Israel at Eurovision
8 ай бұрын
Who Are Israel's Lone Soldiers?
Food in American Jewish Comedy
@JeckNurNur 17 күн бұрын
Hello Sir, I've noticed some issues on your channel that might be affecting its growth. If you're interested, I can help you improve it. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
@joelbat Ай бұрын
food for the Jewish soul
@anotherway007 Ай бұрын
Any films about how the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis with the Haavara agreement?
@EugeneTyson-n4b Ай бұрын
@EugeneTyson-n4b Ай бұрын
Those people are FAKE they are Europeans from Russia Germany. Poland Spain Ukraine ect. Nothing else
@EugeneTyson-n4b Ай бұрын
The Helios is a lie
@EugeneTyson-n4b Ай бұрын
No matter what you people say it will come to PASS
@EugeneTyson-n4b Ай бұрын
@BethlehemBoss 3 ай бұрын
Truth is coming out about us as a people because obviously they are more comfortable with accepting us as slaves then as The Holy People
@ernestoesqueda5722 3 ай бұрын
I am only 1% Ashkenazi I do not consider myself Jewish. It is not my fault that my ancestors mixed intermarried. My father is from Mexico and my mother is American. My DNA test came out 11% Germanic Europe and 1% Ashkenazi. The Jews never accepted us as Jew thus we became Christians. I thank GOD that happened because I found my Messiah. I have family living in Jerusalem and I do wish to visit Israel.
@Byanymeansnessary 4 ай бұрын
She haven’t brought out one scripture to back up what she is saying I saw a interview of Ron dalton the guy who made the video Kylie Irving tweeted about and he said a few Jewish people and their lawyers contacted him and set up a meet and they were talking to him about having his movie banned in South Africa he said he gave them a verbal whipping and laid out facts for them to prove his claim and they couldn’t deny it he said they were turning red in the face they couldn’t sit still and they were flustered the truth hurts
@shrimpsaresearoaches777 6 ай бұрын
Last i check deuteronomy's curses didn't happen to the Khazar's but it did happen to US.
@shellyburke7343 8 ай бұрын
@LangfordWatson Жыл бұрын
The quest for knowledge in these days as information becomes more and more prevalent in a society that is so prone to finding evidence of things of the past and any truths that associated with the subject. A captured and a enslaved people have now been awaken to the history and legacy of their distanced past and with great excitement, interest and some doubts and dismayed still lingers to that unknown. It is always been in their spirits that they were in the past a great and spiritual people, a people who beliefs that there is one God and he is the creator of all things. Like all Americans these people followed their quest wanting for knowledge and came to find out that they are the spiritual people lost in time and space. Their continuous research led them into the scriptures and many history books that caused them to stumbled upon the truth that they are The Lost Children of Israel and a covenant people disbursed to the four corners of the earth. In their research they found out that there are other peoples today are claiming their past lives, Their research is long and laborious but as they go , they learned that the results would be rewarding in the END.
@yosefyisrael6534 Жыл бұрын
We woke now 💯
@kaponepage-smith9003 Жыл бұрын
Don't you Ashkenazi come from Japhet? So if that's the case you can not be shem. We come from shem, the African comes from Ham.
@kimberlyyork100 11 ай бұрын
The promised land is in Africa. An nations in the beginning were black. White skin is the mark of a curse.
@JonECash Жыл бұрын
U can lie about the Synagogue of Satan(fake Jews) but u can’t be correct because u can’t explain (Revelation 3:9)…America’s time is almost up! Satan and the fallen angels have FAILED!!!!
@josebenisrael7179 Жыл бұрын
This shedevil is afraid of the army of God
@-.George. Жыл бұрын
Yes, she is Devil.
@kaponepage-smith9003 Жыл бұрын
Because they can, didn't a bunch of so-called rabbis show up to try and protest kyre ?
@kaponepage-smith9003 Жыл бұрын
Check this out why don't you bring your proof and the bishop Nathaniel will bring his proof. Stop lying......
@kaponepage-smith9003 Жыл бұрын
You are so full of it, you try to put the nazi with the black Israelites, that's just the devil in you. You are not the true Jews of the bible.your people come from japhet the eddamits. The so-called black come from shem. The African come from Ham.
@albertmarion6488 Жыл бұрын
Rev 2:9 you guys are liars it’s not black Israelites it’s simply Hebrew Israelites so call black Hispanic and Native American and we fit the curses of the Bible you guys are Edomites and all we do is say what the Bible says is going to happen according to prophesy
@josebenisrael7179 Жыл бұрын
White people are terrified of God’s people weaking up
@josebenisrael7179 Жыл бұрын
We are not black hebrew israelites im mexican and im israelite you white people cant stop this learn to deal with it
@josebenisrael7179 Жыл бұрын
And we are not black hebrew Israelites we are the 12 tribes of israel get your stuff right and christ is black
@-.George. Жыл бұрын
Messiah is not Black, but Devil is Black!
@josebenisrael7179 Жыл бұрын
We are not promoting any atisemitism we are shemites what are you talking about white devil
@Messenger000 Жыл бұрын
Most black people that do further research find out that the black Hebrew Israelites are misinformed and misled in a lot of ways. I wonder if instead of approaching them as extremist, offer opportunities to interact and teach - that would be beautiful and I think they would be open. We all know a lot of people were misled in Christianity.
@kaponepage-smith9003 Жыл бұрын
Don't be mad because your people lied to you. The true shell set you free.
@seekingallknowledge Жыл бұрын
38:46 its funny how a black man, can sing about killing another black man and a Jewish producer publishes it. But when they sing about Jewish history, y'all need to have a meeting?😂
@KabadRamGadalGabaryam Жыл бұрын
The devil is a lie and you are the devil trying to paint the true Israelites as the fakes we know the truth we can read for ourselves now your time it up QAM YASHARAHLA
@David-Zita Жыл бұрын
who are the real Israelites?
@KabadRamGadalGabaryam Жыл бұрын
@@David-Zita the ones who fit the curses
@David-Zita Жыл бұрын
@@KabadRamGadalGabaryam let me educate you. African Americans are a problem you all hate real jews with your antisemitism thinking you are the real jews just because you were enslaved by whites. you ain't jews in any way shape or form. Real jews are in Israel and I can give you bible verses to support that. Y'all crazy as hell
@terrancepernell795 Жыл бұрын
Please have a rabbi to run this show you are not experienced in the Bible business being the leader of a biblical show I want to know if what they're saying is true or not, instead you're planning to attack and now IAM left wondering if what they say is true or not
@wilbertbrinkley7119 Жыл бұрын
It is true black poeple in the Americas are the Hebrews of the Bible an they are awaken to the truth just as Yahuah said in his Word that is why they don’t want to teach true history in America or western cultures poeple Esau is end Jacob is the beginning they have white washed the Bible Europeans an western religion
@terrancepernell795 Жыл бұрын
Please let it ride by someone who's experienced in the Bible you have no experience trying to answer height of the Bibleyou all want to know the truth and you're holding back from that instead you're planning to attack people and you call the Hebrew Israelites aggressive,
@terrancepernell795 Жыл бұрын
No truth, all Israelltes follow the Bible and diet , and people shot in the market were shot by Muslim s as per FBI, you shouldn't run a religious show if you're not religious sco
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
The Black Hebrew Israelites most don't speak or read Hebrew, they have No ancient Hebrew DNA, and as per diet? 55% of African Americans are not circumcised, it is more important to be circumcised if claiming to be an Israelite.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
The people who were in the Jersey City market shooting had their Social media filled with Black Hebrew Israelite ideology. They had several Facebook aand other accounts with Black Hebrew Israelite hate!! Why don't you do some research, the fact that you believe this nonsense that has no facts to back it up says a lot.
@SOON101 Жыл бұрын
The FBI told the Media that this attack was done by Muslims but the Media and other Jewish institutions continue the lie of the Israelites being involved because they want to attach a violent narrative of these people to the public. I myself have heard their teachings and they always have the proof to back it and I think the white societies see these Black men as threatening to white Domination of the earth. They make more sense than anything else I've heard in my life.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
You apparently don't have the sense to know truth from falsehoods as there is not one piece of evidence for the Black Hebrew Israelite ideology. The black Africans have no Tie to Israel. The real Jews have an unbroken chain of Jewish ancestry, culture, law, language, tradition and heritage going back to Mount Sinai. The Black African posers come from *a belief* that they are the descendants of the true Israelites that were acually olive skinned (class IV on the Fitzpatrick skin scale) The black Africans have no evidence of their beliefs.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
Here are the many sources that debunk the Black Hebrew Israelites. *1)* There are no black remains in ancient Israel. *2)* The study titled, *_"Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of Population Mixture in Cultural Transformation"_* from the journal, _Nature Communications_ tells of light skinned blue-eyed blondes that lived in Israel in 6500 to 3000 BCE. *3)* Noah, Solomon, and Abraham's Sarah are all described in scripture as "white". *4)* There are no ancient Synogogues, mikvahs. Hebrew writing or Torahs ever discovered in ancient Africa. *5)* All the tribes in the Levant at the time of the Israelites were Caucasoid, the Canaanites. The Edomites, the Phillistines, the Arameans, the Samaritans, the Ishmaelites, the Hyksos, the Berber/Amazigh peoples of North Africa also. *6)* They have forensically reconstructed skulls from ancient Israel from different periods of time, and they were all Caucasoid. Published in a German paleontological journal. *7)* Abraham was from Ur, the people of UR are pictured on *_the Standard of UR, from the Royal Tomb of UR,_* The people are light skinned people with sharp features and straight hair. Caucasoid. *8)* All Jewish diaspora communities have 50% of Canaanite DNA. The Israelites assimilated the Canaanites into themselves, *9)* Moses married a Cushite woman and his family was so upset that they called out to God. If they themselves were black, it's unlikely they would have been so upset for marrying another black person. *10)* The Egyptians show the 4 Races in their Book of Gates. *Egyptians* - Red skinned people with sharp features. *Libyans* - white skinned people Berber/Amazigh people. *Cushites* - Black skinned Ethiopian people *Syrian/Israelites* - Sallow skinned people with fringes on their clothing demands. *11)* All the diaspora communities of Jews share DNA, and their shared DNA is found in Ancient Israel. *12)* The Egyptians and Assyrians in their pictographs show the Israelites to be lighter skinned people often with blonde or red hair. *13)* The Samaritans (Israelites from the Assyrian invasion) are light skinned people and are DNA related to the Jews today. *14)* Portraits of ancient Jews, Josephus, Isaac Luria, Maimonides and others show no Negroid features. *15)* The only ancient skull of hair ever found in ancient Israel was red, male, short, straight hair found in the Tomb of the Shroud, connected to the Jesus Tomb. *16)* The ancient Synogogues of Dura Europa, Huqoq, and Sepphoras all show the Israelites/Jews in their mosaics and their frescoes. And the people were light skinned people. *17)* In the countries around the world, Jews were forced in both Europe and in the Muslim countries to wear special hats, patches, or belts to distinguish the Jews from Gentiles. If Jews were Negroes they would not need red hats or yellow patches or belts to see they were different. *18)* The Hebrew language was used by all Jews around the world throughout history. All Jews whether in Morocco, Brazil, Poland, or Iraq read and understand the Hebrew scriptures. Here are a dozen and a half different proofs from various sources, archeology, paleontology, linguistics, history, science and the Bible, all showing the Israelites were Caucasoid. There is not one piece of evidence for the black Africans being Israelites.
@patrickjohnson7592 Жыл бұрын
The ability, of the Hebrew Israelites, to use the Bible, to prove their beliefs, is Evidence, of their Jewish Ancestry, of the Gift, of the HolySpirit. This, proves, that they are the Servants of God. HolySpirit, is the Approval, from God.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
The Black Hebrew Israelites don't know Hebrew and use incorrect translations to try to sound like they know something. There is Not one piece of evidence for black African Negroes being Israelites.
@hassanzaylai4491 Жыл бұрын
Nonsense! They are nothing more than a hate group with black skin! As a Muslim black man, it breaks my heart that the ultimate victim (black person) is to victimize another ultimate victim (Jews) by then white racism of illusional racial supremacy!
@warsun99 Жыл бұрын
You know you should watch this. Satan At The Wailing Wall/ NOT ONE STONE LEFT UPON ANOTHER I know you want to say that these groups are hate groups but they are discussing their own history. An they are correct. But very insulting to others when trying to explain it. I would complain about that. But you can just put your fingers in your ears an walk past. They wont stop you.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
There is No history of descent of Negroes from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Israelites were a Caucasoid people. The only description of the israelites is White as Noah, Solomon and Abraham's Sarah are all described as White in,scriptures.
@beng2729 Жыл бұрын
You go girl. Kudos
@warsun99 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but she made a mistake. Israel United in Christ is not a extremist group Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge are Muslims an very thuggish. However they are still within the laws to be outside yelling out passages in the bible.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
Revelations 2.9 and 3.9 are part of Revelations known as the *7 Letters to the 7 Churches* and were written to the Early Christian churches of Turkey, Smyrna and Philadelphia. They have nothing to do with the Jews, especially modern Jews. If addressed to a modern population, it would be addressed to the Black Africans that say they are Jews, but are not!!
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
The thing is for being antisemitic, the Arabs hate Jews, both are Semites. The Semites in Jordan hate the Semites in Palestine Territories. Blacks can hate other blacks.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
*Why black Africans don't match the curses of Deuteronomy 28* ▪︎All the curses and blessings of Deuteronomy 28 were only valid in Israel, not in America, not in Africa. The land that God gave the Israelites, the land with the walled cities and olive trees. ▪︎ When were Black Africans taken from Israel to Egypt by ships, in irons? Never happened! The real Jews were brought to Egypt by ships in irons. ▪︎ When were Black Africans offered for sale and were not sold ? Fat, skinny, ugly, beautiful, tall, short all were sold. ▪︎ When was the 400 years of slavery? The TAST started in 1619, slavery was made illegal in 1865, that is 246 years of slavery, where is the other 154 years of slavery? ▪︎ When did Black Africans own Vineyards, oxen, cattle and flocks? They were thought of as property, they didn't own property. ▪︎ Who was the Black African Israelite king taken as a slave with his people? There was none, the real Jews had their king taken with them. ▪︎ When was it reported that Black Africans ate their own children because of the famine caused by the enemy? The real Jews had this happen more than once. ▪︎When were Black Africans scattered to the 4 corners of the earth? They were brought to North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands. They were not brought to Russia, China, Japan, Scandinavia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand etc as the Real Jews were. ▪︎When were Black Africans taken as slaves by the enemies of Israel? The Portuguese slave traders were not enemies of Israel, the American colonists were not enemies of Israel. ▪︎ Deuteronomy 28 says the Israelites would be left few in number. The real Jews are only 14 million people. The Black Africans are many multiple millions of people. *Why don't the Black Africans match the curses of Deuteronomy 28?*
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
*Here are many points showing the Black Africans are not Israelites!!* ▪︎ There are No black remains in ancient Israel! ▪︎ The paper showing light skinned, blonde hair and blue eyed people in Israel from before 6500 BCE. *_Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of Population Mixture in Cultural Transformation_* ▪︎ Noah, Solomon and Abraham's Sarah are all described as White in the scriptures. ▪︎ There are No ancient synagogues, Mikvahs Hebrew writing or Torahs ever discovered in Sub-Saharan Africa. ▪︎ All the tribes in the Levant at the time of the Israelites, looked like them, Caucasoid. The Canaanites, the Philistines, the Arameans, the Samaritans, the Ishmaelites, etc. ▪︎ They have forensically reconstructed skulls from ancient Israel from different periods of time and they were all Caucasoid. Published in a German paleontology journal. ▪︎ Abraham was from Ur. The people of Ur are pictured in the *_Standard of Ur, from the Royal Tomb of Ur_* They are light skinned people with sharp features and Caucasoid. ▪︎ All Jewish diaspora communities have 50% of Canaanite DNA, the Israelites assimilated the Canaanites into themselves. The Black Africans show no Canaanite DNA. ▪︎ Moses married a Cushite (black woman) and his family was so upset that they called out to God. If they themselves were black, they would not be upset to marry another black person. ▪︎ The Egyptians show the 4 races known by them; *Egyptians* - Red skinned people with sharp features *Libyans* - White skinned people Berber/Amazigh people *Cushite* - Black skinned Ethiopian people *Syrian/Israelite* - Sallow skinned people, with fringes on their clothes as the Torah demands ▪︎ All the diaspora communities of Jews share DNA, and this DNA is found in ancient Israel. The Mizrahi, Romaniote, Italkim, Sephardi, and Ashkenazi all are closely related to each other by DNA. ▪︎ The Egyptians and Assyrians show the Israelites to be lighter skinned people with often blonde or red straight hair. ▪︎ The Samaritans (Israelites from around the Assyrian invasion) are light skinned people and closely related to the Jews of today. ▪︎ Portraits of ancient Jews, Josephus, Isaac Luria, Maimonides and others show no Negroid figures. ▪︎ The only ancient skull of hair ever found in ancient Israel was red, straight, male hair found in the Tomb of the Shroud, connected to the Jesus Tomb by DNA. ▪︎ The ancient synagogues of Dura Europa, Huqoq and Sepphoras all show what the Israelites/Jews looked like and they were never Negroid. ▪︎ In the countries around the world, both in Europe and Arab or Muslim countries, Jews were forced to wear special hats, patches, or belts to distinguish Jews from Gentiles. If Jews were Negroes they would not need Hats, patches or belts/sashes to distinguish them. ▪︎The Hebrew language was used by all Jews around the globe throughout history. All Jews whether in Morocco, Brazil, Poland or Iraq read and understood the Hebrew scriptures. Here are a dozen and a half different proofs from various sources, archeology, paleontology, linguistics, history, science and the Bible all showing the Israelites were Caucasoid. There is not one piece of evidence for the Black Africans ever being Israelites.
@janetlee191 Жыл бұрын
What does Elecha mean?
@sinseerlee2470 Жыл бұрын
Are you guys meant to be talking about non Caucasian Judeans. Judaism derives from the fourth son of Jacob. Jacob had 11 other sons. In other words not all where Judeans, but all where Hebrew Israelites from there father. Biblical facts here. This woman obviously doesn't read the BOOK. Her discernment is very low. She need to repent and actually does a dis service to this argument of which I would prefer to call a lesson but unfortunately cannot after listening to her total disregard of scripture. Heres 1 to start off with 2 Timothy 2: 15 . If you want to rebuke some of there doctrine do it with scripture. Like Acts 10:35. Your welcome, I'm gonna pray for you guys to pickup the Book and seek the TRUTH in its entirety. Your 🌽 would be worth the ingestion.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
No, The word "Jew" means a Judean, not a Judahite. The Jews were those of the Southern Kingdom of Judea. Mostly the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Simeon and the Levites assigned to those tribes. There were also the spouses and merchants that lived in the Southern Kingdom of Judea from the Northern kingdom of Israel. After the Assyrian invasion, all the people in the land, and that returned to the land were called as Jews. Not of just one tribe. In the Book of Esther, Mordechai was called a Jew, of the tribe of Benjamin. All the people of All the tribes were called as Jews.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
Jews Don't use the Christian No Testament as a source. Thank you!!
@sinseerlee2470 Жыл бұрын
@@shainazion4073 your 🌽 only fit for your own consumption. I say this because @Shaina Zion I never implied once that a Jew was a judahite and neither did you even though you stated the fact. What's your point? I think you need to read over again with open eyes. Your welcome by the way and Messianic Jews do follow the New Testament.
@sinseerlee2470 Жыл бұрын
@@shainazion4073 @Shaina Zion seek edification, Iron sharpens iron 2 Chronicles 31:6 should assist this point for understanding and clarity.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
@@sinseerlee2470 You outright said, _"Judaism derived from the fourth son of Jacob. Jacob had 11 other sons. In other words not all where(?) Judeans, but all where(?) Hebrew Israelites from their father. Biblical facts here"_ Biblical Facts is that all the tribes were known as Jews, not just those of the fourth son. And nowhere in Any scriptures are their references to "Hebrew Israelites".
@sinseerlee2470 Жыл бұрын
@DaughterofSarahisreal Жыл бұрын
Why do you call it Black hebrew isralites? they literally say native indians and hispanics lol
@DaughterofSarahisreal Жыл бұрын
@@mollysmeow3455 Look here white woman, we do know everyone who is hispanic is not white. Dominican, puerto ricans are consider hispanic, but they have black blood in them genius. Just like not everyone who is black are africans. When did the Jewish community spent 400 in captivity on slave ship according to deuteronomy 28:48? and where? when did your people lose there identity and culture like the prophecy in the bible? The song of solomon 1:5-6 he stated he was black and beautiful and king solomon was a jew. isaiah 3:16 States one of the curses on the jew woman was that they cant grow there hair and their hair will have scab on it. when and where the white jews have any issues growing there hair? I can keep going. Isaiah 42:22 one of the curses is that the jews will be in jail all through out the land. How many white jews go to jail?
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
Because they are the leaders of the movement.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
​@@DaughterofSarahisreal Here are the many sources that debunk the Black Hebrew Israelites. *1)* There are no black remains in ancient Israel. *2)* The study titled, *_"Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of Population Mixture in Cultural Transformation"_* from the journal, _Nature Communications_ tells of light skinned blue-eyed blondes that lived in Israel in 6500 to 3000 BCE. *3)* Noah, Solomon, and Abraham's Sarah are all described in scripture as "white". *4)* There are no ancient Synogogues, mikvahs. Hebrew writing or Torahs ever discovered in ancient Africa. *5)* All the tribes in the Levant at the time of the Israelites were Caucasoid, the Canaanites. The Edomites, the Phillistines, the Arameans, the Samaritans, the Ishmaelites, the Hyksos, the Berber/Amazigh peoples of North Africa also. *6)* They have forensically reconstructed skulls from ancient Israel from different periods of time, and they were all Caucasoid. Published in a German paleontological journal. *7)* Abraham was from Ur, the people of UR are pictured on *_the Standard of UR, from the Royal Tomb of UR,_* The people are light skinned people with sharp features and straight hair. Caucasoid. *8)* All Jewish diaspora communities have 50% of Canaanite DNA. The Israelites assimilated the Canaanites into themselves, *9)* Moses married a Cushite woman and his family was so upset that they called out to God. If they themselves were black, it's unlikely they would have been so upset for marrying another black person. *10)* The Egyptians show the 4 Races in their Book of Gates. *Egyptians* - Red skinned people with sharp features. *Libyans* - white skinned people Berber/Amazigh people. *Cushites* - Black skinned Ethiopian people *Syrian/Israelites* - Sallow skinned people with fringes on their clothing demands. *11)* All the diaspora communities of Jews share DNA, and their shared DNA is found in Ancient Israel. *12)* The Egyptians and Assyrians in their pictographs show the Israelites to be lighter skinned people often with blonde or red hair. *13)* The Samaritans (Israelites from the Assyrian invasion) are light skinned people and are DNA related to the Jews today. *14)* Portraits of ancient Jews, Josephus, Isaac Luria, Maimonides and others show no Negroid features. *15)* The only ancient skull of hair ever found in ancient Israel was red, male, short, straight hair found in the Tomb of the Shroud, connected to the Jesus Tomb. *16)* The ancient Synogogues of Dura Europa, Huqoq, and Sepphoras all show the Israelites/Jews in their mosaics and their frescoes. And the people were light skinned people. *17)* In the countries around the world, Jews were forced in both Europe and in the Muslim countries to wear special hats, patches, or belts to distinguish the Jews from Gentiles. If Jews were Negroes they would not need red hats or yellow patches or belts to see they were different. *18)* The Hebrew language was used by all Jews around the world throughout history. All Jews whether in Morocco, Brazil, Poland, or Iraq read and understand the Hebrew scriptures. Here are a dozen and a half different proofs from various sources, archeology, paleontology, linguistics, history, science and the Bible, all showing the Israelites were Caucasoid. There is not one piece of evidence for the black Africans being Israelites.
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
​@@DaughterofSarahisreal Nowhere is any israelite said to spend 400 years on a slave ship, as for the curses of Deuteronomy 28; *Why the black Africans don't match the curses of Deuteronomy 28?* >> All the curses and blessings in Deuteronomy 28 only was to happen in Israel. Not in America, not in Africa. In the land God gave the Israelites, the land with the walled cities and olive trees. >> When were black Africans brought from Israel to Egypt by ship in irons? Never happened. The Real Jews were brought from Israel to Egypt by ships. >> When were black Afrivans offered for sale, and not sold? Tall, short, skinny, fat, ugly, pretty All were sold. >> When did black Africans own vineyards, oxen, cattle and flocks? They were thought of as property, they didn't own property, >> When was the 400 years of slavery? The TAST started in 1619, and slavery was made illegal in 1865, that is 246 years, where is the other 154 years? >> When was it ever reported that black Africans ate their children because of the famine caused by the enemy? Never happened! >> Who was the Black African Israelite king taken as a slave with his people? There was none! >> When were Black Africans scattered to the 4 corners of the world? They were brought to North, Central, and South American as well as the Caribbean Islands, not to Russia, China, Japan, Scandinavia, Europe. Australia, Greenland. New Zealand as the Real Jews were. >> When were black Africans taken as slaves by the enemies of Israel? The Portuguese slave traders were not enemies of Israel, the American colonists were not enemies of Israel! >> Deuteronomy 28 says the Israelites would be left few in Number, the Real Jews are only 14 million in the world, the black Africans are many multiple of millions. *Why don't the black Africans match the curses of Deuteronomy 28?*
@hassanzaylai4491 Жыл бұрын
@@rachelsamuel3328 Don't forget we now have DNA tests!
@tribeoflevi1995 Жыл бұрын
All we're doing is reading the bible you edomites don't have a problem with us, you have a problem with GOD!!!
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
No, you are not reading any bible you are mocking the Torah and making up lies based on bad mistranskations!
@intelligentthinker8085 Жыл бұрын
The vast majority of Hebrew Israelites do NOT subscribe to the 12 Tribes Chart.
@tribeoflevi1995 Жыл бұрын
The "holo host" never happened
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
Really. That's strange read the testimony of the black American soldiers that liberated the death camps. And Germany kept very good records. Do you think that they paid reparations for something they never did??
@tribeoflevi1995 Жыл бұрын
You fake j×ws are the devil
@rachelsamuel3328 Жыл бұрын
The only fakes are the blacks that are pretending to be things that they are Not!
@jasonhecht 2 жыл бұрын
Here is the Playlist: