Richard Blanco Inaugural Poem
11 жыл бұрын
General McChrystal on Gun Control
Mike Barnicle Nails It
12 жыл бұрын
Nudge, nudge; wink, wink; Mitt, Mitt
Romney on Testing
12 жыл бұрын
Romney & Ryan Thrown for a Loophole
Rep. Joe Walsh War on Women
12 жыл бұрын
Looks Like a First Lady
12 жыл бұрын
Angus King on MSNBC Hardball
12 жыл бұрын
LePage Polishes His 38% Mandate
12 жыл бұрын
Maine AG Schneider on FOX Biz
12 жыл бұрын
The BS Brothers: LePage & Santorum
Santorum BS
12 жыл бұрын
Paul LePage wants to punch AJ Higgins
Mitt Romney Loses Ten Grand
12 жыл бұрын
Ayatollah Santorum Throws Up
12 жыл бұрын
From the Santorum Sanitarium
12 жыл бұрын
Herman Cain has a conspiracy theory
@bruceohandley2024 2 жыл бұрын
The guy is trying to be funny and no sense of humor liberals missed the mark and go hysterical. No wonder everyone hates them and thinks they are a wet blanket on society.
@michaelreilly6874 4 жыл бұрын
President Schwarzenegger is at it again.
@elmerfudd5738 6 жыл бұрын
what happened to the ending where they land ? i remember seeing this a long time ago and the flyers all landed ... WTF ?
@iii-ei5cv 7 жыл бұрын
General, NO ONE is carry an M4 on the streets in America. Pull your head out of your ass
@AdamRatterree 7 жыл бұрын
Obama, THE most anti-American pro-islamic president we've ever had. Now that is a f****** fact I don't care who you are.
@BruceBourgoine 7 жыл бұрын
Adam Ratterree - I see you’ve either grown more racist under Trump or perhaps just a heck of a lot more comfortable being yourself.
@AdamRatterree 7 жыл бұрын
Bruce Bourgoine James "Ace" Lyons
@oneshotonekill6048 7 жыл бұрын
fantastic mix music and clip . I take my hat off
@willdonnell4890 8 жыл бұрын
Fuck this guy
@richardsiegler8456 8 жыл бұрын
When you sir no longer uphold the oath you took to the Constitution , then I no long have any respect for you.
@jasonlbutler 8 жыл бұрын
To all you childish ass crazies who are screaming "shall not be infringed". He never said you couldn't own a gun. He said, "in his professional and personal opinion" that an AR15 should not be a weapon civilians should have. If I said, I want a RPG, would give me a thumbs up? OF COURSE NOT! But wait... now you've violated my 2nd amendment rights. Stop with the childish outrage and think!
@MyRebel44 8 жыл бұрын
No way he is just a damn gun grabber .
@worddunlap 8 жыл бұрын
Check his bio. You'll find this guy is likely CIA or NSA. He "resigned' under Obama.
@jasonlbutler 8 жыл бұрын
He's a private citizen. LOL! CIA or NSA huh? He owns a consulting company.
@acsfivepall1261 9 жыл бұрын
McChrystal is an old fool who needs to reread the Constitution.
@jasonlbutler 8 жыл бұрын
What? Why? LOL!
@acsfivepall1261 8 жыл бұрын
Why?.... are you serious?... Listen to what he says about gun control etc. and civilians NOT having the right to combat weapons. Too many people dying from weapons?... gimme a break! What about the incredibly higher number of [children] that die from everything from skateboards and bicycles to lego blocks and Chinese sheetrock. Bottom line is the constitution mandates the right of an armed citizenry, whether he (or you) likes it or not.
@acsfivepall1261 8 жыл бұрын
Another thought: military officers take an oath to support defend and protect the constitution, not to repudiate and reject it.
@jasonlbutler 8 жыл бұрын
+Acsfive Pall You are missing some words there brother. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It never says everyone can have weapons it says A WELL REGULATED MILITIA should have weapons in order to protect the people.
@jasonlbutler 8 жыл бұрын
+Acsfive Pall Next... What are you talking about; the high number of children dying from skateboarding?!? LOL! Those are ACCIDENTS! There is a huge difference between a kid dying from an accident and a kid dying from the deliberate actions of another person. Come on, you should have thought about that one a little better.
@nutsackmania 9 жыл бұрын
@Sgt_Mushroom 9 жыл бұрын
what a moonbat!
@Michael1966W 10 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with this Governor
@davidseeley3920 10 жыл бұрын
I like this guy far more than Governor Christie. Caveat: Not to criticize LePage, but Switzerland, as of 2007, all active and former military personnel, which is 75-80% of Swiss Citizens, (Naturalized Swiss Citizens and their children, past the age of mandatory military service, do not qualify) DO have x1 fully automatic rifle and x1 semi-auto pistol in their homes, under Swiss law, but NOT the ammunition for these firearms. Swiss citizens may keep their own ammunition for pistols, but not for their fully auto rifles. This law went into effect in early 2007. LePage sounds like Reagan when he said that American must return to Americans being solely accountable and responsible for their own actions and the outcome and quality of their own lives. I love it!
@home5550 10 жыл бұрын
Paul LePage is that rare politician who also holds the title of Patriot. As the elections approach I have heard a great deal about LePage, mainly from his adversaries. LePage wants to take money from the elderly, they wail. Did you hear the latest, they cry? LePage thinks social security is welfare! These false statements, of course, come from the camp of the Progressive challenger for the Governor’s seat in Maine, Mike Michaud. A Democrat. Now forgive me if I just assume things about Democrats. Gee, why would I? Maybe because of your grand lie about the Affordable Healthcare Act. Or was it the fictitious “war on women” you propagated? And there is always that false data for global warming whose dishonesty climbs the ladder all the way up to Al Gore. So am I going to believe the Girl Scout camp of any liberal? Probably not. Now I’m not part of the rah rah team for the GOP. The GOP is already assuming the position to take the paddle again in 2016 thanks to their continued treason, which for some odd reason closely resembles the Democrat treason. There are only a handful of the Cruz ingredients in that cauldron of poison that now makes up our Congress-on both sides. And their additives cannot dilute the caustic mixture enough to keep the organism of America from dying while the liquid is poured down our throats as we open wide to cheer at election time. So I started asking the locals about LePage. After all, he being a Republican doesn’t exactly put him on my case of scotch list for Christmas. Funny thing though, some of the last of the World War II contestants spoke favorably of him. Whether life long Republicans or those waiting for Jack Kennedy’s ghost to resurrect and sift back into the Oval Office. And a lot of the younger Mainers I talked to didn’t like LePage at all. And the Progressive, of course, despises him as they despise all who don’t follow the old each to need chant. But do you know what the most redundant critique of LePage was? Not his policies. Not his work thus far in the Governor’s office. Nope. This is what bothered our limp wristed, Pajama Boy society about LePage. The primary focus from the coming winter of their discontent. Paul LePage is a loudmouth. A loudmouth? Really? Funny coming from the blowhard group of Matthews and Maddow. But I decided to research this LePage. A loudmouth on entitlement reduction? I’m sure he is considering his background. Paul LePage was born in 1948 and grew up impoverished with an abusive and alcoholic father. At eleven he ran away and was homeless for a few years. Before he was a teenager he shined shoes and washed dishes to keep from starving. Later he hauled boxes for a truck driver. He worked in a rubber company and meat packing plant. I’ve done jobs like these. And I can tell you they are straight labor. The difference is I was doing them at twenty not twelve or thirteen. LePage applied at Husson College and was initially turned down as English was his second language. He retook the test in French and gained acceptance and then perfected his English to the point of becoming the editor of the college campus newspaper. He got his degree in business and then the MBA. The boy who lived on the streets, shining shoes for change, founded his own business in consulting years later. And was extremely successful. Afterwards he became the Governor of Maine. When asked to visit black inmates by the NAACP, he refused. The NAACP was outraged that a certain LePage stated he would concern himself with all inmates. Because we all know the Progressive hates actual equality in practice, don’t we? When challenged about his decision not to cater to the NAACP LePage stated: Tell them they can kiss my butt. I see, Mr. Progressive. The nerve of LePage stating he will place everyone on equal ground. For you really don’t want equality, do you? Governor Whitey is required to state apologetically how it is all our fault the plight of the black community-even if successful blacks like Dr. Carson and Dr. Cosby tell you it’s not. But guess what? A guy who probably used his fists a lot and lived on the streets before coming to extreme success against all odds isn’t going to cater to the NAACP, Sharpton, La Raz or the rest of the radical Marxists. Those who somehow correlate having hardship with a free pass for a biweekly check written by the labor of others. And that really bothers the Doctorate Degree in sociology who claims expertise in human affairs when in reality he has never left the land of theoretical utopia on the college campus. The fine academic grass that he probably didn’t even contribute to keeping nicely trimmed. Let’s see, what else? LePage wants to reduce entitlement. He wants retraining for all able bodied potential workers. He wants zero aid given to illegal aliens. He doesn’t believe in legal aliens getting free rides either. He wants them to find a job. And if they can’t then he wants community service requirements. No more free lunches to the lazy. And he states these positions exactly as above. It will be really difficult to convince LePage that an adult cannot find a job in something when he found one at eleven. The one thing the entitlement class hates is one of us from their ghettos making something of ourselves. Because it only reiterates the reflection back of why they didn’t. And mirrors don’t lie, do they? And that, folks, is what makes Paul LePage a loudmouth. Because he has this God awful quality about him of speaking truth in a nation that now revels in whining excuse. This is how weak we have become as a society. It’s not that LePage isn’t making sense. He’s making perfect sense. He is showing how we will run out of money in Maine and go into debt if we continue entitlements. And it really doesn’t matter the why or who part. Seniors’ healthcare is already covered by Medicare. We shouldn’t be dumping more from our tax money into Mainecare, which is essentially Maine’s Medicaid. And I’m sorry that LePage is being the adult in the room filled with screaming toddlers who don’t comprehend that we don’t have the fifty cents to buy them each a candy bar. But really, he wasn’t talking about seniors with social security. He was talking about the professionally disabled at forty who is unable to work because he is obese or has an anxiety disorder or the pick of the week from the vast array of modern excuses which grants him a life of leisure at the producers’ expense. And you know what? LePage is right. So, gee, forgive him for stating out loud something that wasn’t nice. If we hadn’t shot good old Common Sense through the heart then he wouldn’t have had to state something not nice. Entire regions of the country are going bankrupt due to entitlements. We are losing control of our nation. We have The Muslim pushing for Sharia Law right here in Maine. We have 11 million illegal invaders who are taking our money in form of benefits-for breaking the law. And the sheeple keep walking in lockstep march pretending everything is fine. So God forbid a self made man who came from the streets tells the parasite to get off his ass because we aren’t taking care of him financially. Heaven forsake we don’t be pleasant about the matter. May Hell fall to room temperature because we call the entitled what they are-lazy, shiftless leeches who should pay for their apathy even if it means they write the check from the street they sleep on. And maybe instead of calling LePage a loudmouth he should be revered as one who is speaking truth in a culture that exists in politically correct lies. Maybe if we had enough LePages in office we wouldn’t have a 17 trillion dollar debt. Maybe our borders would be secure today. Maybe the uprising of Islam would remain over in the Middle East where their filthy religion belongs. So if LePage’s rhetoric and demeanor offends you I would suggest to stop and think what future offenses are coming if his vibrating vocal chords are silenced in the next election. You might be offended when we fall into economic collapse -suddenly the emperor has no clothes to give you to keep you from freezing in the coming winter of our history. You might be offended when the Muslims start rioting like they did in France-for almost two weeks. That will be your daughters and wives they will be taking after they behead you, by the way. You might be upset in our coming Apocalypse. LePage tried to point it out to you, remember? Can’t spend more than you have, even if the cause might be for that extra drug for grandma. Sorry you didn’t get that. You might get it when you’re down to a meal a day if you’re lucky. Maybe you’ll wish for a LePage when you lose your house because, golly, unemployment can’t last forever just because you couldn’t find a job for two years in your field and wouldn’t find a new trade. And you might find the greatest offense at working for a dollar, worth less than it was yesterday, so you can give most of it to the illegal alien or even the legal one because someone besides LePage felt they deserved the money for doing absolutely nothing. So sure, folks, that LePage. What a loudmouth. And I suggest in the upcoming election you vote that mouth in before it is too late. Or go ahead and vote for the one who makes you feel all warm inside. But don’t get too used to that sensation. Because it won’t be there much longer when we finally lose everything as a nation. But at least we’ll be able to say the speeches were polite. Charles Hurst. Author of THE SECOND FALL. An offbeat story of Armageddon. And creator of THE RUNNINGWOLF EZINE
@GeraldWeinand 10 жыл бұрын
I'm curious to know how much in State and federal subsidies each of the renewable energies that LePage lists currently receives. Not counting natural gas, of course, since it's not a renewable energy (LePage obviously has misspoke regarding that). But LePage has spent hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars extending natural gas pipelines in Maine.
@catherinepressey4970 10 жыл бұрын
When your out of money, you raise money by taxing the very Rich the One percent. Those that have so much while the rest of us struggle to keep ahead of the poor house. Raise the tax on the Rich. Wash his mouth out, Bring John Kennedy into what he thinks, Kennedy was never rude and crude, nor was he putting down those on welfare and those that, because the fact that the jobs that are being created are low paid, to the point that welfare and rent subsidies food stamps are needed to survive. Anyone that thinks a person can own a vehicle, depend on it to get to a min. paying job buy groceries, pay rent. All on seven fifty per hour. All these jobs just generate a dependency on public help. Raise the min. wage to a level that all can share in the American dream. And yes maybe the Rich may not have that tenth vacation home. But as a society we all will be better. Let those CEO's take less pay, and give the workers a bigger piece of the pie. LePage state's that his family was on welfare, and he says that he worked through it. So therefore he would not make welfare available to others that do need the help. And those that have just given up. More than that living with a Governor that, at least got to eat Cat food as a kid, shows so much disrespect for his parents. Thus he takes it out on many others, with his powerful position. I like to know how much his former Company Marden's pay their workers. I bet they are all on assistance, due to the lack of a decent hourly pay.
@TheMrCFH 10 жыл бұрын
Herman Cain "I pick number three" Government official "You don't even want to read it first?" Herman Cain "I was elected to lead, not to read. NUMBER THREE!"
@sjr7822 10 жыл бұрын
Self sufficiency is a dirty word to the progressives. Maine’s unemployment rate at 5.5 percent Cached AUGUSTA - Maine’s unemployment rate remained at 5.5 percent for the month of July" Way to go Governor!
@tourmalinehunter 10 жыл бұрын
Notice how all of the republican national governors associations bogus videos stumping for this idiot all have disabled comments on them . Typical repukes . Make up a bunch of bogus crap and lies to sell people on a loser , and disable peoples ability to voice their displeasure when they find out what a pathetic embarrassment to our state he is .
@EGarrett01 10 жыл бұрын
Maybe governor, general or businessman.
@maxxmatthews5646 11 жыл бұрын
I like this guy more and more!
@sonniestrong5598 11 жыл бұрын
@djsmith137 11 жыл бұрын
Mike Barnicle rules! Barnicle for president 2016. Pass it on!!!!!
@OMWone6629 11 жыл бұрын
He's so full of shit! He's an ass whose ruining our State!
@darwincity 11 жыл бұрын
Ever since that interview, he has become bestial in his remarks...
@dale3858 11 жыл бұрын
Mainers don't love this terrible man, he got 34-36 % of the vote.
@whosmikepugh 11 жыл бұрын
223/556 is meant to wound not kill. it causes enemy soldiers to give care to the wounded causing the enemy to have to use more people recources and time than if it just kills...
@poojankp 12 жыл бұрын
He's not a libertarian(I would know because I am a libertarian). However, I would vote for him because he is not an establishment candidate.
@nachshonkedar1367 12 жыл бұрын
@Veldtian1 12 жыл бұрын
Where's his Redcoat at???
@GuerillaReporter 12 жыл бұрын
On the question Neil asked about the Rs being portrayed as "the party of no", the answer is easy - THE MEDIA CONTROL THE DISCUSSION! There is your answer. We MUST stop legitimizing the mainstream media by treating them as legitimate. They are illegitimate - they are the enemy within!
@GuerillaReporter 12 жыл бұрын
Way to go Governor. I SALUTE you. We live in Orwellian times where everything public figures say is either turned into something else, is purposely misstated, or is turned into the exact opposite of what one actually said. You are on the right side Governor.
@phokingh22 12 жыл бұрын
thou shall not infringed!!!
@jimpen1000 12 жыл бұрын
He's a quisling and a seditious idiot.
@sleddogs1000 12 жыл бұрын
Stop worrying about Your Past Amendments and Change Direction for the Future for Your Children...
@superacer1 12 жыл бұрын
it'd just be dumb..
@sleddogs1000 12 жыл бұрын
Txman1996 You Are An Idiot...Lol.
@MajorHQ45 12 жыл бұрын
Ya I have a bolt action .204 and 22-250 that touch 4000 fps at the muzzle. I would never hunt any large game with them.
@superacer1 12 жыл бұрын
my bolt action is 223
@Txman1996 12 жыл бұрын
Very, Very strange comment below made by McChrystal. Is this the civil workforce that 0Bama mentioned in 2009?? And you wonder what happens to these Generals...They walk out of the place one day in a uniform (retire)...and the next day they walk in wearing a suit (politicians). What a joke. Hey Stanley? How about all the soldiers committing suicide??? Hmmm. That is what concerns me.
@Txman1996 12 жыл бұрын
"In 2011, McChrystal advocated instituting a national service program in the United States. McChrystal stated, "'Service member' should not apply only to those in uniform, but to us all ... America is falling short in endeavors that occur far away from any battlefield: education, science, politics, the environment, and cultivating leadership, among others. Without a sustained focus on these foundations of our society, America’s long-term security and prosperity are at risk" Source: Wiki
@Txman1996 12 жыл бұрын
Anyone out there wonder why our military today is so fucked up? Look no further than this prime example here. McChrystal is a modern General...therefore, he is a YES man. He is no warrior. Those breeds are gone. About the only General today that means anything is Gen. Mattis..."No better friend..No worse enemy".
@ISayGoNavy 12 жыл бұрын
The very first military action in the United States Revolutionary War was an attempt by Britain to take military style firearms and gunpowder from civilians. Any government who wants to disarm its citizenry is one to be feared not praised. _ Want to take the number one killer off the streets? Ban cigarette smoking since cigarettes kill millions.
@DRTYFN 12 жыл бұрын
What's a Bush "Maxster"? Stupid liberal media whore.
@MajorHQ45 12 жыл бұрын
The 5.56 is not an extremely powerful round. The DOD chose that round because its effective and a soldier can carry twice the ammunition as their opposition which carry the 7.62x39. Muzzle velocity does not directly dictate how "powerful" something is. Its about bullet energy on target. Bullet weight and cartridge load does.
@Deathspawnit 12 жыл бұрын
5.56mm is the less lethal rifle round, so casualty statistics during war remain low during initial counts. Propaganda
@Deathspawnit 12 жыл бұрын
The gun is society it is civilization. He is a UN mouth piece who is a paid mercenary.