@nonbinarywitchbish 10 сағат бұрын
I had an 8th grade english teacher two different things 1) argued with a guy who said ain't she yelled 'Ain't ain't a word!' it kept going until she threw a pen and hit him. 2) After a field trip and the next class she called herself a Bitch and everyone was shocked she said that to us
@memez_r_life6692 16 сағат бұрын
"I'll get to it eventually" was the biggest lie(s) I was ever told. Examples (TW, just in case!): 1. I was denied birth control to help with periods (I could bleed through an Ultra/biggest sized tampon within 4ish hours). Got it one month after getting out of her custody, never been more thankful for a tiny little pill in my life. 2. I had to take off my own training wheels on my bike and teach myself how to ride on concrete because she didn't want me to bike on the grass. 3. I had to teach myself how to do laundry cause it wouldn't get done if I didn't to it. 4. Coming to my baseball games, wasn't important long term but she never camr to a single one. 5. Never came to any play/choir thing I did. She even missed when I had a solo that I was super pumped about because "my brother couldn't handle it", spoiler alert: he could if he had his tablet and headphones. 6. Teaching me to cook. My nana scrambled to teach me how to cook before I headed off to college (she's sweet, thanks nana). 7. I scored 4th in a school underwater robotics competition at 12 and she not only said she'd get me there "eventually" and never did, but she said I probably didn't even get in the top 10. 8. Give a crap about my feelings. Something else always came first and she wondered why I refused to tell her stuff.
@Sylvestershows 18 сағат бұрын
Back when i was in elementary School i was picked on alot by this one kid (can't remember their name) for 5 years. I seriously can't believe it myself. I was always running from the guy because i was afraid to fight back. Even when he got physical, that was until one day In fourth grade I think. The jerk grabbed me and tried to stop me from running, some defense instinct took over and instead of trying to escape I turn and quickly slash the guy across the face knocking his glasses off and somehow sending him falling to the ground. I didn't always trim my nails as a kid and that day they were longer than normal. Needless to say the kid was exposed as the coward he was. I never saw him again, that was until about 5-6 years later when I inadvertently found out he had diabetes. Now I hate violence like you do, last thing I wanna do is hurt someone. But it pains me to realize that that was what stopped the bully. Not sure if his diabetes had anything to do with his bullying habits but I do wonder sometimes...
@Aloyus_Knight 19 сағат бұрын
If you can disrupt a neighbors party with their own sound system. Play a gilbert gottfried reading of 50 shades to be a REALLY sadistic bastard!
@chimmyinfernape9189 Күн бұрын
Any chick you take to something like a coffee or movies like a non sexual date and asks at the end to go bang in the back seat. Chances are she’s ether a hoe, has a std or has like 5 kids that she knows the father of none of them.
@r1k14 Күн бұрын
Me: sees a hot anime girl in thumbnail "No thank you" Me seeing a girl with beautiful strong shoulders: "Hell yeah!"
@mynormalaccount2643 Күн бұрын
I almost got a class pet named "tax writeoff", it was one vote away from being neccesary for the school to earn money
@Picklegobbler3000 Күн бұрын
5:31 holy shit that was dark
@levitan71 Күн бұрын
6: sure as long they dont use a Rbk reactor…
@memez_r_life6692 Күн бұрын
I believe it is very noble to not want to have children on account of mental health, especially if you know you'd be setting that kid up for failiure.
@iononcantomascrivo Күн бұрын
I knew one. Let's call her Sally. She presented herself to me as a professional, funny, happy-go-lucky outgoing lady with a great sense of humor. It was all an act. In reality, she was nothing more than a middle-aged woman who behaved like an overgrown middle school mean girl who peaked at age 12 but had the emotional maturity of a five-year-old. She was literally a legend in her own mind. As long as she was controlling the narrative and talking about her favorite subject (herself) while listening to her favorite sound (her own voice), everything was hunky-dory. Any situation or occasion that took the spotlight off of her, took away the full undivided attention she believed she was so richly entitled to or prevented her from spewing her word salad out of her mouth full of tobacco-stained teeth would send her into a tizzy. The number of tall tales that she seemingly made up on a whim with no backup plan if anybody asked any follow-up questions included but were not limited to: claiming her older brother had physically violated her when she was a little girl, that her late stepmother had beaten her and broken her jaw, claiming to have had (and survived) multiple forms of cancer, that her second (and as far as I know still current) husband abused her. None of it was true. All of it was a pathetic attempt to get sympathy or so she could woefully play a pathetic victim of circumstance. When those stories eventually went stale, she started using her children as an excuse to, once again, run her mouth. She maintained for years that her youngest, spoiled, ill-mannered son was on the spectrum (Asperger's) and was also ADHD. He had neither condition and his behavior was a result of not being taught boundaries, that the word no is a complete sentence or instilling in him a sense of accountability. To be fair, how could he be taught those things by her when even she didn't understand them? Her overwhelming sense of self-entitlement and self-absorbed opinion of herself led to her not just burning but napalming bridges with every single person she had contact with. She had no long-lasting relationships with anyone. Even extended family had cut her off. An annoying busybody who talked massive amounts of crap about everyone around her because she was insanely jealous of anyone she saw doing better in life, she always found a way to redirect any social exchange back towards her. I distinctly remember when a mutual acquaintance died, she turned his family's personal tragedy into one of her impromptu monologues where she bemoaned losing her mother as a young child and how her dad died when her son was only a newborn. Anyone subjected to her crocodile tear-filled performance was absolutely appalled at her grossly inappropriate behavior and utter lack of empathy. Sally did something similar when my father died from lung cancer and just would not let up. I think she viewed running to my side, to be the proverbial shoulder to cry on, as some sort of competition. When she inevitably tried to turn the spotlight back onto herself by talking about her bad marriage to her son's father, her poorly behaved children and her financial issues, I lost it on her. I don't think she expected the verbal beat down that she received. As I'm sure you know, people like Sally, are not used to not getting their way and she could not handle that I had laid down a firm boundary. Being a then-50-year-old considerably less glamorous version of Regina George, she just couldn't fathom how I wouldn't let her use the death of one of my parents as an excuse for her to talk about herself. With her Texas-sized fragile ego shattered to pieces, Sally had the nerve to say and I quote: “Well you and your dad never got along anyway.” That was it for me. I ended the call. She spammed me the rest of the day with a series of voicemails, text messages and private messages. Were these a sign of remorse or acts of contrition? Of course not! They were all various iterations of the classic narcissistic non-apology. In reality, they were just her last-ditch attempt at trying to “win” the exchange by getting the last word. After all, in her diseased mind, nothing else mattered. It was only after getting a verbal lashing from her husband and her teenage daughter that she was shamed into submission. I received one final message from her. It was a grammatically incorrect, typo-filled ranty message in which she projected all blame for the fight she had with her family on to me. I wasn't at all surprised that she took absolutely no responsibility for her behavior or the consequences that followed. I was even less surprised that she was unwilling to see that, yet again, she was experiencing reprisals for her overwhelming lack of respect for boundaries. For obvious reasons, Sally and I are no longer friends.
@dentoniusx7916 2 күн бұрын
The creepiest thing is being in the taylor Swift cult
@karenwillis9256 2 күн бұрын
Sorry you didn't love your mom 😮
@fukdimudi 2 күн бұрын
No one ever said that humans would evolve to have venomous bites.
@jackredmage7932 2 күн бұрын
I once watched a video where a drunk woman took off her clothes before a 13 year old boy and wanted to make advances on him, traumatizing him. And to add insult to the injury, people in socials defended the woman and complained about the boy's reaction (he was about to take his own life), besides that the woman was put temporarily in the s3x offensers register. I know it's a cliche but what if a man did that to a young girl and people, instead of sticking up with the girl, defended the man and the said man was only put temporarily in said registry, I wonder how many fractions of seconds does it take to create a scandal and protests on streets. Talking about that in many means of transport men can't sit near children because of the risks of being victim of p3d0s, but society protects female ones until the very end. That's one of the many double standards that makes me furious.
@JCardo2502 3 күн бұрын
I had a history teacher who hated my guts because I was a history nerd (still am) and I corrected him one time on a date, I believe it was in American history when we were talking about the Civil War era. The teacher ended up failing me on the test of the Civil War and my dad, who is also a history genius noticed I should´ve gotten an A, so he went to my school and he exposed the history teacher for not knowing sh*t about the subject of American History, so the teacher changed my grade. My dad was still pissed and he told the school administration and got him fired. The teacher didn´t take it well and he ripped apart my essay papers on the colonization of America, but lucky for me I still had them in my laptop, so I just printed them again. This wasn´t the only teacher who despised me, he was just one of many, now I can be a hot headed jerk at times and a bit unforgiving when I feel disrespected, but I´m not a bad person and I never did anything to make my teachers hate my guts. I guess I just have that effect on people, Idk...
@Cyberwar101 3 күн бұрын
Going to add one here; reading explicit smut in public. Read that shit at home; it's disgusting.
@SawyerScharrer 3 күн бұрын
Before I start, this story may seem fuzzy because this happened to me at a very young age. I was living in a house in Delray Beach, I shared a room with my younger brother and we faced the front door. My other brother’s room was down a long hallway and at the end. I once went down to check on him and a friend named “Caleb”, when everything around me started to turn weird. The hallways lights turned red and the doors black, (this was absolutely real and not a dream), I ran to the living room trying to find my mom, when I saw a clown on our ceiling. I ran underneath the cushions of my couch and that’s when it grabbed my shoulder, I looked around to see my mom. I suddenly started to cry to her about what had happened. This also was not a one-off event. One other night I came out of my room and took an adventure in the same house. When all of a sudden I hear the loudest sirens and I feel I’m being tugged back by a force into a room. That has stuck with me for years, and when I finally mentioned it to my mom, she told me he never had a friend named Caleb.
@sherylsnell-massie3801 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, the woman who had sex immediately after having a hysterectomy. I’m not gonna blame her tend to one. She’s got a semi-abusive spouse at home.
@derpyderp1991 3 күн бұрын
Either the vasovagal syncope or the testicular torsion
@speedy5768 3 күн бұрын
20:30 play TF2 to get this referance or look at its spy memes.
@catman64k 3 күн бұрын
cat story: that boyfriend hates pets and was probably already thinking how he could get rid of it.
@edwinperez4509 3 күн бұрын
She ghosted me for a bit then found me on Facebook again, added me, got my number and we seemed to be friends. I visited her job. It was like nothing happened. Then she wrote to me about how I left her alone and wasn't there for her for years and asked why i never contacted her cause she would visit a friend who moved nearby to my place who was dating my friend and he would say this is where I live. This after she said she no longer wanted to be together and didn't want to be bothered or even friends anymore, something I didn't understand as it was an amicable and mutual breakup as we didn't see it going further and remained good friends for over a year after and would even hang out without it being weird.
@edwinperez4509 3 күн бұрын
She wanted to rush being married and I turned her down serval times as we had only been dating 3 months. She thought that if she put out and pretend that she was pregnant, something she said was impossible for her and reiterated that after she told me she was lying, that I'd marry her. I still turned her down and she stopped putting out and stopped texting me saying she needed space. So I stopped trying after a few weeks. She eventually wrote to me saying she wanted to go on a date again and I foolishly obliged cause I had nothing better to do. She acted like nothing happened and then told me she still needed space right after I dropped her off. I was confused and just stopped texting altogether. She tried to get me back for months and tried making me jealous and then finally slipped up about what her intentions were. She was not a citizen. And I was able to deduce that she was looking to get citizenship through marriage. It all made sense after that. Stopped talking to her altogether after that and she would occasionally call or text about me to try and bring me over to her place and it never worked
@Tomatos_family 3 күн бұрын
FAMILY P NIGHT!?!?!??! thats crazy bro.
@SpicyMartina 3 күн бұрын
I got mauled my a dog. Lost my left ear. Surgery was for next day but was sent home with my thumb only attached by 1in skin. Called to find out what time the surgery was next day only to find out the doctor went on Christmas vacation. And had. To wait for another doctor to call me. But that doctor was on vacation and would be back in a few days. ( only hospital that would take my insurance) this happened on Christmas Eve. Boxing Day my husband had had enough and drove me to a hospital that was 3hrs away. Get there sit in waiting room for 8 hrs as I had already seen a doctor. I got mad and ripped my bandages off. The smell was awful. The nurse came rushing out. Yelled at me and my husband for not coming sooner. We explained the situation. Then I’m being rushed into surgery. Apparently I was septic. And lucky that I still had blood flow to my thumb. Spent 2 weeks in hospital running around annoying people. My husband came every day in protective stuff and I wasn’t allowed off the ward. Oh and the nurses came rushing in because my blood pressure drop to non existent and heart rate was low. I they brought a crash cart in. I was mad. Told them that was normal grabbing my juice and lo and behold went back up. Apparently I was dying. Had 2 inches of bone removed a metal rod in my thumb for the rest of my life and major nerve damage. I also didn’t know my ear was missing as it was bandaged up and didn’t feel a thing. The plastic surgeon went holly f. Then showed me. 😂. I laugh because I’m still alive. I tried putting all the pictures up on KZbin only to receive a strike as it was too graphic 🤦‍♀️
@Doughy_in_the_Middle 3 күн бұрын
On the epilepsy thing, that was a VERY old school technique because it would believed that during a seizure someone would bite down on their tongue or something while in the middle of it. So, the thought was to take a leather belt and put it between their teeth or something. I think there was also some sort of worry they'd swallow their tongue.
@Kimoujai_ 3 күн бұрын
The last one 💀💀
@MidnightRose716 3 күн бұрын
Haggard Bullying 2021 Scandal - Was in High School when it happended.
@anubis1107 4 күн бұрын
Can someone explain story 11 to me i dont get it
@cattarenna4890 4 күн бұрын
I had a terrible teacher in highschool let's call her Mrs B. For clarification I have autism ADHD and bipolar disorder and she taught special ed math. She would single me out along with a few other students in my class in relentlessly bully us to the point of anxiety. I can name two stories off the top of my head. Story 1: I had this program that allow us to volunteer for a job to get experience so my teacher Miss B to let me work for Kroger's. However, I had a habit for getting to put a bra on in the morning. As a reminder, I was overweight and I had a fuller chest so every time I forgot to put a bra on she would force me to wear a jacket or sweater or whatever I was wearing that day until school ended. One day I had forgotten to put on a broad during my "work day"and I didn't realize it until I got to school. I was like oh shit I forgot to put a bra on today. I was already dreading going to her class because she said I forgot to put a bra on One more time she would "fire" me for my job. After trying to get a hold of my parents for 30 minutes but to no avail I eventually conceded and went to class. As expected she fired me and I told her hey, I not the sharpest tool in the shed not actually what I said verbatim but you get the point I said I forgot to put a bra on I am sorry. And she said well people don't forget to put bras on and made me wear the jacket the entire day without going to work. Of course I told my mom this and she was livid My mom said she could have handled it differently which I agree. Story 2: so the second story takes place a few days after the aforementioned bra incident. I yet to forgotten to put a bra on so she forced me to wear a sweater. As you know we are human beings when he all need to use the toilet I had to go to the toilet and I got sh*t so I had to take it off so it could be washed. My teacher Miss B berated me for not wearing a sweater and acted like this total raging b*tch. She kept asking me why I took my sweater off and when I told her I didn't want to tell her she kept pushing me until I snapped. I then stormed out of the classroom and left her and went to my teacher downstairs. I stayed there till the end of the class crying. When I told my mom this she was not happy with that either. Not to mention, she would give me detention over the littlest of things too. If I was late detention if I fail to do something detention not to mention she would not help me with my math or explain it to me. She just keep forcing me to redo the problem over and over again until I got stressed out and had an anxiety attack. I had her junior and senior year too. Eventually my senior year when I found out I was down by few credits they gave me the option to stay another year with her. I was like f*ck this no I am not staying with her another year and took the certificate of completion that was given to me.
@sarahreaume6659 4 күн бұрын
I have a couple one is mine and the other isn't but my great grandmother's son who is the same age as my dad he would be there sometimes when my parents and I would come over I never had a good feeling about him he never really harmed me personally as my parents were good at not leaving me alone with him but something just didn't feel right to me I was a bit worried that he might show his true colors and sadly I was right as he physically shoved my great grandmother and she had to call the police she ended up pressing charges and has a court case next month to get a permeant restraining order now for a bit of context on my great grandmother she's really old late 80's or something or early 90's and he knew that he was inheriting the house but made it worse the next one isn't mine but from my younger cousin for some context she's 4 years younger than me anyway there was a kid at her school who she never really liked later found out he was in trouble with the police
@falconanddragons2214 4 күн бұрын
It's a little late, but the Anti-Bending Revolution in LOK. Suddenly, did everyone just forget that nonbenders can still produce bending children?
@PaulTCain 4 күн бұрын
I was in a special Ed math class in middle school when the class clowns thought it would be a good idea to slip laxative in in the teacher’s coffee for April Fools Day. Little did they know he put his meds in his coffee and had an allergic reaction, turning blue. He called his wife and she had to take him to the hospital to have his stomach pumped. We had to have a whole discussion about how that was bad. Two of the three class clowns were expelled the third got in school suspension for the rest of the year.
@colbymartinez636 4 күн бұрын
Not a Walmart employee but a dicks sporting goods member in socal, the first one was when my coworker sliced his hand open while doing a regrip for a customer resulting in 10-15 stitches , a women smeared her monthly appointment (period) all over the restroom walls, stalls and toilet, and finally a trail of human waste starting from one end of the store to another leading to one big pile of poop 15 feet from the restroom
@colbymartinez636 4 күн бұрын
Pt 2 i hate how the further into the video the more stuff i thought of we have a very easy return policy as of 2023 thank fully not any more but someone wanted to return underwear and the packaging want open soo they returned it they put the pack on the back counter a good 15 minutes past before a terrible smell came over our cashier and they double check the pack and they were all unused except one with near fresh skid marks and chunks left in the pair, ive also found a pair of used spongebob underwear stuffed in a stanley cup and multiple stanley or yeti cups filled with some kind of human remains. We have a big grab n go problem in socal and have tons of stories of those and crazy people yelling if yall would like more
@that_guy1211 4 күн бұрын
ya know, highschool some students are alredy 18, and i've met a couple of teachers who were like, younger than 25 years i've always thought that like, those teachers were kinda young, it's still a 7 year age gap, but oh well i mean, there's always stories of students having crushes on teachers and all that stuff, teacher-student relationship are kinda a fantasy that a lot of ppl have, so in my personal opinion, if the student is 18 or older, it's fine so long it's consentual and a professional relationship (aka, no teacher giving extra score to the student just cause they're dating, no biases) i'll probably be made fun of in the internet, but that's just my very personal opinion, i see no problem other than consent and grading bias.
@voidreaver-p3s 4 күн бұрын
put a trigger warning on these kind of videos i was eating some shcicken coconut rice and some veggies and i clicked in this video, i gagged mentally and emotionally
@bertmullineaux7652 4 күн бұрын
One time i dreamnt that I was playing with my friend and punched him because i get violent when i get exicited from fun then Everyone turned on me I went to jail And I was locked away forever Then i heard Im not laughing start playing And I just waited till i woke up
@ahillmann 4 күн бұрын
18:40 _"M***"_ I can't figure out what that word is supposed to be. Maybe I'm not familiar enough with the world of incest.
@namingthingsishard182 4 күн бұрын
The one where the dripping and the "dog" under the bed is an Edgar Allen Poe short story I think. We read this in English class in middle of high school. For me, this was later explained to me, but when I was 4, we visited my cousins. The oldest was in her late teens and the youngest was about 12. While I was sitting on the couch, there was a commotion in the hallway about the youngest being hurt. I had asked the middle boys what was going on because nobody would let me get off the couch to look. They said a ghost had opened the door on their brother's face and he had a bloody nose and that the ghost would get me next. I got hysterical and seeing things I now know was just my imagination. I had to be calmed down by my mom and the last cousin, 2nd oldest, had me watch her play Sims. He was ok, just a boody nose and a black eye. I later asked my mom when I was about 17, 5 years ago, what actually happened and apparently our grandmother (mom and aunt's mother) hadn't known he was there and they both went to open the door to go through opposite directions. She hit him in the face and I wasn't allowed over because of the blood.
@Robert10075 5 күн бұрын
I’m just glad to find a not lazy AI voice
@sherylsnell-massie3801 5 күн бұрын
So the story about strep and Scarlet fever is not quite right. Strep throat untreated can lead to scarlet fever. Having a fever does not necessarily lead to Scarlet fever
@mrcritical1310 5 күн бұрын
It’s ironic Indians are calling someone dirty. No one likes Indians. 🤡
@tillyannamcdonagh7363 5 күн бұрын
I had horrible teacher called mrs hill my cooking teacher and I came in her lesson and out of the blue she said sort your tie out you look like a scruff even though my tie was on properly and I go home tell me mam and she was fuming and at parents evening when me mam saw and had words with her 😂😅
@mikehilbert9349 5 күн бұрын
Hogh school algebra teacher overhead me telling another student what i needed to get on my final exam to pass. I magically got 1 point lower and had to do summer school.
@livingintheocean_ 5 күн бұрын
I'm completely s3xually repulsed in real life, only liking making out and tbh some pain(biting, scratching, light choking) but I'm also hypers3xual due to trauma. So it's kind of surprising to me how I'm not into much stuff at all irl but then at the same time be into a lot of crazy stuff in online roleplays. My Chai history is wild.
@Seth-w5z 5 күн бұрын
Story 18 was my favorite
@luxethol7532 5 күн бұрын
please mr facts we miss you 😭😭 i hope everything is okay
@codm22712 Күн бұрын
He’s Ben reuploading videos do we really miss reuploads
@HarveyMcDonald-v1y 5 күн бұрын
Why do you try to change men try do stop their fun that’s my question women and stop talking about our penises we don’t talk about how the ducking boobs gives milk why talk about our fucking penis no hate btw
@lilharm 6 күн бұрын
can’t up and leaving a job get you denied unemployment?