Wedding Speeches (November 2016)
@doloreserin 5 ай бұрын
Hi Alicia, Thank you for such a wonderful tribute, your story was beautiful. Dolores was such a kind person, she was one in a million. I didn't know Dolores personally like you did, but I was devastated when I heard she crossed over. I cried, Dolores's music got me through some very difficult times in my life. It kept me alive and gave me strength. I saved your tribute to my playlist so I could listen to it again. A great and heartfelttribute.
@sergioarmentano3633 9 ай бұрын
Aqui no Brasil tbm.amamos o crawberries e não esquecemos Dolores..
@razorsharplad6125 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic tribute. You have expressed with your beautiful words the way so many people feel, including me! X
@rosrub2012 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It really is helpful and insightful and honest.
@emmabarlow2010 4 жыл бұрын
You are beautiful beyond words ❤
@margaretmolyneaux7245 4 жыл бұрын
@joohobbs464 4 жыл бұрын
It wasn’t the majority of British people, our voting system is rubbish and not a good representation of what good, intelligent, hardworking people think. I promise you all of my friends voted to stay in the EU, I am European and think unity is strength. Many places have bigots but thankfully most places also have warm, open minded, accepting, caring people who would regard you as a neighbour and friend based on the way you behave and treat others rather than where you were born. I’m glad you’re still here, I only found you today 21/5/20 and I think you’re wonderful.
@SandiSmax 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading, I think the quailty is pretty good👍👍👍
@alexverveboy 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Alisa thanks for sharing such a great video and your story!=D I am one of the new generations of collector fans of stuff of Dolores alone and with The Cranberries I started until the beginning of 2006 and it is always exciting to see and hear something extra from our beloved Dolores alone and with The Cranberries in addition to the stories behind the videos, that is really nice=)
@sind3ntosca 4 жыл бұрын
Wow your caption... what a story! This video and your experience is gold! Hoho... thanks for sharing 😍
@tacka73 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this woman she will always be here n my heart thank you for sharing xx
@arianasilesia2500 4 жыл бұрын
You are incredibly beautiful
@sarahlangdon18 5 жыл бұрын
Great to know about the little ones being only 2g as I'm growing them.
@danieleartioli7223 5 жыл бұрын
Ciao! Questa storia è davvero un pugno nello stomaco, soprattutto perché so a chi ti riferisci, la seguo da anni su youtube e non avrei mai immaginato che potesse rivelarsi questo tipo di persona. O meglio, non fino a questo punto: ho sempre pensato che fosse da prendere "a piccole dosi", per cui un video ogni tanto va bene, ma una vita insieme no. In realtà c'erano delle cose che mi tenevano all'erta, come il fatto che continui a sottolineare con quanta facilità si commuova: mi hanno sempre insegnato di diffidare di due tipi di persone, quelli che non piangono mai e quelli che piangono troppo spesso, per cui forse c'è del vero in questa cosa. Ammetto che mi crolla un po' un mito, ma forse è giusto che sia così. Sono passato attraverso la stessa situazione tanti anni fa con un gruppo di amici. Venivo da una situazione di quasi totale isolamento, visto che alle medie un'insegnante particolarmente stronza era riuscita a mettermi tutti contro. Quando li ho conosciuti, intorno ai 16 anni, mi sono attaccato a loro con tutte le mie forze, ed era tale il mio bisogno di fare parte di un gruppo che non riuscivo a vedere quanto tossiche fossero queste persone. Mi sono riconosciuto in tutto quello che hai raccontato, e la cosa mi ha fatto venire i brividi, soprattutto se penso a quanto li ho difesi quando i miei genitori e altre persone mi dicevano di stare in guardia e non fidarmi. La cosa è durata diversi anni, in cui ho sopportato cose che nessuno con un minimo di dignità dovrebbe sopportare; erano quasi riusciti a farmi mollare l'università! Non idea di dove sarei se in quel momento non avessi tenuto duro. Ricordo che c'è stato, alla fine, un momento preciso in cui ho detto "basta, è finita", e il bello è che non ero nemmeno con loro, ero nella città in cui studiavo e rileggevo alcuni messaggi che ci eravamo mandati. Veramente nulla di speciale, ma ho deciso che era ora di finirla. Quando sono tornato a casa per il week end non ho chiamato nessuno di loro, e nessuno di loro si è fatto sentire; così anche la settimana dopo, e la successiva, e così via. Mi ero accorto di essere sempre io a cercare loro, e non viceversa, e volevo vedere dopo quanto tempo si sarebbero fatti vivi quantomeno per sapere che fine avessi fatto: sono passati quasi dieci anni. Nonostante il tempo, sento ancora delle cicatrici che forse non sono stato in grado di curare adeguatamente. Faccio fatica ad aprirmi con le persone, a parlare con loro con naturalezza e in genere non sono bravo né a stringere amicizie né a conservarle. E poi c'è l'insicurezza, l'idea di non essere mai bravo abbastanza, o intelligente abbastanza o di non avere abbastanza talento nonostante persone molto più sveglie e preparate di loro mi abbiano ripetuto il contrario per anni: comunque, ogni volta, il primo pensiero è di non essere mai all'altezza, per niente e per nessuno. Comunque non dispero di riuscire, un giorno, a superare davvero tutto questo; non credo che li perdonerò mai per il male ingiustificato che mi hanno fatto, ma spero di potermi lasciare alle spalle almeno le loro conseguenze. Ti ringrazio per questi video, e per aver avuto la forza di riuscire a parlare di questo argomento. Penso che non guarderò più i video di quest'altra persona allo stesso modo, e forse è bene che sia così, sapere cosa c'è dietro l'apparenza accattivante di una persona alla mano e dalla parlantina sciolta e affascinante; sono il primo ad essere caduto nella trappola di persone simili! Grazie ancora, e ciao!
@giacomofilippetti1996 5 жыл бұрын
@wildflowerhandmadeart1750 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching all you vlogs on KZbin. I only started keto a month ago. The more I watch the more I like you. Your so honest and upfront. Such a lovely girl. It’s so sad that you have been through bulimia. May you continue to overcome it and grow as a person. Much love 💕
@richkingb01 5 жыл бұрын
I voted brexit party 🇬🇧
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
i hope they deserved your vote and will live up to your expectations
@trik4064 5 жыл бұрын
Europe is not a country, it’s a collection of countries, you are a citizen of a country not Europe... brained washed citizens...
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
ignorant citizens would say that if they haven't earned what europe is and does. I did at Uni, I guess not everybody was as lucky as I was though.
@simonh6371 5 жыл бұрын
Outrageous, how should someone be allowed to vote without a polling card? Only UK residents can vote. Otherwise tourists could vote. Can I go to Romania and vote in their EU elections?? Of course not. Anyway even if 3 million EU residents in the UK vote remain, it will not be more than the 9 million majority which the Brexit Party are probably going to get.
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
more people signed the petition to revoke article 50 than the total amount who voted brexit party at the eu elections.
@jalal448 5 жыл бұрын
How about if your husband gets universal credit...and then you earn money from job or self employment,would they cut his amount of benefit because you earn money,although you are not really part of the claim.
@elmarik 5 жыл бұрын
oh i believe you. they would help even when i told them my mother passed away and i needed help! 16 yrs contributing and getting fuckall. anyway wish you all the best
@dolitsa 5 жыл бұрын
Hi from the Greek devoted girl. I just understand exactly how u feel. That was beautiful
@Siobhanjohnson523 5 жыл бұрын
Your hair is amazing, it's the perfect tone for vibrant colours aswell now. You look great x
@flutterbyenterprises8452 5 жыл бұрын
Makes not proud to be British....
@MegaPianogenius 5 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable, my daughter has a child born in the uk to a uk father born here, so if she does not get any benefits or living accommodation how is she supposed to live?..does she take the child back to her country?..
@marlenablazejewska7076 5 жыл бұрын
What we non European could say?specialy if you are Arabs.
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
care to explain what you meant? it's a bit cryptic.
@FrancescaG91 5 жыл бұрын
Ti mando un bacio ♥️
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
ci credi che solo a legger eil tuo commento mi si e' chiuso lo stomaco ed e', per un minuto, anche se sono passati 5 anni, tornato il panico di "oddio, ora che l'ho detto a delle persone in pubblico se dovesse decidere di "take action" dovrei ancora temere la "dragon lady" she can become. Diciamo che anche io ho avuto sempre naso per Narcisisti dei quali sono stata cresciuta per essere l'animaletto da compagnia perfetto, mia madre e' la prima che mi ha allevata cosi, per questo ci e' voluto cosi tanto a farmi rendere conto che l'affetto si dimostra in maniere non abusive perche' sia reale, ma quando non hai avuto un metro di misura differente in precedenza, la "folie a deux" ossessiva e il tagliare il resto del mondo, l'isolamento, sembra tutto naturale se effettivamente c'e' questa grande intesa e il resto del mondo non capisce... invece e' semplicemente quello che succede tutti i giorni nelle relazioni abusive, e una volta realizzato piu' sentivo esperienze altrui piu finalmente sono venuta a capire "ma allora non ero pazza, ma allora non ero ultrasensibile come mi diceva lei, ma allora non e' vero che tutti mi detesterebbero se non fosse per lei", eppure quando quella diventa la base di relazioni che durano anni e' cosi' incredibilmente difficile non cercare di trovare spiegazioni a tutto e metter ein dubbio noi stessi prima di ogni altra cosa, perche' magari potevo cambiare la mia prospettiva per giustificare le azioni altrui, e l'ho fatto per 3 anni... ma poi la paranoia e gli abusi non finivano e se con tutto l'amore che avevo mi son dovuta ritrovare a dire "ma e' troppo doloroso, starei meglio senza", ecco che improvvisamente la lampadina si accende...
@FrancescaG91 5 жыл бұрын
@@AllAboutAlisha non preoccuparti, modifico subito il commento così non rischiamo di attirare l'attenzione! Avevo solo bisogno di comunicare con te 💗
@AllAboutAlisha 5 жыл бұрын
no no niente da modificare, if anything il giorno che ho decido si fare questo video l'anno scorso e' stato liberatorio affrontar el'irrazionale timore che mi era stato inoculato. no nessun problema, era solo per spiegare perche probabilmente dall'esterno le situazioni sembravano insospettabili... perche' lo erano anche dall'interno... e quando anche qualcosa sembrava non andare, il terrore di far peggio bloccava ogni possibilita' di evasione comunque.
@mindcirclesfreak 6 жыл бұрын
Aww honey I get it I feel much the same ... except I never manged to do keto or any diet or lifestyle ir whatever .. I am alo insulin resistant and have type 1 diabetes at my diagnosis i lost about 30 kg was around 68 kg after being obese all my life ... I was really sick and delayed going to hospital to be “skinny” Which was crazy and dangerous. I put back all the weight and more .... and I have no idea what to do .... every time i managed to loose weight about 10 kg or so I end up in the hospital and tHan it just comes back ... but I kinda learned to stop beating myself up about it along the way ! Some days i still hate my body but I no longer hate myself . I hope you can do the same as I was just thinking were much alike haircolor and similar weight and was thinking you look so beautiful and not as fat as me at all So its also perhaps our own twisted perception of ourselves... stay strong I love your videos and I dont even do keto but use your recipes often :) helps me do less insulin.
@runningoninsulin9053 6 жыл бұрын
Oh the days of icq, simpler internet times. I remeber i was one of the first people with a computer and internet, my father was the head of an IT dept. So we ended up with things before a lot of people. I remeber playing this fantasy, unicorn/horse game and i cant remeber for the life of me what it was called but no one else was ever online because it was so new. I also vividley remeber thinking the internet was a person, and thought i had to ask it permission for an email 🤣
@dazzlelightuk7445 6 жыл бұрын
The habitual residency test considers two factors, if you have a right to reside and if you are habitually resident in the UK. In order for you to have a right to reside as an EEA national you must be a current qualified person (worker or self-employed person) and you would then also need to demonstrate that you are in genuine and effective work. If you are a qualified person (worker or self-employed person) you would then also need to provide evidence that you are habitually resident. Although you have been here for eleven years if you are not currently a qualified person or a person who can demonstrate that you have been a qualified person for five consecutive years (employed for five years) then you will fail the test because although you are habitually resident, you do not have a right to reside.
@AllAboutAlisha 6 жыл бұрын
without going into how wrong it is for the UK to "interpret" eu law the way they prefer to decided what qualifies, you might find interesting that while being recognised as someone not currently residing in the UK, I had been self employed for more than a year, and recognised as gainfulyl employed by the DWP. the insulting irony was that i was "schrodinger's eu wife", not good enought to be considered as living here, but good enough working here (so by definition with proof of that the HRT shouldn't have even applied to me) and gainfully so that it meant my husband, considered as a single claim, then seemed to earn too much to be entitled to anything (cause of course here, money matter, people dont) that was quite an enlightening experience of what matters in the UK...
@MegaPianogenius 5 жыл бұрын
All About Alisha I married my wife back in 2002 she is a European national, I brought her daughter over in 2006 when she was 12 she went to school here etc now she left home for a year when 17 and 18 she became pregnant, she was awarded a flat by the housing association and was on certain benefits , child benefit and part rent, she lost her part time job in a restaurant and applied for universal credit, now she has been refused due to failing the hrt test, a few months have gone by, they repossessed the flat and left her with only £20 a week child benefit and nowhere to live ?...
@giuseppepupella479 6 жыл бұрын
you were very lucky. She was,She is the only gracious person I have never met in the world,in the whole universe
@federicofossati7521 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Alisha, You are not alone. Big Hug Ciao
@scjc2524 6 жыл бұрын
Get your MP involved, it was the only way I had all our issues with tax credits resolved, all because someone changed my husbands DOB to the current date so a newborn baby he'd fathered two children! Keep the DWP fully informed make notes of dates and convos [they record them], it was being able to prove I'd kept them informed that they could not recoup overpayments as they'd acted incorrectly on the info I supplied. Also of interest as daughters partner is American and at some point either she's moving there or he wants to come here, they have a very long struggle ahead! Good luck
@17septembre2010 6 жыл бұрын
Have you applied for indefinite leave to remain??
@AllAboutAlisha 6 жыл бұрын
ILR is not for EU citizens, under EU laws we technically have the equivalent of that under free movement, we can get Permanent Residence after 5 years but the loophold that has prevented EU citizens getting that even with 5 years of continuous living in the UK is that what they interpreted as CSI (Comprehensive sickness insurance) could not be the NHS (totally at their discretion, it can be the public health service on toher eu contries) so most of us are stuck if we didn't have CSI suring a time we weren't gainfully employed (ironically, had I been on benefits like JSA that would have covered my national insurance tax so i would've been covered for that too, but I have been self sufficient and a student, without CSI, so my 11 years are not all valid for them)
@thom8406 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences Alisha and the written tribute..most beautiful. It is such a loss..Blessings to you from Ireland..Tom
@alicemarie7747 6 жыл бұрын
Sister, i get you 110%!!!! Im in Texas and back in March i finally had to stop even being around my mom 😔 hardest thing Ive done!!! My body feels so much better without the constant anxiety and feeling of being a failure. Nothing I did was EVER good in her eyes!!! Very hurtful she heart is with you and I stumbled onto your Day 9 video. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to watching all your videos. God Bless you
@CSLdesigns 6 жыл бұрын
I am in a very similar situation to you. Ever since the whole brexit thing I have been worried about my situation and what’s gonna happen, cause I’m originally from Denmark but moved to England almost 10 years ago now to go to university and have stayed since. I met my partner a year after I came over here so we have been together for getting close to 10 years as well, but we are not married as we have not been in a financial situation to do it yet. Like you I also run my own business by doing KZbin and trying to build more on the side, so have built my life here. But now I’m not sure what’s gonna happen with me/us when this brexit thing goes through finally. Could I risk being told I have to leave the country even though I chose to come here and build a life here, and I contribute by also paying tax like you, so I would have to go back home to Denmark. But that’s not so simple cause I can’t necessarily just bring my partner back there as Denmark has pretty strict rules for that. But why should I have to if we choose to want to live here. I have been so mad during this whole brexit period. I just can’t understand why people (“foreigners”) like us are being treated so badly, when we have done nothing wrong and actually contribute, in a lot of cases more than British people themselves. It has really made me feel not welcome and almost like I don’t want to be here anymore, even though this is where I chose to build my life, just because of how we are being treated. So I definitely feel you and just wish things weren’t like this for any of us 😔 Btw I have been following you on your keto channel for a while now as I started doing keto last year and just discovered this channel of yours with this video. It was very insightful and also nice to hear someone else’s story who is dealing with this (even though I wish neither of us had to)
@AllAboutAlisha 6 жыл бұрын
ouch I'm so sorry to hear this cause I was so hoping my situation was due to a mistake, when instead they are clearly just trying to dishearten us and make us give up eventually. These last 10 days have been so heavy on my entire life I do not with them on anyone and anything I can do to make an example of this of avoid the Home Office and DWP treatting us like this I will do. I didn't realise you knew me from keto cause I actually do know your channel too, I stumbled upon it a few times and it might be a drop in the ocean but you have all my support <3
@1chipchap 6 жыл бұрын
You describe what we can see of footage of her gigs and interaction with the audience , it's shines off her and you were very lucky to see her in real life and experience her sensitivity toward you . I saw her play live a few times but never interacted with her personally . You described exactly what I imagined her to be like in person . Goes to show that energy is visible in mannerism and how people engage with others even if it's through a lense. Real love and light energy always shows through . Thank you for sharing
@aleblackgrrrl 6 жыл бұрын
this is outrageous to say the least and I agree with Anna Williams in the comments below, you should totally write this down and have it printed on a newspaper
@lyndawilliams8434 6 жыл бұрын
On your behalf, I will carry on 'moaning'. The vast majority of people who immigrate here are a damn sight more worthy than the idiots that are born here. At least immigrants have got get up and go, and want to do things to better themselves. The vast majority of Brexiters are just looking for an excuse for the mess their lives are in, and rather than blame themselves, they blame everyone else. Im sorry you are being put through this. Im hoping that a change is coming. The world is going to hell, and last time it took a war to put us back on track. Im hoping it wont be that drastic this time. You are wanted here. You bring more to the country than most of the so called 'little englanders'. Keep fighting. You arent on your own.
@LadyShaz 6 жыл бұрын
Oh my darling friend! 😢😢 What did your MP have to say? Surely they must be able to help. This is total madness. How the hell are you expected to answer their questions when you can’t access the questions that they want answers to. This is so upsetting. Surely there must be a tribunal you can go to xxxxxxxx
@TinkeringTheIvories 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome to Cardiff. We are better off for having someone so clear-thinking and passionately sensible as yourself in our city. I'm glad Jo is your MP and hope she is able to provide further support. I'll absolutely be sharing this and hope to see a breakthrough for you! As a UK citizen married to an EU27 citizen, everything you say about UK culture at the moment resonates 😓
@bchristie8391 6 жыл бұрын
There must be a DWP appeals process or DWP tribunal process if not I would see a lawyer a.s.a.p HMRC consider 1 hour of employment to be work for tax purposes but the DWP say it doesn't meet the minimum income to be considered self employed.
@blessome6604 6 жыл бұрын
Love the way you two "work" together. <3
@Annie.xx-xx 6 жыл бұрын
Put it all in writing and send it to the paper's and the local news team and your mp., This is heart breaking.
@TinkeringTheIvories 6 жыл бұрын
Anna Williams , Alisha's MP (Jo Stephens) seems a pretty good one from what I've seen, particularly with regards to the impacts of Brexit. The same can be said of the MPs for Cardiff West, and Cardiff South and Penarth. The local digital paper, Wales Online is also beginning to pick up the impacts of the Brexit mentality.
@Annie.xx-xx 6 жыл бұрын
I'm lost for words. This is an outrageous discrimination. I wonder how may people this is happening too. Can you and your husband go to the citizens advice bureau.
@blessome6604 6 жыл бұрын
<3 Such a beautiful event!! Lovely couple!
@MegaMelkey 6 жыл бұрын
@LizZorab 6 жыл бұрын
And now I'm crying. What sort of society has been created? I'm ashamed that we as a nation accept this dreadful system that has been put into place. Alisha, I am so sorry that you are having to experience this. What can we do? What can we do to help? I'm not sure that hugs are enough right now, but it's all that I can offer. xx
@EllieBerry121 6 жыл бұрын
😢😢😢😢 I read this story on your personal pages, and it makes me so, so sad that this is the case you have received and been in. 😢😢