@kyzanti 2 ай бұрын
@pasittorsuwan3770 2 ай бұрын
Bing chillin 🍦
@rinn7091 2 ай бұрын
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: UDI: Hey hey Hey hey Late night thoughts Would Drown em inside I just want you by my side Baby girl~ Can u come back for the nite pakheil: It’s 4am in the morning Fell in you I will probably drowning You hurt me too Baby I’m not gon leave you Cuz the love seems so true Is Percocet brought me inside and everything fall with the pride But Loving you is my right Takin the love so serious I was plotting on millions Also the one in millions sorry I put u to second to rap But I wanna chase my dreams At the same time you be my dream too But sometime I’ll be forgetting things I didn’t mean it Maybe I feining Run towards to your heart ay I gonna Leave you a mark I’ll send you my condolence Maybe it’s over Smoking that dope But I’m still sober UDI: It 6 in the morning Seeing the suns comes up U was never there Cus we both end up wordy Can u see the birdy Sing like bye bye birdy Aye seeing u dissolve apart But~ finally u in my memory database Seems so strange Why u still there I thought it was over Phantom it stares I wanna rewind~~~ But i aint got no superpower Maybe is bout time I js fall in in hours Failling in time failling in time Leave me a line Sippin the wine
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: You know what I want Miss you I wrote a song yeah deceitful not I want Baby I just wanna tell you myself Sippin Hennessey and holding you tight Baby everyday I’ve been feeling alright Feeling alright cuz you invade my mind Invade my heart and keep me alive Baby I know You not along but we just friends So i shouldn’t be so worried about you Weeping bout you Cuz we just friends Could someone rescue me cuz I’m like drowning in you Baby plz don’t let me get drown into you Ditch me I don’t care Maybe I don’t care Shit I have no clue why I’m so blue maybe I might care about you Act like I don’t give a shit about you Internally Im obsessed with you With you Baby my love to you is so true Baby I know You not along but we just friends So i shouldn’t be so worried about you Weeping bout you Cuz we just friends Could someone rescue me cuz I’m like drowning in you Baby I know You not along Why we just friends But i shouldn’t be so worried about you Weeping bout you Could someone rescue me cuz I’m like drowning in you
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: 望着我傷口很痛你忍心放得過 而你尚欠苦等的我卻怪責我的錯 而我嘗試放下心魔也是沒結果 但願再次遇見,等也是錯麽 視像你開心的我,你得過也且過 然而密友見你開心到不想見我 甜言蜜語對你,只想見你,怎想也拒絕了我 像單戀的我也永遠沒結果 苦笑,天知永沒結果 刺心深的痛楚 而我缺了你不知怎麼過 我明白,知錯 面對你講錯,都是我 原諒我必須一刻對我踩過 但我,心知會被放開 孤寡都想節哀 其實地獄裏都想跟我說開 我明白,也應該 明白我早不適合愛 原諒也只是一種假意的愛 或許相愛不再 完全你送我痛楚竟然完全無害 難道是我過去得手卻鬆開的愛 明白愛似獨愛不懂拒載傷心的障礙賽 但痴戀的我從來亦未變改 苦笑,天知永沒結果 刺心深的痛楚 而我缺了你不知怎麼過 我明白,知錯 面對你講錯,都是我 原諒我必須一刻對我踩過 好,對你好不應該 合上眼睜不開 始終都想不開 在那則假的愛 這樣缺失真可笑 懷疑自我價值低亦從未有我眼滴 如我,天知永沒結果 刺心深的痛楚 而我缺了你不知怎麼過 我明白,知錯 面對你講錯,都是我 原諒我必須一刻對我踩過 但我,心知已被放開 開心已被節哀 其實冥冥中都知你我不再 我明白,也應該 明白我早不應被愛 原是我只是一種扯線的愛 幻想的愛不再
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: 忘記當初困惑嘅自己 等唔到我一生嘅福氣 始終如一對你嘅曖昧 最終剩返我同埋空氣 不留餘力對你我盡力 努力堅持唔想你成為回憶 心如刀割都強忍繼續編織 忘記過去成為你心中瓦礫 I just wanna be true 我亦犯過錯 但我記得清楚並沒想白過 想起那已消散的當初 我已盡力彌補失心的你我 I just being so true 你犯賤怪我 我亦記得清楚冷淡與做作 Broken heart那大話似刀割 刺心傷痛我只能大步檻過 究竟點解我對你嘅愛意冇變 點解你冷淡對我越嚟越少見 無論點同你爭拗你都係冇收斂 留低俾我嘅回憶只有欺騙 Ay ay, 乜嘢叫做事實? 習慣左俾你欺騙已經係每一日 嘗試過溝通咪又係要去俾你窒 我都係只係一個俾你叫shut up嘅廢物 沉澱喺各種謊言中嘗試去說服自己 忘記所有關於你嘅最後卻剩返自卑 當初個可笑嘅我愛你到死心塌地 可笑係而家嘅我卻唔敢再去回味 曾經嘅掙扎我已經將所有封印起 而家嘅孤獨我唔想但卻是很完美 但卻是很完美…… 這感覺可以完未…….(這故事很完美) I just wanna be true 我亦犯過錯 但我記得清楚並沒想白過 想起那已消散的當初 我已盡力彌補失心的你我 I just being so true 你犯賤怪我 我亦記得清楚冷淡與做作 Broken heart那大話似刀割 刺心傷痛我只能大步檻過
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: 夜空星,數着每個失去暱稱 時光機,看着我失去亦自卑 我看着相,想像虛假溫馨 我已漸長,只想傾聽笑聲 後悔逝去更多,只因太蠢的我 怒氣散去不可,終此是我的錯 想改變命運,但我不可自拔 想扭轉命運,但免不了紛爭 為你痛失更多,犯錯,太心急,痛是我 My heart never die No matter how I’ll be fine 最深痛的 仍已內疚都經失去信任過 I will never lie The tears stay in my eyes 當初已經 沉醉夢裏已經擺脫了痛楚
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: 我只想 忘掉心中,的那憶記 害怕見到你 想起 冷漠的你 害怕一起 離開只得一句 怎可以 怎可說放棄這一句 多心 怎麼想也只會念舊 就算想也沒有 也沒有放棄你雙手 其實那照片中的我 其實也,到深山走過 再絕也,免不了走錯 真正的我,心很赤裸 其實察過你身邊的我 才驟覺,錯的不是我 最後也,放開了枷鎖 但是我,再也不是我 看,你的眼淚 漫畫裏面感觸的一對 但你說了 你說了,再見的一句 我卻是無運氣 愛過的都會再失去 就算是 就算是你也都必須 我只想 忘掉心中,的那憶記 害怕見到你 想起 冷漠的你 害怕一起 離開只得一句 怎可以 怎可說放棄這一句 多心 怎麼想也只會念舊 就算想也沒有 也沒有放棄你雙手 其實那照片中的我 其實也,到深山走過 再絕也,免不了走錯 真正的我,心很赤裸 其實察過你身邊的我 才驟覺,錯的不是我 最後也,放開了枷鎖 但是我,再也不是我 我只想 忘掉心中,的那憶記 害怕見到你 想起 冷漠的你 害怕一起 離開只得一句 怎可以 怎可說放棄這一句 多心 怎麼想也只會念舊 就算想也沒有 也沒有放棄你雙手 其實那照片中的我 其實也,到深山走過 再絕也,免不了走錯 真正的我,心很赤裸 其實察過你身邊的我 才驟覺,錯的不是我 最後也,放開了枷鎖 但是我,再也不是我 其實你我畫面都不錯 其實我到分開亦收貨 再絕也,只得了撫摸 也只有我想看你的寄望 其實那個畫面都不錯 其實你就是我的主角 對着你才心窩 亦迷上你了麼 才終於看清楚
@pakheil8128 2 ай бұрын
Lyrics: 拖緊你手是我的運氣 等不到要去kiss you Babe 哭泣你竟說我又屈你 太過可愛令我產生不到怒氣 是我,太寵你 所有傷跡我都不嫌棄 有什麼,難關過 Cuz I’ll be here if you Yeah~ Baby please don’t be mean Yeah~ 但我亦在你身邊 陪住你,守護住你 I promise we will be last forever 挽着你到終身分不開你 踏上列車才剛剛分開了 已經掛住你每1分每1秒 想去見你分秒都不緊要 裝不在意我暗中得偷笑 Yeah ~ 心動的感覺鎖喺你心中 牽手去看看這天空 就像我帶着披風,保護你到終 Yeah~ Baby please don’t be mean Yeah~ 但我亦在你身邊 陪住你,守護住你 I promise we will be last forever 挽着你到終身分不開你 Yeah~ Baby please don’t be mean Yeah~ 但我亦在你身邊 陪住你,守護住你 I promise we will be last forever 挽着你到終身分不開你 Oh~ Baby I need you Oh~ yeah ~ 我會體現我承諾過 陪住你,守護住你 I promise we will be last forever 愛你到你終身都總是你
@sabinostack3491 2 ай бұрын
@kakitleung5408 5 ай бұрын
@jackqiu8874 7 ай бұрын
my Idol ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
@kyzanti 7 ай бұрын
boyf <3
@haichenglai2022 7 ай бұрын
lesgo pakheil 🥶🥶🥶🥶😍😍😘😘❤❤💕💕🗿🗿
@pasittorsuwan3770 7 ай бұрын
He does not miss 🔥🔥
@kakitleung5408 8 ай бұрын
@pasittorsuwan3770 8 ай бұрын
Another banger.. someone wife this man up🔥
@archiehamilton6506 8 ай бұрын
@sabinostack3491 8 ай бұрын
This shit fire
@longfacem1801 8 ай бұрын
Finally Dropped 🔥🤪
@Popooh-lu5xl 8 ай бұрын
@adamding1841 11 ай бұрын
you are my idol
@haichenglai2022 Жыл бұрын
PAKHEIL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥶🥶🥶🥶😀😀💕💕😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🗿🗿
@sabinostack3491 Жыл бұрын
I commented
@sabinostack3491 Жыл бұрын
@archiehamilton6506 Жыл бұрын
Love you cutie ❤❤❤❤
@brown_lm2110 Жыл бұрын
Fire PG 🔥🔥
@pasittorsuwan3770 Жыл бұрын
Huge fan PG
@Sunny-yu6et Жыл бұрын
omg omg omg omg omg !!!!!!!! Pakheil so good
@kwokgloria9488 Жыл бұрын
good job👍👍
@YuiYokoyamaLJ Жыл бұрын
Fabulous music 👍🏻
@longfacem1801 Жыл бұрын
Let’s freaking goo🎉
@Popooh-lu5xl Жыл бұрын
@J3RRYB0ND Жыл бұрын
Brilliant artist ❤
@user-ok6sm4wv3r 2 жыл бұрын
@user-bv7vx1gp5v 2 жыл бұрын
@xxxcilit8027 2 жыл бұрын
@pakheil8128 2 жыл бұрын
詞: K 幻想的背後 都是殘忍 一句真心話也沒辦法嗎? 忘記你以後 腦裏都是回音 沒法自拔令我思想更內疚 Thought that u find a better one I will feel better after u go But I still can’t forgot the day I dreamed u I ,I don’t want to cry 要一個不切實際 不理一切 的我,去接受無擁有過你 I,last time to say goodbye 要我從有去到冇 我想到終老 的我,去接受你離開了我 If that dreams come true and I Will love u All the day 如果不可以 就做你最親密友 Thought that u find a better one I will feel better after u go But I still can’t forgot the day I dreamed u I ,I don’t want to cry 要一個不切實際 不理一切 的我,去接受無擁有過你 I,last time to say goodbye 要我從有去到冇 我想到終老 的我,去接受你離開了我 Thought that you find a better one I will feel better before u go Feel better I just wanna stay So stand out of my way I ,I don’t want to cry 要一個不切實際 不理一切 的我,去接受無擁有過你 I,last time to say goodbye 要我從有去到冇 我想到終老 的我,去接受你離開了我 I ,I don’t want to cry 要一個不切實際 不理一切 的我,去接受無擁有過你