Dovrebbe essere permesso di avere un fucile spara sonniferi a bordo come dotazione di emergenza. So che sono specie protette le orche ma visto che iniziano ad attaccare le imbarcazioni e uccidere i passeggeri credo sia un danno minore qualche orca in meno al mondo. Le orche negli ultimi anni hanno iniziato a prendere di mira le imbarcazioni mettendo fuori uso i timoni e successivamente affondando queste ultime e uccidendo l'equipaggio. Esiste un documentario che mostra tutto questo accadere nello stretto di Gibilterra.
@Лютфие-н8йАй бұрын
@nathanluca3072Ай бұрын
Foarte fine ca ai aratat comenzile de maus. Ce aplicatie ai folosit pentru asta?
@beastofackworthАй бұрын
Get the spear gun out.
@andreasweidig9587Ай бұрын
Orca angriffen sehen anderst aus. Das war mehr Neugierde. Der Mensch versteht halt nur nicht Ihr verhalten und was er nicht kennt ist ein Angriff.
Why don't you scare them off and carry on with your journey put your sails up
@christianpolet5 ай бұрын
Bonjour ,je recherche le propriétaire de ces images ,merci
@NEOZHIDanno7_85 ай бұрын
@Raizgriz5 ай бұрын
Like idk what u can do in this situation in sailboats. Without hurting animals. Idk you would need a huge boat to have rudders that wouldnt be able to get dmged. So people with 15m boats and smaller is scary
@cristianpopescu785 ай бұрын
Ce tare!
@ជឿនសួន-ផ4វ6 ай бұрын
Test fill latex balloons fly with hydrogen
@corneliubozian83436 ай бұрын
Sa limpezim Apele : bietul Popor RUS nu are nimic comun cu Nenorocitul de Putin, mai puțin Dragii Nostrii Rusii-Lipoveni care au o istorie trista din timpul Tarinei Ecaterina ! Sa trăiască și sa-si păstreze Credinta și Gandul Curat ORTODOX- atât le doresc !Noi, ROMANII, suntem un popor Omenos , Credincios și Iertător pana la o limita!
@detective05326 ай бұрын
They may have been hunting a fish that was up against the hull. Not necessarily aggressive.
@Hey_Blinkin6 ай бұрын
This is on purpose. They like the taste of something in humans just like they only eat the livers of sharks. Much more intelligent than you can even comprehend. Not our "friends" in any capacity.
@Celtic-Films6 ай бұрын
My first thought is they thought it was a whale as they attack and feast on whales. But after first contact they know its hard and not an edible whale. So then they swim around looking at the mammals on board and may be treating it as seals on an ice chunk, or seals on a floating hard object to be sunk or to scare the seals off.
@ryananthony28126 ай бұрын
Killer whales r hunting great white sharks
@ryananthony28126 ай бұрын
Great white sharks r scared 9f killer whales
@MonkPetite6 ай бұрын
Makes me think about the song but changed the text “ I have a Granada for you “ Love to see some ideas to scare them away.
@Savage-hl3zm6 ай бұрын
Everyone probably know by know they are kids and the boat is just a toy. Mommy is with but she doesn't play. The adult orcas doesn't hit the boats or fenders, it's just the kids. Unfortunately they are big, stuff breaks and even boat sinks. They totally do it on purpose but not to hurt us.
@scottfergusson84116 ай бұрын
That’s the time to find out if they are bulletproof….
@YeshuaChristKING6 ай бұрын
What military has their submarines Pounding sonar into the whales brains ?? Causing this behaviour
@KEREiT-o4u6 ай бұрын
@user-sj8oy8oi4r7 ай бұрын
Turn off the autopilot and turn on the motor, they don't attack as long when you have your motor on
@jesegat27897 ай бұрын
Orcas have never eaten people. Orcas are indeed very smart animals. When they are hit by boats (Possibly out at sea by big tankers), spooked by boats or even terrorized by fishermen (In some parts of the world where people illegally hunt whales) It is said that Some attack boats for a sort of revenge.. lol and so the younger ones learn from the older ones and the cycle continues XD
@viktornarbut29057 ай бұрын
А если мотор запустить? Может оркам не понравится?
@corneliubozian83437 ай бұрын
Pentru Vaska si Vania ce-au lucrat la Pescaria lui Matei de la Agigea!
@РусикНастин-ж6г6 ай бұрын
Теперь там работают выходцы из южной Азии.
@bjornsundberg19477 ай бұрын
The lady in black looks like a seal to the orcas. She is the target and they prey on her !!!
@shawarmabagmls2818 ай бұрын
Alt telde sırma tel ilk sırada olması lazımken alta konulmuş çok güzel ses çıkarıyor
@larrybaker53168 ай бұрын
maybe it's payback for putting Shamu in a tank years ago
@e30325ikiller8 ай бұрын
maybe a pump-action with some kind of rubber-slugs?
@Nautichome9 ай бұрын
Možná tak si vyžadují jídlo, co takhle zkusit jim hodit něco k jídlu?
@EldridgeRawls9 ай бұрын
At least try turning on the engine and go forward at high RPM.
@paulsteventon83159 ай бұрын
Those orcas are a lot smarter than we think. They are most likely running evolution genetic coding. That behaviour is to run their code back to the core before running the growth spurt. A bit like a tree growing in the brain stem.
@sailingvisions9 ай бұрын
@julienofitness9 ай бұрын
Let’s go on a sail trip, it will be fun
@GeorgeȚânțar9 ай бұрын
Sincer daca îl supără unu ..îl dă jos... să înoate
@pitchsd10 ай бұрын
I don't get it. Here in San Diego they swim along the boats and play with the swimmers and paddleboarders.
@ripple369910 ай бұрын
The ORCA"s are hungry feed them when they atack
@ryananthony281210 ай бұрын
Killer whales hunt great white sharks
@ryananthony281210 ай бұрын
Killer whales kill alot of great white sharks
@dumitruserban454311 ай бұрын
Felicitări !
@ivanire382611 ай бұрын
Ниский поклон.
@GorgyPorgy6511 ай бұрын
Maybe they are being trained somewhere and released do just this ?
@TerrelMayberry-bz8eg Жыл бұрын
We now have an epidemic on our hands…. Serial killer whales