@김기숙-r2l 19 күн бұрын
🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷👍🙂😇🙏 고맙습니다 ()
@bunnstermi 5 ай бұрын
A confident and spirited performance.
@andrewroberts6527 5 ай бұрын
This is so great!
@shin-gg2rk3mt3d 6 ай бұрын
@franciscoespinozagamboa6490 7 ай бұрын
insigne maestro Mravinsky
@homomusicus1825 7 ай бұрын
@remomazzetti8757 8 ай бұрын
This excellent recording should be better known!
@TheAbel5455 9 ай бұрын
I don't know how to express my gratitude for being able to enjoy this unique and masterful recording. Thank you!
@34hedgehog 9 ай бұрын
A cut above any other version.
@elmorej155 10 ай бұрын
Double - genius !
@jamesbumbry4066 11 ай бұрын
Leonard Pennario played this magnificent piece by Rachmaninnoff to perfection, like he did in the motion picture September Affair (1950). Sounds so graceful and beautiful like your floating on a pink cloud above the earth, maybe magic carpet rides can become real.
@TomAngPhoto 11 ай бұрын
Glorious conducting! A masterclass.
@Captain-Cosmo 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, thank you! I discovered this recording during a summer studying music in a high school honors program in the early 80s. I was already a fan of Gerhardt's film music recordings (Korngold, Steiner, etc), and love the "sound" that he and this orchestra made together. (Interestingly, I did a transcription of the finale of ET that same summer for symphonic band and enjoyed studying the two scores side by side.) My cassette dub of the college library's LP wore out and I was always on the lookout for the CD, but never found it. I've checked every year or so here on KZbin, and tonight hit the jackpot! Thank you again!
@jeffmuenster5131 11 ай бұрын
A well thought out reading of this classic warhorse, and I was pleasantly surprised at the clarity and balance between piano and orchestra. You can hear everyone without straining to...a worthy addition to the collection!
@ДмитрийАкберов-и8ъ Жыл бұрын
This is not 1984, the video shows the concertmaster and first violin George Kneller, unfortunately he died in 1982
@DomenicoLeonardoManfredi Жыл бұрын
Dir D'orchestra Di Altri Tempi!
@Atezian Жыл бұрын
so good
@JlemmGoal Жыл бұрын
@MrKlemps Жыл бұрын
After all these years this recording is still the benchmark in the unerring way it captures all the disparate characters of this great Symphony. Koussevitsky's BSO led the way in those days.
@ALaudition 6 ай бұрын
My feelings, exactly!
@REIRBL Жыл бұрын
impressive performance! bravo!👍👍👍👍🎹🎻🎼🎼🎼🎼
@MarcCostaMusic Жыл бұрын
Masterpiece and one of the best recordings, conducted by a master like Previn.
Жыл бұрын
Amazing !
@아무거뇌 Жыл бұрын
38:50 my most favorite harmony made by brasses
@yanah.965 Жыл бұрын
I love his very slight little smiles dotted through the piece.
@scuunjieng Жыл бұрын
I have been very fond of this symphony since I first heard it nearly 40 years ago. Never agreed with the view that this is his worst mature symphony. Mravinsky's is my favorite recording. So happy I was able to watch Payare play this in his debut with the NY Philharmonic. Enjoyed it so much I went back the next day. Thank you posting this.
@MrErsamo 6 ай бұрын
Agree completely. I first heard it being used as the score to Sergei Eisenstein's film "October" and immediately fell in love with it.
@herbiecactus6687 Жыл бұрын
But by far the most nuanced and evolved interpretation of this piece I've found.
@herbiecactus6687 Жыл бұрын
3rd movement pitched way lower than 1st and second-- and then drops even more towards the end. Weird.
@jslasher1 Жыл бұрын
My favourite of all the DSCH 12th symphony performances. Love Mravinsky's minimalist conducting sans baton.
@brutusalwaysminded Жыл бұрын
Wonderful! Thank You.
@srothbardt Жыл бұрын
It’s on a DVD of that name.
@srothbardt Жыл бұрын
GREAT conductor. Not a communist. A gentlemanl of the old school. They kept him on because he was a genius and all the musicians and composers liked him and probably Stalin didn’t mind him because he kept his mouth shut. He wasn’t a composer or poet so he didn’t publish dangerous stuff.
@serdartaner6982 8 ай бұрын
@alanscott9245 2 жыл бұрын
Russia needs you now !!,
@celloplaysmusic7330 2 жыл бұрын
28:38 You came for this Russian civil war anyone? But to give me timestamps of each movements 1:03 Petrograd 13:15 Razliv 24:45 The aurora 29:42 Dawn of humanity
@Borodatyi_Varvar 2 жыл бұрын
Божественно !
@shin-i-chikozima 2 жыл бұрын
This wonderful masterpiece promotes spilitual uplift and awakening, and invigorates the soul
@teunvandesteeg7836 2 жыл бұрын
It is nice to see that this conductor conducts according the basic rules of conducting...He is not a Romantic painter, more a Cubist one...very effective anyway...
@user-kz9sg2cx6 2 жыл бұрын
Right tempo. Clear sound. ETALLONIC performance.
@user-kz9sg2cx6 2 жыл бұрын
Real Master.
@LassonDavid 2 жыл бұрын
Slava Yevgeny Mravinsky--and whoever is playing bass clarinet and saxophone here!
@charlesmatthewbriggs6045 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading this. I've always loved this performance. I have the great Seattle Symphony version and admire the Kunzel, but this is something very special.
@atsumoritokyo1101 2 жыл бұрын
ムラヴィンスキーのレニングラードで唯一の難点としていただけないのは、どの演奏楽曲に於いても、あの屋台ラーメン/夜鳴き蕎麦?のまさにチャルメラ音そのもののソロオーボエだ(元々その派生自体は「シャルマイ⇒🇯🇵チャルメラ」ではあるが)。あの音が全てを台無しにしている。俗っぽいうらぶれ感が漂ってしまっている。実に硬質で鉄壁な弦のアンサンブル表情の中に、それにそぐわない間抜けた間延びのトーンのあのオーボエは何とかならなかったのだろうか?それがムラ様のショスタコーヴィチの初演を執り行ったプライドセンスに源流するのだったとしたら、それでも良い。しかし、オーケストラの質感・パーソナリティの基幹をまず1番にイメージさせるソロオーボエの集約的高密度ソノリティを有しなければならない音が、レニングラードでは平坦・間抜けっぽいチャルメラ音。1969年当時、西側からモスクワに乗り込んだカラヤン/BPhの様相に対し、相当の羨望と嫉妬が混濁したコメント表明をしていた事は記録に正しい。裏を返せば彼自身をはじめ、相当のカルチャーショックだったようだ。…聴衆の中、ソ連邦共産党の御偉方最前線の中にショスタコーヴィチと共に、例の列になった勲章を正装の胸に下げて、完全暗譜指揮ができない自分との内的モチベーションの差をまざまざと見せ付けられていた事は否めない。その後のパーティでカラヤンに対し面と向かって「あなたはレコードでの演奏をそのままずっとやってれば宜しいでしょう。」と上から目線で規定断明したという事実(相当、癪に障ったんでしょうなぁ😏。)。画竜点睛でないのはどちらだったか? どちらも限りなく統制バランスは取れているのだが、要はその実情は仕方がないが、当局の目を意識した井の中だけでの(自身は元々オペラ劇場でのパントマイマーや端役からの成り上がりだが、結局カラヤンに比べ、当のオペラの指揮には全く長けてない事などの裏返しだとも言える。結局カラヤンをマトモに相手にすれば、ムラヴィンスキー自身の我が身の貧弱な出自や指揮者コンクールの結果に賭け、ソ連共産党に当然の如く根回しし阿(おもね)てレニングラードのChefのポストを得た事に依るカモフラージュ背景(当然の成り行き)が自動的に白日の下に晒されかねない事の恐怖に慄いたのかもしれない。だからこその典型的な「攻撃は最大の防御」だったのだとも感じる。要は張りぼてプライドだと言うことも…。) 現にカラヤン/BPhがショスタコーヴィチの10番シンフォニーを演奏した直後、そのあまりの精緻凄絶見事なドラマツルギーに、同席したいつもムラヴィンスキーと二人三脚でやって来た関係の当の作曲者ショスタコーヴィチは、感動のあまり涙にむせんでステージに上がるやいなや、カラヤンの右隣で呆然と直立不動になってしまっている記録写真を今でも目にすることができるが、まさにその状況を垣間見ることができる。 ムラヴィンスキー/LPhの閉じた似非権威的脅しの引き締めルサンチマン・アンサンブルの成果のその実どうしようもない堕天使が降りて来ざるを得ない二律背反の分裂した「暗鬱さ」と、カラヤン/BPhの確信的な民主的自発能動的即興性加味の演奏美学的鮮度追求アンサンブル集団の目からウロコの「覚醒Force」との違いだったであろうと思う。仮にちょっとアンサンブルがズレたところで演奏の集中・音楽的核心を突いた流れの中で在れば、それも味わい深い範疇であり、だからこそのライブなのだというカラヤンの読み=レコーディングとライブ演奏との次元を最初から区別している、その頭脳明晰さ。しかしムラ様にはその意識が全く無い事の四角四面の拘りが彼をして権威的牙城となる〜つまり、少しのアンサンブルのズレが生じたところで彼が想うところの音楽性の大意に欠損がなければカラヤンはそれをも内包しスルーが出来たスタンスだが、ムラ様は絶対に1mmも(笑)許さないというその精神狭窄が明らかなのだ。そして当局にその姿勢を見せることで自分の存在プレゼンスにもなり、レニングラードの楽員を守る側だというスタンス表明にもなる事で、自動的にだからこその楽員からの反論や意見は御法度、それは当然だと。=私は君らを食わせてやっている、というトップダウン構造にもなっている。それはそうだ、楽員たちにしてみれば、ムラヴィンスキー自体が当局そのものなんだから。彼についての批判は口が裂けても言うことなどできるわけがない(兎にも角にも当時西側陣営に対して誇れる我がソ連邦の国家指揮者なのだから。それはナチ時代のフルトヴェングラーの立ち位置と酷似している。)。悪く言えばレニングラードの楽員たちは、精神的マゾヒスティックな拘束状態でのマインド・コントロールで牛耳られていた、と観る事ができ得る。また西側からお呼ばれし、そりゃ外地、ウィーン楽友協会、東京etcから招聘され物心両面で特別なおもてなし奉仕をされたら誰でも外面機嫌は良くなる。シブトクしたたかであった事は間違いないが。まぁ、人間ってそんなものだろう。 話は違うが、思い出しついでに、ドクター、カール・ベームは来日公演のオフの日に皇居を愛妻のテア夫人と訪ね、それを招聘元のNHKが密着ドキュメントでカメラが張り付いていたのだが、夫妻は皇居前広場の砂利道大通りのところのベンチに座りながら周囲の日本人の様子を観ていた時、ベームはテア夫人にこう述べた。「ねぇテア、あそこのご老人を見てご覧。日本人は私達の様にあんなに年取っていても、あの様に孫子供の世話をしなければならないのだ。かわいそうだね。私達の国とは違うね…。」と、半ば当時ベームが垣間見た一般市井の日本人のリタイアした御年配者に対しての違和感をつい口にした事が実に印象的だった。その映像は今でも鮮明に頭に残っている。
@natehundley4139 2 жыл бұрын
@mdr23 2 жыл бұрын
Like Mary Poppins, this is practically perfect. Absolutely masterful balance and synchronicity and I love his wry smile at the sax.
@JlemmGoal Жыл бұрын
@josephmagil1149 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this!
@davidkuder4356 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Blagodarye Maximismo for this preserved Treasure of a Performance/Rendition. If these guys can't exemplify DS's heartbeat ❤--in the Face & Context of "1984" and in that concert haul... Who could. .? Spassiba!!
@alanwerner8563 2 жыл бұрын
Mravinsky was clearly not a very emotional man. Having watched many recordings of his conducting I’ve learned this. But at the Very End of this Great Piece (which I believe he conducted the premier of many years earlier in that Same Hall), you can see just the Glimmer of a smile at the end showing his approval for a Really Fine Reading of a Favorite Piece. Thanks for this upload! A really good one.
@williamearle6281 2 жыл бұрын
This is the version used in Alien, the music blew me away seeing it when I was 13 , and remains my favorite recording of this.
@peterbrown3608 Жыл бұрын
The portion used in ALIEN starts at 11:22, beautiful piece of music.
@user-kz9sg2cx6 2 жыл бұрын
One of the Greatest Conductor in History of Music - Evgeny Mravinsky.
@ljiljanastanic9076 2 жыл бұрын
I agree!Maestro Mravinsky is one of my the most favorite conductor!
@natpaulsen8793 2 жыл бұрын
III. The Crusaders in Bucha
@unknowncommenter6698 Жыл бұрын
Funny how "crusaders" (or rather a bunch of larpers with Wehrmacht crosses on tanks, swastikas and black suns on their patches) have massacred their own, recorded themselves doing it and then blamed Alexander Nevsky (le rooskis) for what they, crusaders, did.
@WendelRosaBorges 2 жыл бұрын
Que magnífica gravação! Uma das mais belas e poderosas sinfonias do compositor, na perfeita regência de um grande maestro. Bravo! Obrigado por essa postagem! What a magnificent recording! One of the most beautiful and powerful symphonies of the composer, in the perfect regency of a great conductor. Bravo! Thanks for this post!