Pet WolfDog Remains Skittish
Wolfdog Rescue
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115 DTAC test 6x284 @ 875 yds
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Steyr 1900 Refurbish Part 1
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Owning a Pet Wolf - Hair of the Dog
Wolf Hybrid Pups
2 жыл бұрын
Accurate Reloading Tips
3 жыл бұрын
@simionalexandru9546 7 күн бұрын
That is a cool rangefinder!
@bobandthewolfdogs 11 ай бұрын
She's absolutely beautiful!!! ❤ 🐾
@drd1924 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, she is a wonderful animal
@jlyle51 11 ай бұрын
About 20 or so years ago I visited Ed Shilen. Shilen barrel maker. Bought a 257 barrel. Watched them lapping barrels. I learned a lot about rifles from Mr. Shilen. And that 25 calaber barrel I put on a 8mm mauser action. Chambered in 257 Akley improved. It was a tack driver.
@drd1924 11 ай бұрын
Yes there is not too much info regarding some of these custom barrel makers lapping processes, and rightly so if it ensures their job security so to speak. And if you could have learned much from Mr. Shilen that is an added bonus! Over the years through many searches online I would pick up a little bit more info, then maybe a little bit more info that leaked out, then over time compiled it all together before I began lapping any barrel. The main things to know are - Too smooth is bad - Too rough is also obviously bad - so you want a happy medium between the two - Also I would not use valve lapping compound (Silicon Carbide) since it breaks down in particle size always becoming smaller which does not provide the consistency we want when barrel lapping. - get some good quality diamond's cheap enough for s small syringe size. It is often sold through Jeweller outlets online. Make a chart comparing grit size to micron size since many sell diamond compound in micron size, the chart will help so you don't go above 600 grit.
@jlyle51 11 ай бұрын
I am dealing with the same problem.. the barrel is a little rough . However I have a bullet mold that cast a oversize bullet. So I have made brass to fit the chamber and considered laping. Right now I can shoot lap with a lapping compound. I have shot a few low velosity rounds with the lapping compound rolled into the bullet before loading the case. It seems to be working. Best i can tell the rifle is about a 1915 model. Relining the barrel and rechambering is a option. However it will cost around 300.00 plus dollars at a minimum. Rifle may not be worth going that route.
@omen1784 11 ай бұрын
Do you know where to get a stock for one of these?
@drd1924 11 ай бұрын
No i don't, very rare hence why I had to conduct such a repair on this one. You may check Boyds and see if he can make you one though. They list stocks for many different guns and may have the pattern or design saved even if they don't list it currently.
@MuhammadAfzal-jm6cw 11 ай бұрын
Good 👍👍👍❤❤❤
@drd1924 Жыл бұрын
She seems to have a very keen understanding of distance and measurement, knowing exactly how far my arm can reach, and will stay just to the very extent of my reach
@TheDailyKnife009 Жыл бұрын
@drd1924 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir, glad you enjoyed it!
@drd1924 Жыл бұрын
Hi everyone and thanks for watching. You may watch full video here:
@sunnyg4203 Жыл бұрын
Nice shot! Impressive
@drd1924 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir
@shawnkemp2910 2 жыл бұрын
Great,do more so I can subscribe
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
Can do...What would you like to see more of?
@donkeybrains12 2 жыл бұрын
Is she able to be off-leash ever when on a walk or is it too risky she’ll just run away?
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
Good question, this particular one (I've owned several) yes it is too risky to allow her off the chain. The wild instincts are too strong and she will actually choose to take off over being bribed with a raw steak. ---However, I have let her off the chain in the house a few times, ya know to play chase down the hallway or in the living room, but is still risky since she knows how to open doors and will open an unlocked door instantly and escape. -She will cooperate like a perfect angel in the house while on the chain, following right behind me when I bring wood into the house, laying down at my feet if I do the dishes, or if I lay down on the couch she instantly lays down a few feet from me on gaurd keeping an eye on everything. -but if I unchain her she turns back into more of a wild animal, jumping back and forth over the couch like a nutjob, running into the bathroom and hopping in the bathtub then knocking the shower sliding glass doors off their tracks. Trying to work around me like a football player going for a touchdown in order to run downstairs etc. So in effect I have come across other Wolf Dog Owners who have said the rule of thumb is NEVER - let your Wolf off the chain. I tend to agree but it depends on percentage of Wolf and if you have raised it from a pup or not. ---So to exercise her and allow her to run I hop on my dirt bike or Mtn. Bike and she runs next to me. Those I have raised from a pup will still take off but will return soon or even stick around the house. 50/50 percentage or less is a better "Pet" in the aspect of being able to let them off a leash.
@donkeybrains12 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for the info! One of my teachers in high school brought their hybrid into class and he was huge and an absolute gentlemen but u could certainly tell he wasn’t your average domesticated dog and yet still had a very calm aura about him even with all the teenagers circling and petting him. I also think I remember him mentioning he was a 50/50 so that might explain the temperament.
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
@@donkeybrains12 That's very cool your teacher brought in the Hybrid to class. Sounds like it was a great experience! I think it's good for the Wolf Hybrid to have good exposure and good experiences with people since the breed is somewhat misunderstood. I think the males are perhaps a little more refined in their nature...possibly due to the fact that their nature is to be a Leader/Alpha. Some people think an Alpha is the one who is strongest and able to dominate by strength or fighting. While this may be true for protection of the pack it is not necessarily so for leading a group. Similar to a good human leader or teacher Alpha is more patience and understanding within leading which is what people gravitate toward rather than a dictator type right? I imagine with Wolfs intelligence they would respond the same in following such a leader. One of my Males is like you describe, Almost a Gentleman in his behavior, very calm and very gentle with humans. The Females I notice tend a be a little bit...."Bratty" at times lol.
@donkeybrains12 2 жыл бұрын
Very cool!
@Shiddyvet 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been looking at these. How’s the reloading on these things?
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, thanks for the question They reloaded great. My one concern initially was that the tip may get damaged during seating without using a VLD stem since they are so sharp and pointy. However I used a Standard RCBS Seater die and the tip did not contact within the stem at all....the contact point is much more down the Ogive from the tip. (Bonus points to RCBS for planning ahead and knowing how to make a good die.) Neck tension seating into Lapua Brass felt very nice and consistent as well.
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
I referenced "Winter Wolf Syndrome" in this video. I found a short clip of this behavior in a male kzbin.infohfdfl_whyCg
@Ken-pd1ez 2 жыл бұрын
@andy347495 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get it, why would benchrest bullets make groups smaller in one gun, but not another?
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
Benchrest bullets should in general produce smaller groups in all guns. Although a custom barrel will show the improvement more than a factory barrel. However a factory barrel (meaning a crap mass produced barrel) may not show any improvement with benchrest bullets at all. This will depend on several factors such as barrel internal finish, consistency throughout the length of the bore as far as diameter, consistency in twist rate and crown condition among other things. In essence all components contribute to one another just like building a high HP engine.
@andy347495 2 жыл бұрын
@@drd1924 seems silly that a lesser barrel wouldn't benefit from a custom bullet for the same reasons a match barrel does.
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
@@andy347495 Well, it also seems silly that a factory rifle can go from shooting 1 MOA to suddenly shoot .25 MOA simply by changing to a custom barrel. But that's the world we live in. If however you happen to have a factory rifle that consistently shoots .5 MOA all day long ...everyday then YES, you will likely be able to realize a benefit by using benchrest quality/custom bullets. Although as mentioned there are other variables and parameters with a factory barrel such as a barrel being under inherent stress from the Mfg. process, bent barrels, thinner barrels, barrels that start walking all over once they begin heating up after only 3 rounds. Will such a rifle be able to realize a benefit from using custom bullets if groups open up after only 3 or 4 rounds? No. Because accuracy in that case will degrade due to the nature of the barrel, not because of what bullet was used. A better bullet, isn't a fix for an inferior/bad barrel
@andy347495 2 жыл бұрын
@@drd1924 I don't find it silly at all that a match grade barrel shoots .25 moa, it happens all the time as you know. If a custom bullet has attributes that cause it to shoot better or more consistent, I don't think the bullet knows if its a match grade barrel or a factory barrel. I mean the bullet isn't saying, oh, well, this is a factory remington barrel, im not gonna shoot any better than a mass produced bullet. there isn't some magical match between custom bullets and a match grade barrel that makes it shoot better. Don't get me wrong though, im not saying a custom bullet is going to cut a 1 moa guns groups in half or prevent the groups from opening up when the barrel starts getting hot. I'm just saying, there is no reason a custom can't improve groups on a factory barrel, maybe it's a small improvement and not worth the money, but it is an improvement. It's funny you back track and now say a .5 moa factory barrel can could benefit from a custom bullet.🤦🏻‍♂️ If a custom bullet makes a gun shoot better from the start, even as the barrel heats up and bullet dispersion increases it will be less dispersion than the bullet that started out not shooting as good as the custom bullet. There's not some magic bologna that goes on whether there its an inferior barrel or not. Regardless, your back tracking proves my point.
@drd1924 2 жыл бұрын
@@andy347495 1. Starting with a .5 MOA Factory rifle is not backtracking. I am trying to get through to you that UNLESS--- --- your FACTORY rifle shoots AT LEAST 1/2" at 100 yds ---all the time when its cold out and when its hot out, ---Consistently... ---you will likely NOT see ANY benefit from benchrest bullets if using a crap barrel that costs no more than $50 to make. If this so called benefit you claim must be there just because....even if it is .050" improvement....this would require that you could even shoot good enough to realize a .050" improvement. Do you shoot that well Andy? There is a reason custom barrels cost $400, or MORE...YES its because of the magic Balogna they rub on the inside. Along with a perfect and consistent twist rate from end to end. (factory barrels twist can vary) Along with being within 0.0001" of bore diameter from end to end (No factory barrel achieves this) Along with being lapped to further "ensure" consistency from end to end. (Again, no factory barrels offer this) A factory barrel has none of these accuracy contributing attributes along with likely being curved or bent on top of its shortcomings. If you're trying to make the point that if your rifle shoots 1MOA that it then might... maybe if "You do your part" shoot .95 MOA with benchrest bullets... ...Then lets see your vids documenting what YOU CLAIM with empirical evidence....Actually proving a point with facts rather than opinionated speculation on what something SHOULD do based solely on subjective opinion. You are the accuser here so the burden of proof is on you to prove what I am saying is incorrect. BUT that supposed improvement must be a sudden consistent improvement with evidence not just one group which could be a lucky fluke. I've shot good groups with certain Benchrest Bullets that turned out to be a fluke good group when I went back to verify repeatability by shooting an aggregate. Similar to not all Custom Barrels Brands are equally as good as each other , not all Benchrest bullets are equal and not all of them have consistent length, consistent ogives etc. There are times when a Sierra bullet is better than a Berger for instance. You don't seem to grasp that a factory rifle that throws flyers will likely still throw flyers regardless if its using benchrest bullets or factory bullets due to the terrible uneven, rough, inconsistent finish of the bore stripping jacket copper. ---Do you know what happens to groups when jacket integrity is compromised? ---BENCHREST ANYTHING does not compensate for this in a factory rifle. Have you ever looked through a borescope to see the difference of a cut rifled barrel compared to a hammer forged factory bore? 2. Do you own, any ...custom rifles at all to back anything you are saying with any kind of experience? 3. More than likely.....the small improvement you claim must be seen by using benchrest bullets WITH a "factory rifle" --- --- is not so much due to the benchrest bullets.....But due more to the fact that you had to handload and therefore tailored the load for your particular rifles barrel harmonics.