EASY Vegan Meals Under 30 MINUTES
@kerstinschuster4451 22 сағат бұрын
What about the ethics of the lab "meat" itself. We know nothing about a solo living organ, but an organ is a form of life. And this will be made on an incredibal big scale. There will be cell waste, organ waste. What if braincell grow in those masses and nobody noticed it. It could cause a kind of feeling and pain. I find it worse than eating real meat, because the same egotistical unintelligent people are now playing god. And how romantic to think the biopsie would be the only possible harm. What happens on the way, until the know how to do it? I am just to sensitive to want to know it. But you can be certain, they are not ethical all of a sudden. And the new meat can not be healthier as the old if it is a correct rebuild. This is not stupidity, it is stupidity that gets more dangerous, for the animals and the lulled manipulated consumer. And why are people so against genetic manipulated soy, while this kind of genetic manipulation or copying is all of the sudden okay. Does anyone else feel like me?
@6-1969 Күн бұрын
It is poison!
@alisondavies6433 Күн бұрын
All looks so delicious 😊
@Clark-i9o Күн бұрын
You don’t oil the whole reason I don’t buy from the grocery store
@DAS-qv4xy Күн бұрын
You nailed it!! 100%!!!! I love how you put this! 💕💕💙💙🙌🙌
@ThefadedY Күн бұрын
All these years later I still come here for this recipe!
@felicitasdieterle4563 2 күн бұрын
That wn´t work . There were some experiments in terms of lab-growing organs , such like hearts for example and the people, who got those lab grown hearts got cancer. In Germany there is a saying: "The whole thin is always more, than the sum of its parts ". So big warning here... Milk is unnecessary and even unhealthy for humans-accept for babys. What kind of a vegan are you, considering to consume dairy again when is´s lab - grown ?
@melopepo 2 күн бұрын
My favorite scrambled tofu recipe I keep coming back to it
@yangtse55 2 күн бұрын
I'm 64 and thriving on a totally "unplanned" WFPB diet for decades.. My only dietary issue in the past was the one shared with half the world now - eating too many calories and getting heavy though I carried it well and was regularly cycling tens of miles as a fat 40-something.. When I became vegan for the animals and the planet in 1981, I also discovered a delicious as well as super healthy diet. I was aware of raw foodists back then but associated them with naturism and quack medicine....
@FloM7791 2 күн бұрын
@katiakominski432 2 күн бұрын
As a non-vegan I do still sometimes seek out or encounter vegan food pages- but I tend to get watch less of the "meat/egg/fish/cheese" substitute videos. I like seeing less common ingredients or alternative ways to use and look at familiar ingredients. I just happen to love most fruits and vegetables, especially cooked vegetables, and am trying to introduce more legumes in my diet so I look for more recipes that expand on these. But if I'm craving cheese, I will eat real cheese.
@SkyeClaussen 3 күн бұрын
your awesome girl keep spreading the kindness
@davorp6012 3 күн бұрын
You seem like a very nice cool and truthful person but I think it's time to admit to ourselves that vegan/vegetarian diet simply isn't the way to go. (Ex vegetarian of 8 years)
@woodyoi4035 3 күн бұрын
We tried Veganism it didn’t work, it’s over move on
@yangtse55 2 күн бұрын
Cool story bro
@Goodmorning1221- 3 күн бұрын
Goatis aka Sv3rige aka Syringe is wanted by the police for attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and baby. Just KZbin his name and "Luna", many things will come out. He also had a hair transplant. If you mention any of these under his videos, he will block you. So you should make a response video.
@anitak8056 3 күн бұрын
Looks delicious 😋 thanks for sharing 💚
@sheysmith98 3 күн бұрын
Can you ship these online ?
@gayegerard 3 күн бұрын
Me too!!!! I hate tempeh! love your hair color :)
@ModernWelfare_ 3 күн бұрын
😂 🤡
@sheriboberry28 3 күн бұрын
A handful of raw cashews is the equivalent to one dose of Prozac. Nature's solution to depression ❤
@deansmith6471 3 күн бұрын
You're such a babe!
@desmomotodesmomoto2033 3 күн бұрын
Hey, Goatis has made another video about you. You seen it? Make a video how you are a chegan, and doing this for money.
@Goodmorning1221- 3 күн бұрын
Search for that instead: _"Sv3rige - Luna Speaks About Being Attacked with Acid"_
@desmomotodesmomoto2033 3 күн бұрын
@@Goodmorning1221- What that has to do any thing with veganism? also where is the evidence? You vegan or a chegan like 99.99% of fake vegans? You give vegetables to a dog?
@elianalanda7159 3 күн бұрын
As someone who hasn't eaten meat and dairy for more than a decade, I totally support lab grown meat. I won't necessarily eat it because it does gross me out. But anything to diminish unethical and harmful practices is okay in my book!
@Necrohermit 3 күн бұрын
Ridiculous delusion in this entire comment section. I lasted 3 years as a vegan and developed tons of health issues eating a whole food plant based diet with tons of variety. Trust me it didn’t work in the end and eating animal foods again practically restored my health in a matter of days!!! Do not fall for the vegan scam people. Plants have their place in a diet but they lack huge amounts of minerals and vitamins that many times can only be found in animal foods. The bioavailability of many plant foods is next to zero in many cases and not to mention the tons of antinutrients in so many. This is why eating animal foods restores your health thanks to the huge bioavailability in comparison to many plant foods. If you are vegan or vegetarian you’d best do yourself a favor and KZbin search “Dr. Georgia Ede - 'Our Descent into Madness: Modern Diets and the Global Mental Health Crisis'” watch this video and start going down the rabbit hole! Veganism is a dangerous I regret my 3 years as a vegan. I was extremely obsessed with it beyond anyone, believe me in the end it just will make sense and you will see you were brainwashed. Understand human physiological evolution and development and you will wake up to this non sense. Eat animal foods, eat organic fruits, limit most grains and greens. This was the way
@InsanityisSanity 3 күн бұрын
youre 36 yet you look in your mid 40s.. enough said
@johnddb 3 күн бұрын
>vegan >takes anti-depressants perhaps if you ate some steak you would be happier
@issadababneh 3 күн бұрын
Nice and burnt
@williamthomas5884 4 күн бұрын
Veganism is crueler to nature than carnivore, plus you suffer huge health issues unless you pay for expensive supplements.
@AzxVhy 4 күн бұрын
Bad advice I hope nobody listens to you. Have some steak 🥩
@kevabostic4226 4 күн бұрын
The fact that these things she will "never buy" are my staples lol 😅
@sonnie.fremont 4 күн бұрын
Had to click for the title 😂 14 years vegan and never looking back 🫶🏽
@SadieKay1 4 күн бұрын
Made this tonight but used mushrooms instead of vegan mince. It was absolutely delicious. I include nutritional yeast as well! Thanks for this. Perfect for an autumn evening. Love from Ireland 🇮🇪 x
@jadealexina 4 күн бұрын
I feel you on the black bean burger! After 10+ years vegan I am no longer ordering a vegan burger unless its Beyond Meat or a similar meat substitute, I am so done with bean, portobello and mushy veggie patties
@maxrobespierre9176 5 күн бұрын
For those who insist lab-grown meat is vegan, why? It indisputably is animal flesh. The health risks associated with consumption of the product doesn’t change just because it is produced “sans l'animal”. Additionally, what are the environmental costs associated with producing. Is it cloning process? Does it require donor animals in perpetuity?
@DriftRacing77 5 күн бұрын
By meat, they mean lamb, cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys. So, my question is since the meat is grown in a lab, why they don't grow dogs, cats or even better human meat! 😊🤷‍♂️ Don't get me wrong, I am all in for lab meat, so that the meat-eaters can no longer harm/exploit animals and I am not sure if I will ever eat lab grown meat, but I am still wondering, why would we normalize eating meat from the usual animals that we are eating and not from other animals or humans. 😊
@OpEditorial 5 күн бұрын
The bottom line is: Vegans are annoying, let's be real, anyone in the "make diet entire identity" niche, much like other content creators whose channels live and die on whether the person or people involved "walk the walk" are surprisingly vulnerable to reality. But yes, health concerns and the fact that fake meat substitues are disgusting (causing way more unintended harm to the environment) plus everyday people facing a cost of living crisis can't afford such nutrient deficient, foul tasting food are all factors. *The opposite can't be said about the carnivore diet* , while it attracts its fair share of puritans and fanatics, people who get by on ketosis are far less aggressive, mentally ill, or prone to standing in the middle of the street like a pasty faced entitled brat holding up a "meat is murder" sign while the sounds of slaughterhouse processing is played in the background. So the overwhelming prevalence of toxic idiots in your movement, who believe they're *literally* saving the planet by giving themselves microdoses of chemotherapy with every miserable self-righteous bite aren't doing your ridiculous cause any favours. Veganism is a diet for rich girls who think they're morally superior - and don't mind farting a lot.
@TigerGreene 5 күн бұрын
I have actually had Brave Robot dairy-free ice cream. It's pretty good! But not the best.
@barbaraibiel 5 күн бұрын
Meat eaters will have to be forced by law to give up animal meat after lab grown meat is made available. They won't give up animal meat willingly, just like they have not done it so far when we have plant-based meats that taste just like animal meats. It seems to me that meat eaters want animals to suffer and die for them. Maybe it makes them feel important that someone suffered and died for them.
@barbaraibiel 5 күн бұрын
Why can't they take the cells from humans? Meat eaters often say how meat is bioavailable, well, wouldn't it be more bioavailable of it was from the same species? Heck, it could even be from the same human. I have heard of a company that is working on an appliance that would make it possible to do lab grown meat at home. So, everyone could just take a few cells from herself/himself and grow his/her own meat. (I am half joking.)
@barbaraibiel 5 күн бұрын
I agree 100%.
@cdr72916 5 күн бұрын
One correction from a vegan who also studied biology :) Antibiotic resistance refers to the bacteria themselves becoming resistant to antibiotics due to the overuse of certain antibiotics. It does not refer to people becoming resistant to antibiotics. However, the fact still remains that bacteria are becoming more resistant to commonly used antibiotics, in part due to overuse in medicine, overuse in agriculture, etc.
@barbaraibiel 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, that is worse. It means that we, vegans, won't have effective antibiotics either, even though we did not contribute to ruining them.
@kerripedersen9542 5 күн бұрын
I would not eat lab-grown meat, but if it means the end of factory farming and its massive cruelty to animals, then I'm for it for those who will never give up dead flesh.
@3891lisa 5 күн бұрын
I would never eat this but think it could be a more ethical solution for pet food
@Hellguy76131 5 күн бұрын
I am happy that the environment will benefit from the lab grown option. Animal fluids = hazardous waste. This’ll help the environment. Yay! For me, I can eat alternatives since alternatives do not require suffering. I’m happy the suffering will eventually be minimal to zero. I hope I see it in my lifetime. However, I also have zero taste for meat. I find the smell alone repulsive. Also, I have an allergy to animal proteins that led me to be plant-based and then vegan. I can’t consume it even if I wanted to.
@SpikeOnTheWater 6 күн бұрын
Hello my friend. I left META but will be here and on X
@hennnerz 6 күн бұрын
obviously not vegan then if you want to still eat meat 😂
@ecofriend93 6 күн бұрын
Please don't take antibiotics for the flu. 😊 Flu is a viral infection. Taking antibiotics (meant to fight harmful bacteria) will do nothing to fight the flu.
@poochylover4 6 күн бұрын
My feelings toward lab grown meat are very similar to yours, though I do feel more conflicted about it. I definitely wouldn't eat it myself, the thought of eating meat is disgusting to me. At the same time, I can recognize the good that it can cause and in particular I like the idea of it for pet foods, so that vegans (and everyone else) can feed their animal companions more humanely. However, the fact that there has to be a donor animal does not sit well with me because it's not like that animal can consent and as you pointed out the biopsy can cause pain. That animal is still being treated as a commodity, even if it isn't being mistreated and abused before being slaughtered at a young age as is the norm in animal agriculture. You get into a "do the ends justify the means" problem there and I simply don't know how I feel when the means are causing some pain and distress to a sentient being who cannot consent and the ends are saving thousands of innocent lives, including the life of the donor. I don't think it's moral to do that to the donor animal, but it's certainly more moral than animal agriculture.
@angelinascroppo1201 6 күн бұрын
Ur shirt pattern looks like a ground beef 🥩 if u squint lol
@kalenefowler5416 6 күн бұрын
I personally would not eat it bc the animal is not consenting to the biospy (if I understanding the procedure correctly, if not someone please correct me) therefore I personally don't consider this vegan. BUT it will still REALLY minimize animal suffering and I am all for it for meat eaters and as many others stated, pets. This is definitely the more preferable option to what is happening now