the hearts of this generation