@grizzledsentinel4691 32 минут бұрын
Skratch, please stop agreeing to plarium when they are pushing absolute nonsense. It makes you look bad. Aspect of Siroth was only a good relic in 2 circumstances: champs who don't care about losing turn meter (Rotos due to extra turn and UDK/Marichka because staying alive accomplishes their goal of being cancer to the game) and champs who were immune to turn meter decreases (Marius, Ronda if A4 isn't on cooldown, Kaja with timit or 50% anyway at base). Plarium just completely removed one of the 2 circumstances where the relic was good. So those of us who got it who don't have Rotos or Marichka are shit out of luck and the relic is the most garbage lego in the game. It is a travesty. Don't just blindly agree with them. They royally screwed a lot of us who weren't even happy to get that relic in the first place. I got it instead of cat's gaze which was a major letdown and is now a devastating letdown because I have only UDK that it could work on and who the hell uses UDK regularly in the endgame? And they do it in the same damn patch where they made a point about how skills that make a champ universally immune to something are universal! It is 100% polar opposite game design. Two separate people not talking to each other had to have done this and instead of fixing it to be universal, they after the fact try to justify it with pure BS. And you push that pure BS. Shame on you.
@Crashdown96 36 минут бұрын
Still no fix for Zavia huh? She always opens with her A3...idiotically instead of her A2 and putting out the poisons BEFORE using the explosion skill....maybe one day they'll get it..
@mightiesthelmutz2836 41 минут бұрын
Provoke on Hydra only works like they say when all heads are alive. Provokers still wont provoke when a head is down...manual or lose 75% or more damage.
@jasonsaulters6027 43 минут бұрын
So is the cats gaze override harimas passive?
@matthewqueensen9201 43 минут бұрын
But if a fusion is to powerful (due to their lack of testing) , the will quickly rebalance it and it dosent seem to take multiple departments lol
@kaluchukwuemeka8496 Сағат бұрын
Coming for frostking and skeletor
@sammy_jankis5205 Сағат бұрын
Thank you for going in on the ashnar defenders :) he sucks so much!
@Squizzly Сағат бұрын
They need to add more buffs/debuffs to champ buffs. With chimera in the mix, the way they do buffs on champs is practically useless. There are what.. like maybe 2 dozen out of almost 1000 champs that are even remotely close to being viable for max chests/trials? We need more inc res/dec res & acc We need more champs that do veil/fear/block active skills etc.. I’ve spent tens of thousands on this game (don’t flame me, I’m being an example to reveal the 💩 planning Plarium manages..) Out of alllll the champs I have, and I have a lot, I maybe have 12-14 champs that can actually 1 key and get trials done.. I quit spending about 6 months ago because I came to the serious realization that the power creep that continues to happen made 70% of my $ spent in game completely obsolete.. I pushed ice golem hard to get reflex etc.. I spent the better part of a year shooting for a 1:00 fire knight hard to get regen & savage.. again.. obsolete.. I refuse to spend anything more than $10 for the monthly gem pack now and hardly ever log on. I 1000000% will not get invested in this game again until the 80% of leggos I have sitting in the vault become relevant. I will not chase garbage event champs.. I will not spend upwards of $600 to have a shot at a dupe mythical. Plarium needs to do complete revamp on champs that are absolutely known to be vault guardians. Again, we need more buffs/debuffs from these obsolete champs so we can start making some FUN chimera comps.. let us play your game 💯 without pushing us to continuously spend like absolutely crazy on shit that gets power crept in 8 months. It’s bullshit.
@andresrojas-zx4pd 2 сағат бұрын
"i dont have a crazy build on her" - 10 000 attack trunda...
@simeondimitrov4187 2 сағат бұрын
I'm not filthy degenerate whale but I hit with my 4 years account 2x Calamatus, when I hit the second I delete the game for a week I think😅, I'm not using him for nothing really, even on Hard Spider 10 where you can have 12 hex debuffs and increase his damage 120% best I see he hit was 1m my Seer do that without sweat 😅
@ajgray8939 2 сағат бұрын
1 star review bomb for Ash’nar!
@Maennerabend99 2 сағат бұрын
This seems way to good to be actually working. 😭 Wixwell might be worth the grind here.
@Too2step 2 сағат бұрын
Frustrating seems like they increased amounts again in tournaments. I got a phedi um130185484 | 125190566 😮
@ArieusblackRSL 2 сағат бұрын
Bullshit. Fusions need to be considered top priority on rebalancing. They sell you on the idea. Drain your resources, energy, time, and shards. Now granted, fusions are a choice. But to say they take the back burner when they take 12k energy, 15 sacreds, millions of silver etc etc. Guess I'm crazy.
@thomaslammens4058 3 сағат бұрын
They should reset the reviews in-game when rebalancing champions so we can basically give feedback on the rebalance.
@Jerec 3 сағат бұрын
Ash'nar is MVP against the Queen of Hearts...Sadly no option to rate that!
@evermilion4221 3 сағат бұрын
siroth on marius / rotos / udk please plarium BUFF RAGLIN
@PhantomClaws 3 сағат бұрын
I've been playing for 5 years.... At this point, i think they can slow down the rate of champs being released and fix the ones that suck.
@Iamjustmeee2963 3 сағат бұрын
Because certain champions like tremoria was immune to fear but still get feared in hydra so they had to change it
@onexia 3 сағат бұрын
$800 for an Ash'Nar. Punched myself in the nuts for at least an hour afterwards.
@ThanhNguyen-sn5xf 3 сағат бұрын
They can buff or rework calamitus, he is so bad for a mythical champion 😂
@trennelstewart7698 3 сағат бұрын
Progression is not a helpful rate, nearly every champ is good for progression
@Toedju 3 сағат бұрын
I dont hare how end game or whale you are, if you have a mythical he should be useful somewhere, its unacceptable that you can pull a mythic that does nothing for you.
@Belegurt 3 сағат бұрын
mikage ai on hydra is retarded almost every F time she ally attack on lowest decapitated head like wtf ,she just don't wanna go on full hp head without serpent will... i just don't understand ppl from plarium are then have brain...hydra is still hardest boss in game...f2p ccs doing chimera before hydra lol I love this game but every day I hate it a little bit more
@markroncoroni697 4 сағат бұрын
Tanaria is "Immue" to sleep (among other things now) before this change Amius's sleep could not he blocked or resisted... so it would still put her to sleep. Hopefully with this update that will no longer happen.
@SeireSatora1 4 сағат бұрын
I know its a bit much to complain about mythical champs But i got an Ash'nar from a primal (i have mikage from fusion) He is only useful for tm boost.. Sulfuryion (got a couple weeks before) 100 times more reliable, insta burn activate, all he does is turn meter. Would love to see a change that makes sense, because he dont hit either. Rathlos out damages him easily (for me, and he has a resist build)
@larsmartintangen7072 4 сағат бұрын
Wonder how many years they are waiting to buff Ailil , he is the void lego with worst rating and have been hated from day one they released him. it would be soooo f.... easy to fix him as all he need is to do more damage
@danielstark6170 4 сағат бұрын
they actually nerfed aspect of siroth on marius wtf
@Wolfangzs 4 сағат бұрын
What a bunch of liars😂
@DeathNight79 4 сағат бұрын
The chicken provokes lol
@Beta880408 4 сағат бұрын
I wrote this under champion rebalance topic :D " About your " Rebalance " no you dont need to do that bcs you guys dont understand how to do it !!! We see your fantastic work with Supreme Athel , Angar , Fortus , Claidna , Konstantine . Those "Void" legendarys are now A- for potion keep. THX for your BIIIIIG changes !! "
@jacobcollins2861 2 сағат бұрын
Yeah Fortus sucks so bad I don't even use him for faction wars. I'll run whisper or miscreated monster first. Fortus is such a kick in nuts for me, my first void leggo pull.
@mrsusort 4 сағат бұрын
Yeah that code is insane!
@traybow 5 сағат бұрын
You just rage rated! 🤣🤣🤣
@FrankieCRO 5 сағат бұрын
This just means people will rate every non meta champ poorly in hopes of them getting a buff and the ratings system will be even more useless than it is now
@ObitusJoe 5 сағат бұрын
Another sign that Plarium are bad at design - it takes as much resources to rebalance a champ as design one from scratch? Plarium, you are doing it wrong then. Most champs that need improvement can easily be improved with one or two very minor changes. Take Sir Nic for example (which I just review bombed because he is a VOID leggo). He would be 100 times better just by making his buffs protected or by boosting his damage to modern standards. That's it. I just did your work for you, Plarium. One or two minor changes that take an under powered champ to much more useful.
@dizzyrooster8 5 сағат бұрын
The best part was them saying a rebalance is the same as designing a new champs. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
@mr.Lumpy3803 5 сағат бұрын
Plarium Q: why don't we rebalance champions more often. Plarium A: if we buffed old champions, we couldn't sell you new ones, and we wouldn't make any money.
@gkar9757 5 сағат бұрын
Scratch, Nell Black tooth has been changed I think. One poison for each buff/TM. Could you check her again?
@chumskowsky 4 сағат бұрын
She still sucks bad though, useless with no damage! I am so disappointed with her, now I have 2 worst mythicals!
@brazaman44 5 сағат бұрын
I feel the same about gharol i recently got a cheshire cat and her dmg seems underwelming compared to him . She hits for 30-100 k on brutal hydra ok she can join the atacks and repeat it but its nothing compared to 500-700 with each a1 on cat. Its beyond me that legendary is much stronger than mythical. I was so happy to pull her now im dissapointed cuz its my second non free mythic.
@Itskainen 47 минут бұрын
I agree gharrol was an awesome pull when I initially got her but now she is outclassed by many other damage dealers. I definitely do think gharrol first form has always needed more but second form used to be good. I think I have used her maybe 2 times in live arena in the last couple months compared to when I first pulled her I was using her in most matches.
@irielax4563 5 сағат бұрын
question: Cats Gaze on Rotos? doesn’t seem like the best fit? as his max HP goes way up then he would stop ignoring defense? correct?
@adelbenhassain2082 5 сағат бұрын
I would love a bad El kazard buff.but im probably just going to dream about it XD
@jeremyk3604 5 сағат бұрын
Also one more comment plarium should just ask the content creators give us a list of 10 champions that need buffed. We vote by watching content, we learn by watching you guys. Basically you guys are the experts so why use a useless in game ranking system that after 5 years I've never used?
@seakayak4425 6 сағат бұрын
Ash'n does indeed suck, 1 across the board it is
@FreSh444_ 6 сағат бұрын
Why do WE have to rate them. They can see from analytics that they dont get used. They only ever seem to buff champions that you face in cursed city/doom tower.
@jeremyk3604 6 сағат бұрын
Also bet 100 dollars Ursuga will be the next void buffed. I always pull non mercy leggos that get buffed in the next buff patch.
@FL_Native_FL 6 сағат бұрын
Baron says someone should explain the meaning of “guaranteed” to Plarium.
@jeremyk3604 6 сағат бұрын
We need final fantasy 12 zodiac age level of ai control.
@MrProbeNWatch 6 сағат бұрын
everyone go and rate raglin 1 star RIGHT NOW XD
@Itskainen 44 минут бұрын
I agree Raglin needs some sort of a buff. Also blind seer too
@ArieusblackRSL 6 сағат бұрын
Pulled her today. Came back for this video.
@SuperHunKing 6 сағат бұрын
They need to buff shard pulls so you can actually get the champions they tell you have a chance to get.