Perth by Boat | Perth Diaries
Is Perth the best city ever?
2 жыл бұрын
Canva Tips, Tricks & Hacks | 2023
@colmastro4373 Күн бұрын
But you didn't move to Australia lol, you moved to perth 😂
@jaew174 Күн бұрын
@redhammer9910 Күн бұрын
That was nice. One point though and a very important one. If you migrate here without thought for the existing culture which sadly a couple of cultures happily ignore you will find it difficult to settle. Perth is not a tourist city so all the facilities are built for the community which visitors are welcome to share. As to the local community and that which feeds in to the isolation narrative, West Aussies don't celebrate our cultural differences, we celebrate what we have in common, family, kids and sport or outdoor activities, camping or just sharing spaces, no one is special. Should you claim a higher social status you may find you will be quickly put in your place, visitors included. We are not culturally Sydney or Melbourne, in Australian cultural terms they are on the fringes and in truth have little common with the rest of the country. We don't need to mimick others, why should we when we already have our own style. Our environment in particularly nature and how we both protect and embrace it is the soul of this State and it outranks every other state, best respect it or leave. Enjoy, it's a wonderful state to live in.
@deborahmshelia4257 3 күн бұрын
So you that means whomever you add to a community has access to all the groups on the community? For instance if it’s a group and you have say a management group on the community , anyone on the community can got on that group?
@MarileneleRoux 5 күн бұрын
Hi Meggs, I hope you are recovering well. Please confirm if you are able to run longer distances without any pain? Also, are you running more often now and able to do hikes as well?
@mindmapper3716 7 күн бұрын
I've created a community group with chat groups A, B & C. Whenever chat group A people text each other within their own chat, it pings a message notification on the community group instead of their own chat group A. This can be confusing as it gives the impression that the message was sent to the community group by admin. And implication is, all the ppl may be concerned if their messaging activities are also seen by others. And then also when there’s a new message on a group, you open the community first and then the group chat. How to get the individual chat groups' text stay out of the community radar and appears only in their own chat groups?
@bigblue3568 8 күн бұрын
ALIF surgery is in the future (years)..... no if's and's or butt's about it.
@michaelhermans4753 8 күн бұрын
I’ve lived all over Australia and always come back to Perth Real estate is a lot cheaper here than east coast but things are changing fast
@vardonian 9 күн бұрын
Thanks again- very helpful!
@vardonian 9 күн бұрын
Well done! Thanks.
@BoninBrighton 9 күн бұрын
Please get a decent stand for your microphone holding it on your hand was very distracting- also a high frequency of editing ‘jumps’ made this a distracting watch…. I’m sure you’ll get better at this. The content was interesting but the style of delivery needs a lot of work. 😅
@lucillemills7627 12 күн бұрын
Thank you Megs for sharing your story #renewedhope
@HenriHattar 12 күн бұрын
Your statistical anlysis regarding rent/wages, is not mathematically correct as it does not factor in area choice, EXAMPLE: I am sure Soweto is cheap rents !
@Mick_Unfiltered 12 күн бұрын
Shhhh, don’t tell them how good it is here.
@b.birdsong1659 13 күн бұрын
Hi tapping in, I had the procedure two days ago and immediately felt relief, just pressure/soreness around the entry point. I promise recovery is a lot less pain than what you are experiencing with a compressed nerve. For context my sciatic pain traveled down my leg, into my knee and ankle. I had numbness in my last three toes and without heavy medication I pretty much felt like I had a knife in my lower back that was being twisted. I could not properly sit in a seat nor walk without a terrible limp and was forces to lay in one position on my back, so i had many restless nights. Not to mention I had a 8month old crawling baby that I could no longer lift nor protect from immediate danger. If you are in the DMV area consider Precision Orthopedics, Dr. Yu!
@johnmartin7158 11 күн бұрын
I had one down in the year 2000. My recovery basically was instant, although toes felt a bit numb for a few weeks.
@Wyz369 14 күн бұрын
If the Australian government had a backbone, we would NOT be paying a premium for natural gas which an AUSTRALIAN natural resource🤨
@Wyz369 14 күн бұрын
Not applying sun block....toxic garbage.
@michaelvictor3394 15 күн бұрын
can we create more than one community from the same account and same android device? If yes How?
@Retracandassenav 15 күн бұрын
It’s totally still trauma! Went through similar plus a fusion a few weeks ago. Thanks for the video love :) hope youre doing well.
@klikitzsmith8416 15 күн бұрын
I think you recorded the audio in stereo, but only 1 channel
@BDub2024 15 күн бұрын
A huge number of South Africans live in the northern suburbs from Carine to Ocean Reef or even higher... I know quite a number in that area and quite a few are from Cape Town and other cities. Then there is a lot of South Africans too in suburbs like Darch, which has Kingsway Christian College which is full of south africans, especially the Africaans it seems. But its a great coastal strip full of sporting clubs, beaches, surf clubs etc. Then for South African jews I think about 25 years ago a lot ended up near Dianella closer to the city near the synagogues and school etc.
@BDub2024 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately the real estate market for buying and renting has gone really high at the moment with a lot of demand. At one time the bubble won't keep increasing. So maybe be conscious of loan size. But I think the prices will keep on increasing for some time yet. A bit frustrating for home buyers who may panic and over invest in something. About five years ago the prices had been stagnant for some time because of the previous bubble, that while not completely bursting just led to prices not changing for quite a while.
@Tingedarkensaw 16 күн бұрын
wheres the best place to club ?
@kayla-raebradfield888 16 күн бұрын
Hello there, I can’t seem to find your Instagram :) would love to get in touch because we are looking at moving to Australia early next year
@hasansibline 19 күн бұрын
Is it possible to create whatsapp channel after having whatsapp business API ?
@TSF13 22 күн бұрын
So I have multiple groups for my online coaching business. If I add them to a community I don’t want people to be able to choose a group that they can join as I’ve specifically put people into different groups. I also don’t want people to be able to see what goes into individual groups unless they are a member. Is this possible?
@TonisNopet 23 күн бұрын
Can I join you
@DogmenHardcastle 24 күн бұрын
It's funny how foreigners naively go to Perth like it is the real part....
@dcs4880 24 күн бұрын
Those of you who have had this surgery - was your nerve pain gone immediately? I had an L5/S1 Discectomy 4 weeks ago and my back currently feels exactly the same as it did before the surgery - I have the same nerve pain in my central lower back and across my hips, feels like he didn't even touch whatever is causing the issue. Could this just be because it takes time to get better or should it be more immediate?
@nicoleb8579 16 күн бұрын
I’m so sorry this is the case for you! I had the same as you and my sciatica pain was immediately better. I had it about 5 weeks ago. I am starting to get some weird pains on my other side now, although not as bad as before
@tshimologokekana3402 27 күн бұрын
This is me currently... cannot put socks on neither can I put my undies or pants on...I have never cried so much in my life from pain...My op is in two weeks...will update
@Lakesol 27 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I’m only 25 and I’m getting microdiscectomy in about 2 weeks. L4-L5 herniated disc which I already got surgery on in 2013 when I was just 15, it was due to a fall (physical trauma) and sadly it has become a weak spot ever since. Gonna keep my head up and soldier on 🙏
@wahstomper 21 күн бұрын
Same surgery, same age 15 years ago, when they did it by hand. You’re going to be fine. Get a yoga mat, cat the cow and the child will save your life.
@juliaevans9521 Ай бұрын
Can you post from a camera or tablet feed directly to a WA group, Conmunity Announcement or indeed to a Channel (which I am currently using)
@suzannehamilton1251 Ай бұрын
Hi - thanks for your video. I was wondering how you would get on if you lived alone in the recovery period. I have had 11 surgeries on my spine but had either my now ex-husband or children living with me. I was diagnosed last week with a herniated L4/5 disc. I now live alone and don’t think that my 2kg chihuahua or my 19 year old cat will be much help. Very stressed. 😢
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Ah you poor thing Suzanne. That is too terrible to hear. Funnily enough I saw someone online had bought a contraption to help them pick up a sock - that was the main thing was not being able to pick up something I had dropped. And maybe a fully stocked fridge, freezer or make UberEats your best friend? Thinking of you and hope it goes well! 💐
@RobDeMann Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Renting is so difficult but I’m happy you guys found a place
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the sweet comment 💞
@CSF0114 Ай бұрын
I'm actively debating going through with this surgery or keeping going on (bandaid solution) cortisone injections. Mostly out of fear! So sick of living in pain and I need to get my life back on track and play with my kids.
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Ah man it’s such a tough decision to make! Surgery feels like a dramatic option but I’m sure it’s wearing you down not having any resolve. I hope you start to feel better one way or another, back pain is too awful 💞
@kayelle8005 Ай бұрын
Great list. Yes 100% agree it’s ridiculous and so invasive how much information real estate agencies are asking for these days. I doubt many of these companies have strong cyber security, know the Privacy Act, and have cyber security insurance.
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
It is worrying for sure 🧐 thanks for the thoughtful comment and for supporting my channel ✨💙
@gmailuser5933 Ай бұрын
Hello I really loved your video❤. Which are good suburbs for a economical rental residential accommodation, I am looking for the minimum. Thanks and regards.
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind comment! Typically the further from the CBD the more affordable but you would still want to be near public transport if working in the city! I would suggest looking at places at the end of the train lines like Butler or Mandurah for more affordability or just filter lowest to highest on the real estate dot com dot au app 💛
@gmailuser5933 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for your reply ❤
@petepaxton5109 Ай бұрын
Notion no offline access, trello for me
@dianaa8125 Ай бұрын
😮i live in Perth and could not disagree more. This place is hot, dry, and unpleasant. Scenery is horrid. Give me green and rain any day…i will try not to judge too frankly though, because i immigrated from a bric country so i get it.
@FreoNever-In 5 күн бұрын
Why don’t you go back to your green and rain?! As an immigrant Perth welcomed me and provided a safe haven.
@redhammer9910 Күн бұрын
It's not for everyone so rather than torture yourself live somewhere greener, Melbourne is wet and green, perfect.
@barryredhead5704 Ай бұрын
Dam we have tried to keep Perth a secret, but the cat is certainly out of the bag now with people flocking here. Good luck to all our new Australians you are certainly welcome here in WA. I came here with my family in 1981 and have had a great and rewarding life.
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind comment Barry 💛 we love it here! Hope we can follow in your footsteps ⚡️
@MegaEmjo Ай бұрын
Just had consultation to get this procedure done im on a waiting list for 3 to 6 months, bear in mind my pain started around September 2022, nervous of the actual operation but like you more nervous of the recovery. I'm a stay home mum who does absolutely everything at home, and will be total chaos if I have to rely on my partner and 2 teen boys to help out. Thanks for the advice really helpful. Just wondering g if you had any of the symptoms I'm getting problems going to toilet, leg cramp numb hands just to name a few.
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Ah this is so tough! My main symptom was loss of feeling in my legs, I couldn’t feel above my ankle and wasn’t confident to drive as had lost strength in my feet. But your symptoms sound horrible and definitely the same as what I understand are typical for L4/L5 as the specialist did ask me about bladder issues and loss of feeling when I consulted with him. Thinking of you and hope the wait flies by!
@MegaEmjo Ай бұрын
Not as long a wait as expected they rang a week ago booking me in for June, so its happening sooner than I thought. Thanks for the reply much appreciated.
@MuhammadRamzan-uf6nf Ай бұрын
@cr8114 Ай бұрын
meg why no one watching vlog
@kerrannebiley2687 Ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks for sharing your experience. I am 12 days post surgery. I had an L5/S1 microdiscectomy and L4/L5 laminotomy. At 62, I obviously am at a different life stage than you but can relate to your love of having an active life. I am in that resting and short walks phase of recovery and still having some nerve pain. I was told at my post op yesterday that all looks good and I just need to be patient. I was interested in other people’s recovery experiences and that’s how I found your videos. I live in Colorado, USA, and very much look forward to doing some hiking this summer and skiing again next winter. Your advice is very helpful! Good luck with your new chapter in Australia!
@ianm4966 Ай бұрын
I really appreciate you sharing your experience. I have the surgery scheduled. These are the things the surgeons don't make time to discuss beforehand.
@tormentthatinspires638 Ай бұрын
For anyone considering this: the best prep for surgery is to BE FIT, especially back, abs and lower body muscle strength, but also cardio. Incidentally, working on those things can in some cases resolve the herniation on its own - and those are also key part of the post op regime post the initial 4-6 week recovery period.
@sergekruglov4247 Ай бұрын
What this video for?
@munaabass652 Ай бұрын
Hi Meg, thank you so much for your videos. I have been procrastinating surgery for sometime now. I will talk to my surgeon again. Your videos are quite encouraging. Thank you. God Bless you and your family
@MegsHollis Ай бұрын
Ah thank you for such a sweet comment! It’s such a personal thing to work out what’s best for you but I hope you can find some resolve ❤️‍🩹