Tarp skin
8 ай бұрын
Stage 3 Open the Door.MOV
14 жыл бұрын
Stage 2 Quiz Show.MOV
14 жыл бұрын
Chad Stage 3 Gem City Feb 24 08.MOV
Spiketail Ovipositing
17 жыл бұрын
Dragonfly Laying Eggs
17 жыл бұрын
@garycase1790 3 ай бұрын
Good one
@CheddarActual 3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it
@thomasblackwell9507 4 ай бұрын
“Sic Semper Tyrannis” --a Virginian!
@CheddarActual 4 ай бұрын
‘Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis’ -a Roman
@CheddarActual 4 ай бұрын
Thanks homie
@themodernminuteman2557 8 ай бұрын
I like it
@32zakk 8 ай бұрын
I'd have to agree!
@mickmacy6161 Жыл бұрын
@cheddaractual A vid with comm info/procedures would be beneficial, if you have time.
@steffler69 Жыл бұрын
I know this is a scenario but you gave away your position, time, a point of importance, and intent over unsecured comms. You may want to consider action words and reference points.
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
All very good points
@woodsghost9088 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video man! I loved the comms and the rope work. I loved the map showing terrain and context and you went through your logic for patrol routes. Right on. Great info. Good luck!!!
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thanks for commenting. I would patrol for knowledge; to not get caught by surprise at my doorstep. I don’t think it was a pandemic; just some hysteria. Calling people 10year olds is counterproductive. There may be times for discreet patrols; but if I think I need a rifle….I’m not going to pack it. I want it gassed up and at the ready. The road may not be where I need knowledge. Think outside the box. I love GI Joes. Thanks I’ll take my chances getting killed on “patrol” if it increases my family’s chances of being safe by .01%. You do you though.
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
We’ll stores were sold out of most things, supply chain was slowed, and a lot of business closed, hospitals were at capacity. That’s not shtf to you? How’s patrolling by yourself increasing there safety? If you guys critically think for a minute and stop watching risky chrisky it would benefit you. But yeah all you guys go “patrol” alone for hours in the woods doing nothing, then when a 18 year old private in the guard sees you walking around like a insurgent he’ll kill you haha.
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
I didn’t experience any of the store issues you did. Other than shit paper. Loner patrolling isn’t ideal. I get it. But knowing what is occurring on the boundaries isn’t better than learning the diet bags are in your neighborhood when they kick your door in? There will be tons of risks indeed; including some 18year old guard kid. I think assessing what the worst risk is and mitigate for that is critical thinking. Are you advocating for no patrol? Just hard pointing your house/tent/camper or whatever? What is your solution?
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
@@CheddarActual yeah so if you think about it, a structure is one of the most easily defendable things in the world right, or seals and green berets wouldn’t practice raiding mud huts for two weeks before they actually go hit a target. Then add three rifles that’s a pretty hard target, if you have active security which doesn’t take much. My solution would be a security patrol around my immediate property like my cleared yard, having the family looking through Binos and scanning acting as designated marksman essentially, then also flying a drone periodically. During a actual shtf situation wearing full kit and walking around the woods either by yourself or in a group is only going to invite gun fights or a injury. To me going in the woods serves no purpose, there isn’t going to be that many people coming to your house trying to take stuff especially if you don’t walk around in full kit all the time. I like to take the gray man approach, concealable armor with a rifle and pistol go a long way at deterring people. Besides during a shtf situation there will always be some type of military presence either ours or a nato allied country, so I’m not walking around looking like a insurgent to give them something to shoot at.
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
@@RedForman22now we are getting somewhere. I would rather hard point with a few rifles as well. But that isn’t always an option. Even stick frame houses are poor cover. So unless you have brick construction or sandbags interior to the house; you may not want to “hole up”. If you’re displaced, a low profile patrol may let you know it’s time to cut bait and find a new place. Or perhaps get ahead of the curve with a plan? I agree that patrolling for contact is a bad idea unless you have medivac and go fast schools under your belt. It’s sketchy at best even then. Drones are a good option if you can keep them powered. Thanks for engaging in the conversation.
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
@@CheddarActual that’s my plan, I’m not going in the woods, I’m the only one in my family that has enough small unit training to be lethal, and I don’t trust people to have a group. And yeah I’ll agree with you most homes don’t provide much cover, but with the reality of people that will try to come to my home during shtf I think it will be fine, most people don’t know how to react when being shot at or what to do when they see there friend take a dirt nap. And solar panels will keep most of my small electronics powered to make it through a shtf situation I think. It’s seems a lot of people fantasize about fighting in the woods during shtf, and for the average dude that doesn’t make any sense.
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
Or here’s a real crazy idea maybe don’t “patrol” during shtf. We just lived through a worldwide pandemic the biggest shtf scenario in the past ten years, did you need to patrol or play dress up like a ten year old and walk through the woods? Here’s another crazy idea maybe just wear normal clothes with your ccw and a level 3a vest, then wear a back pack with a ar broken down in it, and hand rail the road if you need to “patrol” during shtf that way you don’t look like the dollar store version of gi joe. You guys think your going to do this during shtf and not be killed haha? What fantasy world has this “minuteman” movement created haha you guys watch to many movies.
@woodsghost9088 Жыл бұрын
Based on this and other comments you have a very narrow view of "SHTF." It's like you have a carefully designed piece of computer code which only works if other programs behave as expected and stay on the rails. You don't seem to be aware of the broad array of possible scenarios or problems which could show up. You get a camp of drug dealers just a little ways away from your home. Then they decide your home looks fantastic, stage supplies and execute a raid. They take your home and kill everyone. If you would have patrolled another 100 yards beyond your yard you would have found them in their early states of setting up a camp. Drug dealers set up all sorts of camps in the woods. To grow drugs or refine them. That is just 1 example. In my response to The Modern MinuteMan I talk about how one needs to stay in touch with neighbors who are still alive. Your "don't patrol past my yard boundaries" means you won't have a clue what is going on with your neighbors. Patrolling is about getting information on what is BEYOND your line of sight. And wearing concealed body armor and carrying a concealed pistol with a broken down rifle in the backpack is NOT "deterrence." It's the opposite of deterrence. It screams "here is a clueless guy walking down the street with no protection." Deterrence comes from being overt with armor and weapons. And usually it helps if you have friends along. Especially if your friends are also overt. You talk about National Guard and NATO. Whether they shoot at you or not depending entirely on the ROE. Have you noticed how many people walk around armed and UN Peacekeepers can't do anything? How much violence and crime happens without Peacekeepers lifting a finger? Entire GENOCIDES have happened without ANY protest from Peacekeepers. And the presence or absence of military or police forces depends entirely on what is going on. I live 30 minutes from a town. Law enforcement takes 40 minutes to show up. A friend lives 60 minutes from any town. The fire department is not showing up if called. You actually think any National Guard or Peacekeeper is going to show up here? Why? Maybe on their own monthly or weekly patrol? For 5 minutes? What about the other 43,195 minutes they are NOT around that month? I suspect you have an urban/suburban context and can't think outside your narrow context.
@dustinhilton8743 Жыл бұрын
I suspect we live in very different places. I saw little change during the pandemic; certainly not SHTF. However, I have seen the impact of civil unrest and major weather-disaster events. Those lasted a couple-few days at a time and had dramatic impacts on basic services; supply chain, utilities, emergency response, and banking....so forth. The scenario is 3 months of that level of dysfunction. Yes, there are flaws with the very premise, but we clearly aren't looking at an urban or suburban space, nor was the intent to look for a fight. No, unless there's a hot war, there won't be military presence in rural America. They'll be standing around city hall and utility infrastructure.
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
@@dustinhilton8743 right I mean I live in a rural place with a corn field next to me, still not going to go “patrol” and “observe” things. Dressing in bdus and kit and going to go walk around the woods is going to get you shot by a dude hunting during shtf. And the national guard is literally trained to impose martial law and control American citizens during shtf, and every state has a nato allied country that they would send troops to help also. But if you guys feel the need to play dress up in kit and sneak around the woods in shtf go for it, once again at least there will be less of you.
@RedForman22 Жыл бұрын
@@dustinhilton8743 you guys all Have this fantasy that your going to be defending against raids everyday and in some fight constantly, you think that many people are going to try to come to your place and risk being killed? Look at Africa lol one armed militia can starve out 100s of people. you think all these people are going to try to attack somebody who’s armed or when they see there friend die you think there going to keep coming?
@dustinhilton8743 Жыл бұрын
@@RedForman22 , then I'm glad you understand the scale and distances involved. That's why the Nat Guard won't bother with rural property; regardless of their training. I'd be the guy out hunting, btw. Roaming around the woods is a different scenario than patrolling private rural property. I do wonder though, why would you prefer there would be "less of you"? Why do you want fewer armed prepared patriotic citizens?
@themodernminuteman2557 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Thank you for putting this together to submit for my contest!
@BSWThunder6 Жыл бұрын
I'd be on point with that bayo pointed at me too but congrats and thank you for your service.
@oiitzME1266 Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah
@damionmarquez1509 Жыл бұрын
That’s a beautiful m1
@landrecce Жыл бұрын
Super awesome!
@AlphaCharlieConcepts Жыл бұрын
Most excellent. Glad to see it go to a good home!
@calmolly1 Жыл бұрын
So cool Chad, your Dads face when you told him was awesome.
@syntheticperson2127 Жыл бұрын
Cool congratulations for winning!
@CitadelDefense1 Жыл бұрын
This is cute. Good job man.
@BiggestMarph Жыл бұрын
Semper Fi Brothers!
@GruntProof Жыл бұрын
Outstanding! Congrats on winning
@kevspss Жыл бұрын
Nice M1 brother
@protectpersevere2030 Жыл бұрын
That was awesome. Very heartwarming!
@Brent0331 Жыл бұрын
@themodernminuteman2557 Жыл бұрын
Very cool gesture! Congrats on winning!
@VariableKnife Жыл бұрын
Great video Chad, when you coming out to One Shepherd?
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thanks. I would love to attend. I have also been looking at the Scout Course from Brushbeater/NC Scout. I have a full time job and two part time jobs right now. Between those, the farm and two kids still competing in sports….my time is pretty scheduled. So maybe 24/25 when I’m an empty nester!!
@protectpersevere2030 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video man and Congrats!
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@themodernminuteman2557 Жыл бұрын
Nice job!
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thanks. Your idea of smokes and a camera were nice touches. I looked up the link you provided for the ring pull smokes. White is in stock as of last night!!!
@themodernminuteman2557 Жыл бұрын
@@CheddarActual nice! Last time I looked they were out. I want to say again that you did awesome on your entry.
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Right back at ya! The Ohio crew reppin. Maybe for his 1mil contest we can make a joint submission 🤘🏻
@themodernminuteman2557 Жыл бұрын
@@CheddarActual Hell Yes!
@cap6888 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. I'll be publishing my video tomorrow. Good Luck!
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Good luck to you as well. It was a good exercise for sure.
@AlphaCharlieConcepts Жыл бұрын
Nicely done....
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thanks John. I’ll gladly take any comments from the judges if you have the time.
@GruntProof Жыл бұрын
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the new SERE challenge videos. If you care to share any improvements, I would love to hear them. Thanks
@Brent0331 Жыл бұрын
Solid entry brother! Please leave it up for the rest of the judges to view. Thanks for participating!
@CheddarActual Жыл бұрын
Thanks Brent. I would love to hear some constructive criticism from the panel
@dad2022 2 жыл бұрын
Get you some! That’s hard!
@CheddarActual 16 жыл бұрын
Morning Randy or Amanda??? This discussion has come up before. It is rather difficult to see in my less than stellar video, however what you are seeing in the video is air bubbles floating on the surface. The eggs are only a couple of mm's at best.
@CheddarActual 17 жыл бұрын
I wish I knew how many! I have never seen any published literature on oviposition by Cordulegastrids. If anyone has any literature or knowledge on the subject I would love to hear it.