Prelepa nova godina uz Toseta Proeskog❤ zamisljam moju Žaklinu i mene zagrljene uz Tosetovu muziku dočekojumo novu 2003 godinu, pocivaj u miru Tose volim te
@sanjagvozdjar48593 ай бұрын
I danas i uvek...Nikad zaboravljen!
@miroslavadjuricin73203 ай бұрын
Raj za oči, uši, dušu.❤💔😭😇🇲🇰
@tatjanapharmbt613 ай бұрын
@LencheChanakoska4 ай бұрын
@LencheChanakoska4 ай бұрын
@viktorijanikolic40974 ай бұрын
@carmelagillan98215 ай бұрын
Time is running flying so fast 31.8.2024 Forever in our Hearts The One and only ONE TOSE TODOR PROESKI ANGEL Defenativa Absolute AMAZING
@jovanapopovic34555 ай бұрын
Ljubav jedina ❤
@PG-mu3hq6 ай бұрын
Tose nas ,nisto ne e smeneto,te sakame ,te slusame sekoj den isto e.
@DaniDani-ww7bc6 ай бұрын
@IvaUshkovska-op4wr7 ай бұрын
Te sakame Tose
@dejanjovanovic87277 ай бұрын
@AerodromZeljavagodine8 ай бұрын
Ja sam bio dete te 2007 ali čak iz dalekog Vranja i nikad mi se nije ostvarila zelja da ga zagrlim i upoznam danas 24 godine imam i jos uvek ga volim❤❤❤
@dujedumanic14028 ай бұрын
Sunce naṣ̌e najmilije ❤
@AlenkaPlej8 ай бұрын
Toše 😅
@MrVelisa9 ай бұрын
@natasa37589 ай бұрын
Anđele naš… hvala ti za sve 😢 nikad nećeš biti zaboravljen 🕯️💔
@VILMATIRINGER-zm3yw9 ай бұрын
Stvarno bi bili lep par da je bilo sreće.
@mihaelaminoska716310 ай бұрын
Angel nas zasekogas ke ostanes vo nasite srca Tose❤
@Rosana57210 ай бұрын
Toše Todor Proeski -najubavite i najtoplite oči na svetot, pokraj najubaviot glas i prekrasnata nasmevka
@j0v4n4.98_10 ай бұрын
Naš dragulj. 🥰😍
@j0v4n4.98_10 ай бұрын
@miroslavadjuricin732010 ай бұрын
@miroslavadjuricin732011 ай бұрын
@Rosana57211 ай бұрын
Tone thank you for being Tose's sincere friend.They say that God took him, which is ignorance of what God is. God is a creator not a taker. God also created cosmic laws that apply both on earth and in heaven, these cosmic laws are also laws for God. Human ignorance and ego destroyed God's most beautiful creation, God's perfect art. Toše loved music, he loved life, he loved all people, even those who, through their unhealthy obsession with him, did him more harm than good.....
@AerodromZeljavagodine11 ай бұрын
Bili smo njegova omiljena publika volim te Tose generacija 2000
@Rosana57211 ай бұрын
As D. Milicevic said: Tose is an ambassador not only of good will, but of something much highe. His London producer also made a similar statement, when comparing Toše with one of the world's most famous singers his name is Robby W. and added that compared tothat singer, Toše had a much more unique and powerful voice and also a stature and personality and even something else that he can't even describe, an upgraded story, something that is very noble and dignified, something that Princess Diana also had. TONI THANK YOU.
@Rosana57211 ай бұрын
Let me tell you a story, one day we find the brightest, the biggest and the purest rough diamond. Diamond needed polishing. The result, the diamond was very unprofessionally treated and although destroyed, it still remained a diamond. This is the story of a great singer and great Human who saw music and singing as his mission through which he spread energy of unconditional Love and Light and also received it from his fans.His manager played the role of a one man band, i.e. being a personal consultant, accountant, tax consultant, manager, producer, chauffeur, bodyguard, protector, etc...she was obsessive about him, for her he was the greatest joy in her life and the greatest sadness when he left. The angelic singer has also an angelic like personality, he sees only beauty and good in everyone, he did not recognize or saw an evil in anyone, for him everyone was sunshine. He respected and trusted uncoditionaly everybody. His unconditional complete and naive-child like trust ended tragically for him. The purest and shinest diamond was crushed, but its great energies of Love. Light, Beauty and Goodness are still among us.
@Rosana572 Жыл бұрын
There are many opinions about his manager Liliana, but the fact is that she was too blinded by her possessive attitude towards him, her love for him bordered on an unhealthy relationship, he hardly had a private life, he drove thousands of kilometers alone with her. , without a professional driver. The accident that we will never get over happened in a very sensitive place where Toshe left our planet, in the same place a monastery was demolished due to the construction of a highway, and dark invisible forces were waiting for this moment. his driver friend at the time fell asleep for seconds and lost control of the car and a disaster occurred.
@Rosana572 Жыл бұрын
A physical body can be easily destroyed, but a huge energy that Toše has , that is the energy of Love in Light, is indestructible. Today, Toše is even bigger and stronger both on earth and in heaven.Физичкото тело може лесно да се уништи, но огромната енергија што ја има Тоше, тоа е енергијата на Љубовта во светлината, е неуништлива. Тоше денес е уште поголем и посилен и на земјата и на небото Fizičkoto telo može lesno da se uništi, no ogromnata energija što ja ima Toše, toa e energijata na Ljubovta vo Svetlinata, e neuništliva. Toše denes e ušte pogolem i posilen i na zemjata i na neboto
@Rosana572 Жыл бұрын
Има многу мислења за неговата менаџерка Лилјана, но факт е дека таа беше премногу заслепена од нејзиниот посесивен однос кон него, нејзината љубов кон него се граничи со нездрава врска, тој речиси и да немаше приватен живот, сам со неа возел илјадници километри. , без професионален возач. Несреќата која никогаш нема да ја преболиме се случи на едно многу чувствително место каде Тоше ја напушти нашата планета, на истото место беше срушен манастир поради изградба на автопат, а овој момент го чекаа темни невидливи сили. неговиот тогашен пријател-возач, заспал на секунди и изгубил контрола над автомобилот и се случила катастрофа. Ima mnogu mislenja za negovata menadžerka Liljana, no fakt e deka taa beše premnogu zaslepena od nejziniot posesiven odnos kon nego, nejzinata ljubov kon nego se graniči so nezdrava vrska, toj rečisi i da nemaše privaten život, sam so nea vozel iljadnici kilometri. , bez profesionalen vozač. Nesreḱata koja nikogaš nema da ja prebolime se sluči na edno mnogu čuvstvitelno mesto kade Toše ja napušti našata planeta, na istoto mesto beše srušen manastir poradi izgradba na avtopat, a ovoj moment go čekaa temni nevidlivi sili. negoviot togašen prijatel-vozač, zaspal na sekundi i izgubil kontrola nad avtomobilot i se slučila katastrofa.