Это видео как несомненно все с Тессой и Скоттом полнейший и неоспоримый ВОСТОРГ. Эти два прекраснейших человека были дарованы нам богом и друг другу судьбой для величайшей миссии на земле: дарить людям земли все самое светлое доброе и неосознанно желаемое. Для этого у них было на редкость ВСЕ. Они по сути совершенно разные и в этом их сила потому что идеально друг друга дополняя стали одним могучим целым с четкими и ясными позицыями и мечтами. Такими сплоченными что просто чуть ли не одно сердце на двоих. Думали одинаково чувствовали и говорили. Они так срослись за 22 года и физически и духовно что видя их по отдельности хочется сразу все вернуть обратно потому что половины ее или его нет. Величайшая пара за всю историю фигурного катания в абсолютном совершенстве. Настоящее сокровище всего мира вплоть до самих кончиков пальцев. На них хочется смотреть везде всегда и до мельчайших мелочей потому что уникально каждое движение каждый взгляд. Они горели на льду плавились как воск растекаясь сладкой хмельной патокой по сердцам зачаровывая на веки вечные. Тесса прелестное совершенство а Скотт вообще ОСОБЕННЫЙ настоящая изюминка и вместе они необыкновенные непревзойденные неповторимые незабываемые. Здесь вот незадача получается потому что очень любим танцы на льду а смотреть теперь не выходит потому что каждую пару непроизвольно сравниваешь с ними и поэтому просто быстренько возвращаешся к пересматииванию всех их выступлений. А если пересматриваешь чемпионат мира то до их выступления еще как то смотришь и сравниваешь и ждешь но если они не последние вяступают то после них уже дело не идет. Просто зацыкливаешься на энном пересмотре их выступления изучая до малейшего движения мимики настроения и млея от самых восхитительных ощущений. Они просто такие есть красивые простые скромные чувственные. Виват Тесса и Скотт!!! Вы были есть и будете самыми лучшими на земле. Вы щедро дарили всем огромнейшее счастье и пусть оно во сто крат вернется к вам бумерангом. Мы вас обожаем смотрим и ждем❤❤❤
@andreanagy810220 күн бұрын
24:10 Nomen est omen - means that your name is an omen for your future: "Teresa - is of Greek origin, meaning “from Theras” or “huntress.” Tessa - a Greek pick short for Theresa, meaning “hunter.”" It is also interpreted as the "fourth child". I wonder when her parents named her, their fourth child, whether they knew this meaning of her name. I love these two and this video. Greetings from Hungary. ❤
@ec240222 күн бұрын
I think Tessa is the reason they're not together. It's sad but she just seems less warm and appreciative and comes across as more selfish. Scott seems like he cared more and would have wanted to settle with her if she had allowed it. Just seems sad somehow after all those years of investing/building a relationship, like Scott said. Seems pretty clear that it was her decision to not settle down together. Oh well then Scott has to move on and happy for him that he did. He deserves to be admired and loved right. He seems like such a sweet and also sexy, caring man.
@ЛюбовьШестак-ж1э25 күн бұрын
Они прелесны. Навсегда останутся самыми красивыми самыми лучшими во всем самыми необыкновенными неповторимыми. Тесса божественна как всегда. А Скотт вообще наописуем. Его особенную ндивидуальность просто нельзя охватить и описать. Он сам по себе с рождения настоящая изюминка. Среди партнеров мужчин таких больше нет. В нем так идеально заложено и сочетается все самое лучшее человеческое. Он невероятно многогранен и каждая грань на сто процентов настоящая правдивая искренняя открытая, ну просто зашкаливает. На его чувства и чувствительность и их неподдельное яркое выражение где бы то ни было можно смотреть с завораживаемым упоением и умиляться их светом и чистотой. Да, они всегда были одним целым. Продолжением друг друга дополнением друг друга заменой друг друга настолько как будто это один человек. Побольше б таких людей мир спасли бы. Хвала им во славу и счастья на многая лета. ❤❤❤
@ЛюбовьШестак-ж1э25 күн бұрын
Самые лучшие в мире и самые любимые. Их невозможно забыть ибо они просто совершенно необыкновенные. ❤❤
@ЛюбовьШестак-ж1э25 күн бұрын
Они прекрасны и мы их рчень любим и ждем❤❤
@ЛюбовьШестак-ж1э25 күн бұрын
Они такие бесподобные а Скотт как всегда очень забавный и юморной. ❤❤❤
@dis2artАй бұрын
They are an amazing ice dance couple who dance their best each time they compete. All the best to you both as you begin your retirement .
@judycloutier56233 ай бұрын
They Are So Good ! ❤
@bluewren23 ай бұрын
My opinion ,not that anyone really cares, but Scott Moir was the deciding factor in this beautiful partnership he had to do the lifts(not easy) Tessa undeniably was the glamour.Not only that she was the driving force and Scott was often heard to say he did not want to let Tessa down,that was a driving factor in their success.She once mentioned he had improved he did not turn up late anymore.MMnn.? In his relationship with the little pregnant divorce' fiance he could definitely relax and he did ,,,no more high expectations from the inimitable Virtue. Tessa who quickly moved into an alternative career commercial and University. Then a fiance'. While Scott took up coaching future talent and fatherhood.That's life
@LifeCoachDazza3 ай бұрын
I’m only just watching in 2024. My favourite part was Patrice getting emotional and Marie France coming to the rescue. Ah, don’t you just wish Tessa and Scott could be like those two? Married and coaching together. I also loved it when Scott spoke about Patrice. I think it’s weird that Jeffrey announces Scott’s engagement when introducing Tessa and Scott. I’m not against it in principle, but it somehow sounds out of place/forced in. I also never quite understood why Tessa and Scott refer themselves as ‘business partners’. They don’t run a business together, do they? I see how they are sort of partnered business-wise as a result of their success in some domains, or perhaps were at the time (e.g., sponsorship deals, skating shows), but surely it’s skating partner before business partner, not the other way around.
@ebonyonce4 ай бұрын
i am so normal about them, actually
@asmahafeezasmahafeez46014 ай бұрын
Its very very good to see both of you. 😊
@stanislavakuba6984 ай бұрын
Скотт і Тесса прославили свою країну Канаду у Світі.Завжди буде приємно їх бачити такими схвильованими і пошанованими за результатами їхньої грандіозної праці, прекрасної незабутньої дружби.І велика вдячність усім їхнім учителям, наставникам , тренерам , котрі бачили в них чарівність і величезний душевний і фізичний потенціал. Cheers ! ! ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@eharvey605 ай бұрын
They are my favorite all time skaters. Sure do miss seeing them. 🎉
@EvieH-h1h5 ай бұрын
@florenchitasomblingo29535 ай бұрын
I am still watching tessa and scott even today..
@mariettemcleod17905 ай бұрын
@mariettemcleod17905 ай бұрын
Jy moet mooi dink jou trou vrou staan langs jou!
@FCAACAShreyasoon5 ай бұрын
@FCAACAShreyasoon5 ай бұрын
@FCAACAShreyasoon5 ай бұрын
He certainly is real and focusedrespectful mature shes free loving both seem 1 person when they skate and thierbond is more beautiful it feels like theres no bond at all
@FCAACAShreyasoon5 ай бұрын
@fatimabeirao47145 ай бұрын
It seems that the part in which a video summary of aspects of Scott and Tessa's performances in Dancing on Ice was shown in the present event, but that probably was cut . It's a pity that this happened. The little video was wonderfully made .
@fatimabeirao47145 ай бұрын
Here we see a very well educated, intelligent and mature man, who is Scott Moir . Congratulations Scott Moir for your great and unparalleled career, and best wishes for a very successful future, in professional level and in affective and family life as well.
@benautismuser5 ай бұрын
1:38 1:39
@alphascorpii835 ай бұрын
He looks and sounds so unhappy here. And for him to crack near the very end and blurt out how “awful” it was to “do this apart” from Tessa, after carefully avoiding saying anything too personal though his entire speech… yikes. Bet he caught flak from his fiancée for it.
@stillhere955 ай бұрын
that ".....I read" is iconic!
@-scrim6 ай бұрын
white excellence W
@fatimabeirao47146 ай бұрын
Sorry , but i can't help but say that I don't agree at all with Scott's statement , where he says that if there is anyone who deserves this honor of being part of Canada's Walk of Fame it is without a doubt Tessa. In fact, it happens that, anyone who has watched Tessa and Scott's many and varied performances during their long career cannot fail to say that, if Tessa was an excellent dancer, Scott was not far behind. In fact, in addition to Scott appearing to be very competitive, resilient , Scott seemed to constantly trying to improve the quality of his performances , and to achieve the highest level of his performance. And, these characteristics of Scott's personality are reflected in the excellence of many of his exhibitions, which are so many that it is difficult to list them all. But we can list some such as the spectacular performance of Flamengo, Original Dance, at the 2010 Olympics, Mahler Symphony n.5 , Hip, Hip, Chim, Chim, in Worlds 2011, here the enormous and elegant flexibility of Scott's body movements was very evident, I Want Hold your Hands , Jack & Diana, Pilgrim in a Long Journey, Bizet's Carmen, Pink Floyd's music, Prince's music, Short Dance in Olympics 2018 , Moulin Rouge, and many more, many of which were performed in his younger years, and during which the excellent qualities of his displays were already very evident, namely the elegant, sensual way in which Scott led Tessa in the various and very creative movements of ice dancing. In all of his performances, Scott led Tessa masterfully, exceptionally commanding the various displays and the choreography inherent to the meaning of each of the songs danced, and doing so with a huge connection with Tessa, and with his enormous passion. It was wonderful to see Scott's smile of happiness and joy when he finished a performance with Tessa, showing that Scott felt that he and Tessa had performed excellently as planned. It's a big mistake to be too humble, especially when we have someone with a super-ego at our side, like appears to be the case. This ends up affecting our lives in the future, because we end up allowing ourselves to be diminished, which is a big mistake, because it is bad for us to have good self-esteem, in addition to the fact that someone could take advantage of our diminishing. I apologize for my last comment, but it is the result of learning and life experience.
@KirstineTermansen-cq9tk6 ай бұрын
My nanny s. Was a star ❤ Red Top They made me Fall in love with Icing again ❤❤❤
@maricarmenlopez70927 ай бұрын
No ponen nada en español
@keithbyrd75667 ай бұрын
This interview provides so much context. If you follow Tessa and Scott then you recognize this man from the Kiss and Cry area where the athletes await their scores. I always wondered who he was. Also, we now know a lot of Tessa’s expressed philosophy of peak performance is derived from her mental training with this man. I just bought his book.
@kkkrisha02128 ай бұрын
@bluewren28 ай бұрын
Now I begin to understand Scott and his family were the skating elite of that tiny Canadian Town.He was the champ Tessa was just the add on?His pregnant woman, they had the gall to seat beside him on what was his and Tessa's great achievement recognition,had been overlooked for Tessa as his juvenile skating partner .She had said she could've done anything that Tessa had done.(very much doubt that) She was married when she caught up with Scott again so he was having it off with another man's wife?Having run through several other boyfriends as well.Scott was now a world champ much more interesting no?So she had been kept out of sight for months so why did they bring her out now unmarried and pregnant?Because ...they did not respect Tessa's contribution it was really Scott's celebration? Well ,well Scott just gave it away,he had to look to see if Tessa's name had actually been put on that plaque?I'm really angry actually Scott did not marry his married paramour until two years after the baby was born. .Well Tessa was beautiful and every bit or more the star of that show than he was , and that's for sure.Even if he never loved Tessa at all ,what an absolute sod he fell for the woman's oldest trick in the females book when the going looked tough; she got herself pregnant?
@adelavillagra1288 ай бұрын
¡¡ Gracias por compartir éste hermoso video, es un placer verla y escucharla a Tessa, saber lo que piensa, y que hace,es una mujer muy inteligente, y culta, la vida de Tessa, después de 20años de ser una excelente patinadora y pareja del mejor compañero de patin como ha sido Scott,eran el uno para el otro,pero ,fuera del hielo,son distintos, ella es una mujer de Ciudad,y Scott siempre manifestó gustarle,su pueblo, sus amigos, el campo,el amor siempre que se sentían, siempre permanecerán en ellos,felicitaciones ,a cada uno en sus vida personal.!!❤❤🇦🇷🙌
@dareldcoco74838 ай бұрын
AHHA WEP6AKOBA is better
@dareldcoco74838 ай бұрын
Anna Shcherbakova is better
@中村裕子-v1s8 ай бұрын
@adelavillagra1288 ай бұрын
¡¡Gracias por compartir, Bello video, desde muy chicos, ya estaba la actitud de los dos, por el patin,es verdad cuando Scott, dice que Tessa, era muy inteligente, siempre se admiraron el uno al otro,20años juntos una vida, maravilloso,los mejores.!!❤❤🇦🇷
@millsykooksy48638 ай бұрын
I just named my son Morgan
@p5rsona8 ай бұрын
what a story, one can only wish to live such a life. oh well maybe next one
@fatimabeirao47148 ай бұрын
I confess that tears came to my eyes when I noticed how very emotional Scott was, although he had a few smiles of happiness when looking at the video looking back on his life as an Athlete in the Art of Figure Skating with Tessa . The same emotion was not expressed by Tessa, which suggests that, while Tessa wanted to cut her past life with Scott, the opposite should be Scott's will, but a will that Scott may have had to give up. And, probably the slightly sad, and already nostalgic look that Scott's face expressed when he began his speech, would have behind it his feeling of deep disappointment at having to spend his future life without the daily companionship with Tessa. Their bond during their partnership seemed to be so strong that Scott must have been taken by surprise by Tessa's possible abandonment, and perhaps even felt a little betrayed. But, Life is what it is, and everyone has the right to their own choices. And, as Scott has already proven in his professional life, he is a Fearless Man i would remind Scott of the message from Taylor Swift's "AGES", where she says, "Being fearless is giving up the company of people who don't like us, even though we like them." In fact, such a relationship never works. And, someone once told me a phrase that we should never forget, when someone doesn't want to continue sharing a professional life with us, and I would also add sharing an emotional life, and I quote, "There are no irreplaceable people", and the best solution It is, calmly, moving forward, avoiding becoming depressed or defeated, but rather, continuing on our path, always in search of a better life, and building a life of a positive nature, with an improvement in our way of living , always with good self-esteem, and respect for ourselves, and thinking that we deserve to have by our side someone who, firstly deserves us, also appreciates us, and enjoy being with us. The important thing is to never lose respect for ourselves , and think that we deserve to achieve our goals of good personal and professional fulfillment in life. And, Taylor Swift also says "Being fearless is moving away from people who are toxic in our lives and who don't fulfill us, and who don't make us happy." Scott shows to be an excellent person, full of qualities, and with a high level of Emotional Intelligence, and, therefore, my greatest wishes are that Scott finds a life partner who can accompany him , and protect him, in his life project, and in building a Happy Family, as Scott deserves to be very Happy in his Life.
@adelavillagra1288 ай бұрын
¡¡ Es lindo y agradable verla y escucharla a Tessa, un video muy corto,y gravado muy rápido.!!😘🇦🇷🙌
@AltheaJohn-kc8ny9 ай бұрын
@jsm8779 ай бұрын
Cuanto más y más patinaje veo,más convencida estoy que nadie los Iguala. Son y serán los mejores del mundo 😍🌍 Si hubiera vida en otro planeta, también serían los mejores 🥇❤️🌹
@ЛюбовьШестак-ж1э9 ай бұрын
Мне кажется Скотт прекрасный человек во всем и душой и телом и мыслями. Очень чувствителен и очень эмоционален с большим сердцем. И если его все же посчитали в чем то недостойным то пусть они будут счастливы порознь каждый со своей семьей. Я их очень люблю и очень им этого желаю❤❤❤
@IdrisUsmanngulde-cc7km9 ай бұрын
Oh so Amazing! Beauty and handsome put to gather in outstanding performance. These two should be encouraged to be husband and wife; so that beautiful, handsomeful, and hard work of their traits/genes be generated, multiply and produce. Thumb up for you guys.
@erginizer9 ай бұрын
It’s pretty clear to me; they always had that electrity and they still do. Saying the opposite is just BS in my opinion. Them having kids or getting married to someone else doesn’t change that fact. The world is full of people that are forced to give up on their real love and marry someone else to move on with their lives. They simply decided to go after their careers at some point over their romance, because they realized that a big sucess was at stake for their careers because they were too good together and this turned out to be an effective decision given how many championships and olympic medals they had. They just had to move on with their lives and that’s what they did. But still, the big question will always remain: Which one is more valuable? The love of your life or becoming the best athletes for your country?