@americanpeasant2815 21 күн бұрын
It looks to me like every person commenting here is at the understanding that nobody fights for the whistleblower and nobody fought for them before they became whistleblowers... Whats your response to this common and highly visible pattern?... Do you just make videos so you can sleep at night bcuz you "did all thaf you can do," or do you actually do something?... I have years of proof, in many forms, from paperwork, emails, secure messaages from VA "healthevet" website, Amvets correspondence, vmails and bogus responses from my state's senate seat, along with the same bogus response from a federal "inquiry," where they just mimicked the VA's response bcuz all they did was ask the VA about it, which is a conflict of interest... It's been 20 years and I still add to the proof every month... I've been literally abused, verbally abused, manipulated, dismissed, ignored, which can be fatal when your healthcare "provider" ignores you, or worse... I've also been called in repeatedly for drug tests that I just passed, then passed again, then again... This type of retaliation is centered on discrediting you so you'll shut up, meaning that they succeeded in silencing you... I have 3 DEA crews living in the rental homes arounde bcuz I openly promote Cannabis over alot of unhealthy medications, but I don't use Cannabis, or drink alcohol... This is a whole other level of retaliation that has been going on for 4.5 years, in regards to the close quarters agencies harassing me while breaking laws trying to discredit me so they don't get in trouble for breaking laws... This harassment is a snowball effect from me turning in the actual guys that killed Abby & Libby in Delphi Indiana in 2017... None of the law enforcement entities took me seriously, even after one of the guys tried to kidnap another girl... They ignored me until i forced an interview, then volunteered my DNA... They replaced their "investigation" with rumors and let the killer walk in and out of the Vermilion County Courthouse for over a year without any evidence being taken... This was after he picked up an Obstructing A Peace Officer charge when they approached him after I turned him in... The local law enforcement entities committed multiple levels of derilection of duty, as did the entities in the Delphi area... The first federal crew to move in was a small group of midtwenty somethings who weren't prepared for duty... Their incompetence and crimes, which were then piling up, as they still are, made it possible for the ISP to arrest the easiest target, who also was just trying to help... Mr.Allen is innocent and so am I, but, since many officials made mistakes over the years, which continue to still be made and perpetuated, they are forced to cover it up and try to bury me, as opposed to doing the right thing... Each law enforcement entity in both states, Indiana & Illinois, got involved at different times, at different degrees and for different reasons... These reasons are from just not reporting, not reporting accurately, not reporting honestly and then on to the more serious corruption, meaning intentional misguidance for warrants, arresting an innocent civilian, silencing those who oppose, including trying to get rid of Mr.Allen's defense team and being motivated by an election year and the Lance Ito Effect, meaning being famous for being connected to the case... This tragic chain of events is too long, in depth and twisted to share here, or even just in literal terms, but its one of those things that are so unbelievable that you couldn't make it up, like Truth being stranger than fiction... I'd be willing to bet that if you do anything in regards to action in this matter, you'll turn this comment over to the authorities, which is the exact same issue I brought to the light in regards to the conflict of interest that I mentioned about the senator who just had an office flunky respond with the same response as the VA... That's not action... That's imminent dismissal... At this point, these videos and every piece of "advice" in these arenas are just energy thieves and false hope generators for those who don't yet know any better... You'll see me again, in a big way, whether you choose to assist, or just watch... They haven't broken me and they never will, then you'll wish you helped in some way, so I don't highlight the false hope in these types of videos and "helpful" instruction as being void of substance, just like I'm going to do in regards to the VA, the senate, a few federal agencies, a few more local & state entities and the corrupt sections of society and it's corrupt "pillars" of "our" communities... Let that Sync in...
@marleneklinert2703 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for this clarification! Now perhaps this Counsel would be interested in the Police chief of Shelby Township Michigan allowing J.D. Vance to hold a private rally on the front steps of the Shelby township police station steps. Police officials in uniform were with Vance as he talked to twp officials and various reporters. It is public video available on line.
@joycearmstrong141 29 күн бұрын
For an agency to refuse to hire an applicant because he has a lawsuit pending that involves an entity of the same jurisdiction, is a violation. 7:29
@georgiakritikos4955 Ай бұрын
Good Job ❤Sir
@georgiakritikos4955 Ай бұрын
People need to be encouraged & supported all the time/>> to fullfill their God Given Assignment ❤Americans it's why we are a Penal System In ALL BRANCHES - FOR CORRECTION ❤🎬ITS WHY WE IS THE BEST "IN GOD WE TRUST" IS BEST FED/ AMEN
@revpatrickandieli6949 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the update and for your information
@Humpday-g2j Ай бұрын
Thanks for Sharing!!
@virgilwilkins Ай бұрын
@user-ze5wd6mt5m Ай бұрын
@MongulBulldog762 2 ай бұрын
This is Honeybee 🐝
@CVenza 2 ай бұрын
What a load of Crock! I had contacted your agency multiple times with no assistance available. Why do you lie? Say something OSC! Like TELLING THE TRUTH.
@XYZ-jm9ls 2 ай бұрын
KJP is in violation of the HATCH ACT.
@sole__doubt 2 ай бұрын
If the intent was to make a video that clearly explains the Hatch Act this video failed miserably. Im guessing that the intent was to obfuscate because this video is anything but clear.
@NDETV316 2 ай бұрын
I started working for Children's Services in 1992. I was warned to not work there by my thetapeutic foster care team, because of the corruption. I didn't believe the stories I was told. The first case I had, I became aware of government corruption that caused an infant to intentionally become a vegetable as a pay back to his father in a drug ring. One after another children were allowed to be abused because they were protected people. I was told it was because the county couldn't afford fostercare. One man was a target. He was innocent. I was ordered to lie about him and his wife. He was facing 50 years in prison. I stood by the evidence and refused to cooperate. I became a target. My case files document 2 times the deputies intentionally tried to have dangerous men/ clients kill me, after the deputies called me to come investigate a dangerous situation. They gloated about it. I was assaulted on the job several times by clients and once by the Director. They tried to make it look like it was either my fault or filed charges against the client, just to dismiss them. It was a 7 year nightmare working there, my kids lives were threatened if I didn't back off my cases. I handed 75% of the cases because the other invesigator was sweeping abuse under the rug and sleeping with his clients. The" ongoing worker" was the mastermind with her high school diploma and pure hate for me. I was young and alone and had no where to turn for help. I stood my ground ever since that first case. They tried every trick in the book to get me to quit . Finally, they hit a nerve. They told me we no longer investigate child sex abuse. They said the Prosecutors office would, but they never did. I complained so much I was then allowed to , I just couldn't interview the perp. Nobody did.They made it legal to sexually abuse kids in our county to try and make me mad enough to quit. It was reported to the Attorney General. Nothing changed. I quit, hoping if I wasn't there, maybe my clients would get helped. I had fosterd 60 kids and adopted 10 and decided to go to law school. The day I got my class schedule and book list, I got a knock on my door they were, removong our kids. The agency where I worked told lies about me to an agency in another state , claiming I " only became a worker to learn how to abuse kids and get by with it. " The truth was they killed their son and not only got by with it, they got rich off it! That was in 2001. They have ruined our adopted kids lives and our lives and my career and reputation ever since. When you go to the sheriff for help, they refuse to help. When you try to get custody of your grandkids in another county, they lie to that coumty so you cant even set eyes on your grandkids. Meanwhile they literally get by with murder and their moffia is stronger than ever. A few years ago an informant contacted me, and told me I was a target because I investgayed a man who was at the head of the drug ring and he put this on me. He gave me enough names and information about judes pay offs that I was able to email the FBI.This time they couldn't ignore me because my civil rights case against the county had been sent to USHHS and I let them know I sent them a copy. A judge resigned. Court staff were caught burning evidence in the court house lawn, ultimately nothing was done. Its was all for show. I have reported to every branch of government over the years . They know they are corrupt, and they know nobody is going to change it. I was told by ODJFS that " The Directors in these counties are like Gods and tne county is their kingdom" and USHHS " told me " Children's Services have a rule, they dont have to go by the rules." Case closed.
@AlexKozyrev_66 3 ай бұрын
I served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and I was not paid a decent salary. how to deal with this?
@AlexKozyrev_66 3 ай бұрын
Hi please tell me, where is registration of Russian federation?
@marcusboyd2376 3 ай бұрын
Osc is a complete waste of time. I didn’t even get to communicate my complaint before they said “we’re a small office”. Really? I work in a small office also, I still do my job. Next no one from the office called me, and my case was dismissed without investigation. What’s so damming is I have a legit complaint. I mean worthy of someone being prosecuted & incarcerated.
@jamesrichard3704 3 ай бұрын
Just like the Constitution it all sounds good on paper . No one has atood with me and everything i proved.
@goldenflower222 4 ай бұрын
Dont listen to this brainless, satanic mkultra crap. This is such a lame vid. Our galactic high council and alliance is in charge. Every single one is under judgement including all politicians and their corrupt crumbling system.
@goldenflower222 4 ай бұрын
This is disgusting
@sandilobianco6734 4 ай бұрын
We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.
@casno2 4 ай бұрын
This video is as misleading as the reality they care or are here to help, they are as much part of the problem as the individuals who violated your rights, and or broke laws doing it. 1. I have files more than a few OSC companies and provided substantial evidence over years that is always minimized and rejected 90% of the time no matter how damning your evidence is or deserving of an investigation. In most case your just given the right to be heard by the MSPB. 2. It takes them months to years to complete an investigation even if your evidence is a smoking gun. The energy they put into your investigation is minimal, they don’t update you on progress often and you will be luck if your case is not transferred between OSC attorneys less than twice. 3. They are very pro agency, everything they can do to minimize and discourage you from pushing forward they will. In the end they encourage you to accept what the agency offers as more than fair when it doesn’t even scratch the surface to make up or satisfy what the agency individuals have done to you, your career or your family. And if you don’t accept, they threaten (and will) abandon you closing your case without making them (agency) fix what they’ve done even if it was an outrageous violation of law, rule or regulation. In the end no matter how long it took for them to finish (3 yrs for me) in the end they tell you they are sorry, the system is what it is and they are limited in what they can do (which is not so true) and it is what it is. They decide what that your pain and suffering is worth a very low dollar amount they call the precedence at this time, and sides with the agency encouraging you to take it, then allows the agency to go on doing the same things to you and others over and over on the taxpayers dime. So you still lose even if you win, same difference with the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). This is no different than how civil rights were accepted and conspired against in a culture among the privileged in the 50s and 60’s. The deck is stacked and they (agency/the privileged) have a license to do whatever they want to you, with no fear of punishment. Them saying they are here for you is a flat out lie that only looks good on paper until you go to them for help and learn the truth. Then if you accept the scraps they toss at you, they gage you from talking about it so no one will know if you do sell out (sell your soul for pennies) so OSC or MSPB can drop your complaint. The only thing you can do is what they want (even if it’s against the law) in this day and time or leave your career, because they are all in bed together against victims. FACT!
@casno2 4 ай бұрын
This video is as misleading as the reality they care or are here to help, they are as much part of the problem as the individuals who violated your rights, and or broke laws doing it. 1. I have files more than a few OSC companies and provided substantial evidence over years that is always minimized and rejected 90% of the time no matter how damning your evidence is or deserving of an investigation. In most case your just given the right to be heard by the MSPB. 2. It takes them months to years to complete an investigation even if your evidence is a smoking gun. The energy they put into your investigation is minimal, they don’t update you on progress often and you will be luck if your case is not transferred between OSC attorneys less than twice. 3. They are very pro agency, everything they can do to minimize and discourage you from pushing forward they will. In the end they encourage you to accept what the agency offers as more than fair when it doesn’t even scratch the surface to make up or satisfy what the agency individuals have done to you, your career or your family. And if you don’t accept, they threaten (and will) abandon you closing your case without making them (agency) fix what they’ve done even if it was an outrageous violation of law, rule or regulation. In the end no matter how long it took for them to finish (3 yrs for me) in the end they tell you they are sorry, the system is what it is and they are limited in what they can do (which is not so true) and it is what it is. They decide what that your pain and suffering is worth a very low dollar amount they call the precedence at this time, and sides with the agency encouraging you to take it, then allows the agency to go on doing the same things to you and others over and over on the taxpayers dime. So you still lose even if you win, same difference with the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). This is no different than how civil rights were accepted and conspired against in a culture among the privileged in the 50s and 60’s. The deck is stacked and they (agency/the privileged) have a license to do whatever they want to you, with no fear of punishment. Them saying they are here for you is a flat out lie that only looks good on paper until you go to them for help and learn the truth. Then if you accept the scraps they toss at you, they gage you from talking about it so no one will know if you do sell out (sell your soul for pennies) so OSC or MSPB can drop your complaint. The only thing you can do is what they want (even if it’s against the law) in this day and time or leave your career, because they are all in bed together against victims. FACT! CJ
@LadyJudah 4 ай бұрын
I had no clue of this Office as I filed EEO in 2002 2004. Case trickery all the way to 2024. Officials did nothing
@gigitrinidad921 4 ай бұрын
The laws of Discrimination is NOT enforced in the United States. If it were….none of my cases would of existed nor my murdered daughters. I would of never been a prolonged hostage of being endangered as a FETUS ABDUCTION CASE. Those responsible in THAT crime would of been arrested with the amount of information given to authorities. Though my cases are MASSIVE, the massive, intentional neglect and the acts of also compliments to other CRIMINAL violations to LAWS established and printed by its STATUTES. Still….no action ever taken (intentionally), physical harm was established, surgical procedures were performed because of it, medical neglect was present to present day (that’s several decades worth). And every branch of the definition of discrimination was breeched and violated. So…..WHY DO YOU AS A COUNTRY, COME UP WITH TONS OF STATUTES FOR LAWS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED IF YOU DON’T USE IT? What is the purpose of Courthouses, Law firms, Legal firms and EVERY sector of staff employed to REPRESENT those ideas that is supposed to protect a VICTIM of….. if you are CHOOSING to WHOM IT CAN BE APPLIED TO and WHEN ITS CONVENIENT FOR YOUR PERSONAL MOOD. Other than that, many people die waiting on the law to protect them, others are MURDERED for convenience and many victims are LEFT OUT of the idea the LAWS exists in this country but NOT FOR THEM. I’d appreciate an EXPLANATION to everyone in the United States and to other countries to understand what it is that the UNITED STATES STANDS BY. If you only knew what you have done to me, my daughters, my biological father and his father who SERVED in your WWII, to have treated his ONLY grandchild presented to him in the MOST UNNATURAL way, a DIVINE BLESSING (a high ranking Celestial Angel, sent to his bloodline over a prayer said during WWII. Yes both GOD and the CREATOR responded such a prayer because the nature of his petition REQUIRED a female high ranking Celestial to help assist the general public in a very dangerous situation that can CRIPPLE a country’s infrastructure) a victim of a serious Fetus Abduction. Although you personally may not understand the nature of my existence or why THIS country kept silent about my existence, there are NO EXCUSES to the amount of harm you brought about to me and my daughters and the immense disappointment and frustrations for ALL of you to DO THE JOB you got educated for, trained for and achieved a degree for. So what WAS the problem? You wanted to breech discrimination in ALL LEVELS out of convenience? I leave you with that thought and a reminder that your existence as humans comes from the creative minds of beings whose HEARTS are pure, full of love and hope to have created the most BEAUTIFUL SPECIES any PLANET has ever seen. Yes….you ARE the ENVY of OTHERS. But criminal acts like the ones done unto me, DOES has consequences in a LAW & LEGAL origin that made your laws and legal possible to even exist. I case you’ve forgotten, you didn’t make yourselves. I apologize for the lengthy comment, this one merits for all of you to think before you act. I wait for an answer. I prefer it here where everyone shares the respond for their Peace of Mind. To know that LAWS are not for the SELECTED but meant for EVERYONE. Thank you for the time you spent reading this. Understanding why ANGELS exists, why they service humanity as well as ALL other planets with the same principle of have created species for all planets. You get to understand a little bit more what NONE of your books ever written. I am the authorized person to release what is necessary so that your lives are meaningful and fulfills the goals you try to aim for, to achieve the BEST part of YOURSELVES. 🫶😇
@Angelo87653 5 ай бұрын
Currently being threatened by Russell hosner llc for whistle blowing and making public statements about how they house elderly and immigrants in unsafe living conditions and make them pay rent living in black mold and etc
@Re-eh6wz 6 ай бұрын
Do you investigate universities? Universities that receive federal funding. Public land grant universities.
@Re-eh6wz 6 ай бұрын
I experienced retaliation after I reported discrimination and harassment by two supervisors at a public land-grant uni in TN. The uni lawyers & HR fired me. I filed with EEOC and they refused to interview the witnesses I gave. I even gave recorded evidence & proof of the lies about why I was fired. I was mobbed out of academia for being a whistle-blower, but my abusers turned around and kicked me out as they retaliated, the uni protected them. It was all to save the millions of dollars that the DOD gave my abusers to run their lab. 2 years after I am blacklisted from getting jobs, I have a PhD. I came here as a national and international scholar. The university destroyed my academic career in a heart beat. Like I came from the slums so I should go right back after I worked like a slave to build a non-existent career, because there is no place in academia for BIPOCs. And they don't tell you that until after you get your PhD. They tell you that by kicking you out and blacklisting you. All because you're Black and Brilliant. The privileged white boys club in these American universities are some of the nastiest men in society. If there is one thing a racist white man and a white woman do not like, its BIPOCs who are excellent at what they do. They will cut you down. They will cut you and you will go from PhD to selling your craft on etsy, because they blacklisted you from ever getting hired at any other job. There is no law for protecting BIPOCs in Academia. Trust me, I've tried to get justice for what was done to me. I am still having suicidal ideation and its almost 2 yrs after. No one cares to right the wrong and when you try, the university will slap you with a NDA. Once you are a BIPOC, expect hell in America.
@seancolorcode 6 ай бұрын
What is my remedy if i as a civilian apply for bennifits but when i go to office they or should i say one woman wont scan in my documents that prove im intitled to the benefits i seek say if i took documents down 6 times and 6 times they were not entered. So im forced to appeal or move to a different state to get past BLM ACTIVISTS INSIDE THE RHODE ISLAND OFFICE.
@Fireflies779 6 ай бұрын
What a crock of shit!! I myself, being a whistleblower that followed the correct "process," had no protection against retaliation. I still haven't recovered from that lovely experience. Statistics say that 75% of whistleblowers, that followed the steps not only experienced retaliation within their workplace including, harassment, humiliation, intimidation and termination of their employment. I can back this up with what I and my family went through once I made that decision. They also don't mention how these companies intimidate families in the aftermath of calling out horrendous things. Also.. look at Assange and Snowden where we're their rights and protection.. one is in jail and the other in exile, where is their protection? I believe new improvements in legislation must be updated soon and help protect whistleblowers world wide. They are assets not liabilities!! They stand in the moral goodness and are honest about what they report in protection of others. Boom. 💫😎
@ieatyuma3454 16 күн бұрын
@cherylpadgett7330 6 ай бұрын
I need to find out about filing a complaint on a judge that wouldn't even let me into the court room when my eviction case was heard.. amongst other things she's done.. and her actions caused me to be evicted from my house in December 2020, and Im still homeless, because of her .. and my son has suffered enormously since then
@SHIBAINU2Moon 7 ай бұрын
OSC is a scam! I whistleblew at work and was retaliated against with their full force!
@user-zd1qd5kz2c 8 ай бұрын
Well, nobody says anything here. Yep. Why is this human nervous. This is America. I don't like no real program. No idea. None of us do. Why is this a buncha ideas with no context. Its infuriating. We can't be epic. Its non uniting. Do you guys hear that? Nobody cared about your sexual idea. No one at all. Nobody. So stop it. Your privacy should remain intact. Not, showboating it. I would kiss my wife, once maybe in public. More like maybe 3x, because I would fail, at some point. I do not like weakness. Where is good humans that care, and want to unite. That don't deliberately, dilute with no ability to conceptualization. Itty bitty bottom. You our us. Stop it. Do you have any concept of how powerful we are> ?< Stop it. Their is no war coming here. It can be stopped, I feel, humans are exceptional. We are all the same, just some few, get to run patterns unto death. Its cool, but you need to promote good humans, that dont talk about other humans. I was attacked. I have no choice. Sheltered children, a very basic way to look at things. You better be nice and good. Its that simple. We are winning. Your making a loss. Stop it. Enough. We are the world. Stop it. Its bigger than us. You should not disrupt that timeline. None of us alive will live through it, the fixing. You should stop escalating to this degree, to pump out bodies.... Stop it. Gosh darnit, close stop it. Itty bitty bottom. Welcome to the infantry. We, have always loved you.
@Orf 9 ай бұрын
0:50 except president and vice president
@SandraMabry 9 ай бұрын
Baptist Group Physician: Hospital with Andrea Meriweather: HMO record Through By Physician in place of other report in APO Corpman : United State Military Stat. P.L. Global Court . Stat. Record IRA Stat. record relative EFTA Bank Robbery along Stat. P.L. Interstate Louise Anderson Jone Organization and Stat. matter Case Management Inc. Cartel Don Won Mary Jean Jone. DoD Stat. Eddie Glynn Jone In reference insurance: Big Peaul Thomas Nelson and Sandy Micheal William Jone. USPS: Ida Aja Davis and Associate. Bank robbery WTO 9/11 2024 Election
@faithhopkins9261 9 ай бұрын
Has not helped me even a little
@adamtedder1012 6 ай бұрын
Never does. The system is completely broken. No checks or balances.
@lasandrawil7822 10 ай бұрын
What qualifies for the 5 year exemption
@СергейЛукинВалерьевичь 11 ай бұрын
@sunlightbtc247 11 ай бұрын
Why they blocked my info.?? I am disabled seen by the specialist been homeless suffered of NO INCOME at all more than 3 years. I've been working in all my life now I can't get any HELP with a minor NO FOOD
@Xpens 4 ай бұрын
You got some help?
@jesusisdead 3 ай бұрын
I was told I am about to lose my job after 20 years because I am not severely disabled
@meeshmeeshelle6326 11 ай бұрын
Your office may protect Federal Employees, but you do nothing to protect private sector employees working for Federal Contractors who violate the laws. I am a State Whistleblower who assisted state agencies through my complaint and mounds of evidence used to administratively fine their licensee who violated numerous laws. He fired me and has continuously retaliated and libeled me publicly and somehow that agency saw it fit to accept the fines and reinstate my employer’s state licenses. Nobody has even attempted to make me whole. The court is now failing me through protecting that business because they’re a vendor for their court systems so my attorney was threatened with sanctions if he did not withdraw. He withdrew and now my employer’s attorney is suing me for filing a frivolous lawsuit when all I wanted to do was not break the law. I am proof positive that no good deed goes unpunished and government offices/departments/agencies/etc. do not really care about protecting those of us who abide by the law. Even worse, they contribute to further harming us because they’ll send the criminals back into the workforce to create more victims so the government can collect more fines and so the vicious cycle repeats. The entire system is corrupt and while this video should be inspiring and provide hope to those of us who have been violated, I can assure everyone that nobody is actually protecting those of us who abide by the law. These feel good videos are just slick marketing ploys to me until I can see some action with my case. Somebody prove me wrong.
@adamtedder1012 6 ай бұрын
Don't feel bad they don't protect federal employees either. The system is completely broken everywhere.
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers. They refused me help and strung me along for months. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel enabled the retaliation in my case by doing NOTHING and wasting my precious time. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel LOVES to politic and is solely focused on their own career advancement cherry picking high profile cases for their own gain and PR. I was a Veterans Affairs Whistleblower that was retaliated against. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel is a horrible and useless organization. This list includes liars, enablers, and crooks, among others: * Politicians * Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) * The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs * Office of Resolution [MIS]-Management (ORM) * Merit-(LESS) System Protection Board (MSPB) * (UN)-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers. They refused me help and strung me along for months. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel enabled the retaliation in my case by doing NOTHING and wasting my precious time. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel LOVES to politic and is solely focused on their own career advancement cherry picking high profile cases for their own gain and PR. I was a Veterans Affairs Whistleblower that was retaliated against. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel is a horrible and useless organization. This list includes liars, enablers, and crooks, among others: * Politicians * Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) * The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs * Office of Resolution [MIS]-Management (ORM) * Merit-(LESS) System Protection Board (MSPB) * (UN)-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers. They refused me help and strung me along for months. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel enabled the retaliation in my case by doing NOTHING and wasting my precious time. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel LOVES to politic and is solely focused on their own career advancement cherry picking high profile cases for their own gain and PR. I was a Veterans Affairs Whistleblower that was retaliated against. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel is a horrible and useless organization. This list includes liars, enablers, and crooks, among others: * Politicians * Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) * The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs * Office of Resolution [MIS]-Management (ORM) * Merit-(LESS) System Protection Board (MSPB) * (UN)-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers. They refused me help and strung me along for months. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel enabled the retaliation in my case by doing NOTHING and wasting my precious time. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel LOVES to politic and is solely focused on their own career advancement cherry picking high profile cases for their own gain and PR. I was a Veterans Affairs Whistleblower that was retaliated against. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel is a horrible and useless organization. This list includes liars, enablers, and crooks, among others: * Politicians * Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) * The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs * Office of Resolution [MIS]-Management (ORM) * Merit-(LESS) System Protection Board (MSPB) * (UN)-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers. They refused me help and strung me along for months. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel enabled the retaliation in my case by doing NOTHING and wasting my precious time. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel LOVES to politic and is solely focused on their own career advancement cherry picking high profile cases for their own gain and PR. I was a Veterans Affairs Whistleblower that was retaliated against. The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel is a horrible and useless organization. This list includes liars, enablers, and crooks, among others: * Politicians * Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) * The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs * Office of Resolution [MIS]-Management (ORM) * Merit-(LESS) System Protection Board (MSPB) * (UN)-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
@adamtedder1012 6 ай бұрын
Yup. 100% agree. Everything is broken now. There is no checks and balances.
@chipsdad5861 Жыл бұрын
Can they call the Georgia Secratary of State and pressure him to "Find votes"
@Iabdbfhkgndhsudn85846 Ай бұрын
Oh, you mean the 300k+ fraudulent votes that they counted anyway? Get rid of those 300k votes and trump wins. You are a moron.
@bethelpaigepaigechilders2196 Жыл бұрын
A WHO scheme which has targeted the group take it's youth out them in forensic clinical institutions with or without consent that phase began in 2008 ...next phase will be in 2030 the is this REMOVING THE DetrimentsOFHealth from communities around the world ..This is a society that has AI developed system "NO FAIL" As long as people agree that what they are doing to vulnerable children inclusive involuntary stays in institutions starting with kids coming to the via HHS the social security act The Dept of Children and Family Service .. like my grand child kidnapped and without any way to know or save her they used her in adverse study "To Change Ones Mind" this is from tge FORENSIC NETWORK SYSTEM . Also directed by the WHO .. these radical thinkers have infiltrated the DOD the DOL the federal government or local municipalities.. What I do know is that I've not seen my child for 3 years she was made developmentally delayed for life she was tortoured for the better of this society A SOCIETY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and they are local leaders policy matters heads of of federal agencies and they are migrating "The targeted group" Removing Restricting and destroying FREEDOM DEMOCRACY AND COMMITTING TREASON ON THE US CONSTITUTION! We will no longer be a perpetual union if AMERICANS REFUSES TO WRAP THEIR HEADS AROUND MY STORY MY FIGHT AND MY CONTINUED INVESTIGATION . I will change this nation my case will change the direction of democracy and freedom and justice will remain AMERICAN!
@marcusboyd2376 Жыл бұрын
This is not completely true. I never received a phone call either. I was at least expecting that, and after it was dismissed w/o being investigated, it was supposedly stuck in the attorneys sent items. I had to contact the OSC attorney to get the letter. The OSC would not investigate my allegation. I revealed a security violation. I’m aware of a federal employee that lied on their SF-86. This is a felony, after informing cybersecurity, I was summoned to a magistrate court for submitting anonymous information to get the alleged fired. That is a Consciousness of Guilt because if the allegation were false, why care? Nevertheless OSC would not investigate it. So today there is a federal employee w/a TS clearance that shouldn’t have 1 working within HHS. The one thing that we fail to realize when our integrity is subjective, is that the shoe will be on the other foot at some point. You teach what you allow, so if you have no problem w/a clear wrongdoing to someone else, when it’s your turn, keep that same energy.
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
The Office of (Use-LESS) Counsel does NOT care about whistleblowers.
@marcusboyd2376 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, this video is not true. On your first communication, the OSC will say “we’re a small office”….etc. I reported a federal employee that falsified documentation intentionally. I was then summoned to a Magistrate Court by that individual, for submitting anonymous information to their job. How is that not a consciousnesses of guilt. I relayed this to the OSC, because it was retaliation. The OSC, refused to investigate the initial complaint (falsification). Then used circular logic about the Whistleblower. Basically saying the agency did not retaliate against me. It is the the people/employees within the agency that retaliate. I’m a paying union member & the local President, informed me that I would not have the Union Support. Furthermore, the President relayed to me that I will get fired if I keep pursuing this & the Federal Government does not want to look bad. I even asked my deputy director about it, and they refused to respond. The Ops Director & CDC Director previous & current are aware of this ordeal. No one will even respond to me about it. In all my advice would be to not report wrongdoing, because it’s obvious that integrity is subjective.
@WomanMilitaryVeteran 11 ай бұрын
I agree that Office of [Use-LESS] Counsel (OSC) does NOT care and are Use-LESS for the majority of whistleblowers. #Truth #whistleblower
@meeshmeeshelle6326 11 ай бұрын
In other words… “The Agency investigated itself and has found no wrong doing”. Case dismissed.
@marcusboyd2376 4 ай бұрын
FACT! I mean I still can’t believe that I was summoned to Court for whistleblowing. The allegations that I reported, is very severe. I mean a violation of a law. Then the OSC dismissed it. Leave that small office (OSC) alone.
@Datajustice 3 ай бұрын
CDC is trash
@Emenikeemekajohnson Жыл бұрын
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