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Comparing Ethical Systems
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The Rings - Arethion Ethics
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The Movements - Arethion Service
Living a Good Life
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What Does Arethion Believe?
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17. How to Leave Christianity
15. Do Heaven and Hell Exist?
14. Why Do We Suffer?
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13. Is the Bible Sexist?
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11. Is Yahweh the One True God?
6. Is Jesus the Son of God?
5. Who Wrote the Gospels?
3. Is the Bible Perfect?
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2. Experiencing Jesus
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1. Is Christianity True?
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Meet Caleb
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@robertpearson7685 2 күн бұрын
Why did this so called god pester Job sorry give him trials.
@robertpearson7685 2 күн бұрын
How can a new born baby have original sin (evil)?
@VisshanVis 2 күн бұрын
Does the Parthenon prove that Zeus was true, does the temple of Karnak prove that Arum-ra was real?.
@robertpearson7685 2 күн бұрын
Why can't this god tell us the truth surely it's not beyond this god?
@robertpearson7685 2 күн бұрын
Does a god who may also be the creator need a son?
@robertpearson7685 3 күн бұрын
Being a Jew I don't think JC would he want people to drink and wash in blood and eat human flesh. Also sacrifice is practiced by the priests on various animals but not human.
@jmd1743 5 күн бұрын
The Old Testament had no problem with saying that there are other gods when Mosses had to show the superiority of his god over the gods the Egyptians worshiped. It's just that in later chapters it had revisionism to say that there are no other gods. If those gods existed to be challenged then they likely continue to exist in some form, and if the Egyptian's gods exist then other gods must exist as well.
@robertpearson7685 5 күн бұрын
Who knows? The Israelites came from Ur in southern Iraq so that's the original home of the Jews but settled in Palestine after being slaves in Egypt.
@ianbrewster8934 6 күн бұрын
@haddow777 6 күн бұрын
This is dumb. It acts as it the bible doesn't actually state many of these things as true. God wasn't exclusive to Israel. He entered into an exclusive relationship to them and they were to be exclusive to him. After entering the covenant with them, they were to be his special people. Still, there was a lot of time before the Israelites entered into the covenant with him. He formed relationships with many people. Job wasn't a part of Israel. Abraham had another son who God protected and helped in many ways, but kept separate from Israel. Before entering into their land, the encountered a prophet of God from another land who used what he knew about God against the nation of Israel. The bible also speaks of other prophets in other lands warning them about various things. Also, making a pillar of stones wasn't about idolatry, not back then. There were certain things people did to show they entered into a covenant with another. Sometimes a place or a person's name would be changed to signify the covenant. Back then, it was common to make a pillar of stones as a sign of a covenant. It wasn't built to be worshipped, but to act as a visible sign of the promises made. So many times bible debunkers miss nuance and call it contradiction. God speaks many times about the heart condition of people. How some are haughty and unrepentant while others are contrite and repentant, changing their ways. So in other areas where two different people or groups do the same thing with God acting in different ways, they call it a contradiction ignoring that God would be judging these people/groups not just by action, but heart condition.
@jameschapman6559 10 күн бұрын
Finally listened to all 18 episodes. Some of them twice. I will be listening to all 18 again. As a former Conservative Evangelical Christian, Bible College student and Bible teacher for many years. Who was indoctrinated and groomed from early childhood. I'm finding life is so much better without god or religion. Thanks for the videos!
@join.arethion 8 күн бұрын
What wonderful feedback! Thanks for watching. I know exactly how hard that journey is, but it's great to hear you're in a better place now!
@velkyn1 10 күн бұрын
the entire bible is nothing more than myths. Not one of the events in the bible can be shown to have happened. The bible claims the earth is flat, with it being spread out like clay under a seal, and claiming that being on a mountain would allow you to see all of it. That would never work with a spheroid earth.
@jtwarren3464 11 күн бұрын
@arethion hi what do you think about demons or ghosts. I struggle with this and think hell could still be real.
@join.arethion 10 күн бұрын
Hi! Thanks for watching. :-) I'm going to be releasing more videos on the topic of spirituality in the future, but at a high level, I'd say this: For ghosts to exist, there has to be a soul. The Christian religion believes in a soul, but other religions do not. Some religions believe a soul exists, but only lasts for a short time outside of the body, such as the ancient Mayan religion. I don't think we'll ever be able to say with 100% certainty that a soul does not exist, but I do want to be transparent that the evidence so far is in the "souls do not exist" camp. Paranormal shows can be entertaining, but there's just no much scientific evidence or support for the existence of a soul. Near death experiences, for example, share commonalities because of how our brain expires. Many evolutionary psychologists and anthropologists believe that the idea of a "soul" arose in ancient cultures because they couldn't fully comprehend the nature of death. "Joe's body was here, and he was alive, but now his body is still here, but he's not moving or talking. There must be something else inside of him that was driving his body - a soul." They didn't have the scientific or medical knowledge to understand the role played by our brain, heart, organs, etc. Separately, the topic of demons, which are supernatural entities of a different sort. For demons to exist, the Bible has to be true. And unfortunately, the Bible does not appear to be true. (If you haven't yet seen our video series on the topic, I'd encourage you to check out!) Hell does not appear in the OT at all, and the version of it in the NT was based on the Roman work of fiction "The Aeneid" by Virgil. Most scholars believe that ancient accounts of "demon-possession" were really just mental illness. Again, ancient peoples had a very rudimentary notion of neurobiology or psychology. If someone had schizophrenia in the ancient world, they were probably labeled "demon-possessed." Again, the modern scientific support for demons is basically zero. As another example of this phenomenon (assigning supernatural status to human biological processes), during the Middle Ages, priests would test whether an old woman was a witch by stripping off her clothes and lightly touching her back with a feather, stick, or some other implement. They believed that if she could not feel it, she was a witch, and they would execute her. But this is totally normal - as the body ages, nerve sensitivity declines, such that many elderly people can't feel a feather on their back. It's totally normal, but in the ancient, superstitious world, it was the sign of Satan at work. This is probably longer than you bargained for, but there's no credible evidence I've encountered for the existence of souls or demons. We are our bodies, and we are a part of nature. Hell does not exist, and we need not fear it. I hope that helps! kzbin.info/www/bejne/oXy7oHqcnMSoaas
@gtavtheavengergunnerlegend3340 11 күн бұрын
you speak the truth.
@join.arethion 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! :-)
@WagesOfDestruction 13 күн бұрын
I stopped listening when you talked of Ur, Joseph was sold for twenty pieces of silver. When Columbus landed in the Americas in the Bahamas, it was not the Bahamas then, but you call it the Bahamas because we know the area where it is; the same logic applies to the biblical writer. I think you should know your facts before talking about these subjects.
@Ravum 14 күн бұрын
There is perhaps one god present: The earth. It is the corpse of the mother of everything.
@jerrylanglois7892 14 күн бұрын
No, christianity is NOT true because something '' true '' has proof or at least compelling evidence for which christianity has neither. It is one big evil scare tactic ( being '' born evil, original sin, talking snake, etc. '' ) contrived to control people through FEAR. It is dying and headed to the historical trash heap where it belongs.
@Pablo113 14 күн бұрын
~10 to 1 Ratio of Forgery to Authentic
@bitofwizdomb7266 15 күн бұрын
If the biblical god is true then he’s an unethical immoral monster
@dalex60 15 күн бұрын
Rome and the Catholic church authored the bible, using the Jewish texts they misappropriated to construct their "New Testament". All Abrahamic religions are Pagan in origin, rendering them all dangerous, man-made garbage.
@jedkin5651 16 күн бұрын
Great video! The argument for free will and suffering becomes irrelevant when considering the suffering of animals and the planet in the context of an omniscient God.
@tomasandersen8718 17 күн бұрын
Please don not replace christianity with another religion if you doubt. least of all islam.
@jerrylanglois7892 14 күн бұрын
All religions are fundamentally the same...all nonsense.
@jeffsaxton716 17 күн бұрын
God isnt even God. He exists in a collective imagination.
@NeoGeoFitness 13 күн бұрын
Exactly 💯👍
@Necroman98 17 күн бұрын
I don't really believe inna objective good and evil so the problem of good and evil is irrelevant to me, at least logically. Regardless if god is all loving, then wouldn't it want all types of beings and states to thrive? Wouldn't it allow for all sorts of diseases, storms, predators, worldviews and more to thrive alongside you? The idea of "suffering" seems to be highly ego-minded anyway and the idea of good and evil on a cosmic scale seems very anthroprocentric to me. Regardless, still not a fan of an eternal reality of pain. It's a terrible and manipulative idea to me. Even though I see "evil" as a subjective term I still don't like it, which seems to be the only actual argument against sin the Abrahamic idea of god ever gives anyway. I cannot see how it's anything but might makes right. Still I always consider the problem of evil to be a pretty weak argument against the idea of God, but I guess within a typical Abrahamic worldview with all that objective morality speal it's a big flaw.
@VisshanVis 17 күн бұрын
A better question would be, what in the bible isn't a myth?.
@ronaldjove5094 19 күн бұрын
Christianity is true but the western christianity is a lie. Catholics is not the successor of the Christian faith. Christianity ended in 70AD because of great persecution and the desolation of the 2 great religion in Jerusalem. It will only comeback thru the preaching of the endtime prophet Elijah. He is making the path for Jesus 2nd coming.
@MaK-13- 20 күн бұрын
"Is Yahweh the One True God?" no.
@billsyrios1160 20 күн бұрын
You missed Warner's argument. Yes, 2nd, 3rd, etc., etc. generations of religious people die for their faith all the time. But 1st generation religious people; that is, those who would have known the claims of Jesus' resurrection to be false, don't. Who would die as a martyr when they had first-hand knowledge that their cause is a total fabrication? Those that flew planes into buildings on 9/11 died as martyrs but they had NO first-hand knowledge of whether any of the claims of Mohammad were true. All they had was hand-me-down information. The first-century followers of Jesus who witnessed him resurrected from the dead had a very different, 1st-hand experience that led them to not backtrack on their testimony of what happened in the face of death. Maybe a few could have been delusional and stupid enough to lose it all for the sake of propagating a lie but not dozens or even hundreds as were the case. Please rethink and retell the basis of your thesis.
@join.arethion 12 күн бұрын
Hi! Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure if you only encountered this video courtesy of the KZbin algorithm, or if you discovered the whole series. A few comments: 1. The general historical accuracy of the Gospels is seriously in question. kzbin.info/www/bejne/lWrXo6F8ibKZY9k 2. With only a few exceptions, the martyrdom of the Apostles lacks historical evidence. www.bartehrman.com/how-did-the-apostles-die/#:~:text=The%20implication%20is%20that%20his,evidence%20to%20back%20them%20up. 3. Since the Gospels cannot be trusted as consistently reliable historical documents, we cannot know for certain which Apostles were actually witness to a "resurrection." 4. If that's the case, then the Apostles, as 1st generation Christians, may belong in the same category as 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Christians. 5. Even if we grant there were Apostles who experienced a resurrected Jesus, Christians bear the responsibility of proving that what they experienced was not simply a hallucination. (Note that this is a difficult claim to make given the unreliability of the Gospels.) There are many faiths that talk of resurrections. Did each of them truly occur? 6. Warner's thesis assumes there was a way for the Apostles to recant and save themselves by confessing Jesus' resurrection was a hoax, but there's no evidence to support this assumption. Said another way, the apostles, to the extent they existed and were martyred, were killed for their preaching and religious activities, and they may not have had any means for escaping that fate. 7. Finally, Warner's argument basically rests on the force and intensity of the propositional belief. In other words, the Apostles SAW Jesus, and that has special weight. This argument can be restated as "intensity of conviction." But many people, and many faiths, attain such a level of conviction. There are still Christian martyrs today who would testify they have personally experienced Jesus. Is their "conviction" less than that of the Apostles? What would we make of martyrs in other faiths? Contrary to content in the Christian ecosystem, these religious practitioners practice as fervently and believe as wholeheartedly as Christians do. Please see our video this topic here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/d6O7Y4KQga2co5o Thanks for the discussion! :-)
@billsyrios1160 12 күн бұрын
I appreciate your thoughtful response. I've listened to plenty of Bart Erdman. That's for a whole other conversation. We don't have the time to dive into the whole thing about whether the New Testament writers had to be late 1st/2nd century Christians who were making more out of Jesus than he made of himself. The apostle Paul, for one, certainly does not fit in that category, something no serious scholar argues against: He believed in the resurrected Jesus and claims he saw him--and he is writing about this belief in the early '50's. (He also claimed to have spoken to the other apostles, and why wouldn't he given the kind of life-change he made? Did they tell him he was crazy or did they verify his experience with their own? Surely the latter so they too must have been convinced, in a non-confirmation bias sort of way given that their hopes were crushed at Jesus' death, with no serious thought that he was going to resurrect.) I do hope you have read Warner's book but, from some of your comments, I'm not sure. I'll just mention one thing and that is the "intensity of conviction" statement. Warner argues that there are some memories you just don't forget. I can detail what happened on the day of my wedding over 47 years ago now, but I'm clueless about what happened on the days leading up to it or the days that followed... although not everything about the days that followed! Anyway, if you see someone alive that you knew died and you interact with that person, this is one of those kind of memories with a capital "M" and maybe times ten. Then you say: "But many people, and many faiths, attain such a level of conviction." This is totally unverifiable. If they were 2nd to whenever generation believers (which they are), they don't KNOW what 1st generation believers knew. Again, the basis of 1st generation believers like Paul is altogether different. Regarding Jesus' followers, 1st generation believers knew whether or not this whole resurrection thing was a made-up lie. (They were not stupid about such things and the kind of revolutionary cultural changes they brought into the Roman world don't argument for the likelihood of mass stupidity or hallucination.) Do you really think they would have put themselves AND their families in such life-jeopardy for a fabrication? (Please see the attached five minute video. It makes this point, albeit in a rather sarcastic way.) In a different context, Jesus recognized the difference between 1st generation believers and everyone else in his interaction with "doubting" Thomas, who had missed his first appearance. He told him: “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). 2nd--40th generation believers might be more blessed because they don't have the benefit of eye witness or 1st-hand information to go on but they are also much more easily deceived. Such potential deception, however, would not characterized 1st generation believers. In one of Bart's debates he likens the testimony of these early Christian eyewitnesses to those who testified to the veracity of Joseph Smith's visitation and plates. If that's all the level of comparison he's got, he's got nothing! Has he not causally peruse some KZbin videos about Smith's fabricated claims and the obvious lack of evidence? One more thing, a question: Do you believe the supernatural is possible? This is the critical question that Warner realized was a presupposition he carried as an atheist. His realization that he looked at New Testament evidence through the lens of this presupposition against the miraculous led him to eventually question if such a position was tenable since no evidence could ever be good enough and that is counter to the scientific method and the rules of evidence that we live by as human beings. Here's the video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/aGS4f3-Cl7SGadk
@brett7794 20 күн бұрын
Great stuff! Can i add to it!? Yhwh turned into a storm/war god but originally was a Mennonite volcanic deity basically they worshiped a volcano 🌋 just go back and read the descriptions whenever Yahweh speaks and you'll see lol
@oxcart4172 20 күн бұрын
Er...no, and no!
@gtavtheavengergunnerlegend3340 21 күн бұрын
great info
@Teejaye1100 21 күн бұрын
O my goodness, I love this so much. You making my heart and face smile. We’re very similar in terms of the info you’ve discovered and are reporting. I cared so much about Academia. Where does the data lead… was my thinking. What are the facts. I just told someone the other day, there are no contemporary writers Jewish or Roman who wrote about Bible jesus. None, not one. Everything from Josephus, Tactuis etc is years after the fact. And as you stated, scholarly consensus is Josephus is a forgery 100%. Man, the work and effort you put in this series is video gold. I hope more people find your channel and give you your roses. Well done!!
@join.arethion 12 күн бұрын
This comment made my day! Thanks so much for watching!
@Teejaye1100 21 күн бұрын
OMG, I’ve always wondered why more people aren’t talking about the Saul story being a rip of 2nd Maccabees 3. You hit it on the head, I’m loving this series and will share it. Thank you so much for the work you’ve done. You are a jewel to humanity!!
@join.arethion 21 күн бұрын
Wow, thanks so much for your comment! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and seriously, thanks for sharing! As a Christian, I was unaware of this information for so long, I just hope other people encounter it and engage with it.
@manuelflores326 22 күн бұрын
❤❤ EXCELLENT ❤❤👊✊✨🤜💪👍👌✌️🤝👏👏👏
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
Thanks so much!
@Pablo113 23 күн бұрын
@Forester2547 24 күн бұрын
Zoroastrianism, you’re welcome.
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
Hahaha well played!
@vgrof2315 24 күн бұрын
The poor man is a sad fool.
@JamesRichardWiley 25 күн бұрын
We all know The Hebrew god Yahweh always existed because... Why is the eternal Cosmos not mention in Genesis?
@truthgiver8286 25 күн бұрын
Yahweh was the thunder god the Hebrews adopted he was no more real than any of the other gods they could have chosen.
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
You seem well-informed on the topic! Thanks for watching. :-)
@charlesdarwin5185 26 күн бұрын
Gods evolve according to the needs of society. If God is not useful, a new one will be created.
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
There's actually fascinating anthropological research on this. If you're interested, I'd recommend the work of Pascal Boyer and Azim Shariff.
@charlesdarwin5185 22 күн бұрын
@@join.arethion this is already known. Read the Naked Ape by Desmond Morris
@MaK-13- 8 күн бұрын
the problem is the continuous creating of new ones when we should already realise; no god need apply.
@charlesdarwin5185 8 күн бұрын
@@MaK-13- AI Cyborgus is the next evolutionary step for the planet.
@MaK-13- 8 күн бұрын
@@charlesdarwin5185 EDIT: i get what you mean now. apologies, my misunderstanding.
@jfphotography69 26 күн бұрын
Self serving delusions are not reality, no matter how hard you want them to be. Experience Jesus, really, LMAO.
@anniekirts6621 26 күн бұрын
Ha! Second 👋. I just discovered this channel. I like the contents & so, I subscribed! I think this might very well be the next Hot Topic. I look forward to your teachings. 💞🙏😘🤗
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for watching and commenting! I really appreciate it.
@VisshanVis 27 күн бұрын
Did Jesus really live, was he really the son of god, did he really rise from the grave, did the events in the bible really happen, the simple answer to all of those questions is NO none of them ever happened and there is zero evidence to prove that any of it did.
@craigertlmaier9113 28 күн бұрын
Do you believe in any Lord of the Universe? If so. How many do you believe in?
@JamesRichardWiley 28 күн бұрын
The Old Testament is a collection of ancient Hebrew writing from different unknown authors promoting their belief in the Hebrew god Yahweh.
@JamesRichardWiley 28 күн бұрын
Heaven and hell are creations of human desire. After you die you no longer exist. Wishful thinking and hoping will not change that fact.
@TomRoberts-ld7ug 28 күн бұрын
Hell is where YOU will go for not believing. YOU will be punished (as YOU deserve) for YOUR sins. Me? I'm exempt of course and I don't believe in any of that shit! The whole idea is one of control.
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment! :-) You may find interest in the work of Emile Durkheim, if you haven't heard of him already. He was the "father of sociology" (and looms large in anthropology, too), and one of his central works is The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, where he argues that religion is a schema for social coordination and cohesion. If you're interested it's a valuable read and speaks directly to the themes you're mentioning!
@Fwam95 28 күн бұрын
My new favorite channel- Thank you, my learning style is how you teach / how this channel delivers information- Thank you.
@join.arethion 22 күн бұрын
Wow, that means a lot! Thanks so much for watching! :-)
@TomRoberts-ld7ug 29 күн бұрын
Attacking the Bible for not being scientifically accurate is just plain stupid. Of course the Bible is full of myth! It is the ancient product of ancient people who didn't have a clue how the universe worked or what shape the earth was. Criticizing ancient texts for not conforming to modern expectations is like criticizing a crystal radio for not being a stereo.
@Necroman98 22 күн бұрын
Then why follow it?
@sentientflower7891 Ай бұрын
Are you sure that the Josephus passage doesn't represent a divine miracle as the Book of Mormon contains large sections taken directly from the King James Bible a thousand years before it existed.
@join.arethion Ай бұрын