"The Meaning of Marriage" Book Review
19 сағат бұрын
Make THIS Kind of Goal This Year
God Did Something UNEXPECTED
28 күн бұрын
The Life That God Expects from Us
"Any-3" Book Review
3 ай бұрын
Etic vs Emic Perspective
6 ай бұрын
Does Apologetics Answer the Heart?
Taking Interest in God Honors Him
@billlee2194 16 күн бұрын
After all the comments I shared with fellow commentors, I went back and listened to the video. I agree with the speaker 100%. The only thing I would add is he lacks the full understanding of the so-called Catholic rituals as he calls them. That is he doesn't understand the graces that come through the rituals eg. baptism, confirmation (laying on of hands), Confession and the Eucharist (eating and drinking the body and blood of Jesus). He is correct, however, that Catholics & Orthodox (the only two churches that have valid orders to perform the Sacraments) who merely go through the rituals are not embracing a saving faith. Furthermore, they are profaning the body and blood of Jesus if they eat and drink without examining their conscience concerning grave sin. Otherwise, I am in complete agreement with the speaker. God's blessings to all.
@matthewbroderick6287 17 күн бұрын
Holy Scripture teaches we must cooperate with God's saving grace and repent and bear fruit and forgive others and love one another and keep the commandments and persevere to the end to be saved! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink!
@billlee2194 17 күн бұрын
I believe You have stated it well.
@elijahlyons8164 18 күн бұрын
Psalm 115:3: "Our God is in heaven; He does as He pleases." this verse shows us that god has given himself freewill. We are made in his image and likeness, meaning that the same ability that god has given himself has been granted to us. This does not mean there are no consequences. also, Free will can be thought of as actions within a time, whereas god having knowledge of all things and had planned for everything before creation does not mean there is no free will, it simply means that god knows what will be done using free will and has planned everything with perfect knowledge.
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist 18 күн бұрын
@@elijahlyons8164 I don’t disagree with your conclusion, however we need to be cautious with the way a conclusion is reached. Just because God has an attribute and we are created in His image does not mean we also have that attribute. For example, God is omnipotent and has the power to create something from nothing, but when though we are created in His image, we can’t do this. As such, just because God can do whatever He pleases does not mean that we can. He is Creator and Sustainer, and this will overrules ours where He deems it appropriate. As you stated, at the end of the day, we will have to face the consequences for our choices and the God who created us in His likeness and within His world.
@elijahlyons8164 18 күн бұрын
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist the key part is his likeness. He created the word to share the position of god as well. Since not every human is given the same gifts and attributes, this allows us to look the scripture that say we are the body of christ and that christ prayed that we would be one with him the same way that christ is one with the father. A head and body relationship.
@elijahlyons8164 18 күн бұрын
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist in looking at the head and body relationship, christ showed us in the garden before he was betrayed that he had free will by saying "not as I will, but as you will". If the body has free will, it must choose to submit to the head.
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist 18 күн бұрын
@ important distinction: we are made LIKE God, to be able to be in relationship with Him and others. But we are not remotely the same kind of thing as He is, nor will we be. He is Creator, we are creation.
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist 18 күн бұрын
@ that’s a great passage to look at. You’re right, it’s a good example of how we ought to submit to the will of God. That assumes we do have free will, but also that God’s will is greater. As such we should surrender ours to Him and seek His will.
@RitaGatton 19 күн бұрын
True story: Many years ago, I was in Atlanta, which is in the "Bible Belt" and I was reading the "Letters to the Editors" of the large Sunday newspaper. I counted THREE letters that people had written in about a recent mass shooting. A preacher had preached at the funeral of the mass shooter. He had said that, because the murderer and some of his victims had asked Jesus to come into their hearts, they were all together in heaven now. This upset the readers of the newspaper so much about their view of heaven that THREE people had written letters to argue against it!
@RitaGatton 19 күн бұрын
The Catholic church teaches that we are saved by a lifelong cooperation with God's grace. We show it through trust, obedience and striving for holiness and making our environment holy.
@TheBurgermeister555 21 күн бұрын
Hey Brother Ash, Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you had a very merry Christmas! Can you help me understand quantum gravity in the simplest terms possible and explain how the Hartle-Hawking model which eliminates the singularity and imaginary time can be debunked and what Planck time means?
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist 21 күн бұрын
@@TheBurgermeister555 Merry Christmas! In short, various theories exist, put forth by some scientists such as Hawking and Strauss and others. They try to explain the creation/arrival of the universe from nothing. One view states that gravity inevitably results in the formation of a universe. Another view argues that quantum energy coming in and out of existence might result in the creation of the universe. There are other similar theories as well. Nevertheless, they all make a fatal mistake: they assume the existence of something in order to create the universe (i.e. quantum energy, etc.). However, what we know about the origin of the cosmos is that space-time, matter, and energy were created. If they were created, then they cannot exist before this moment of creation. As such, energy cannot be the cause of energy - energy didn’t exist yet. Gravity cannot be the cause of the universe because it is a law describing how matter functions in an already existing space-time plane (no space-time and matter, no gravity). In other words, these theories fail because they assume the existence of something that only arises as a result of creation, not existing on their own. Something must exist outside the universe, independent of it. A supra-natural creator would make sense. Hope that helps. Merry Christmas! Ash
@TheBurgermeister555 19 күн бұрын
@@friendlyneighborhoodapologist What I would like to know is how Stephen Hawking who argued against a singularity and the need for a creator can be debunked because he argued against a singularity and what I want to know is how the Hartle-Hawking no-boundary model and the self-contained universe fail, what imaginary time is which he used for his no-boundary model and how that fails, and what he believed came before the Big Bang instead of a singularity and how it fails and what Hawking radiation and black holes are. I want to know what these things all are and what his beliefs were and how they all fail and can be debunked.
@TheBurgermeister555 13 күн бұрын
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist Oh. I think I understand now. Hawking was arguing multiverse. Imaginary time is the presupposition that time always existed, but not in our universe and rather than a singularity, our universe came from decay of another universe and formed smoothly rather than from an explosion from a single point.
@TheBurgermeister555 21 күн бұрын
Hey Brother Ash, what do you say about the Hartle-Hawking no-boundary model and imaginary time and how can they be debunked?
@winninggemchannel8819 27 күн бұрын
Keep preaching brother a good message
@madmax2976 Ай бұрын
Most of the apostles disappear from history, never to be heard about or from ever again. Of the few for which there are claims of martyrdom, there are no first hand accounts of their demise, including no account that they were threatened with death and given a chance to recant. If apologists want to just assume these things, that's their prerogative, but it's useless as evidence to anyone who isn't already a believer.
@danielcole4123 Ай бұрын
Enjoyed the video thx
@psychologicalprojectionist Ай бұрын
The belief that if people died for something, then that something must be true is so preposterous that I am stuck for words. 1. Dead people can be wrong too. 2. They might have been trying to retract or deny their belief before they met their end. 3. It is all ancient hearsay. 4. How would these martyrs known anything more than anyone else at the time, most of whom probably thought they were batshit crazy. 5. There are also Muslim, Nazi, Communist, Atheist, Flat Earth, you name it, martyrs who died for what they believe. Accepting the beliefs of people who allegedly died for their belief, probably means believing EVERYTHING.
@JohnKoenig-db8lk Ай бұрын
Muslims martyred themselves on 9/11. Many Japanese kamikaze pilots martyred themselves in the Second World War.
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist Ай бұрын
The difference is that they gave their lives for what they believe to be true, many people have done that - yet they are displaced by hundreds or thousands of years and don’t know for sure that it’s true. The apostles would have known if Jesus rose from the dead. They died not simply for what they believed, but for what they witnessed: a risen Jesus. They would know if it wasn’t true. And no one gives their life for something they know is a lie.
@JohnKoenig-db8lk Ай бұрын
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist What's it like to be so hopelessly credulous?
@zhengfuukusheng9238 Ай бұрын
FUN FACT: Claims that there WERE martyrs, doesn't mean there were. If you say otherwise, present the hard evidence
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist Ай бұрын
There are a variety of records and writings speaking of the deaths of the apostles, some are more well documented than others. However, there is not a single record that these martyrdoms are untrue - such as saying Peter was actually over here, or John was not on Patmos but was actually in somewhere else, or that Paul was not killed in Rome. They died testimonies we have, from a variety of sources, such as secular historians, church fathers, and even Gnostic sources. All available contemporary sources agree about the deaths of the apostles. Not a single one suggests otherwise. I suggest checking out the work of Dr. Sean McDowell who did his dissertation on the deaths of the apostles. Given that these men really died for what they witnessed and professed; what could cause them to be willing to do that? People won’t die for what they know to be false.
@zhengfuukusheng9238 Ай бұрын
Writings aren't good evidence. Anyone can make up stories
@isaiahnichols7641 Ай бұрын
@@zhengfuukusheng9238Multiple unaffiliated sources corroborating the same information isn’t evidence? Alright, pal.
@zhengfuukusheng9238 Ай бұрын
@@isaiahnichols7641 Its poor evidence. A bunch of people can get together and make up stories. Its that's simple. Otherwise, you should believe the claims of every other religion out there And how d'ya know they're unaffiliated? You don't. The fact is, we can't even tell what is an "original" Because how do we know the "original" hasn't yet been found...or was destroyed. Just like all other religions, every generation builds on the stories they were told. The main culprits are those who make a living out of it What d'ya think is more likely...12 blokes suddenly followed the magic man from the sky...they had nothing better to do, plenty of money they didn't need to work....some of them had magic experiences....or that people made up stories? What's more likely?
@thomasmarron9790 Ай бұрын
@@zhengfuukusheng9238 yeah your right history is actually one big fairy tale
@xavierpena1996 Ай бұрын
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. All other issues are secondary, tertiary even. Point blank, period. Next question.
@billlee2194 17 күн бұрын
'Repent and he baptized all of you for the forgiveness of your sins'. 'Baptism now saves you'.
@globallatitude-dmacorporat5886 Ай бұрын
The key component of Protestant Christianity is the belief in sola scriptura - or that that scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice for Christians. So why after being a practising Christian of over 30 years did I not know that Catholics have an extra 7 books in their version of the Bible? And why does not one of my other Christian friends and family members know about this either? As you read this, are you even aware that Catholics have 7 extra books in the Old Testament? If so, don't be surprised. I'm over 50 now and have been a practising Christian for over 30 years and nobody ever said a thing. Countless Sunday sermons, plenty of special events, weekends and retreats. Lots of ridicule and judgement against Catholics, and the veneration of Mary and the Saints. Oh yes, all that teaching about Catholics being a pagan Roman faith and not really the original church. Or worse, the veneration of Mary being akin to some kind of pagan goddess worship. It all becomes clear that this kind of teaching is a complete pack of lies if you spend the time doing your own research and asking the questions of Catholics exactly what their faith is about. Insisting on a teaching of Sola Scriptura if you know that Luther simply removed seven books of the bible is lying by omission and calls the whole basis and authenticity of Protestantism into question. And no, these are not the apocryphal scriptures that were left out of the original Christian canon. They are literally bible books that Luther, a mere man, removed from the Christian bible and then announced that his new version alone is "authoritative for the faith and practice". Imagine the furore if as many as seven books of the bible were removed from scripture today and the butchered result being sold back to us as complete? So I started to wonder, what other lies are we fed as Protestants? If you are really a Christian and therefore a believer in Truth, it's time to start asking much harder questions about ourselves, where our faith comes from and if it's gone astray. I've done the work myself and have come to the conclusion that it is we Protestants are in error. It's the Catholics that are keeping the true faith.
@jfziemba Ай бұрын
Bless your hearts
@Hyrodeniamandibulata Ай бұрын
Heaven was empty before Luther
@Hyrodeniamandibulata Ай бұрын
Heaven was empty before Luther 😂
@gwendolynnorton6329 Ай бұрын
In the Church we do the things Christ asked of us; that is the very definition of belief. Evangelical Christians have man made hoops they tell people they must jump through, that is not faith in Christ. That is putting faith in a man made system
@scottmcdonald6201 Ай бұрын
Given that most Protestant denominations are derivative of Catholicism to one extent or another, one would think the answer to be a self-evident "yes." Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and Erasmus of Rotterdam all stand as Catholic theologians who have had a profound influence on Protestant doctrines. Given this shared intellectual heritage, it would require intense mental gymnastics to condemn Catholics/Catholicism while still affirming Protestantism. Moreover, the role of the Catholic Church in the discernment and formalization of the Biblical canon cannot be ignored. Pope Damasus I, for example, played a pivotal role in evaluating the writings under consideration, while The Council of Rome (382 AD) addressed the issue of the Biblical canon. The Council of Hippo (393 AD) and the Council of Carthage (397 AD) reaffirmed the same canon. Similarly, the first known list of the 27 books of the New Testament as we know them today was provided by Saint Athanasius, the Bishop of Alexandria. The Catholic Church has played an essential role in shaping the Christian tradition as we know it today. As such, if Catholicism was worthy of condemnation, a very solid portion of Protestantism would logically be worthy of condemnation as well. As a side note, those curious to gain a glimpse into Catholic spirituality would really benefit from reading Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross.
@zacharynelson5731 Ай бұрын
If “faith alone” is true then you would think everyone who isn’t an atheist would be saved.
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist Ай бұрын
@@zacharynelson5731 it’s not merely faith that matters; the object of the faith is crucial. Someone who skates on a frozen lake, having faith that it will hold them, yet fall through the ice failed because their faith must misplaced. The object of faith must be able to sustain you. Only Jesus can do that, through His death and resurrection, which is why He is the only way to life (John 14:6). As such, the question is, what does real faith in Jesus look like and entail.
@billlee2194 17 күн бұрын
'Faith working through love'. 'If I have faith to move mountains but have not love, I am nothing'. 'these three remain, faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love'.
@baldwinthefourth4098 Ай бұрын
There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus!
@BrotherhoodBreath Ай бұрын
This is why we venerate those who are canonized as saints. They lead by example on how we are to live with and like Christ. They are always praying for us. The gospel makes it clear on how were saved. Faith(Jhn 3:16), baptism(Jhn 3:5), consuming his body and blood(Jhn 6:54) and denying yourself (picking up your own cross Mat 10:38-39) and thats only through Christ.
@johnchung6777 Ай бұрын
This video is adding more confusion of how to believe in Jesus Christ,for people think after they have’d read the scriptures themselves or are taught the scriptures by someone else understands that in order to believe in Jesus and be saved is just a thought or a feeling that convinced a person that they are saved and so salvation is so easy and simple to achieve,now Jesus taught immensely of the things that one must learn understand and do. Why is that,it’s because in order to really believe in Jesus one must learn understand and do the many things that we humans are always going to be tempted and deceived throughout our daily lives and commit sins that will condemn a person and it includes the so called believers of Jesus Christ and that’s what Jesus Christ was meaning when he told the crowd why do you call me lord lord but do not the things I TELL YOU TO DO so it’s evidently clearer than daylight Jesus is warning them that they were not doing the many things that he was teaching them to DO in order to believe in him and be saved.And I must say that this is just one of the many other passages in scriptures that speaks about how and what a person must learn understand and do the many things that Jesus said himself that one must do in order to be SAVED
@billlee2194 17 күн бұрын
I lived my life this way for 70 years committing adultery and fornication and being told all along that because I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior that I was saved and no sin would change that. I kept my fingers crossed waiting on the Darby rapture.
@dphillips83 Ай бұрын
😏 Catholics if Protestants are right: "Oh well, no harm done!" 😨 Protestants if Catholics are right (1000 years in purgatory): "Wait, WHAT?! Purgatory?!" 😱 Protestants and Catholics if Orthodox are right: "We're ALL in trouble!"
@Arpitan_Carpenter Ай бұрын
Protestants would actually be in hell not purgatory
@RitaGatton 19 күн бұрын
That is why we Catholics pray for all of the souls in purgatory. When we pray for one soul, we pray, "May his/her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace".
@SamHollidayV Ай бұрын
As a Catholic I can tell you: even we don't know if we (or anyone else) are saved, or damned save for formally canonized Saints. We (and everyone else) are at the mercy of Christ. Also: someone smarter than me, feel free to correct me if I unintentionally said anything heretical. God Bless you!
@39knights Ай бұрын
My two cents. We Catholics never presume we are saved to the point we are completely sinless. That would be the sin of 'presumption'. However we can have reasonable assurance we are in a state of grace; which means that to the best of our knowledge if we die at that moment we would not suffer eternal hell. This is based onan honest effort to learn the faith, examine our conscience, and receive the sacraments especially confession and the eucharist.
@markheithaus Ай бұрын
Yes. Catholics are saved. Catholics believe that Christ came to forgive sins.
@Elsupermayan8870 Ай бұрын
I think you should have a discussion with Bryan Mercier of Catholic Truth to discuss this. And if you're feeling brave enough, try debating with Peter Dimond of vaticancatholic.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
Islam and Protestantism are fundamentally the same. They are a reaction to and distortion of Catholicism based on personal revelation. Believing that God failed in 33AD and waited hundreds of years, or worse, over 1,500 or 2,000 years to reveal a woke relative truth. And of course supported by constant lies and misrepresentations about Catholicism by people who know nothing about Catholicism. The printing press helped to spread the errors of Protestantism. However, the internet is already starting to destroy the falsehoods of Islam and Protestantism.
@T.Truthtella-n3i Ай бұрын
Only Faithful Catholics will be saved. Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity (the “narrow gate” spoken of by our Lord). Most reject this truth however and will go into the pit when they die.
@brittoncain5090 Ай бұрын
Sounds sedevacantist to me.
@ChrisFlanigan777 Ай бұрын
This is not Catholic Teaching.
@byzantinedeacon Ай бұрын
The only christians that will be in heaven are the ones who find heaven now.
@krizilloo2538 Ай бұрын
Please elaborate.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
Did you accept Jesus as your “personal savior”? If so, that came from Charles Fullers popular radio show Old Fashioned Revival Hour that aired from 1937 to 1968. What about the sinner’s prayer? Billy Graham 1950s. Neither are in the Bible. They are modern man made traditions. The Biblical church is the one that gave you the Bible, not radio slogans.
@T.Truthtella-n3i Ай бұрын
@moczs Ай бұрын
I don't understand how "personal savior" and "sinner's prayer" are problematic terms. Well, we can say God is not your personal savior because he saved you just like he saved many others. But even if those terms aren't found in the Bible, they aren't evil.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@ I didn’t say they were. I was simply pointing out historical fact that many Protestants are unaware of. These are man made traditions.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@moczs Think of the worst crime possible against you or your family. Do you think God would reward that unrepentant criminal with eternal life in heaven simply because they had faith alone in Christ? Many who repeat that radio slogan believe so
@moczs Ай бұрын
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata No. He wouldn't. Because that man is an unrepentant murderer who doesn't live by the Word of God but only pretends to. But that doesn't mean a murderer can't be forgiven. Remember Paul. He killed hundreds of believers like us (which made him a murderer), and then God let him be like us and even called him to be OUR Apostle. We literally have the letters of an ex christian-slaughtering guy as teachings. But I'm not saying repentance is that easy simple thing to do to avoid eternal suffering. I hope we agree
@rhettcovington9131 Ай бұрын
Protestants in general need to be asking themselves this question. "Why is there a willingness to believe that all Protestant denominations are able to be saved and are "Christian" but not Catholics?" Just remember that Peter and Paul were Catholic/Eastern Orthodox.
@hanssvineklev648 Ай бұрын
@rhettcovington9131. I don’t know of any Protestants who believe that all Protestant denominations are “Christian.” Catholics are often considered unsaved because of all the demonstrably unbiblical (and frankly, non-Apostolic) things they believe. They remind me of Mormons sometimes they have added so much to Scripture (and the early fathers, for that matter). You made up a whole new religion and then wondered why others look askance at your supposed orthodoxy.
@michaelfrancis1270 Ай бұрын
I am devoutly Catholic and I think you misunderstand what Catholics believe. Christ’s death and resurrection is absolutely the only reason why anyone is saved! Salvation is a free gift from God and there is NOTHING we can do to warrant salvation. Catholics are not Palagianists! We are called to cooperate with God’s free grace given to us at baptism meaning we must repent of sins we commit and continue to abide in Jesus! Paul puts it plainly in Romans 6 “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our former man was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin.” - Romans 6:1-6
@notatall8722 Ай бұрын
The usual Catholic-Protestant misunderstandings are at play, here: *Catholic:* _receives Eucharist, or receives absolution, properly disposed, in faith..._ *Protestant, observing:* "You're doing a ritual-thing which I don't believe in. If I thought Christ had taught/commanded it, I would also do/believe it; but, since I don't think Christ taught/commanded it, I don't bother doing/believing it. Therefore, I don't regard it as something one puts one's trust in _as a logical consequence of faith in Christ._ Instead, I regard it as something one puts one's trust in for no logical reason, and unrelated to trust in Christ." *Catholic, responding:* "Well, yeah, I see how that holds together from your perspective. But, you see, I _do_ believe that Christ taught/commanded it, and that He actually _promised_ to "show up" with divine power when we obey him by doing it, and don't put impediments like disobedience or disbelief in the way. Since that is what I believe, it logically follows that _doing_ this "ritual" -- it's much _more_ than that, but I agree with you that it is not _less than_ a kind of ritual, so I'm provisionally willing to use the word -- is an active expression of faith in Christ. It is my way of saying, "I believe He keeps His promises; therefore, I go out of my way to receive what He has promised." If I _didn't_ take Him at His word, I wouldn't bother. But _because_ I take Him at His word, these actions, which flow _from_ my trusting in Him, logically follow." *Protestant:* "How, then, do you explain the Catholics who live like total hellions but still show up to receive the Eucharist as if they thought that ritual would save them?" *Catholic:* "Such persons are using the sacraments _superstitiously,_ a sin which the Catechism of the Catholic Church describes in paragraph 2111, found here: www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P7E.HTM ..., and which should obviously be avoided. But note that _abusus non tollit usum._ Just because a thing can be done _wrongly_ is no argument for _not doing it at all._ Rather, it's an argument for doing it rightly. One ought to receive the sacraments -- those things which liberal theologians call mere rituals -- properly disposed, and motivated by supernatural faith, hope, and charity. And I would use the same analysis of any Protestant who sang a Praise-and-Worship song on Sunday because it made him feel spiritually revved-up, but who was regularly and unrepentantly fornicating with his girlfriend or cheating on his schoolwork. It is not that we should never praise God, merely because some folk do it for the wrong reasons. But we should love and obey God, and then praise Him from the heart. Of such Christians, whether Protestant or Catholic, Isaiah prophesied and Our Lord spoke, saying, 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.'" *Protestant:* "Funny to hear you quoting that verse, 'cause the tradition that _I_ learned from _my_ pastors and theologians says that what _you guys_ teach about the sacraments is precisely _merely human rules,_ like that verse cites." *Catholic:* "Yep, I know; and likewise our pastors and theologians say that about what _you guys_ say. Moreover, we consider you guys _theological liberals,_ because your doctrines, historically, are novelties: Largely unknown, or present only as tiny-minority positions, for the first three-quarters of the history of Christianity." *Protestant:* "Whoa, hang on a second there. My group is fairly conservative! Some call us nearly _fundamentalist._ How can you be calling us liberals?!" *Catholic:* "Not trying to be mean about it! I'm just saying, relative to the _timeline,_ guys like Zwingli look like innovators to us. You and I are united in certain contemporary struggles: We all decry the re-definition of marriage; but isn't also quite reasonably to decry the re-definition of baptism? ...or of communion? Those re-definitions happened in the 16th century, and only among a comparatively new and minority-group of Christians. But we still regard them as a left-wing-style changing of the definitions of words." *Protestant:* "Ahh, but that would only be true if we presume _your_ definitions are faithful to how those things are described and commanded _in the Bible._ We _don't_ presume that. In fact, we think we have good arguments demonstrating that _you guys_ redefined those things _first,_ and we're just changing them _back._ So, it's not that we're the _liberals._ Rather, you guys were the _liberals_ a long time ago, and we're more like _belated restorationists,_ trying to do the Beatles Thing. Y'know: Get back to where you once belonged." *Catholic:* "Heh. Your pop-culture reference is a bit dated, but what the heck, I'm a traditionalist, so I'll take it. And I get what you're saying, but I think it doesn't work. It doesn't work in practice, and can't work even in principle, because your problem is an epistemic one." *Protestant:* "Dude. Whippin' out the thirty-dollar words on me, are ya'?" *Catholic:* "Sorry! I didn't make up the word _epistemology,_ or _epistemic._ It's not my fault they don't teach it in schools! But it's the right word to describe the problem. What'm I going to do, _not_ use it?" *Protestant:* "Yeah, but the folks watching this may not know what it means." (For a moment, both speak ceasing and briefly break the fourth wall by turning towards us, the listeners. Then they shrug and return to facing one another.) *Protestant:* "Fine. For exposition's sake, I'll just speak to the air, here." (Clears throat.) "Epistemology is the topic of _how you know,_ or can _come to know,_ the things that you know, and with what degree of certainty you can claim to know them. In practice, your epistemology is like a mental toolset you can use to distinguish whether your beliefs are warranted by sufficiently incontrovertible evidence, or argument, or trust in sufficiently trustworthy authorities, or other stuff like that." *Catholic:* (grins) "Yep. Thanks. So, the reason we think Protestants have an epistemic problem is because they all claim they're using the Bible, which, to be a working Epistemology, should result in them all coming to the same conclusions. But they don't: They differ on nearly every topic. Moreover, people didn't start reading the Bible in the 16th century. Nearly every Church Father had a command of the Scriptures equal to that of the Reformers, _plus_ they were closer in language and culture to the apostles. Yet there's not a Presbyterian or a Freewill Baptist in the whole lot of them! If they're _reading the same Bible,_ yet coming to radically different conclusions ...and if _all of y'all_ are reading the same Bible, yet coming to radically different conclusions, doesn't it appear that _trying to derive the required content of the Christian religion_ from Scripture alone doesn't consistently work? "Plus, the Church Fathers whom a Protestant must trust to have transmitted a correct canon-list of the New Testament are the _same_ Church Fathers who disagree with those Protestants about doctrine. So are they heterodox or orthodox? If the former, then how can you trust your Bible-canon to be correct? If the latter, why don't you trust their judgments about the sacraments the way you trust their judgments about the inerrancy of the Book of Jude? "So, we're calling that an Epistemic Problem. What we all need, to resolve these disputes, is a way of Coming To Know the Required Content of the Christian Religion, so that we can believe it and obey it. Since a method to come to know something is called an Epistemology, we might say that you're looking for an Epistemology of Faith, or an Epistemology of Christianity. You've proposed an Epistemology built around a 16th-century innovation called _Sola Scriptura._ But it appears that Epistemology doesn't work."
@johnamoroso5855 Ай бұрын
Perhaps you would like to come to Mass. I think you are you misinformed on somethings. Please try not to come off as sounding self-righteous. It may turn off your target audience.
@Jalaway Ай бұрын
pretty sure that catholicism is the church founded by Jesus
@rouxmain934 Ай бұрын
Hey man, an Eastern Catholic here. I appreciate that your heart is in the right place. I'd like to point out that it'd be nice to open your presentation by sharing your denomination or with which protestants group you're leaning towards, just so that we can get an idea where you're coming from into this topic. Quick note on the "Depart from me, you workers of lawlesness". Some translations say "you evildoers". A quick look into the original Greek, the words used are basically "workers without law [because ignorant of the law OR willingly breaking the law]". So it's slightly more terrifying of a prospect in the old Greek.
@rosslander96 Ай бұрын
So you know, if you have faith you'll do the works Christ commanded of you - not to merit salvation, but to obey the Word of God in all things.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
That is a logical error know as affirming the consequent. The Bible only says faith without works is dead. It does NOT necessarily mean, nor does it state, that faith causes works. It only establishes that works must be present with genuine faith. The direction of causation is an additional assumption not contained in the premise. The correct logical conclusion is, for faith to be genuine (alive), works must be present. James 2:26 establishes correlation (conjunction) between faith and works, NOT causation.
@rosslander96 Ай бұрын
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata that's a word salad... all I need to do is turn to scripture to be informed about how faith working through love is what Christ calls us to be apart of. Not merely intellectual assent or belief, but a faith that is informed, a faith that works for the good of neighbor, a faith that is risen with Christ Jesus. That is the Catholic belief, and a shared belief that most Christians hold.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@rosslander96 I completely agree. I’m Catholic. I believe that also. I was simply pointing out the logical fallacy in Protestantism that faith automatically causes works.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@rosslander96 Many Protestant easy believers don’t believe that. They are all over KZbin with thousands of subscribers telling people they don’t need to avoid sin and don’t need to repent.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@rosslander96 Many Prot easy believers don’t believe that. They are all over KZbin with thousands of subscribers telling people they don’t need to avoid sin and don’t need to repent.
@kristinesharp6286 Ай бұрын
Mark 9:38-41. Just saying. Rev 14:1 symbolic number. 12x12,0000. Judaism will be just fine. If you do not believe me I’m not going to decide you are unsaved. Think whatever you want. Let Catholics be already. People try to convert other Christians to feel validated. It’s all ego. He came, He died, He rose, He will come again, He opened up the gates of heaven so that man may enter. Part of the problem is Protestants are reading an English Bible. It was written in a few languages. That is why the confusion over whether Mary did ‘it’ or not. It’s kin, different than sibs. Part of the problem was Luther chucked some books cause he didn’t like they justified things like purgatory. Revelation says can’t add or take away. And yet… But go ahead and deny purgatory exists. I’m not going to decide you are unsaved. Fortunately God decides and can receive home who He wants to receive home. I really don’t understand this distraction people have on another’s life or afterlife. Is it to avoid focusing or realizing something difficult in one’s own walk?
@mikaelrosing Ай бұрын
Im a atual protestant a Lutheran yes they are saved anyone who is baptized is being and will be saved.
@rouxmain934 Ай бұрын
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were baptised. Are they saved?
@BornAgainJohn Ай бұрын
This is so not true.
@thevulture5750 Ай бұрын
What does the Scripture say?
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
That Jesus created one unified church in 33AD, not tens of thousands of divided churches in the 16th century
@thevulture5750 Ай бұрын
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Do you believe non Catholics are saved?
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@thevulture5750 Yes. The Catholic Church recognises good in other religions even though they don’t have the fullness of the truth. Despite the many errors and heresies of Protestantism, they may have elements of truth. So those who are “invincibly ignorant” concerning the truth of Jesus Christ and his One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, will not be culpable for this lack of knowledge before God. That is very different to somebody who wilfully protests with knowledge of the truth.
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@thevulture5750Do you believe God has one truth and one church with the fullness of that truth? Or many truths that don’t agree with each other?
@thevulture5750 Ай бұрын
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata What does John 3:14-20 say?
@vaynemain1234 Ай бұрын
Great video. Very informative. 👍👍
@friendlyneighborhoodapologist Ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@davidbaral9314 Ай бұрын
Hey bro! Good to know that God is working through you. May God give you the strength to keep up this momentum!!!
@TrishAdams-rq4ew Ай бұрын
Are saved, being saved and will be saved.
@johnaklkamel5206 Ай бұрын
Catholics could be the only ones saved as they're the only church established by christ, I'm not even catholic and I can admit that lol
@Threaldaveoss Ай бұрын
Orthodox as well the doctrinal difference really is only the view of the Holy spirit.
@kirikoucortex7042 Ай бұрын
When you dive deeper into the question, you realize even their view on the holy spirit is the same, just expressed differently (which is why it is still a subject of debate even if it should be a non-issue) In my opinion the divide is mainly historical and political, but it is very hard to find any theological differences between these churches
@mikaelrosing Ай бұрын
​@@Threaldaveoss No its not only the holy spirit its also the whole view on God too. How God communicates with creation is different from eastern orthodoxy and catholism. The differenes is primarly thomism vs palamite doctrinal differences. Aswell as the view of the bishop of romes primacy and how the councils should be intrepreted alot differes i bunch of it differes.
@mikaelrosing Ай бұрын
​@@kirikoucortex7042Its not the same. The differences is that the easterns rely on the eastern fathers early christianity but the gap in between not so becauae they hace a exetremely strong filioque beliefs. Such as trough the son means the same as from the son St Cyril of alexandria can help out with that. Their viee is compketely different and atually new from the catholic view ancient beliefs.
@rouxmain934 Ай бұрын
​@@kirikoucortex7042no no, the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic views on the Holy Spirit are not the same. But you're right that there is a way to reconcile them.
@elperinasoswa6772 Ай бұрын
That's a dumb question given that Catholics are the O.Gs of Christianity. Part of the reason I can't stand Protedtanism is, it's thick with ignorance, but then again, it is predicated upon ignorance. Enlighten yourself about Church history and you'll cease to be a Protestant, and therefore, convoluting and distorting history is a thing of Protestanism because without it there will be no Protestanism. Bible alone is the authority nvm that the Bible said the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth. So avoid history lest you find out the Church mentioned in the Bible is the Catholic Church. And for that, middle Finger to Protestanism.
@cesaretomasello8450 Ай бұрын
Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then every man will receive his commendation from God. 1 Corinthians 4:5 You seem like a good kid, but you still have a lot to learn. I’d suggest you start by reading the early Church fathers. Might I also suggest the book, Why We are Catholic, by Trent Horn. And while I’m on a role, keep in mind that the only reason you know anything about Jesus Christ, have a Bible to read, or why you have a Christian Faith that didn’t fall into heresy centuries and centuries ago, is because of the Holy Catholic Church. The same Church that Jesus Christ established two thousand years ago and promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against it. The Church that the Bible says is the pillar and foundation of truth. I hope you keep an open mind and an open heart. God Bless you always.
@thevulture5750 Ай бұрын
God gave us the Scripture.and God gives understanding. Do you teach one must be Catholic to be saved?
@rosslander96 Ай бұрын
​@@thevulture5750 the Catholic Church teaches that she is the ordinary and necessary means of salvation, but "necessary" and "ordinary" don't mean absolute. God gave us a Church to give certainty, clarity, and a clear conscience. That is the ordinary means God does this... but such graces can and are extended to those who are ignorant or misled.
@rouxmain934 Ай бұрын
​@@thevulture5750 1: "God gave us scripture and understanding." Bible alone believers don't agree on anything at all, and their views constantly change through the centuries. If God wanted Bible alone, then it couldn't be possible to err if your foundation was scripture alone. 2: Do we have to be Catholic to be saved? No. God's mercy is for everyone, no matter how wrong we are. However false theology can separate you from God, this is why theology remains important even if it isn't the source of our salvation. The New Testament says we'll be judged according to what we know. If I know a lot about God yet don't do His will, I'll get a harsher beating that if I knew little. I'd suggest to act accordingly with what you know, but at the same you have to be able to question your beliefs in order to make sure your understanding of God isn't faulty.
@BornAgainJohn Ай бұрын
Repent of Catholicism
@Knight-of-the-Immaculata Ай бұрын
@@thevulture5750That is not true. The Catholic Church gave you the Bible. Do you think it just fell outing the sky? Let’s use your logic. Where in the Bible does it say you must be a Protestant to be saved?
@ADHD_Samurai Ай бұрын
No one ever says “Are German Protestants saved?”.
@klezschuyler885 Ай бұрын
And yet they'll tell you to do whatever you want! once-saved-always-saved! Luther said sin and sin boldly! Although not all Protestants believe this, some Protestants do. But you'll NEVER hear a Catholic Christian say that.
@maylingng4107 Ай бұрын
*Lies Creationists Tell - Infinite regress* One of the most frequent attack on science is the “Infinite Regress” argument by Creationists, which is not really an argument, but a feeble attempt to trap science in (what they think) a contradiction. It goes something like this; (1) what was before the Big Bang --- answer: a Singularity, (2) what was before the Singularity ---- answer: we do not know. Even if we could answer that and state that before the Singularity there was “abcd”, the creationists would immediately follow up with: what was before the “abcd” and so on ad infinitum. In reality, we do not have a problem admitting that at a certain point, our understanding terminates FOR NOW. If we turn the very same tactic back on creationists, their hypocrisy gets exposed. Questioning the “god concept” (a) so what was there before god, or who/what created god? Creationists, as dishonest as they are, refuse the only logical answer that “we just do not know”. So they have to invent something like “god always existed and is not subject to laws of nature”. You see, if they did own up to not knowing, their deity would be immediately downgraded to just one of the many ordinary mysteries of the universe, and as a consequence, their religion which makes the claims of being founded on absolute unquestionable truths, would crumble starting with its very foundation.