泉佐野あたりから終点(なんば)までずっと乗られる方は着席目的でしょう Those who ride all the way from around Izumisano to the final stop(Namba) will probably be seated. 大宮から高石の急行通過駅は少なからず乗車(その停車駅で下車)、諏訪ノ森(浜寺)から堺は終点まで先着なので下車される方は少ないと感じます From Izumi-Omiya to Takaishi, there are quite a few people boarding(and getting off at) the Takaishi express stations, and from Suwanomori(Hamadera-koen, park) to Sakai, it's first-come, first-served until the final stop, so I feel there aren't many people getting off. 先行列車追い抜きは1:05:50住吉大社のみで途中駅通過の意味は少なく、設定終了の際は当時の記録映像となるでしょう Preceding train overtakes only 1:05:50 Sumiyoshi-taisha(shrine), so there is little point in passing through the station on the way, and when the service ends, it will be a recorded video of that time. これからも南海電車に注目・乗車されたいです I would like to continue paying attention to and riding the Nankai train.