I can see the benefits in terms of the technology for driverless technology for humans but if the SOLE end goal is truly an autonomous field of racing cars.
@ninirema45325 ай бұрын
Very nice lecturer ❤
@NMJlessons8 ай бұрын
This is interesting. Thank you!
@gilberttheisen9270 Жыл бұрын
3/10/2023. On tourne en rond. Pour CEUX que ça intéresse ,veuillez vous reporter sur d'autres sites où je traite de l'EQUATION UNIVERSELLE cachée de FERMAT, ENFIN retrouvée.
@DobrilaRadivojac Жыл бұрын
BRAVO prof Radivojac
@supermarionintendo3879 Жыл бұрын
@gilbertoluciopaixao Жыл бұрын
@rabiaaghafoor Жыл бұрын
This one of my favourite videos!
@BikeTaher2 жыл бұрын
I'm very much looking forward to seeing the fruits of the research highlighted.
@yashpatil83892 жыл бұрын
why are all so many indians. 🤣🤣. Proud .
@susilo18072 жыл бұрын
I am interested in data science masters at indiana university, but i don't have any STEM background, is it possible for me to take data science masters at IU?
@ramniwassheokand30803 жыл бұрын
what is the contributorship in research ethics.
@AvinashSingh-vj3rk4 жыл бұрын
Nice video
@feifanwu46364 жыл бұрын
this summer i cant go to iu, it's a loss to me
@BahawalTV4 жыл бұрын
Good buddy
@mukeshgaur26665 жыл бұрын
Nice. Easy to understand. Thanks
@frogsgottalent11065 жыл бұрын
@shikshanhindi87695 жыл бұрын
What job can you get from this? Sounds like rubbish.
@menzel5555 жыл бұрын
@hear1056 жыл бұрын
@rl957197 жыл бұрын
Wonderful info.
@dajwhite_8 жыл бұрын
I'm excited to see where this new program within the SOIC leads!
@alastairbateman636510 жыл бұрын
Sorry, last line should read: That is one reason why z^2 = y^2 + x^n is a proof of FLT. Simples!
@gunsrus1239 жыл бұрын
Theres a edit button you know...
@alastairbateman636510 жыл бұрын
Why is Andrew Hanson amazed that there are no integer solutions to FLT (8:35). What deep mathematical insight prompts that comment! The FLT equation rearranges to z^n-y^n= Integer. When n=2, delta=1 and z & y increase by a 1/2 at each step then the infinity of the integers are obtained which forms a greater infinity than all the other infinite number of Difference of Power equations combined as any schoolboy can show. In other words there are massive, massive gaps in the integers with the combined equations. That is one reason why z^n = y^n + x^n is a proof of FLT. Simples!
@greg556669 жыл бұрын
+Alastair Bateman No. I think you're forgetting that x and y don't have to increase uniformly. For instance, 3,4,5 is the most well-known Pythagorean triple, but 7,24,25 also satisfies the equation, where one number is small and the other two are consecutive. The problem is WAY more difficult than just looking at how sequences of powers increase. (That's not to say that there is not a simpler proof than Ribet/Wiles, but it is certainly not as simple as you say here.)
@alastairbateman63659 жыл бұрын
+greg55666 The quarter square on the hypotenuse = sum of quarter squares on the other two sides. This is proof for the distributive law of multiplication. Stating the Fermat triple as (Z^n-2)(Z^2)=(Y^n-2)(Y^2)+(X^n-2)(X^2) does not obey the DLofM, a CONTRADICTION. Stating a Pythagorean triple likewise gives (Z^0)(Z^2)=(Y^0)(Y^2)+(X^0)(X^2) which works since all powers of 0=1. Q.E.D.If you derive X^n.Y^n.Z^n from the Fermat triple you get 3 other algebraic equalities from which one can easily derive 3 specific quadruples of power n. These self same quadruples are got by feeding two terms of a Pythagorean triple into either of (a+/-b)^2 and expanding the expression. This is irrefutable proof that n can only ever equal 2 for an all integer triple of the powers .Q.E.D. No known quadruples exist above the 4th power and never will not even in hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper number space.
@greg556669 жыл бұрын
+Alastair Bateman Hey, thanks for writing back. I would like to discuss this with you more. Could you define some terms, please? When talking about math we need to be crystal clear. What is a "quarter square"? What is "on the hypotenuse"? Why do you say something is the proof of the distributive law of multiplication? The distributive law is not a theorem; it is an axiom of the field of real numbers. Multiplication is distributive literally by definition. Why do you say factoring out an x, y, and z "does not obey the DLoM"? You haven't done anything related to the DLoM here that I can see? If you take x^4 + y^4 = z^4 and rewrite that as (x^2)(x^2) + (y^2)(y^2) = (z^2)(z^2), that is perfectly legitimate, and perfectly trivial. I don't understand what you think you are doing. What do you mean by "derive X^n.Y^n.Z^n"? What do you mean by "algebraic equalities"? What do you mean by "quadruple of power n"? I could not decipher this sentence at all: "These self same quadruples are got by feeding two terms of a Pythagorean triple into either of (a+/-b)^2 and expanding the expression." (Side comment: "irrefutable proof" is redundant. :) ) What is "hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper number space"?
@alastairbateman63659 жыл бұрын
+greg55666 I do not intend to get into a silly nit picking discourse via U-Tube comments with you as I can see that the comments are going to get dumb pretty fast but I will amuse you on this one occasion![1] What is a "quarter square"? Believe it or not it's a square cut into 4 quarters. 25/4=16/4+9/4 same as (5/2)^2=(4/2)^2+(3/2)^2 you know Pythagoras's theorem.[2] What's "on the hypotenuse"? Well at this moment it's 25/4 alias (5/2)^2 or a rectangle 5x1.25=6.25 sitting on the long side of a R.A.T. not the rodent variety.[N.B.] Not to be confused with 'The quarter square RULE' which is NOT a RULE but a theorem due to Euclid in Elements book 2 prop 8, brilliant in its simplicity yet profound in its outcomes. Totally ignored by the mathematical establishment yet surreptitiously resurrected as Euclid's numbers when it suits their purpose which is hypocrisy when it is just the Pythagoras equation in a slightly revised algebraic format which explains why it generates the Pythagorean triples. [3] I totally accept your comment as what I have done is, to say the least, very obtuse. However your example does not exist in the integers at least otherwise you will have proved Wiles, Fermat & myself wrong. I see and I consider so does mathematics, your example as A(Z^2)=B(Y^2)+C(X^2). For example 81^2=18^3+9^3. If we convert 729 into a cubic term we get a non integer cube root. However dividing through by 9^2 gives 9^2=18(2^2)+3^2. The cubic quadruple 6^3=5^3+4^3+3^3 also reduces to either one of two possible square triples plus a multiplier for at least one term. [4] "What do you mean by "derive X^n.Y^n.Z^n"? " : Write the Fermat equation in its 3 possible forms. Divide the sum/difference terms by the single term on the opposite side of the equation. The 3 algebraic identities all equal 1 if the triple is kosher for the integers and are therefore algebraic equalities. Multiply all three identities by X^n, Y^n & Z^n to remove the denominators. Voila!. As all 3 equations =1 then 1 becomes (X^n)(Y^n)(Z^n). If you merge the identity having sum terms with the 2 having difference terms and cancelling you get 2 quadruples of power n from which a 3rd can be derived but with one term -ve. That's a little exercise for you![5] " I could not decipher this sentence at all: " I get a feeling some ones taking the p*ss! (a+b)^2 = a^2+2ab+b^2. I'll let you do (a-b)^2 as you seem to need the practice. Now it escapes every bodies notice that (a+b)^2 is actually (a^1+b^1)^2 which as far as algebra is concerned is (a^n+b^n)^2. Again I'll let you do the expansion of the expression. With a little, not a lot, of ingenuity you will derive the self same 3 quadruples of the powers obtained in [4]. Two entirely different ways to end up with the same equations. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!Now as I know you know the Pythagorean triple 3,4,5 then let a^n=9 & b^n=16 you will get 3 quadruples [i] 25^2=20^2+12^2+9^2 [ii] 25^2=16^2+15^2+12^2 [iii] 20^2=16^2+15^2-9^2. You will find [i] & [ii] in 'OEIS'. [iii] is not classed as a P.Q. by the establishment but I DO as it is derived from [i] & [ii]. So every Fermat triple that existed would automatically generate a Pythagorean quadruple which of course is an bsurdity so the only possible value for n is 2. ' A Rock Solid Proof'.A final comment. The 'quadrilateral rulers' n^1+n^0, triangular numbers, the squares & pronic numbers measure the powers and not vice versa so one shouldn't be surprised that the Pythagorean Theorem reigns supreme.
@greg556669 жыл бұрын
+Alastair Bateman There's no reason to get defensive, we're talking about math--it's all "nitpicking." I'm not arguing, I am trying to UNDERSTAND your argument. Yes, of course I "believe" a quarter square is a square cut into four quarters--why wouldn't I believe it? I'm asking for YOUR DEFINITION! Okay? I'm not attacking, I'm trying to understand; one might consider enjoying the attention (why did you write in the first place if it wasn't to be read?!) Listen, I wrote the above before I finished reading the rest of your response. I'm afraid it is more obtuse than the original. Let's stop. Sorry to bother you.
@eligraham5511 жыл бұрын
I admire this school!
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
The resulting equation is still PT. The difference is the sides A,B, and C are no longer expressed in length but in terms of a, b, and c units. How many units?2 units of a, 2 units of b, and 2 units of c..PT is till there. We just changed our units of measurements. What does this represent physically? Don't know. But the algebra says it must be true. Again, thanks so much for the debate. If you wish to continue contact me via email or on my site. I don't want to hijack Hansons's site.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the alternate view. Don't want to highjack Hanson's site talking about my stuff. Trust me. I understand your view. We just aren't going to agree on which is more fundamental. I say PT. You say FE. We also disagree on the form of the PT. I contend the laws of math cannot pick and choose what forms she manifests. As long as I produce a^2+b^2=c^2 in any form with a right angle then she will and must honor that form.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Johnathan: It occurred to me than when we start discussing interaction of right angles we can't discount FE as being some expression of quaternions. We are not necessarily limited to ordinary everyday right angles.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Have to respectfully disagree with you here. Again the algebra tells us what is allowable. I assume no geometric shapes. The FE is absolutely without a doubt a special case of the PT. When raised to higher powers it MUST obey the PT. eg. For even powers of n it's facile. For odd powers more difficult but provable (I've done both). Let n=4. So a^4+b^4=c^4 by FE. But by PT (algebraically) A^2+B^2=C^2 where A=a^2, B=b^2, and C=c^2. Probably a different physical interpretation but PT holds.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Fair enough. I believe I addressed this with one of the posters. I have done what is algebraically allowable. I've made no assumptions. I have simply followed the algebra. I'm pretty sure the algebra is correct. It is your interpretation of that algebra which we view differently. I am hesitant to ascribe to these any physical pictures. For me is does it obey the mathematical laws presented.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Fermat's conjecture states that no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation a^{n} + b^{n} = c^{n} for any integer value of n greater than two. For the FE, values of n less than 3 are forbidden so 2 is forbidden.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
We are approaching this from two different interpretations. You're manipulating the FE. I'm manipulating the PT whose sides have additional factors. You are generating curves. I'm generating triangles. The algebraic proof says I'm allowed to express the product of these sides, e.g. a^2, times its factor, a^(n-2) in terms of the hypotenuse. a,b,c are stated as sides of a triangle in the proof and never changes that in the proof. No assumptions. As long as c> a and c>b then the PT holds.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Well, I see it oppositely. In fact you can't view the Pythag Theorem (PT) as being a special case of Fermat's Equation (FE) because n=2 is forbidden in FE . However the PT allows for n>2 if we allow the the powers where n>2 to be a factor, e.g. a^(n-2)*a^2 is allowable under PT if a^(n-2) is considered as a factor. n can = 2 under the PT but not under the FE so the PT is the more general case of the equation. The FE is a special case where n>2.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
Jonathan: Fair enough. I really appreciate the feedback. It's funny. I see Fermat's equation as being a special case of the Pythag theorem. You see the Pythag theorem as being a special case of Fermat's theorem. Both are interesting perspectives.
@williejohnson166911 жыл бұрын
What you are doing with circle is almost what I did with my margin proof of Fermat's theorem. To me the Fermat equation is simply the Pythagorean theorem with factors,i.e., (a^n-2)a^2+(b^n-2)b^2=(c^n-2)c^2. Define a and b in terms of the sine and cosine and viola you can define Fermat's theorem in terms of sine, cos, and the hypotenuse c. Check it out and tell me what you think. The name of the site is A Margin Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: An Amendment to the Amendment
@Moronvideos194012 жыл бұрын
The presenter talked too much...blah blah brown nose ....
@zhongruiwang12 жыл бұрын
I want the model in his hand
@GBATheo13 жыл бұрын
Ouch, Physics hurts my head when it gets to this level. I need to red Brian Greene's book again. Still, i suppose it takes time to understand these concepts. This video deserves more views.
@KurtWeisman13 жыл бұрын
FIRST Also, I think Dave is dancing to "Thriller" at 0:53.
@PasserbyP13 жыл бұрын
A supper subject, that can transform in to any subject it pleases?