@bigstink357 9 күн бұрын
21k troops lost .... he really wanted you out of Hankow
@idiot9358 12 күн бұрын
nice match man!
@Rayrard 15 күн бұрын
That was a terrible dice roll in China... yikes I thought those guys were all defeated and disrupted
@Rayrard 17 күн бұрын
If it wasn't for the Lodrick game ending, I would have thought this was that game for the lack of action. lol
@Rayrard 19 күн бұрын
I figured you had multiple divisions in Java now. Where is your army headed? Ceylon?
@isimiel3405 20 күн бұрын
youtube unsubbed me >_<
@chrissobiech2677 21 күн бұрын
PC PB 70 need a better Captain.
@ostjan-oe7hg 21 күн бұрын
Very cool!
@Rayrard 21 күн бұрын
What the heck is the American flag on Marcus? You might want to investigate that as he could sneak men and bombers into it. It's a long supply line but he can easily sneak single AK's in there and slowly build the base.
@XargunAE 21 күн бұрын
Yeah - Marcus is on the list now that I have taken Wake. Same assets assigned to both jobs.
@ostjan-oe7hg 22 күн бұрын
These videos are great! I love these types of games!
@XargunAE 21 күн бұрын
Thank you
@Rayrard 23 күн бұрын
I think this game was too far gone for a new Allied player. I think even a veteran would have a hard time coming back here given the Japanese position and the desperate position of the Chinese and Australians. I am surprised you havent played Allies in 20 years given the Allies are a juggernaut later in the war and would be fun to play. Even versus a player, the Allies can come back in the game, but we rarely get to see it given the Japanese OR Allied side always surrenders in 1942. That may be the biggest downside of playing and watching this game as few players are evenly matched enough to give us a good game that goes into 1943.
@XargunAE 23 күн бұрын
If you haven't started yet - watch my match against asurob. He and I have been playing each other for a decade off on and on and are fairly evenly matched. I definitely expect that game to go into 44 before he crushes me... unless I make a fatal mistake.
@Rayrard 22 күн бұрын
@@XargunAE Yeah I'm watching that game. It's been pretty even so far
@XargunAE 21 күн бұрын
Yeah Rob and I are fairly even skillwise - but I think he takes more risks than I do -- but he plays Allies and they can afford to.
@victorhugoschiatti6831 23 күн бұрын
I'am sad the game has ended i wished we had atleast a final battle in 43 that could have turned things arounds our maybe not...
@operationpig 23 күн бұрын
Sad to see the game end, wanted to see what punch you were going to throw at him in the pacific, but the Allies have been pushed back so far that any real attack would probably have to wait for 43
@Rayrard 26 күн бұрын
Japan and the Allies should just sign a peace treaty at this point... both sides are minding their own business now
@chrissobiech2677 29 күн бұрын
Leaking fuel badly-message in sub after deep Charge hit means sub loses a part of his fuel and has to return earlier to Base.
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
He brought in another unit to Noumea... you need to go in with another division at least
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
for the Australian Troops in Alice Springs the question is how is their exp and morale and how many anti tank guns are left in the Units.
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
I am extremely interested how you manage to keep your Chinese units with 2000AV alive until September in these forward bases under seige.bombardment for literally 6 months. I could have sworn you had supply in the red a long time ago and not sure how your units still maintain cohesion and AV. The Bataan garrison usually collapses after 3-4 months in the Philippines to the same seige. Where are you getting supplies from given the whole rear is taken and the Burma Road is cut?
@BasicGamingRed Ай бұрын
I think you would get more views by search if you put war in the pacific admiral's edition in the title of the video
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Did that tank in Burma just roll on ahead of the main assault army? Or did you put him there to take the base himself?
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
regarding the Zeros v B-26 Marauder at Tanna its a never fixed bug of the Game. Fighters attack 4E and Attack Bombers always from the front. in case of Attack Bombers they than fly directly into all the cannons the bombers have in the Nose and go destroyed. Nothing you can do about it except developing more durable fighetrs with armor.
@bigstink357 Ай бұрын
Where did you get the mod at? the discord doesnt have it
@martinschneider7130 Ай бұрын
@thedoggypooper0074 Ай бұрын
what a crapy game
@mignonne_ Ай бұрын
what game is this
@BasicGamingRed Ай бұрын
war in the pacific admiral’s edition
@ludwig3920 Ай бұрын
i have a question, would it be more fun for you in early 43 with sone counter-offensive ? or is it pointless to play if you loose australia ?
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Honestly IMO if Lodrik takes Australia, Xargun would be in a better position. It frees up 5 or so whole divisions for xargun to use as he pleases. And he doesn't have to worry about trying to free it up to gain those ap and ships back.
@XargunAE Ай бұрын
Its not so much that losing Australia is a game breaker - more of a spirit breaker against me. I have had very few small successes and keep losing battle after battle, Part of my issue is my lack of understanding the Allied OOB and thus I have made a bunch of mistakes that can be undone. I am short on useful transports (APs, xAPs) that have a decent range and am low on CVs - only have 4 against his 8+. My air forces are in shambles due to not understanding the allied tricks to keep the better aircraft from leaving the theater. But my ground forces are in good shape - at least the US ones. Though I am surprised again and again how allied units just crumple against the Japanese attacks. Guessing the NZ and AUS troops are not as good as I thought they were.
@BasicGamingRed Ай бұрын
You will have a lot of resources coming online you just have to hold out. Score does not matter for this game. You can afford to make mistakes he cannot.
@ludwig3920 Ай бұрын
We can feel you frustration that's why i asked if you continue to 43 maybe the fun of playing will come back to you when you will get lot and lot of shiny new reiforcement to counter attack him. Until then endure and maybe try crazy strategy to bring a bit of light to your campaign :).
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
3 subs in one day for the Japanese is impressive
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
Thanks for the after action report. You have a good number of troops in Hawaii which is good to retry Wake, but you do have to be careful that he hasn't moved KB north. You gave him warning with the failed attack. Are there no refineries in Australia to generate fuel locally, or do the troops just eat it all?
@XargunAE Ай бұрын
Troops don't consume fuel. Ships and Industry consume fuel.
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
Not sure what happened with unloaded nothing at Wake but I guess it's practice and you didn't lose much. You would need at least a regiment to take that plus a marine force. The bombardments don't really destroy the Japanese dug in on these islands. Getting invasions right is essential for the Americans so hopefully you figure out the mechanic next time.
@operationpig Ай бұрын
What does it matter how long you hold? Unless you plan on breaking the naval blockade you will just retreat eventually. All that changes is how he long he takes to replenish his men.
@stevejones5824 Ай бұрын
Your destroyers were stationary for most of the fight unloading troops that's why he was accurate - was a message saying they got underway after the torpedo hit!!!!
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Despite the fact you were completely outnumbered, you still held. Amazing. Brisbane will probably fall but its clear so you will just take it back when he has to leave and retrun to his defensive positions. If doesn't and continues to push south. That only helps you.
@JulienS287 Ай бұрын
will you redo reports after each turn at some points? I think its the most interesting part of the game because we can have an idea of the bigger picture than by just watching the combat report
@semyongelfenbein902 Ай бұрын
Marcus island next?
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
i dont understood why you let him now for weeks train his pilots on Suva for free. Time enough to bring a flak unit here and time enough to move the Float A6M2 here that dont need Runway and dont have to fear any fighters at this range.
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Wow the nick is hot garbage, why would he push it, unless august is just when it arrives? Still why ever deploy it. It just gets murdered.
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
If you have issues with the Zero Unit and him flying low you can split the Unit into 3 squads and put one on low altitude CAP
@operationpig Ай бұрын
I dont understand how Xargun is the unluckiest player imaginable from his perspective, but it turns out to be a false alarm when desyncs are accounted for. He has gotten away with a lot. From the convoy that successfully escaped to Karachi a week ago, to the successful defense of Tennant Creek yesterday. I can see why xargun keeps complaining about the luck, from his perspective it is terrible, even if it isn't. I'll bet the Japanese sub didn't even sink the YP with how bad the desync is.
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
You should seriously check your ASW Vessel Captains. They awful at detecting and attacking Subs. I mean not the merchant PB, they will never be good for anything except adding escort vessel numbers but the dedicated ASW like DD, E or this PC PB at Mantok. Many of them have average and cautious Captains that are usless on this Vessels , you need Aggresive Captains with Naval Skill well beyond 80
@JulienS287 Ай бұрын
Jesus the japs got clapped in China!!
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Well the only thing that went well in that battle was that you didn't fail your leadership roll. Your troops were completely out of supply, had no experience, no preparation, and no forts. The fact they held the 1st battle was a surprise.
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
1:2 odds with level 2 forts and you got that dice roll for casualties? Wow, your luck is finally turning. It doesn't show a supply debuff which I do not understand. You HAVE to be out of supply after such a long siege and the air bombardments. Would be nice to have an after-action report just on that battle.
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Yeah China will never fall
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
Wow, i thought he'd have more troops facing you in Australia. You should be able to defeat both of those armies in detail. It might take 2-3 attacks to knock the forts out.
@operationpig Ай бұрын
So, if the divisions from NZ and Java didn't go to Australia, where did he go? It's not like Xargun has really intridicted Japanese convoys to Australia so there should be plenty of supply.
@operationpig Ай бұрын
Unless the divisions that took Cengtu were from Java, them yeah Australia is basically free.
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
@@operationpig Not sure... So many slow turns and no naval ops and I have no clue what Lodrick is doing in Australia. He should have divisions free all over the map and there is one whole division facing those Australia/NZ troops.
@JulienS287 Ай бұрын
ooh nice 1st time we're seeing the 2nd NZ division in action
@worldgamingculture5052 Ай бұрын
Video reached India
@chrissobiech2677 Ай бұрын
Sorabaja was a pre-dreadnought so basically very old Battleship. Thats why she had considerable armour.
@XargunAE Ай бұрын
yeah kind of figured that out :) An old Monitor...
@stevejones5824 Ай бұрын
I don't understand why Rob continues to throw away his carrier air groups in fruitless attacks against Tarakan ???
@Rayrard Ай бұрын
seriously, surprise was blown 5 turns ago. Where are the Nells and Bettys to go after him?
@operationpig 2 ай бұрын
So the disaster of last turn was all fictional. Good seems as if Lodrick’s blockade of Karachi is really ineffective.
@genegross2252 2 ай бұрын
what is happening in australia
@operationpig 2 ай бұрын
Xargun is running some tanks around to take back the Australian resource hubs from behind Japanese lines, denying him valuable resources that Japan is desperate for. Other developments are only known to Xargun