So many men are bad providers. That's why it is necessary for women to be providers too.
@Sarah-us8zq2 ай бұрын
I disagree, everything on paper can match up perfectly. If you’re emotionally and chemistry wise not liking each other in reality. None of that ends up mattering.
@maryw46092 ай бұрын
Good advice ❤
@planje47402 ай бұрын
_Why Is Dating So Complicated?_ - мушкарци су једна раса а жене су друга раса - и тада када се споје је расни сукоб _ - или - мушкарци живе у својој цивилизацији жене у својој - и тада сваки спој је сукоб цивилизација а скупа су само да се користе погодностима које пружа друга цивилизациа или раса _ - што су чији интереси у животу - ако нема пуно заједничких тема то је пропаст - ако има пуно заједничких сфера //интересовања// онда је добро _ и сад ја - и као ви жидови вама главни интерес у животу //хе хе хе хе сви будале не види се нити из чега да вам је до тога стало //осим тамо рабинских глупости "ми супермени" . главни интерес храм - хм добро тако ми то сједа онда ће ваљда ма коју жену да ја покажем то њој бити главна тема у животу - промашаја нема - што сте направили са тим ??????????????????? - ви нисте мало будале народ него јако пуно _ - ви живите за то и на то - и ма коју ја да покажем моја то је моја и онда она то радо хоће - али ја заборавио да сте ви блесави _ та не мораш брисати нека стоји _ - и тако ја читао ваше новине онлине - да видим што се дешава прво харетз те да мало промијеним јпост - кад шта би тамо - они рекламирају Bar "first jewish celebrity" - и они лажу да је то цура а она није била цура него пушеница разведна - ја велим моје - али ја нећу да кажем зашто то тако иде //што сте ви тако интелигентни направили са тим - та ништа - и сад не можете направити храм - оно се може свашта направити али ко вели да ће радити _ и сад наравно да неће моћи мени Бар јер то није фер ни поштено - а требала ми за ово //Библија (7) Radujmo se i kličimo i slavu mu dajmo jer dođe svadba Jaganjčeva, opremila se Zaručnica njegova! (8) Dano joj je odjenuti se u lan tanan, blistav i čist!" A lan - pravedna su djela svetih. (9) I reče mi: "Piši! Blago onima koji su pozvani na svadbenu gozbu Jaganjčevu!" I reče mi: "Ove su riječi istinite, Božje." (10) Padoh mu pred noge da mu se poklonim. A on će mi: "Nipošto! Sluga sam kao i ti i braća tvoja koja imaju svjedočanstvo Isusovo. Bogu se pokloni!" Jer svjedočanstvo Isusovo duh je proročki. - ја нисам хтјео рећи зашто - а ви глупи нисте могли прочитати или схватити _ - ви јачи - ви све знате - ви увијек вјеру имате ја NO Bar NO Temple - ко је сад јачи //но ја нећу Бар а пошто се мени не допада сорос шбав милкоски зеленски рутте кушнер блинкен нулански итд итд - онда не морате се мени више никако обраћати јер не знам због чега - та не можете ми сад дати бар - то да вам буде краљица - то нико на свијету неће да је то краљица
@planje47402 ай бұрын
- значи ипак дајете Бар - хм - али ви рекли да не треба - те рекли остати поносни - те рекли да сам ја ништа - те на аеродрому у истанбулу намјестили лажну бар итд итд итд _ - како ви не знате да сам ја већ био код вас _ шта би ди вам је понос _ Бар шта би са тебе хе хе хе хе - их ја тебе - да ниси ти да је нека друга и њу би исто чекало _ - но је систем - што даш то ћеш примити - значи ако је глупа то ће остати вама - та сад ви бирате //мени ће бити жена ко жена а вама краљица - да се нећете преварити са којим глупачама _ прво мисли те онда причај _ - и ја знам да ни ви нећете и нико неће Бар - онда није добро да се глупостима бавите - има ли шта јаче што је свима добро _ и бира - сиријска црква или коптска црква - по властитом избору и сви то треба да видимо //неће - нема заинтересираних _ не треба бити досадан //има овуда народа колико хоћеш - свака може само да ли сама може то је већ друго - дакле прво покажете нешто што ће се свима допасти //ја не видим проблем у томе да ова није удата CANDACE OWENS може и она //само што је она тада пуно млада _ вјеру имамо зато што се хоћемо спасити - и сви се хоћемо спасити //ко је нормалан /рај један бог један - нема раса - дакле нема фашизма расизма у вјери то су само и само глупости ко каже да има _ _- како ви не знате да сам ја већ био код вас_ - ах - не знате јер елита у држави одучује све - јер си умислила да је већа а ви остали глупи који их служите само - и тада није ни важно ништа, важно је што они хоће //но нема везе сад ће мо их све избацити из државе
@spybubbble2 ай бұрын
Whew! This is very much NOT true! I think you should speak with secular people as to how they date and what their process is.
@Awtsmoos2 ай бұрын
Two words: cool. Story
@rosameijering51612 ай бұрын
Yes I never understand that life will never be perfect that we have everything we don't need (yet). When I was a child I already wanted ten children I stated
@ChayaFellerman2 ай бұрын
WOW this was insanely inspirational thank you!!!!!
@LFPatterson-mc3 ай бұрын
Awesome. This is great Bible information for the couple and spouse. Wedding _ Characteristics In A Spouse Peace Lydia
@cocoachenille3 ай бұрын
This was good 👍🏽
@Awtsmoos3 ай бұрын
B"H Interesting studio
@siyata4u3 ай бұрын
Looks like the inside of a synagogue
@dizzylee72153 ай бұрын
What a wonderful conversation. Thank you so much for sharing this video
@amandawilkerson90754 ай бұрын
This is such a wonderful formula! Thanks for sharing it
@Awtsmoos4 ай бұрын
lol this has 1 mill views on insta
@cocoachenille4 ай бұрын
This was good 👌🏾
@BwanaFinklestein4 ай бұрын
You love Israelis?? Yikes. You have more than just a "marriage" issue going on in your head.
@EarlBoucher4 ай бұрын
Hello everyone .Am Lloyd from the beautiful island of Jamaica.Am not Jewish, but love my jewish history as a christian . I just came across this and thought I would comment .I am single and always thought of meeting a Jewish wife . How can I meet a born again Jewish lady 30-38 please? I
@EmilyInALoop4 ай бұрын
When I got my head on straight and stopped acting foolish and looking for a man I met my fiancé a 1 year after. I was definitely single due to the way I was living and who I chose to put up with…and tbh at the time I didn’t deserve any better than what I was getting.
@sportimpactfoundation65064 ай бұрын
OMG. Yes, I'm single because I choose to keep my standards or remain alone. I am scared of being 'trapped' in the wrong marriage.Not fear of 'rejection;. lol And, I'm against divorce under most circumstances and avoiding it at all costs-- even if that means I don't get married at all.
@sportimpactfoundation65064 ай бұрын
Your subconscious may actually be protecting you. Mindset change needed. Take your power back ladies. Be honest with yourself. Reflect on those you have dated, are there any that you wish you had married? My answer would be an ABSOLUTE NO. (Even in the situations where I may have not wanted the breakup.) Perhaps your "patterns" are more about your dating pool and what you may want from your partner. Perhaps if it was actually "right", there wouldn't be any fear of rejection??? I don't think I would fear rejection from someoone that I wanted to share my life with. Seems counter- intuitive to me. I want the one that I can fully feel supported and able to be present as my best self-- not worried about how I'm presenting myself and whether or not they like me. If I like me, there is no fear of rejection--- because that just means it isn't right for me. Get there first and be available to meeting him. (That said, I have been single most of my life, but rarely upset about it.)
@AP867774 ай бұрын
Not yet married at almost 38. But I go with God. Waiting for a person in God. ❤
@matisyahup6134 ай бұрын
I became religious but I never found a shiduch, and I am already 37. There is really nothing wrong with me, but dating in the jewish scene is really hard. Not many options, and there is alot of control so people are told who they can date not who they want to. Plus there is a higher divorce rate now because people marry the wrong person alot of the time. There is a gemara in tractate taanis 30a which says all the single men and women would dance in the vineyeards and openly chose who they wanted. That is the way, then alot of these problems would be solved. Chemistry between two people should not be determined by career, or family background, but on compatibility which defies all these boundaries.
@jn89224 ай бұрын
Sorry no... I is for intelligence.
@jorgeanibal88344 ай бұрын
I- emotional intimacy. Dafuq?
@burritosupreme76714 ай бұрын
That’s an acronym, not an abbreviation.
@ryutenmen4 ай бұрын
100% regarding the acronym, and also, by definition, an acronym is basically an abbreviation.
@ronaldvanraay11334 ай бұрын
The are pericids
@tonightinareacode3094 ай бұрын
Dating? What's that? Women don't care about me because I'm poor.
@Z.G.20134 ай бұрын
i only dated very poor and they used and abused me! There are male gold diggers, too! so boohooo cry more, instead of watching short go to work bish
@juniorsanctus5 ай бұрын
The back music is just there to try that this bullshit sound deep, but it's only "The secret" type shit
@burakhgunes5 ай бұрын
Simple answer; no man want to mary you lmao
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
I'm trying to find a new wife, women are so unsure, an uncertain about things now 🤔 and it makes it difficult for men. I usually go through five dinner dates. Define one that actually interacts with me properly. And that's sad, 22 years ago, before I was married. Women were looking for husbands. Not anymore, add be just as happy with what they do online.
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
Confidence I think it's key 🗝️ alright you have to have the connection. I date two ladies a week. One out of the two, I only want sex. The other one may be interested in a relationship. Dating has become a tricky tricky thing.
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
Men are just as scared as you are ladies. People don't talk face to face now. Women are so frightened it's all online.
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
Everyone is scared out there
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
But I hear you ladies, I've been divorced 2 years. The dating scene has certainly changed.
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
I meditate
@MarcShelton-dn8uz5 ай бұрын
Yeah and everybody's face is stuck in their phone
@vanessagreenlee56185 ай бұрын
NO. I'm currently 48 years old,single mentally disabled Hispanic woman,I been single for 18 years,I been a Christian since 2013,I'm also going thru an early menopause.i want for God,to restore my mental health,my physical health and for God to bless me financially with some big heavenly income.
@joramaris17005 ай бұрын
Life is a journey. There’s a saying that “ Then, Life happens!” I was unable to afford marriage until AFTER I became a Law Review law student; then different legal jobs; then, self-employment. By then, I was about 30 years old. It was a long, hard, worthwhile journey. But, never easy. I congratulate your professional success & wish you well in all you do.
@hemantmeshram13425 ай бұрын
Would you like to marry me ?
@QinisoShezi-s7t5 ай бұрын
Somehow the Rabbi looks and is sitted like Triple low-key
@QinisoShezi-s7t5 ай бұрын
Wow I'm amazed quite profound
@jeffaronchick59105 ай бұрын
Yes, thank you... Ironically, the rejection we do to our self (I'm not good enough") ... ends up rejecting "the one" ("He or she is not good enough" and "I'm not good enough for him or her" ). To make ourselves a keli (what comes down to as: making space, emotionally and physically, for our other half), we need to explore our own "walls", obstacles, and facades... Acknowledge why the blocks are there/where they come from. Respect and forgive. Take them down. Reject them. Move forward. Accept, trust your self and your "one"....through, ironically, opening yourself to "the one" who is safe and comfortable to do so with. With the right person to open to (bringing him or her on your journey) , you'll be surprised what personal blocks they're challenged by when they bring you into their world and on their journey. And you both can heal beautifully together i"yH!
@timothythomas80826 ай бұрын
It would help if the media would be able to share the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth, instead of pushing a narrative that promotes their agenda. No news station has reported that before every Israeli response to the terrorists attack on Oct 7th, Israel has issued a two hour notice, and when they do respond with shelling, they're not even aware of civilians in the vicinity.
@veronicabingham60188 ай бұрын
They have weird ways when having sex they put a sheet overvthe women with a hole in it ...
@kathleenmolo45208 ай бұрын
It takes two special people to make the relationship work.We never give up on each other.😊And nothing better than true divinely inspired intimacy.
@elijahmtatuu31287 ай бұрын
I think they aren't special but right (Neither perfect nor special) people that whom God has intentionally led them to. Amen.
@Esty-b8o8 ай бұрын
Someone needs to love HER
@mariebarrett71778 ай бұрын
Is it also possible if there is a massive age gap?
@DJspAce828 ай бұрын
I never learned how to drive a car. That's the main reason I don't think marriage is for me. It's ok. Monk mode is good enough.
@JamesCleary2028 ай бұрын
I don’t understand how you’re supposed to know what you want before spending years dating…you suggest that the conversation about what each person wants should happen early, but how would any young inexperienced person know this? I certainly didn’t know if I wanted kids or how many or how I wanted to live my life at 22. How could anyone know? They haven’t lived yet.